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Max Attacks
Max Attacks
Kathi Appelt, Penelope Dullaghan | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Cute, Fun Story!
I admit that I was sucked in by the cover for Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt. Then I read the synopsis, and I knew that I had to read this for myself and for my 4 year old son. We were both delighted and entertained throughout this cute story. In fact, my son wanted me to read this book again right after we were done reading it the first time!

The plot for Max...Attacks if very simplistic yet fun. It's an easy plot to understand for young children. Max is a cat how likes playing (attacking) everything in sight! It's basically just a day in a life of a cat that children (and adults) will definitely enjoy with plenty of humorous moments!

The rhyming in Max...Attacks is done superbly and in such a fun way that makes it easy to read and understand. My 4 year old loved the rhyming throughout this book as did I. The easy language and rhyming help this book to flow smoothly. Sentence structure is fantastic.

The titular character of Max is one that children (and adults) will fall in love with. He's easy to love, and he's funny without even trying to be. My son and I laughed over and over at Max's attacking adventures! We also the dog and even the goldfish in the book. Okay, we loved every character. It was hard not to. I believe Kathi Appelt captured a day in the life of a cat perfectly!

The illustrations for Max...Attacks were done beautifully yet simplistically. Penelope Dullaghan, the illustrator for this book, did an amazing job with the illustrations. They are vibrant, very colorful, and extremely fun to look at. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the illustrations really helped to make Max...Attacks as great and as enjoyable as it is. The attention to detail in these illustrations is also spot on. Seriously, these illustrations are some of the cutest and most fun that I've seen in a children's picture book in awhile. If you're looking for a book that will hold even the most inattentive child's attention, Max...Attacks is the book you need!

All in all, Max...Attacks is an incredibly fun children's book to read as well as to look at. The amazing illustrations as well as the entertaining story will definitely thrill children and adults alike. I would definitely recommend Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt to everyone no matter their age. If you are looking for books for a specific age group, I think this would appeal to children between the ages of 3 - 6 the most. Max...Attacks gets a solid 5 out of 5 stars from me and my son.
(A special thank you to Lone Star Book Blog Tours for providing me with an eBook of Max...Attacks by Kathi Appelt in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.)

Louise (64 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I was asked to join the blog tour for Relativity I jumped at the chance. The blurb really intrigued me and also there is stunning praise on the front cover from three authors that I have read before: Graeme Simsion, S J Watson and Christos Tsiolkas. With such high praise from these authors I knew I had to read it.

Relativity follows Ethan Forsythe, twelve years old and a very clever young man who has a particular obsession with physics and astronomy. Ethan lives with his single mother Claire in Sydney, as he is getting older he is asking more and more questions about his fathers whereabouts which Claire is particularly hesitant about answering and very mysterious much to Ethans annoyance.

When Ethan gets taken ill, secrets start to unfold and the reasons for his current illness are revealed and how it's connected to his past and father.

I had never heard of Relativity until I was asked to do this Blog Tour, I like to go into books knowing as little as possible so I can form my own opinions and not waiting for twists and turns. Relativity took me by surprise,this is what you would classify as family drama/literary fiction and I devoured this book, needing to know what happened, why Ethan was ill? Why his father wasn't around?

I thought the writing style and prose of this book are beautifully written. I also liked the science parts even sometimes when I couldn't get my head around (I am not great at science). You don't have to be great at physics to follow this book but I think Antonia Hayes must have put a lot of research into the topics that were explored within.

The story is told from third person past tense narrative from the perspectives of Ethan, Claire and Mark. The characters are well-developed,complex and three dimensional. Ethan's character was written really well and believable for a twelve-year-old boy, he would say some profound things and had me laughing out loud.

    Mum,want to know something crazy? Statistically, the probability that I exist is basically zero. Did you know you were born with two million eggs?

I could really empathise with Claire, being a parent myself you will do anything to protect your child and what you feel is best for them. Her anxiety that she was experiencing was palpable, what with introducing Mark back into Ethan's life but there were points where I felt she made some bad decisions and should have discussed it more with Ethan.

I liked reading from Marks perspective, especially towards the end when you get more of a back story, though there is parts sprinkled throughout the book about their relationship and extended family.

Relativity is beautiful, realistic and a well researched novel and definitely recommend picking it up. This is a great debut novel and I am excited to see what Hayes does next.
Paper Butterflies
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wasn’t expecting to enjoy this book as much as I did! I have never read anything by Lisa Heathfield before but I will definitely seeking out her other book ‘ Seed’. This story was harrowing and definitely difficult to read at times but addictive and I managed to read this in one sitting. This is one of those books that you can’t put down and continue to read till the early hours of the morning.

Paper Butterflies follows June, June is 11 years old and living with her father, step mother and step sister. To the neighbours they are just another normal family but behind closed doors it’s a different matter entirely. June’s stepmother is abusive, mentally and physically and even encourages her daughter to do the same. June tries to speak out to her father, but he thinks she is just having trouble settling into life after her mother’s death and adjusting to the new family members. June meets a boy in the local woods whilst riding her bike, Blister is his name and he is charming,non-judgemental and a perfect best friend. With Blister on her side will she be able to spread her wings and fly? will she finally speak out?

Paper butterflies is told from an 11-year-old, increasing to a teenagers POV of the abuse she went through and trying to accept the life she was dealt, and also has alternating chapters from the present day. June is of mixed race and finds herself in an all white family after the death of her mother and feels that she doesn’t belong not only because of her colour but because of her evil step – mother.

June was such a likeable character, the way she was reliving the scenes of abuse was harrowing and I just wanted to comfort her and tell her it would be alright and encourage her to speak out. I wanted her to tell someone, anyone, for someone to pull her out of her miserable existence. The abuse that June is subjected to is shocking and Lisa Heathfield does not hold back, even when it becomes uncomfortable to read.

Blister is the boy June meets in the woods,I loved his character, he is sweet,caring and has a knack of making things out of paper. He hides out in some desolate caravans and there the two of them forge a friendship. Blisters life is so different from June’s and when she is around them she feels free to be herself.

Lisa Heathfield’s writing is so strong and powerful, it’s addictive and certainly packs a punch. This book is an emotional rollercoaster involving, child abuse,coming of age, love, friendship and forgiveness. This book left me feeling hopeful and that there are friends who will be with you through thick or thin.

I recommend this book to anyone that reads YA.


Overall I rated this 4 out of 5 stars
*I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Gwendy's Button Box
Gwendy's Button Box
Stephen King, Richard Chizmar | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.8 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting Plot (2 more)
Great Characters
An Easy Read
A Nice Short Read
I was on the hunt for my next great read from my local library. While browsing the books, I came across Gwendy's Button Box by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar. The synopsis definitely caught my attention. I'm glad I found this book because I loved it! I also loved the illustrations peppered throughout the book.

The pacing for Gwendy's Button Box was spot on. It flowed at such a nice even pace. Not once did I find myself becoming too bored or wondering what had just happened.

The world building and plot are written superbly. This is a short read, and all of the chapters are short as well. However, the plot is still strong and told in a way that answered all my questions. The world building is believable, and I found myself wanting a button box but also wondering if I'd want all that responsibility. The plot is as follows. Gwendy, an overweight 12 year old is tired of being made fun of because of her size. One day while exercising, she encounters a man in a black hat. He gives her a box with button on top. It is not a normal box though. It seems to have powers. Before long, Gwendy is popular, thin, beautiful, and everything is going swimmingly for her. In time, events start to happen that make her think the box isn't all it's cracked up to be. Gwendy is left wondering what life would have been like without the box, and she comes to resent it. Will Gwendy be able to live life without the box after it's done so much for her?

Gwendy's Button Box focuses mainly on the titular character. We get to see her starting out as a 12 year old, and we read about her growing up throughout the years. I loved Gwendy, and I loved her thought process and how curious she was about the box. It was interesting seeing the change in her through the years and how she matured. I found her to be fleshed out well enough to be enjoyable to read about. The minor characters mentioned throughout the book are also well written, and each adds something to the story however minor. I enjoyed Mr. Farris. I still can't figure out his motives for giving Gwendy the button box or where he came from, but I believe that's the beauty of Gwendy's Button Box. It does leave it up for speculation on purpose.

Trigger warnings for Gwendy's Button Box include swearing (although not much), violence, attempted rape (though not graphic), mentions of nudity, and murder.

Overall, Gwendy's Button Box is a short yet interesting read. It held my attention throughout and was very enjoyable. I would definitely recommend Gwendy's Button Box by Stephen King and Richard Chizmar to everyone aged 16+.
The Missing Ones
The Missing Ones
Edwin Hill | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Research librarian Hester Thursby returns in THE MISSING ONES, but she's not the same. Shaken by the traumatic series of events that occurred in book one, Hester is anxious and guilty. This affects her parenting of four-year-old, Kate, the daughter of her partner Morgan's sister, Daphne. (Follow that?) Daphne has now been gone for over a year, and Hester and Morgan are still caring for Kate. Meanwhile, on Finisterre Island in Maine, Rory, a local cop, is watching the ferry come in yet again. He's ignoring the whispers and suspicion of others on the island, who believe he is responsible for taking Oliver, a four-year-old who disappeared over the summer--and whom Rory found, safe and sound. Now another child is missing. Soon Hester gets a text--asking her to come to the island. In short order, she'll find a body there, and connect it to the missing children. But Finisterre Island is a small place, and not one to give up its secrets easily.

Reading this novel has definitely secured Edwin Hill and the Hester Thursby series as a go-to author/series combo for me. This was an excellent and compelling read. Hester is a wonderful, complex protagonist, and I hated to see her so fragile and struggling. I love Hill's stable of regular characters--Hester, Morgan, Kate, and their dog, Waffles. Plus, several folks from the last book pop up again, which was fun. Always hovering in the background is the missing Daphne, and Hester's complicated feelings: Daphne is her best friend; Morgan's sister; and Kate's mother. Of course she wants her back in their lives, but by now, she fiercely loves Kate and feels like her mother. It adds a deeper layer to the books and an aspect that I really enjoy. And Kate, while "just" four, is a total trip. I love that kid.

The mystery presented here is wonderfully plotted and complex. Introducing Finisterre Island gives us a whole host of new characters: Rory; Annie, Faith, and young Ethan, who are all squatting in a broken down Victorian on the Island; Lydia, Oliver's mother, who runs the local inn and bakery and her husband Trey, a state cop; and others. With a small island comes intense and tangled relationships, and Hill presents and handles them all deftly. The story kept me guessing and intrigued--fascinated both by the murder and mysteries, as well as Hester's own personal issues. Seeing a vulnerable side to her was difficult due to my adoration for her character, but it was so well-done. And, of course, she's still able to solve crimes, because she's amazing.

Overall, this was an excellent read. I love Hester--and her little created family. Hill is an amazing writer and does a great job at creating a suspenseful world that easily sucks you in. 4.5 stars.
The LEGO Ninjango Movie  (2017)
The LEGO Ninjango Movie (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Animation
The newest Lego movie, ‘The Lego Ninjago Movie’ is being released by Warner Brothers and stars Jackie Chan as Master Wu; Dave Franco as Lloyd Garmadon; Michael Pena as Kai;Fred Armisen asCole; Abbi Jacobsen as Nya; Kumail Nanjiani as Jay; Zach Woods as Zane; Olivia Munn as Koko (Lloyds mother); and Justin Theroux as Garmadon.

The film is rated PG and is about 90 minutes.


The story follows the main character Lloyd and his troubled (almost nonexistent) relationship with his father, Garmadon. We begin the movie believing Lloyd has no friends, but quickly discover he DOES have a small handful of friends, and that he, as well as his friends Kai, Cole, Nya and Zane are all leading a secret life as Ninjas. The rest of the kids at school all dislike Lloyd because his father Garmadon is forever attacking the city and destroying everything.


As we see Garmadon repeatedly try to conquer Ninjago city, we see that the Ninjas, along with their “Mech”, and the help of Master Wu, keep beating him back.


Frustrated that his father won’t acknowledge his pain at being abandoned, Lloyd defies Master Wu and attacks Garmadon with ‘the ultimate weapon’.

The Ultimate Weapon ends up doing more harm than good and destroys a large portion of Ninjago city, leaving Garnadon in control of Ninjago city. Master Wu instructs Lloyd and his fellow Ninjas to find their inner strength and ‘the missing piece’ in order to defeat Garmadon.


The Ninjagos then start off on a journey to find what Master Wu has instructed. During one important scene, we discover that Gamadon is Master Wu’s brother!

Apparently, this movie is a spin off of a popular kids TV series, but I was unaware of that. My son does have some Lego Ninjago books and Lego sets, so I knew they existed, but not to what extent.

I was not a fan of the breaks in the middle of the movie to ‘non animated’ pieces, they seemed cheesy to me, and ‘comic-book-ish’. I found them annoying. I did like the tie in at the beginning and end however, of the live action sequences. I felt it tied the story together.

I thought the Ninjago Lego movie was pretty decent, I liked it somewhat better than the Lego Batman Movie. I did find the hot / cold attitude of the Garmadon character a bit hard to follow, but the existence of that same attitude did give that character some of the best lines of the movie.


The PG rating was fair and at no point did I feel uncomfortable having my 9 year old there to see it, and he loved the movie. He said his favorite part was “the action packed fight scene between the brothers in the woods.”

The 9 year old gives the movie 4 out of 5 stars, and
Imminence (Connected #2)
Imminence (Connected #2)
Kat Stiles | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Imminence (Connected #2) by Kat Stiles
Imminence is the second book in the Connected series, and being as I loved book one, I couldn't wait to read this one. As it had been a while since I read book one, I took the opportunity to re-read that one, and can I just say that even knowing how it ended this time, I still fell in love with the characters and situations just as much! HOWEVER, this review is about the second book, not the first.

Imminence starts where Connected finished. Basically, Em puts the phone down on her dad - the one she had thought was dead for years - and tries to understand just what is going on. Also, whilst dealing with the adrenaline drop from the attack. Not easy for anyone, let alone a sixteen-year-old! The gorgeous Tommy is on hand though, to help her cope. And yes, this is one of those times that I felt like a complete cougar, lusting after a (much) younger man!! I blame Kat Stiles though - if she hadn't made him so scrummy, I wouldn't be needing counselling right now! ;)

Suffice it to say, this story is packed full of action and melting moments, plus you get to see Em's dad and why he did what he did. I loved that part, when it all became clear. If an author can make you relate to the 'big bad' then she is definitely doing it right. Lauren was a star in this book, and the repartee she has going on with Demetri had me laughing out loud.

Excellently written, with a fantastic storyline, and amazing characters, Imminence is a wonderful addition to the Connected series. Fair warning though, it does end on a cliffhanger that had me shouting out! Absolutely loved it, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)
Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)
Susan Ee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline (3 more)
Alot of action
Dark take on Angels
No back story/poor world building (0 more)
It truly astounds me that the author had to self publish this book...considering some of the rubbish that actually gets picked up by publishing companies.

I love love loved Ee's take on Angels. I'm not really a fan of paranormal books with angels usually, as generally they involve squeaky clean, day-saving, nicey nice angels....*yawn*! Same old every time. So Ee's end of the world bringing, dark, gritty angels were a breath of fresh air.

Ee has created some incredible characters in this book, Penryn is an absolute bad ass. I love that she's trained in martial arts and not afraid to put up a fight. She's ready to protect her family at all costs, whether that means fighting humans gone mad, or crazy, sword wielding, angels with super strength.

 The dynamic between Penryn and Raffe is perfect. I love how Penryn saves Raffes ass so many times throughout the book, and he returns the favour. There's no love at first sight between the two. Rather their partnership starts as one of survival, and a building of trust that brings about a whole load of tension between the two. Their story gets you right in the feels.

Also Penryn's crazy Mother is freaking Amazing!!!! I can't wait to see where Ee goes with this character.

The only thing I felt let this book down was the world building/ back story, I didn't really get a proper feel for what kind of state the the world was in, and there wasn't really an explanation as to how the angels brought on the apocalypse.

Also, I will say parts of the book can be very Dark/ graphic. This book is listed as a YA but may be better for older YAs and even NAs.

Overall, this is an awesome post-apocalyptic story, and I definitely recommend it.