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Musical Mayhem (Totally Twins, #1)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Musical Mayhem</i> is the first book in the <i>Totally Twins</i> series aimed at ten-year-old girls. Subtitled <i>The Fabulous Diary of Persephone Pinchgut</i>, the series is about the life of identical sisters from one twin’s point of view. Portia and Persephone may look the same, share friends and borrow each other’s clothes, but inside they are polar opposites. Starting a diary is the only way Persephone can have something that is entirely her own, where she can write about how she really feels.

The main storyline revolves around the upcoming end of term musical at the twins’ school. Persephone only joined the drama class at Portia’s insistence, whereas in reality she is a shy girl with absolutely no singing ability. Persephone writes about her dread of the auditions and the hurtful teasing from her perfect sister.

Many young girls (and boys), like the author herself, wish at some point to have a twin. Portia and Persephone may have a special connection that other siblings do not, but as this diary reveals, having a twin is not all sunshine and rainbows. Persephone also writes about her parents’ divorce, her alternate therapy obsessed Mum and her hopes and dreams for the future. There are many things for young girls to relate to.

Illustrator Serena Geddes completes the book with her simple drawings. <i>Musical Mayhem</i> is not a children’s’ picture book; it is a step between child and teenager novels. For an adult reader the storyline is uninspiring, however a child of ten would enjoy the characters, humour and the issues expressed.

<i>Totally Twins: Musical Mayhem</i> is a great start to a unique series of short books for girls. It is something that junior school children will love to collect to build up their own personal library. The book jackets are attractive and will look great when all together as a set. If you are looking for a present for a young girl, I recommend considering this book.
All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)
All Fall Down (Embassy Row, #1)
Ally Carter | 2015 | Contemporary, Young Adult (YA)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through a Books With Bite giveaway.</i>

Ally Carter has become well known for her <i>Gallagher Girls</i> series, which was followed by <i>Heist Society</i>. Now she is back with a brand new young adult series: <i>Embassy Row</i>. After witnessing the death of her mother three years earlier, sixteen year old Grace is shipped off to Adria to live with her ambassador grandfather at the United States embassy. Well known for her dare devil, rebellious history, she is now expected to settle down, become more ladylike and attend international balls. Grace, however, has other plans.

Grace is convinced her mother was murdered and that she knows whom the murderer was. The only problem is no one believes her; not her grandfather, not the many psychiatrists; and even her friends have their doubts. So, Grace does what any “self-respecting mentally unbalanced teenager” would do and takes matters into her own hands.

It is exciting to read about Grace putting pieces of the puzzle together by investigating underground tunnels, tailing a scarred man around the city and, all in all, behaving rather like James Bond. As the plot begins to climax it is difficult not to rush through the novel to discover how it ends, where the reader is left with another mystery.

As well as the mystery storyline, Ally Carter also explores the theme of mental health. Naturally Grace has had issues since the death of her mother and finds herself, time and again, trying to convince people she is not crazy. Readers who have experienced mental health problems may relate to not being taken seriously and understand Grace’s frustration.

Overall, <i>All Fall Down</i> is a fantastic and exciting story to read. The air of mystery and feeling of suspense keeps the reader on their toes as they race through the book. It is also refreshing to read a young adult novel that does not focus on a teenage love story. The only problem is the wait for the second book to be published!
Etta and Otto and Russell and James
Etta and Otto and Russell and James
Emma Hooper | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Emma Hooper's novel Etta and Otto and Russell and James explores both the present and the past of three particular characters. Etta is an elderly woman suffering with Alzheimer's who decides to go for a walk and never come home. She first met her husband Otto in her late teens shortly before he enlisted in the army to fight abroad. Russell lives on the farm next to Etta and Otto and was also a childhood friend of Otto and quite close to Etta whilst Otto was away.

Etta's walk becomes public knowledge as she is observed walking through long grass in the company of a coyote whom she named James. She has very little on her, the most important being a note reading " Etta Gloria Kinnick of Deerdale Farm. 83 years old in August." This is to remind her of who she is in case she ever forgets.

The character's pasts are interesting to read about, in particularly the contrast between Etta's more comfortable upbringing and Otto's life on the farm being the seventh child in an extremely large family. The present day, however, was not as interesting. I never understood the significance of Etta's walk and the latter half of the novel became really confusing. At some points I was uncertain which character was being spoken about. Although the name Otto was used, the scene seemed more appropriate for Etta's situation. Whether this was intentional or a mistake I am unsure.

Another thing that made the story confusing to read was the lack of speech punctuation. Occasionally it was hard to determine who was speaking and who was replying; what was speech and what was not. I have read other books that use this structure and even though it's purpose may have related to the type of story being told, it does make it hard to fully comprehend.

This book gets off to a shaky start but I was always expecting it to improve. Unfortunately I was left disappointed.
Imitation (Clone Chronicles, #1)
Heather Hildenbrand | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

Heather Hildenbrand’s latest young adult science fiction series <i>Clone Chronicles</i> gets off to a good start in this book, <i>Imitation</i>. Raven Rogen is a shallow eighteen-year-old girl whose father holds a high position in the city. The main character, however, is known as Ven and is an imitation of Raven, a clone. The purpose of the imitations is to be available for their Authentics whenever they are needed, whether it is organ transplants or taking their place completely. When the real Raven is attacked, Ven is instructed to take her place as bait to draw the attackers out of the shadows. Although they may look the same, their personalities are completely different meaning that Ven has to try extra hard to convince people that she is Raven.

Ven is a very likable character and it is easy to feel for her as she struggles to live up to the expectations of Raven’s father. The book takes a turning point when Ven decides to run away with the help of a security guard, Linc, who she has fallen in love with. To complicate things even further it is not clear for a long time who the real bad guys are.

There were times when the storyline became really exciting but some of the characters were really annoying to read about. Although Raven was not actually in the book, Ven had to behave like her which involved being rather rude and sarcastic. Raven’s friends were also of the same nature. Other than Ven and Linc most characters were rather irritating.

The novel ends leaving the reader wondering what will happen next. It is not a cliffhanger as such, but it does leave the story wide open in regards to how things will be resolved.

<i>Imitation</i> would fit in well in a selection of other popular science fiction books that young adults have become addicted to. The ending of book one leaves us with the feeling that book two, <i>Deviation</i>, will be even more exciting.
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Rosalie Redd | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undeniable Lover is the fourth book in the Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony series. This IS a series, so you would have to read it from book one for it to make sense. That being said, this book is a brilliant addition to the series.

Saar carries a scar on his face, and a whole load of guilt in his soul for something that happened in the past. He feels that no female will every want him, and shies away from most of them. There is one female though, that intrigues him, even though he should know better. Kaelyn is one of the Ursus, recently given to Zedron, and so rightfully fighting on the opposite side to Saar. However, none of the Ursus want to fight for Zedron, although they have no choice. Kaelyn and Saar end up fighting against each other, but Kaelyn is injured. Instead of leaving her to the other Ursus, Saar takes her back to the Keep, simply because he needs to know she is well.

The story moves on from there, with both Saar and Kaelyn fighting themselves, their feelings, and everyone else in this war. You also spend some more time with Zedron and Alora. Part of me wants this war to end, and for Alora to be victorious. The other part of me wants it to continue so I get more stories out of it. I would love to have Gaetan's story. He is made out to be so old, and yet he plays quite a significant role in this book. There is one bittersweet moment that could be sad if not for the relief felt by the person it happened to. I won't say much about that, but I really loved that part.

One warning though, this book does end on a cliffhanger, so don't expect everything to be tied up neatly. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this book was a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The End of the Ocean
The End of the Ocean
Maja Lunde | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The End of the Ocean by Maja Lunde is Climate Fiction (Cli-Fi) at its best and most stark. At its best, because everything that happens feels as though they are the reasonable consequences of what we are predicted now; most stark, because this is truly a terrible version of the future.

In the present day(2019), 69 year old environmental activist Signe discovers that her home town, and in particular her ex-boyfriend, is responsible for cutting up and shipping off ice from their glacier to sell to the rich, so that they can have glacial ice in their expensive cocktails. She decides to sabotage the shipment, and steals some of it - or what she can carry in her boat. She sails her ship through a terrible storm with the intention of taking it to the person responsible.

In 2041, David and his daughter Lou, arrive at a refugee camp after escaping from war and fire in their French home. There is little water and food, but David is hopeful that his wife and infant son (who they’ve been separated from) will be there or arrive soon.

The two stories are linked when David and Lou find Signe’s boat in the garden of one of the abandoned houses.

This is such a powerful book. It takes current scientific research and arrives at the extreme end of its prediction: drought, famine and war. I had to read it in short chunks, because I found the story so moving and intensely depressing, to be honest. It doesn’t feel exaggerated: I didn’t read it thinking “Well that would NEVER happen”. It’s all too plausible, in fact. I really liked how the two stories ran parallel to one another and joined up in the latter half of the book, with the boat as some sort of symbol of hope.

It’s not all depressing though. There is an element of hope, and we see the enduring strength of the human spirit. I have The History of Bees on my bookshelf, which I will read now - and I’ll definitely look out for the third in this quartet of books.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster UK for my copy of this book.
The Tiger Warrior (Jack Howard #4)
The Tiger Warrior (Jack Howard #4)
David Gibbins | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Tiger Warrior follows archaeologist and adventurer Jack Howard as he follows a tantalising clue that perhaps some escaped Roman legionaries had found themselves pitched against the bodyguard of the First Emperor of China and one had taken refuge in the jungles of India.

This might sound far-fetched but Gibbins knows his archaeology and comes up with a plausible (if tenuous) story to make this work. The story is then taken up at the end of the 19th century in India when Howard's great great grandfather is part of the British Royal Engineers Corps trying to push roads - and hence British rule - into the jungle. He stumbles across an old temple that contains a secret.

The story roves around the the world showing us some incredible - but real - historic sites across Asia. Genuine books and records are quoted to back up the (modern day) Howard's quest to find out what happened - to both the Romans and his antecedant. Everything has very solid historical underpinnings with the more fantastic elements of the story cleverly weaved between them.

I did enjoy the book but it wasn't an unqualified success. There isn't really much menace, threat or drama in what happens to Jack Howard and his associates as they follow the past (told in a series of flashback chapters), uncovering clues one step at a time. Yes there are 'bad guys' but they seem quite ineffectual and the 'big boss' is in fact never seen at all but only mentioned in passing towards the end of the book. Judging by the notes from the author this is a very personal book - the character and story of Jack's ancestor in India is very much based on his own forebear - and this limits the scope for making the pieces fit into a pleasing whole.

That isn't to say I didn't enjoy reading it - as a subtle way of introducing surprising archaeological facts it works well (I didn't know that Ancient Rome traded with India but apparently so) and some of the set pieces are gripping to read. I will certainly be finding another Jack Howard book to read, but I suspect this was too personal a project for my first taste, which is s shame.
Brandon Sanderson | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I didn't really feel like writing a full review for <i>Steelheart</i>, so here's a list for you to take a gander at (and it sums up what I think... mostly).
<h2><strong>Six Things You Should Know About <i>Steelheart</i></strong></h2>
1. In the overall view, this is a revenge book laced with superheroness. Eight-year-old David witnessed his father being killed by an Epic, a human with superpowers. Ten years later, he vows to join the Reckoners, a group of people who hunt and kill Epics for a living and convince them to help him kill Steelheart.

2. From the two superhero books I've read, superheroes have really sad nicknames. Steelheart, Nightwielder, Firefight – it might sound really cool, but... ew. (You'll find a review for that other one sometime in the near future.) O_O

3. Sanderson writes this in a way that I actually liked and I'm not annoyed David is out wanting Steelheart's head on a platter in revenge. Not... really.

4. David is as socially awkward as <a title="The Sorcerer's Apprentice" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">that one dude who probably has the same name in that one movie</a>. Lucy London still takes the trophy as the <a title="Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener">best socially awkward character</a> (plus, who can beat her? She's absolutely adorable!).

5. David sucks at metaphors. I don't know if that's just Sanderson or the character, but David just tries <i>too hard</i> with the metaphors. Have I mentioned it makes him seem socially awkward?

6. Have I mentioned those metaphors are so bad, it's bleeping hilarious? The explanations David comes up with makes it even worse, thus more hilarious.

I really think I'm only interested in the second book because I want to see what David and the Reckoners are going to be up to.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Big Lies in a Small Town
Big Lies in a Small Town
Diane Chamberlain | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Morgan Christopher is shocked when she's plucked from prison and told she will be released early, as long as she perform a certain task: restore an old mural from the 1940s. Morgan, an art school dropout, has no restoration skills, but she is desperate to leave prison, where she is imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she finds herself captivated by the mural and what she finds underneath the layers of grime. Meanwhile, in 1940, young Anna Dale, an artist from New Jersey wins a contest to paint a mural for the post office in Edenton, North Carolina. She travels there to learn more about the town that she needs to capture. But once there, Anna is confronted both by kindness and deep-set prejudice.

I've never read a book by Diane Chamberlain before, and I really enjoyed this one. It's oddly captivating for centering on a painting from the 1940s. The point-of-view switches between Morgan and Anna and each are compelling narrators in their own right. This was one of those books where I found myself desperately wishing I could read faster, as I wanted to find out what happened to Anna (we're told early on she "went crazy").

I applaud Chamberlain for her original plot. It's odd, but not in a bad way, as it had me interested the entire time. She does a wonderful job of creating two completely different worlds: Anna's in the 40s and Morgan's in near present-day. She deftly weaves in art aspects; Morgan's drunk driving conviction and her past in prison; Anna's possible mental illness; and Morgan's benefactor, so to speak, Lisa, who springs her out of prison to fulfill the wishes of her late father, Jesse, a famous artist.

While this novel is mainly fiction, there are some great twists and turns, especially as we learn what happened to Anna. Chamberlain delves into race relations, as Anna confronts the prejudices of the south in the 1940s. Her writing style is easy, making you want to keep reading, and overall, I quite enjoyed this one. 4 stars.