Game Net for - NHL 17
Reference and Entertainment
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The Piano Designer app helps you to personalize the sound of your Roland piano. Inside the...

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A showcase of sustainable living in prefab, solar, mobile and modular houses. In this book,...

System Leadership in Practice
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The Second Economy: The Race for Trust, Treasure and Time in the Cybersecurity War: 2016
Steve Grobman, Allison Cerra and Christopher Young
Gain a practical prescription for both private and public organizations to remediate threats and...

The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism
The capitalist era is passing - not quickly, but inevitably. Rising in its wake is a new global...
Playful Disruption of Digital Media: 2017
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Quality Management of Cultural Heritage: Problems and Best Practices: Proceedings of the XVII UISPP World Congress (1-7 September, Burgos, Spain): Volume 8 / Session A13
Davide Delfino and Maurizio Quagliuolo
From Lascaux to Shanidar caves, from Malta temples to Stonenge (and the 'new' one...), from Serra da...

BookwormLea (3034 KP) rated Greenland (2020) in Movies
Apr 14, 2021
The thing I liked about this one in particular was how believable it was. Of course in a global disaster, governments weren't going to save everyone. Of course they are going to pick the strongest most useful bunch. And obviously they would turn away the sick because why save someone who could die in a week when you could save a healthy teen that was probably going to solve world hunger? I also liked that they added the kidnapping. Not going to lie, if it was my one shot at survival, I would probably try too.
Now what I didnt love. If you know your husband has gone to the car, and would more than likely go back to the car if he found out you had left. Stay at the car!!! If you also know you are very likely to end up at the same destination, does it really matter that he's not on your plane? Its all her fault they got kicked out the facility. Its also his fault the plane got blew up and everyone had lost their chance. Also if one random guy knew there was a plane in Canada going to the bunker, how did nobody else know? And also, everyone knew if you had a wristband, you had a code. Of course you couldn't steal someone elses...
And then towards the end when they had wormed their way to the safety of the Canadian plane, I said to my sister 'I bet they get there, and even though they shouldn't they are let in, and in probably 6 weeks or soemthing, they will open the doors and a bird will fly past or soemthing and everything is happy.' Low and behold, I was right about everything except the time. They spent 9 month in a bunker they didn't think they would use? Yeah right.
But overall, an okay film. I am just really good at guessing movie twists and endings!

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated La La Land (2016) in Movies
Jul 12, 2019
After running into each other multiple time the two fall in love but as their dreams take them in different paths, they fight to stay together. While the story could be considered a love story, it is so much more. The film is captivating through its combination of wardrobe and scenery. The choreography is impeccable and the music stunning. The opening scene really sets up the quality of the film and gets the viewer excited for the other musical numbers, which are equally just as stunning.
I was hesitant when I first saw Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling in a musical, but they did phenomenal. The chemistry and humor on the screen is endearing and captivating, it pulled me into the story of Mia and Sebastian and made me wonder what was going to happen next.
Back to the music, the songs fit the characters and the story so well. They are woven into the scenes making them important to the story line. Also just in case I have not made myself clear already, the music is amazing. The score composed by Justin Hurwitz is a piece of art, and I know I will be buying the soundtrack. Watching this film made me think back to watching Gene Kelly, Ginger Rodgers, and Fred Astaire sing and dance in films. Quite honestly I have not seen this quality of musical film yet, and “La La Land” excites me with the idea of more films being made of this quality. I know I’ll be seeing this film again once it hit’s theatres!