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Sarah (7798 KP) created a post in Smashbomb Feedback

Nov 17, 2019  
I have a question relating to a specific item, Final Fantasy X-X2 HD in video games (but this could apply to similar issues on other items):

Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X2 are two separate games and were originally released separately, although X2 is a sequel. However a few years ago, both games were remastered and released together on one disc - although they’re still very much two separate playable games on the one disc.

My question is, should these games be two separate items on the site as that’s how they were originally released? Or is the remastered version with both together fine to keep as an item in its own right? I don’t want to amend the current item with both if it’s ok to leave like this.

You wouldn’t have a separate item for an old film that has been rereleased on Blu-ray, so assuming the same would apply for games?

AT (1676 KP) Nov 17, 2019

Not for sure, but I'd list it as the remastered version containing both games, since there's usually a release date or other identifying factors that would separate it from the original releases. It's a stand-alone product, and someone might be looking for info on that version. Also, sometimes there ends up being good or bad things in the re-released versions, and that info would be better specifically listed for each version of the game.


Imogen SB (4507 KP) Nov 18, 2019

I would say that the remastered versions of games are fine to enlist as their own item since there are huge differences usually between the original and the remake. However, the game that was released on one combined disk would probably be listed as one item - Hope this helps! :)

Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Switch
Games Consoles > Games Consoles
Games are WAY too expensive. (0 more)
I've played the Switch before, with my bro and my cousins. I was hesitant on buying one myself, since I have limited time to play video games. I was also hesitant because I have a 3DS. For Christmas, my bro bought me a Switch, and I've been making time to play it.
I've owned/played a lot of consoles in my life, starting with the NES. Nintendo, of course, keeps a choke hold on their original characters and games, such as Mario, Kirby, Legends of Zelda, Pokemon, and the list goes on.
The controllers are awkward if you're playing on the TV, but when the console is mobile, they feel natural in your hands. Thus far, I've only played Zelda, which I love.
A major con is that the games are so dang expensive. Zelda is at least 3 years old and is still nearly 60 bucks. I need to do more exploring on the eShop for indie games and whatnot.
Overall, I do like it slightly better than the 3DS and the Wii.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 5, 2020

I got a Switch last year, been a Nintendo guy all my life since the NES. Totally agree on the game price - I had Breath of the Wild on WiiU but have been hoping for a price drop so that I can get the Switch version. I’ve been making good use of the recent Nintendo sales though 😊

Alex Kidd
Alex Kidd
1986 | Action, Action/Adventure
The idea (0 more)
Awkward short levels (0 more)
Rock, paper, scissors
Alex Kidd is a video game character whose popularity peaked during the late 1980s and who was the protagonist of both a series of video games released by Sega and their fictional universe, as well as in numerous spin-offs such as novelizations and comics.

Alex Kidd is a pint-sized, big eared hero who was the unofficial mascot of Sega prior to Sonic the Hedgehog's release in 1991.
Before I started gaming myself, I was an avid observer, roughly 5/6 years old, there was this breakable box, some had coins,some had items...but this one box had a bluddy Ghost! I hid every time..until I took Control (get it?) Now im......years old I can appreciate it for the little gem its was/is.

Although a little short, this character and game has left its mark (if only a small one) on gaming culture itself, it seems Alex kidd was all but forgotten until sega classics collection was released on multiple platforms allowing player's old,young new and long timers to enjoy his adventure once more.
Since this, Alex kidd has been a playable character/racer in sonic All Star Racing which means he was down but not out, hopefully we'll see a solo comeback someday.

P.s THAT box is next to Alex in the uploaded pic.....

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019) in Movies

Jun 15, 2019 (Updated Jun 15, 2019)  
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
Magical (I'm 30 years old dammit)
I was the exact target audience at the time of the original Pokémon cartoon series, and invested a fair portion of my childhood playing through Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow, so seeing this all unfold on screen was quite something.

The action kicks off immediately, with Mewtwo (all of my friends bloody loved a bit of Mewtwo back in the day), ticking all the right nostalgia boxes from the start.
It's not long before were pushed into the wider world of Pokémon, both original and later generations, and it just filled me with childish joy to be honest.
The CGI is odd - in a way that I was aware that I was watching CGI creatures, but at the same time, they didn't feel out of place alongside the human characters, it all blends pretty well.

Looking past the blinding nostalgia, the story was engaging enough (even if it does get to absurd levels of silly towards the end), the action pieces were all pretty fun, and the cast were likable enough for the most part.

I spend more time than I probably should playing video games, so it's exited me to no end that we finally have a pretty decent video game movie, and I can only hope that Detective Pikachu is the start of something good, both for future Pokémon installments, and just video game adaptions in general.
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
I was not expecting much out of this new iteration of Jumanji. Jumanji scared the crap out of me when I was a kid (I ran out of the theater crying, and my mom had to convince me to watch the end to see that it ended up alright. I was an 8 year old wimp). Anyway, I think it varied enough from the original to not be a complete knock off. The cast was hilarious together, and Jack Black did amazingly with his character. I love watching anything with Karen Gillian. Shout out to the scriptwriters for pointing out how ridiculous it is for movies/video games to put females in skimpy clothing in adventure settings. I feel like this movie was made specifically for the people that were kids when the first Jumanji came out. Overall, I loved it, and will definitely be seeing it for a 3rd time.

John Lydon recommended Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush in Music (curated)

Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush
Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"A lot of record shops were closing around this time, and I won’t use the internet to buy them. The internet is for porno, encyclopedias, and video games, of which I waste an awful lot of time on. So I slowed down in the purchasing around here and went back to old stuff like Kate Bush. On “Wuthering Heights,” her voice is almost hysterical but always in her own register. I find it very soothing for her to be squealing away up there, it’s fantastic. She’s a gift. I love PJ Harvey too. That’s one very interesting woman who doesn’t play the sex category. She strides in there at the level of any man, and I’m really proud for her in that respect, because that’s really what we wanted in punk—we wanted girls to be the equal to the boys, and she carries that great tradition. "

Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ernest Cline | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (161 Ratings)
Book Rating
Plot, subject matter (0 more)
Typical white male nerd stereotype, pixie dream girl, some sexist comments and moments, some transphobic moments and comments, the nerd-vomit (0 more)
Cute but total nerd fantasy insert
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was super excited for this book when it first came out and even more excited when I saw it was becoming a story. As a nerd, an over arching nerd into books, games, music, and everything else I thought I finally would get to witness a glorious book/movie about it.

However, almost immediately upon starting it I realized I was probably not going to enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Thankfully Wil Wheaton was the performer for the Audio book so I could continue listening.

The main character, Wade, goes on several solilogues about all of the nerd things that he knows everything about. Several times, Wade is miraculously the only one who knows everything and is amazing at it.

At one point he actually just lists out all of the 80s authors he has read in entirety which is amazing for a 17 year old who spends all of his time on the Oasis and also playing video games and watching movies. On top of all that, his list is entirely male authors, directors, and programmers. Why not mention Tamora Pierce, a huge author of the 80s or Marion Zimmer Bradley author of a King Arthur novel which Wade would have been very into considering his character name and the fact that he says he is very into King Arthur.

There are two female characters and they get barely any screen time. Here is where I got super excited because I am a female nerd who plays tons of video games and met several partners online it was going to be good to address the things that happen. But it doesn't. She says she is "deformed" and disappears until the end of the story, then we find out she looks just as amazing as her fake person avatar except *GASP* she has a birthmark on her face. Face birth marks can feel debilitating and terrifying but in the scope of things, its a not problem.

My main problem with Wade is that he asks the love interest "Are you a woman? Are you a woman that has never been a man?" And like... What? Worrying the person you are talking to is who they say they are is a big thing but to go straight to being transphobic is not okay. Sure, he is a teenager but he is a teenager in the distant future where people literally go to school in a video game and can make an alien avatar, surely it wouldn't still be "weird".

More than anything this felt like a nerd dream fantasy life that "came true". Was THE BEST at all the things, became rich from video games, got the hot girl, became famous. What more could you want?

But I still really like this book and story, it just could have gone so much better. So many important things could have been addressed and explained and they just weren't.

Lee KM Pallatina (951 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Duke Nukem Forever in Video Games

Mar 20, 2020  
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Forever
2011 | Shooter
Comical dialogue, great boss battles, decent graphics, easy controls, game length. (0 more)
Way off track from it's previous instalments. Same old enemies. (0 more)
Hail to the clone baby
Contains spoilers, click to show
Duke Nukem was originally created in 1987 by chief programmer Todd Replogle of Apogee Software now 3D Realms as the hero the video game titled Metal Future, which was set in the then-near future of 1997.
 Duke Nukem's first appearance was in 1997,
Created by George Broussard; Scott Miller; Jim Norwood; Todd Replogle
Dukes last appearance was a Cameo in the 2018 movie Ready Player One.

The character first appeared in the 1991 video game Duke Nukem. He has since starred in multiple sequels developed by 3D Realms. Most recently in Duke Nukem Forever, released by Gearbox Software, which now owns the rights and intellectual property.

Duke Nukem has been listed on many "Best Characters" and "Best Heroes" lists over the years, including being listed as number one in ScrewAttack's "Top 10 Coolest Video Game Characters" list in 2007.
Featuring him in the section "top ten forces of good" in their 2004 list of top 50 retro game heroes, Retro Gamer called Duke "the ultimate cheese hero, and a true remnant of 80’s action flicks. He was listed at number 27 in the "Top 50 Video Game Characters" list by Guinness World Records Gamer's Edition 2011. GameDaily also ranked him sixth on their list of best anti-heroes in video games. In 2011, Empire ranked him as the 20th greatest video game character, calling him "one of the best action characters ever devised" and adding that "Film might have Schwarzenegger, but Gaming's got Mr Nukem"

Reception of the character by the time of Duke Nukem Forever's release was mostly mixed. Dan Whitehead of Eurogamer elaborated on Duke Nukem's decreased relevance since 1996, and added that the character's "half-hearted digs" at rival franchises were ill-advised due to the game's delayed release (Yet still quite funny).

Duke Nukem had become "a caricature of his former self. crossing the line from charmingly foul-mouthed to obnoxious and embarrassing. Others have been more positive about the character, finding him to be "genuinely hilarious" due to his tongue-in-cheek rejection of video game traditions (such as finding a key to open a door or wearing a special suit of armor) (looking at you Master Chief).


Twelve years after he saved the Earth from an alien invasion, Duke Nukem is a worldwide icon, and has achieved great fame from his heroic deeds. After sampling a video game based on his past heroics (the game Duke plays is a revamped version of the final level of the third episode of Duke Nukem 3D), he arrives on the set of a talk show for an interview. On his way to the show, Duke witnesses a news broadcast announcing that aliens have once again invaded. Unlike previous encounters, the aliens initially appear peaceful and at first seem to pose no harm to the humans of Earth.

Duke's talk show appearance is cancelled to allow television stations to cover the alien invasion, and Duke retires to the "Duke Cave", his personal home. There, he receives a call from the President and General Graves of the Earth Defense Force (EDF). The President orders Duke not to harm the invaders, and adds that he is in diplomatic talks with the alien overlord. Duke obliges this request, but he and Graves remain uneasy about the whole situation. Before he can leave his chambers, he is attacked by hostile aliens who are swearing revenge on Duke.

Pig cops, flying Alien brains and a 3 breasted Alien are among the carnage that is a day in the life of the king.

DLC sub plot-
The doctor who cloned me:
After all the negativity duke Nukem forever received, this DLC was released in an attempt to undo some of the damage, this extension had you play as the Real duke, who wakes up to find and army of clones posing as him created by his old nemesis doctor proton, to which you/Nukem must take out all the clones and reclaim your Throne.
(The main game duke was a clone, if I wasn't clear :) )
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu  (2019)
Pokémon: Detective Pikachu (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Fantasy
A Really Great Video Game Movie
Pokemon: Detective Pikachu is a 2019 video game film adaptation directed by Rob Letterman with screenplay written by Letterman, Dan Hernandez, Benji Samit and Derek Connolly from a story by Hernandez, Samit, and Nicole Perlman. The movie is produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, Legendary Pictures and The Pokemon Company, in association with Toho Co., Ltd. It's based on the Pokemon franchise created by Satoshi Tajiri and the 2016 video game Detective Pikachu. The movie stars Justice Smith, Kathryn Newton, Suki Waterhouse, Ken Watanabe, and Bill Nighy.

Tim Goodman (Justice Smith) is a 21-year-old insurance salesman who gave up on training Pokemon at a young age. While hanging out with his friend Jack, he receives a call that his father Harry died while investigating a case. He travels to Ryme City, where his father was a detective and where Pokemon fighting is outlawed. It is a metropolis that pushes the bonds of humans and Pokemon by not conforming to some of the usual Pokemon world rules, such as battles or pokeballs. Tim is there to collect his father's belongings and encounters a Pikachu that can speak and he can somehow understand it. And together they try to uncover why Tim's father was killed.

This movie was lots of fun and very enjoyable, even for people that might not know anything about Pokemon. Ryan Reynolds did a great job in portraying the coffee drinking Pikachu detective. The plot was a little weak and could have been better, but I didn't hold that against it too hard since its kind of a kids movie. The CGI was beautiful in a lot of ways, somethings like the city and the skin and texture on Pokemon were phenomenal, but kinda fell short in a few scenes. Some of the human actors were definitely better than others and it shows but doesn't kill the whole movie or vibe. I really liked seeing Ryme City though, it was just so awesome to see all the Pokemon and people interacting and the world building done to make it look real, like it could exist in real life. I think they could of used Ken Watanabe more in the movie, he's a pretty good actor I feel was under utilized. This was a really great video game movie though and I think one that breaks the stigma that video game movies aren't good or successful. I give this movie a 7.

I almost gave it an 8 but I feel that it's nostalgia and my love for the Pokemon games and cartoon movies that are behind that. But I do give it my seal of approval, that you should go see this movie in theaters, especially if you are a Pokemon fan or if you have kids who are.
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader
James Luceno | 2005 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Belonging to the 'old' no-longer-considered-Canon selection of Star Wars stories (now contained under the banner of Star Wars Legends), this novel is mainly set roughly a month or so after the events of 'Revenge of the Sith' when Vader is new to the suit, and to his new life as Vader (as opposed to whiny emo Anakin Skywalker).

The start of the novel, in fact, actually takes place during the events of Revenge of the Sith, through the period in which Order 66 is exacted, with the Jedi who are the main characters of this novel surviving that purge. Like any good master/learner relationship, the newly-minted Emperor gives Vader a task -to hunt down those Jedi - to further pull him into the Dark Side of the Force, and to cement his place in the New Order.

The result is a pretty fast-paced novel that also takes in key characters from the original trilogy (and some from the inferior prequels), laying the foundations for the Rebellion that is to come and explainuing just how the Wookie came to be an enslaved species (although that part of the novel reminded me a fair bit of the The Force Unleashed video games!).