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The Bachman Books
The Bachman Books
Stephen King, Richard Bachman | 1985 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.4 (16 Ratings)
Book Rating
Intro, Why I was Bachman:
WARNING read this LAST! It has spoilers in it, but definitely read it after the books. Very interesting. Why would such a famous author decide to write as someone else and keep it a secret?

The infamous story that has been pulled from shelves due to its supposed influence in the Columbine shootings... well, this was a pretty good story. Yes, there's shooting, but it's more about the lives of teenagers. This definitely did not make me want to go shoot up a school.

The Long Walk:
Can you walk at 4mph? Nonstop? For days on end? With no sleep because you are not allowed to go below 4mph? The Long Walk is about a yearly contest where 100 teenage boys VOLUNTEER to walk until there is only one left. Nonstop. If your speed drops below 4mph, you get a warning. If you can keep up the pace for 1 hour then the warning disappears. If you do not speed up after 30 secs, you get another warning. If you collect 3 warnings and slow again you are shot dead. If you are the last walker, you win whatever your heart desires. You are fed and allowed to carry what you think you will need, but you cannot stop. No one is allowed to interfere with a walker's progress, not even spectators. Of course the whole country is watching you, many from along the side of the road just waiting a chance to grab some discarded souvenir. If you have to poop? Yup that could be a souvenir too. Make it quick though so you don't rack up warnings! The guards have no mercy and will shoot you with zero emotion on their face.
This book is brutal. You ARE in the boy's shoes. Why is he there? How do they get SO MANY volunteers EVERY YEAR? So many that they turn away most? This isn't like the hunger games. The boys are not out to kill each other. The situation is just completely bizarre.
The only thing I didn't like about the book was the very end. The end wasn't an "ending" it just kind of lingers.. This wasn't enough of a problem for me to drop the rating though.

I couldn't get into this one. It is about a man who is upset about needing to leave his home because of a new roadway.

The Running Man:
A slightly creepy and action-packed dystopian future story. A man signs up for a game show whose premise is all too real! Basically, he has to run for his life. Great story.
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)
2019 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jaw Dropping Action (3 more)
Mid Credit Scene
Nice Romance
Road Trip Troupes (2 more)
Slow Start
End Credit Scene
Wrapping a bow on an excellent phase.
In Spider-Man's return from the Thanos 'blip' in Avengers Infinity War shows a different world for the MCU.

We are shown with a strong start. A mediocre high school presentation of how the world was affected by the blip, such as the age transitions of some characters. It was a great addition in wanting to expand the aftermath, and Spider-Man uses it humorously. But after that introduction becomes a run of the mill superhero film. At least for the first half.

We see a lot of troupes from this genre, or even road trip movies. Peter Parker is in pursuit for this outlandish plan of asking MJ out. While being a romantic, a force of nature called The Eternals are attacking the cities that Peter and his friends are venturing on. A figure called Mysterio saves Peter from the huge destruction creating a bond between the two heroes. Nick Fury is also caught in the mix as well wanting Peter to stop this problem. Peter refuses because he wants to be normal for a while. And you can't blame Peter. Especially after being snapped and revived to save the world from Thanos. Who wouldn't be tired? But it gets tiring when his only mission is to get MJ to like him when it is clear that she is giving him hints over and over again. It is sweet but becomes trite after a while. The humor is effective at points, but some moments can slow the movie down.

As for the second half, the film twists around with a strong second act. Probably some of the best action in the MCU to date. Yes, it even holds up to Endgame in some regards. It approaches into very psychedelic areas where you really are in the perspective of Peter. We see character depth, tension, and a stronger balance of humor thrown in. Plus a strong mid credit scene at the end which will please fans of Spider-Man. It will create a strong stir of events to come for Phase 4. For only Spider-Man...while we are left wondering what is going to come next for Marvel. In a way, it was kind of disappointing that there wasn't a stronger end credits stinger to help establish another Phase. While some say that it might, it only affects Spider-Man greatly.

As for newcomer Jake Gyllenhaal who is playing Mysterio. He is a veteran actor already playing down to an MCU film. Especially when he is recieving Oscar nominated performances. It was a weird situation for him to come in and play this character. I've had to analyze his performance and found it very strong throughout. He may be the best performance in this movie. Tom Holland and Zendaya had great chemistry throughout. They really gave a sense of an awkward teenage relationship trying to bloom out of their shyness, and while it was meandering after a while, it turned into something that was strong and a nice way of showing depth to their characters. The rest of the cast are there for comedic effect. Even Marisa Tomei's Aunt May is kind of sidelined here.

For any MCU fan, seek it out in a theater as soon as you can. It's a lot of fun. As for Spider-Man fans, it kind of sits in the middle when it comes to listing it. Especially after the triumphant Into the Spider Verse and Homecoming really defined who Spider-Man is.
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
38 of 230
Taste the Dark ( Elwood Legacy book 1)
By Nicola Rose

I never meant to fall for another bad boy... let alone two.

My name is Jess. I don't know what I am, with my random magical outbursts, but I do know that getting tangled up with deliciously deadly vampire brothers is going to get me in trouble.

There’s Zac — brooding and mesmerizing. Tormented by an ancient legacy he refuses to fulfill. Fighting the darkness within, balancing on the line between light and dark, living in the grey of morality. Drawn to my blood with ravenous need thanks to a fated sanguine bond.

Then there’s Alex —disarmingly playful, evil wrapped up in a pretty package. Zero boundaries. Takes what he wants, when he wants. Crawling under my skin like an unwelcome itch that I need to scratch.

Never one to shy from adventure, I find myself right in the middle of their century-long feud. Zac’s touch feels like the very thing I’ve spent my life chasing. But if he’s so right for me, what is this haunting desire that burns inside for Alex?

With everyone against us, from the ruthless vampire government, vampire hunters, and even our own friends — will I even come out of this alive? Just how far will my insatiable appetite for all things dark and dangerous take me?

2 vampire brothers at war enter a human girl and a new toy to fight over! Sound familiar? The big difference between them and this was Jess and omg she is one sassy,bitchy,slutty, crazy bitch and absolutely brilliant! I did wander at half way whether the story was going down a road of whinny relationship crap but nope! It was pulled back. I always measure a book on how it makes me feel at the time and this had me caught up in all the emotions at one point or another. One of the better vampire books I’ve read in a while. If you’re looking for smutty vampire action this is the book for you.
Atomic Blonde  (2017)
Atomic Blonde (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Thriller
Say hello to Mrs. John Wick
David Leitch is one of the most exciting film-makers of the current crop of directors working today. His brilliant John Wick reignited Keanu Reeves’ career in spectacular fashion and he’s worked behind-the-scenes on films like Captain America: Civil War and Jurassic World.

Just this year he signed on to direct Deadpool 2 after Tim Miller’s sudden departure. In the meantime, he’s treating us to another adults-only thriller, Atomic Blonde. But is this Charlize Theron-led vehicle as good as his previous work?

Sensual and savage, Lorraine Broughton (Charlize Theron) is the most elite spy in MI6, an agent willing to use all her skills to stay alive during impossible missions. With the Berlin Wall ready to crumble, she travels into the middle of the city to retrieve a dossier and take down an espionage ring. Once there, she teams up with an embedded station chief (James McAvoy) to navigate her way through the deadliest game of spies.

Charlize Theron is fast-becoming one of Hollywood’s most bankable stars after decent turns in Fast & Furious 8 and Mad Max: Fury Road. In Atomic Blonde this is no exception. She commands the screen in each and every frame, oozing class and showing the world she is a first-class action superstar.

The rest of the cast are also exquisite. James McAvoy can do no wrong this year after his out-of-this-world performance in Split, and his David Percival here is fleshed out, well-written and beautifully acted. Elsewhere, John Goodman and Toby Jones add even more prowess to proceedings.

Add to this some stunning cinematography and you’ve got a recipe for success. Atomic Blonde relishes the era in which it is presented with a magnificent soundtrack and beautiful direction. Leitch makes the film feel very much alive, with brutally realistic action shot without needless shaky cam or over-the-top scoring.

Unfortunately, the story is less successful. If Theron is the living, beating heart of Atomic Blonde, the script nearly strangles her. It is nearly impossible to truly understand what is happening on screen as the plot throws more twists and turns at the audience than Spaghetti Junction. Ordinarily, this would be great, but here it’s distracting and nonsensical.

Nevertheless, this is a vastly entertaining film, very much in the same vein of John Wick. In fact, it’d be fantastic if we could see these two characters brought together in a crossover of epic proportions.

Overall, David Leitch hasn’t quite recaptured the success of his first feature film but has managed to craft a highly stylised and quick-moving thriller that feels very real and utilises its exceptional cast incredibly well, with Charlize Theron being an absolute delight. It’s just unfortunate the plot is a bit of a damp squib.
Yesterday (2019)
Yesterday (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Fantasy, Music
Rocky For the Win
Yesterday can be quite the uneven movie at times, however its good ultimately outweighs its bad when it’s all said and done. When a struggling singer-songwriter gets hit by a bus, he awakens to a world where people have no knowledge of The Beatles. He uses their songs to become famous, but soon realizes that that fame comes at a cost.

Acting: 10
Himesh Patel delivers a strong performance as singer-songwriter Jack Malik. He was definitely overshadowed at times by even stronger performances from the likes of Joel Fry who plays his Road Manager Rocky and Kate McKinnon as Debra Hammer, a woman who latches on to Jack’s fame and runs with it. Even Ed Sheeran came through with a solid performance as himself.

Beginning: 9

Characters: 10
To expand on the above, I loved what the supporting characters brought to the table. Ed Sheeran’s caricature of himself is pretty hilarious and it’s refreshing to see a celebrity not taking himself too seriously. Rocky is all over the place and constantly screwing things up, but even his screwups have a certain endearing quality that brings you closer into his world. Meanwhile Debra Hammer is just a fireball, adding spice to every single scene she is in. She is one of those characters you can’t help but laugh at.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10
As Jack’s popularity start to increase so does his fanbase and reach. He starts to travel the world and we’re graced with beautiful shots from all over the globe and across the UK. Different venues and swelling crowds keep the scenes fresh and advance the story in a smooth fashion.

Conflict: 5
The major conflict appears to be between Jack and his friend Ellie (Lily James). They both seem to have a thing for each other but Jack’s newfound fame throws a bit of a monkey wrench into the advancement of their relationship. I had trouble buying into the conflict a bit, however, as I never suspected the truth would be found out about Jack nor did I think at any point that him and Ellie wouldn’t end up together. Despite knowing this, the movie was still enjoyable. I just wish more feasible obstacles were put in place to advance the story properly.

Entertainment Value: 8
The movie is ultimately heartfelt and sweet which makes for enhancing its entertainment value. it was a treat watching someone who struggled for so long finally make it and live his dream. I also enjoyed watching Jack develop as a character and change his perspective on what he considered success.

Memorability: 8

Pace: 7

Plot: 10

Resolution: 5

Overall: 82
I have to say, this was one of the most fun movie experiences I had all year. To hear these crowds succumb to all The Beatles music sung from the mouth of someone else is vastly unique. Although it does stumble at bit at the end, I highly recommend Yesterday.
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Bad Boys, Bad Boys II, what ya gonna do? Go and watch Bad Boys For Life, that's what you're gonna do.

Mike and Marcus are still going strong but Marcus wants to slow down and ease into retirement. His life is changing and it's time to realise he's not a boy anymore. When their celebrations are rudely interrupted a hunt begins, good against bad, old school police work versus new. Will this be the end of the road for our Bad Boys?

I rewatched the original movies before this because of course you have to! Something I loved about this is that they managed to bring the series up to date while still keeping some of the key elements that added fun to the first two instalments. There's nostalgia here that I absolutely love, more on that later.

There were times while watching Bad Boys For Life that I pondered if it was still a Michael Bay film, there are quite a few glossy moments that feel like they have a touch of Bayhem about them.

I love that the original cast are back with the same great chemistry. I wasn't overly keen on the additional cast they brought in. With an established universe it's difficult to bring in that many new characters. There was a solid effort to get their backstories and personalities in but with so much other story happening it often felt out of place or tacked on. A quicker way might have been to have them introduced from their files with montage shots and be done with. I did at one point assume it was just a set up for the next film.

One of the little surprises for me was DJ Khaled, I didn't know he was in it and his part was just great, he played it so well that I was a little sad there wasn't more.

Everything has a very crisp feel to it, which was another reason my brain kept saying Bay. Vibrant surrounding, costumes and sets all perfectly matched together. I liked the contrasts between Mike and Marcus' lives, though the montage just made me think of Hobbs and Shaw and how that felt better.

There are lots of holes to pick in this, the script isn't great and I wasn't fond of the way the main storyline came together at the end but this is one of those instances where I don't think it matters. I have never watched a Bad Boys movie for its Shakespearean drama, I watch it for the banter and the action. Bad Boys For Life has that in spade, as well as an incredible amount of emotion and heart.

This is the sort of film I like to watch to have a break from the stress, I will definitely be buying this one when it comes out. It's got that chicken soup feel to it, it's familiar and it's fun... and sometimes that's what you need.

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Tom Jones recommended Back to Black by Amy Winehouse in Music (curated)

Back to Black by Amy Winehouse
Back to Black by Amy Winehouse
2006 | Rock
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"When she did the video of 'Rehab', I thought 'Jesus, what is that?' - again, that initial thing... I thought, 'shit, she sounds tremendous, who is this kid?' And it looked great, and the arrangement was great and the whole package was great, and I had to get the album. So I got the CD and it just got better and better. You hear her getting into the ballad, 'Love Is A Losing Game' - that's like a standard, that comes from a jazz standard, something one of the old jazzers would have done, that's how good that is. She nails the shit out if it. The whole album is tremendous, and it's just a shame - making an album like that and then nothing. The band I take on the road with me is the same brass section that she used to use. So when she died, we were in France and I saw it on BBC news, and I came down to the bar that night and I said 'my God, how did that happen? She must have thought she was indestructible', and they said the opposite - she had loved living on the edge apparently, it was that thing of danger, that's what they felt. I wish I'd met her and had a chance to sing with her because she had a lot to offer, and she had a great spirit and what she sang was tremendous. I would have loved to duet. When you record something was somebody, it lasts forever, and if you haven't, it's a shame. It's a shame that it [drug addiction] happened to her so early. With Whitney Houston, she's left a wealth of material to listen to, but Amy Winehouse, I know she did an album before that, but Back To Black is tremendous, you just think 'shit!' Just waiting for the next, and now there is no next and it's a bloody shame. The drug thing, it never appealed to me. Sniffing cocaine, I know what it does. For singers, it's death - it gets on your vocal chords, it's bad news. Burns your bloody nose out. I've never taken any drugs. The only thing I took was at the beginning, purple hearts, because I was doing so many shows and I was getting tired. I think it was Viv Prince, who used to be a drummer with The Pretty Things, who said, 'try one of these, that'll keep you awake', but then I realised you couldn't go to sleep! So that was a short-lived thing. And I'll take a sleeping pill when I've got to go to sleep and I know I need to get up, but mild ones, nothing heavy, because I don't want anything to get in the way of what I do. And when I've gone a little too far drinking and I think 'oh shit, I've got to get up tomorrow', then you see it, and you think 'you fucking idiot! You stretched it too far last night'. So you do that enough times and you learn, but some people don't learn."

Iron Man 3 (2013)
Iron Man 3 (2013)
2013 | Action, Sci-Fi
For Tony Stark, (Robert Downey Jr.), life has become very complicated for the self-proclaimed genius, philanthropist, billionaire, and playboy. In the new film “Iron Man 3”, Stark is wracked by insomnia and dread following the battle he waged to save New York in “The Avengers”.

Stark throws himself into his work and endlessly creates new Iron Man suits as well as system upgrades which currently have him at the Mark 42 version which is a huge jump from the Mark VII he was last seen in which was itself a prototype.

When a terrorist named The Mandarin (Sir Ben Kingsley), has unleashed a series of bizarre bombings on the world and has opening challenged the President (William Sadler), Stark is caught up in his own fears, most notably protecting his beloved Pepper (Gwyneth Paltrow).

When his friend Happy (John Farveau) is caught in an explosion, Stark openly challenges the Mandarin which results in a devastating helicopter upon Stark and Potts. With the world thinking he has died, Stark sets out to stop the Mandarin at all costs and find a way to battle his inner demons and fears to save the ones he loves and do what he knows is right.

The movie is big on laughs and character as we see a more well-rounded Stark this time out. He is haunted by demons of his past yet committed to improving himself and doing what is right. The film takes a bit of time to get up to speed, but thanks to Downey’s performance you maintain your interest as you are always waiting for what he will do next as he is in total command of the character and never lets the quirks or humor of his situation overshadow his humanity or undermine his performance.

I would have liked to have seen Downey is his armor more kicking butt and taking names, but thankfully the finale is very enjoyable. The converted 3D in the film is very good as although I am not a fan of 3D conversions this was the best I have seen to date as ash, snow, and debris did seem to float into the audience the way it does in films that are shot properly in the new 3D technology.

The supporting cast for the film is very strong especially Kingsley and Guy Pearce and I enjoyed the effort that Writer/Director Shane Black put into allowing the characters time to grow. I was a bit disappointed that Don Cheadle was not given a lot to do in his role especially when playing Iron Patriot/War Machine. The battle at the end of “Iron Man 2” where he and Iron Man took on legions of bad guys had me hoping for more this time out.

That being said, this is a very enjoyable summer movie that shows the franchise is not slowing down or taking the easy road out. There has been discussion that Downey Jr. may step away after the next Avengers film but hopefully that is not to be the case as I could not imagine another actor capturing the role as perfectly as he has.

Following a bonus post credits scene, we are told in the best James Bond style that Tony Stark will return, and you can bet legions of fans will be waiting.
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Wrestling sure has changed since its heyday back in the 80’s. Believe it or not, back in those days there were many people who believed it was real, the wrestlers themselves would use razor blades to cut their faces to further the illusion. Big names like Andre’ the Giant, Sargent Slaughter and Hulk Hogan dominated the scenes and Hulkamania was all the rage. Wrestling these days still has characters larger than life who wage good versus evil battles against one another. Although now the focus is not only on what happens in the ring, but the characters and personas that present themselves outside the ring. Fighting with My Family, written and directed by Stephen Merchant (writer for The Office and Extras), takes us on a young woman’s rise from a family wrestling league to one of the youngest female stars to be featured in WWE.

Saraya “Paige” Bevis (Florence Pugh) alongside her brother Zak “Zodiac” Bevis (Jack Lowden) and parents (Nick Frost / Lena Headey) are a family run wrestling team. Trying to make a name for themselves they run a small gym in Norwich, England. Training up-and-coming wrestlers and putting on shows for the locals in hopes of a shot at the big time. One fateful evening, while Zak’s far more conservative girlfriend and her parents are over for dinner, a call comes from the WWE that will change both of their lives.

Saraya and Zak are offered an opportunity to compete against others for a chance to join similar hopefuls in Florida for a chance to be the next big thing. As one would expect, the competition is fierce and at the end of the day, only Saraya is chosen for a chance to go to America. The choice to take her and not her brother results in a sibling rivalry that neither would have anticipated when they were both trying out. Ultimately Saraya must choose to go forward with her dream or stay with her family, and while the choice is not easy, there wouldn’t be much of a film if she chose to stay. So, begins Saraya’s journey to show that she has not only the skills and strength, but the heart to succeed.

Fighting with My Family is a movie that has a tremendous amount of heart even if there is little interest in its source material. While it certainly does focus on wrestling as the key component, it could have easily been replaced with any other sport and had the same heart-warming success. This is not a movie only about the wild world of professional wrestling, but about one woman who must overcome her own self-doubts and insecurities to succeed. It’s a film about not only believing in yourself (even when others do not) but pushing yourself to follow your dreams no matter how difficult the road to achieving them turns out to be. The film reminds us that we should not simply take everything at face value, and that sometimes judging a book by it’s cover can prevent us from the magic that is held in the pages underneath.

The superior cast connects with the viewers on many levels. Whether its Jack Lowden’s portrayal of a man who worked hard only to fall short of his dreams, to Florence Pugh’s portrayal of Paige, a woman who constantly struggles with her choice and whether wrestling is her dream or simply the dream her parents pushed upon her. As always Vince Vaughn does an outstanding job delivering not only on the comedic aspects of the film, but also when tasked at delivering a more serious tone. This is a movie that will have you cheering for each character, and even applauding throughout.

Even though wrestling was a huge part of growing up, spanning everything from action figures to video games, I’ve never considered myself to be a wrestling fan. For those of you who are instantly looking to forego this movie because of the wrestling content, I’d ask you to reconsider. Fighting with My Family is so much more than simply a “wrestling movie”, and while it likely won’t convert you into being a die hard wrestling fan at the end, you might just be surprised at how much you take away from it when you leave the theater. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll cheer (at least that’s what all the viewers did at the screening I attended) and can you really say that about many movies these days?

JT (287 KP) rated Vehicle 19 (2013) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Vehicle 19 (2013)
Vehicle 19 (2013)
2013 | Mystery
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Paul Walker can’t seem to stay away from cars at the moment, in between Fast Five and the recently released Fast and Furious 6 Walker took the lead in Vehicle 19.

Walker plays Michael Woods whose recently jumped parole and heads out to South Africa to see his girlfriend, in the hope of rekindling their relationship. Picking up a rental car, a minivan, which is hardly fast or furious, it turns out to be the wrong choice as during his journey he’s chased down by the local police for the murder of a young woman.

The film for the majority of its entirety is shot from the inside of the car, with Walker rarely stepping out of the driver’s seat as he tries to navigate his way through a city he is totally unfamiliar with. Films that capture one location need to rely on a number of things, firstly the acting has got to be top draw and secondly you’ve got to pull out the tension and hook the audience.

Phone Booth and Buried which placed its protagonists in a confined space paid off pretty well, but here Vehicle 19 struggles and almost splutters as if gasping for more fuel. The problem is the despite Walker putting in a decent performance as a man with a goal who is pushed to the edge it lacks any real bite or conviction.

For the opening twenty minutes we see him converse with his girlfriend via phone, complain he’s got the wrong rental car and try to remember which side of the road he has to drive on. It’s dull, and when you compare it with Ryan Reynolds’s opening twenty minutes in Buried where he’s confined to a 6 foot box, Vehicle 19 is way off the mark.

Relative unknown director Mukunda Michael Dewil leaves it too late, and when Woods discovers a phone and gun in the glove box as well as a bound and gagged girl in the trunk many of us have already turned the ignition off. Woods is hunted by Detective Smith, a man with a terrifying accent that leaves genuine chills down your spine, for someone who only gets a minimal amount of screen time at the end he does leave a lasting impression.

It does have its rare moments and of course Walker gets to use his driving skills to full capacity as he’s perused through the townships and city streets by police cars that you’d expect would be able to catch up with a minivan.

It’s short but not so sharp, the surrounding locations begged for so much more than what was delivered. I’d much rather have seen Walker behind the wheel of a high performance vehicle…oh wait I can!