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The Tree of Life (2011)
The Tree of Life (2011)
2011 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Challenge yourself. Give this a watch!
I have to admit to not having seen many films directed by Terrence Malick. Not by choice, just hadn't gotten around to it. I watched The Thin Red Line when it was released, but thought it was inferior to Saving Private Ryan which was released around the same time. I will give a rewatch soon.

I saw another review which said to describe this film would be like trying to describe the color blue to someone who was blind. A basically impossible task.

The easiest way for me would be to mention other movies, so if you took parts of 2001: A Space Odyssey, Mother!, Revolutionary Road and Stand By Me you might start to come close to the interesting weave of imagery and story which conjoin this film.

Loosely speaking, it's about a family with 3 young boys in Texas in the 1950s. Their relationships, their troubles, their triumphs, the small insignificant moments in their lives combined with the very important ones. Throw in scenes of the creation of the universe, dinosaurs and unusual images of the Earth itself you'll finally start to maybe understand the complexity of this film.

Of course, this is a film like 2001 or Mother in which some will say it is crap or there is no meaning beyond what is displayed onscreen, but I would beg to differ. I respect everyone's opinions, but strive to seek out films that make me think a little and make me ponder during and after the end credits are complete and this film will do that for sure.

I am not a religious person, but you don't need to be to appreciate the vivid imagery in this film. I believe Malick supports differing views whether you believe in God or not.

In short, in a world of summer blockbusters just beyond the horizon, I would challenge you to enjoy those films as they have their place, but also challenge yourself with something rich.

I know I will be finding Days of Heaven and Badlands to get more Malick in the weeks ahead.

Only Daughter
Only Daughter
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kat experiences every mother’s worst nightmare when her little girl is found dead. And then the police add the word ‘suicide’. But Kat refuses to believe them.
Even when they show her the familiar looping handwriting and smudged ink on the note Grace left behind. She knows her bubbly, bright daughter would never take her own life.
But as she searches Grace’s perfume-scented room, filled with smiling photos, she uncovers secrets her daughter had been hiding. Secrets that make her wonder how well she really knew the woman her only child was becoming.
Kat’s determined to find out what really happened to Grace on the night she died, even if it means confronting her own troubled past. But as she gets closer to the terrible truth, Kat is faced with an unthinkable question: there was no way she could have protected Grace – or was there?

This book was filled with so many twists, turns, and shocks that had me hanging off of every page.
This is the story of Kat, wife, mother, sociopath. Her teenage daughter has just been found dead at the bottom of a quarry, and the police are calling it a suicide.
The writing is superb in this compelling story and the characters are totally believable and seem so believable as they have their faults and secrets also.
There were jaw dropping twists and I truly felt like I was on this emotional roller coaster with Kat.
The opening of this book is just heartbreaking and I cannot imagine anything worse than the loss of my child and some of the story description of events was just so emotional.
This story is an emotional look at the relationships between mother and child, wife and husband; very heart wrenching at times but what a ride it was!
Only Daughter is a riveting read filled with twists and turns at every corner that I couldn't put down. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.

Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for an ARC. This did not influence my review. All opinions are my own.
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pretty Ugly Lies
Pamela Crane | 2018 | Thriller
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
In “Pretty Ugly Lies” Pamela Crane reveals the lives of four very different women in this dramatic, intimate domestic noir, of which I could not put down, especially upon opening the book to suddenly discover how someone is killing a whole family!

As the story unravelled I found myself really keen to find out who had murdered not just the husband but the kids in such a horrific way! We hear, through the voices of four women, Jo Trubeau, Ellie Harper, Shayla Kensington and June Merrigan, how their seemingly unconnected lives and problems eventually intertwine in this cleverly written tale of domestic bliss gone wrong.

We also hear the evil thoughts of the kidnapper and for me that made this read even more entertaining, sending chills down my spine!

Overall, Pretty Ugly Lies raises some series issues, from kidnapping a child, stalking, and infidelity, to marriage breakdowns, autism, and suicidal thoughts. There’s certainly a huge amount of problems within these girl’s lives and the neighbourhood they live in. I wouldn’t want to live there, however affluent it looked on the outside.

If you love a book full of some pretty ugly lies, then the killer secrets and domestic misery within this dark thriller will have you double checking what’s lurking in the shadows as you read! Not to mention checking where your kids are. A powerful statement of how a twisted, disfigured need for love can evolve into a terrible tragedy with disastrous consequences!

Oh, and as a side-note, I loved how, at the very end of this story, Pamela’s daughter Talia (7) wrote her own version of “The Girl Who Got Kidnapped” and why! It’s such a cute, Grimm Fairy Tale like story, (totally different to the actual book) and pretty well written for such a young age. I can safely put money on Talia definitely following in her mum’s footsteps as a writer herself! I hope I get to see that day!

My thanks to Bloodhound Books and NetGalley for an advanced readers copy of this book. All opinions are my own and not biased in any way.
A History of the World in 100 Objects
A History of the World in 100 Objects
Neil MacGregor | 2012 | History & Politics
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well formatted, brief chapters (0 more)
When I first read this I didn’t realise that this was a book to accompany a very successful radio show on BBC Radio 4, which is thankfully still available to listen to.
I’ve had this for 6 years and have been reluctant to read this as I have to be in the right frame of mind for certain non-fiction books. Especially ones that seem like they are going to be a stream of facts with not a lot of context, so “A History of the world . . “ pleasantly surprised me. This book isn’t weighed down with facts and history, the author doesn’t go into too much uneccesary detail or waffle on too much. He provides just enough information to peak your interest.

Each object has its own chapter, and each chapter is reassuringly only a few pages long and nicely segmented. Its a bite-size history of the era in which the object was made, the story of the finding the object, and a couple of ‘expert’ opinions on the objects impact on the world.

When I read Non-fiction I like to come away from the experience with a ‘Party fact’ (you know, that bit of useless trivia you tell people at social gatherings to either fill a silence or sound interesting) and I certainly got my fair share with this book.

My party fact would be the flood tablet, the story on the tablet tells the tale of a man who was told by his god to build a boat and load it with his family and animals because a deluge is about to wipe humanity from earth. The thing that made this stick in my mind was that it pre-dated the Noah story by about 400 years.

Of course, since reading I’ve looked into this and found out that there are many flood stories that pre-date Noah, but at the time I was thinking “How does the world not know about this?” “Does Richard Dawkins know about this?” A little research has prevented me from a social faux pas, but still it’s all intriguing.

The History of the world in 100 objects, does exactly what it says on the tin!
Every review I've read has been bad. Honestly, this novel was no better or worse than any of Frost's other books, in my opinions. The main complaint I've seen is that the book isn't about Cat and Bones. Well, their story has pretty much been told in the four Night Huntress novels, and now Frost is moving on to other people in that world.

Given, I was never terribly attached to Cat or Bones, and apparently some fans were. I would advise them to write fan fiction or roleplay or do whatever it is that other obsessive fans do when their favorite authors stop writing about their favorite characters rather than writing negative reviews of Frost's newer fiction because they want it to be more like her older books. (<b>Please</b> note that I have absolutely no idea what Frost's position on such things is, and would strongly recommend querying her or her authorized representative on the matter before acting. Some authors are fine with fanfic/RPing, and some are rabidly against both. I can think of examples who go to extremes each way.)

While Denise never made a big impression on me while reading the NH books, it is nice to find out what happened to her after her husband was slaughtered and her life was screwed up so badly. While minor characters are often affected in Very Bad Ways during the course of paranormal romance novels, we seldom see them getting any kind of compensation. And who could possibly compensate anyone for the loss of a loved one, anyway?

That said, this is not a fantasy novel. Sometimes I waver on how a "paranormal romance" novel should be classified, but that isn't the case here. This is a romance with urban fantasy features tossed in. There's a damsel in distress saved by a hero. There's an obstacle to be overcome before they can be together, blah blah blah. The whole formula is there.

It doesn't suck terribly, but I don't recommend it to anyone who doesn't already like the setting to some extent. If you truly hate the romance formula, don't bother with this one.
Tomb Raider (2018)
Tomb Raider (2018)
2018 | Action, Adventure
The acting is top notch (2 more)
Lots of action
Very loyal to the game series
Would have liked more puzzles (0 more)
The Story of Lara Croft is an interesting one
Watched this last night. As usual, I try not to see any reviews until I see it, so I'm not swayed by other's opinions. And so, not knowing if the movie was liked or disliked, I was able to watch it & make my own opinion.

I am a fan of the game series & love the new entries. I'm very glad they decided to follow the new games for this film & I found Lara's "origin" to be real interesting. I was not a fan of the Angelina Jolie movies. I found her too snooty & arrogant to like the character. But Alicia Vikander plays the characters perfectly. She plays a young Lara, who's tough, but has some vulnerability to her. She's an underdog we can root for, but she can hold her own too. A perfect balance.

Daniel Wu & Dominic West play their parts well. Although I would have liked to have seen Wu pull off some martial arts moves, like his character on "Into the Badlands", but I'm also glad they didn't fall for the stereotypical Asian.

But. a movie is only as good as it's main villain. And this movie has a great one. Played by Walton Goggins, who doesn't get the credit he deserves. This guy is great. He can make you love him & he can make you hate him too. I've never seen him in a bad role.

There's really not much to say about the story, as it's practically a live-action remake of the last 2 video games stories mashed together. You know what to expect, lots of action, lots of raiding of tombs. I kind of wish there would have been more puzzle solving in it. Some of the puzzles were solved without even showing them. Lara just solves them. I kind of wish I could have figured them out. But I guess I'm just used to playing the game & doing everything myself.

Anyway, the bottom line, it's a fun film, well worth watching.
Some Sunny Day
Some Sunny Day
Madge Lambert | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review on

Some Sunny Day was one of those books that go slowly, and tell a story of another times, reviving memories and emotions. A story of a lady that is sent to India to take care for the British Soldiers in the Second World War.

A beautiful memoir, full of lively descriptions that make the scenes more realistic. A powerful story of love, bravery, tragedy, sacrifices and hope.

Madge is a character that all people can relate to. Even though a nurse, and sent to another country, Madge is also a lady just like any other, capable of making decisions, mistakes, fall in love, lose the people she loves and hope for a better future.

A very relatable and non-distant character, too realistic for our own good. I loved her so much, and I was eager to know her story.

The pace, however, for me, was too slow. It took me a while to finish this book, and I stopped reading it two times before I finally finished it. The line between this being a great read and a DNF was very thick. That is why a few of my stars have to go away.

I love memoirs, I love stories behind the scenes of wars. Being born and growing up in the Balkans, this is something that triggers us very close to the heart. Being taught in school to protect each other, and living with our father’s stories of how they went and served in the army is something we can all relate to, and respect all these people that are ready to give their lives for a country.

Those were times when I couldn’t have been easy at all, being away from your family, your loved ones. Hard times not only for the people serving the army, but also the people at home, that miss them and pray for them every single day.

What are we all fighting for? How can war bring peace?

Thank you to NetGalley and Pan Macmillan, for providing me an e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions in this review are my own and completely unbiased.
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
Bayside Heat (Bayside Summers, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bayside Heat is book 3 in the Love in Bloom: Bayside Summers series. It was a wonderful love story from Melissa Foster earning 4.5 stars from this reviewer.

Drake Savage and Serena Mallery have known each other since they were children. Serena and her sister spent many days and nights with the Savage family, their daughter Mira and sons Drake and Rick. Serena and Mira are best friends and Serena has had a crush on Drake since she was a teenager.
Drake has had a crush on Serena since she asked him to sing a duet with her one summer long ago. He knew he couldn’t hold her back from whatever dreams she was meant to accomplish so he had to be satisfied with having her as his best friend. Keeping her close without getting close was torture.

Serena and Drake work together at his family resort but when her dream designer job becomes available in Boston she realizes it is now or never to put her feelings on the table where Drake is concerned.

Drake realizes that he is about to lose the one person who knows him better than anyone else. He knows he can’t make her choose him over Boston but also knows he can’t live without her. He confesses his feelings and finds out she feels the same way.

Drake and Serena make their new long distance relationship work as well as they can. They travel the 2 hour drive back and forth to each other each chance they get but life gets in the way more than once. Serena finds herself questioning her decision to leave but not wanting to end up like her mother (following men around).

Serena and Drake each find that the one thing they want more than anything is to be together, but can they find a way to survive together in their new worlds?

I have read a few books by Ms Foster by now and this one keeps with the good love stories I’ve come to expect from her. I received an advance copy without expectations for review; any opinions expressed are my own. Not having read the first 2 in this series has my TBR list growing by two.
Bad Influence (Bad Bachelors, #3)
Bad Influence (Bad Bachelors, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Annie is the brains behind the Bad Bachelor website. It has brought a myriad of emotions to women around NYC and beyond. Some people are for the site and others want her to shut it down for ruining lives. Either way Annie knows it is helping most women navigate the dating world and she doesn’t want to take that away from them. She has firmly stayed out of the dating world since her relationship ended years ago when she chose her family over her relationship. Joseph is never far from her thoughts but that is as close as she wants him, until she knocks him into a pond by accident.

Joseph has returned home again after making a name for himself overseas. He hasn’t stopped thinking about Annie much over the years, as his ex fiancé can attest to. He is hoping to get a chance to have a good heart to heart with her and apologize for leaving her the way he did. While contemplating his thoughts at their spot by the pond he literally bumps into his past.

Annie and Joseph didn’t have a great conversational past and they both fully admit it. Now that they’ve gotten a second chance will they make the best of it this time or fall back into their old habits? Annie doesn’t want to fall back into her past, especially while she is being threatened by someone over the Bad Bachelors website but she needs Joseph’s help to find out who is behind the threats.

Bad Influence is the third book in the Bad Bachelor series and a great continuation of the storylines. I received an advance copy from Netgalley without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. A 4 ½ star read, personally I found some slower parts to the story but overall a very good read. You don’t have to read in any order as each is a standalone but if you want background on the other 2 main couples and/or the website I would recommend starting with book one, Bad Bachelor.
Wanting Secret Baby
Wanting Secret Baby
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Naomi has the worst luck finding men. She wants to find someone to settle down with and start a family but all the men she keeps interacting with are duds. At her friends engagement party she encounters the brother of the intended groom and sparks fly, at least on her end. Is Alex the man she needs in her life?

Naomi has enchanted Alex since first glance. He’s barely spoken to her, yet she envelops his nightly dreams. He cannot get her face out of his conscience and tries to come up with any excuse just to see her again. When his brother asks him to be his best man, knowing Naomi is the maid of honor gives him a perfect excuse to see her again.

Naomi is powerless whenever Alex is near her. She needs to find a way to be as far from him at all times as possible. He messes with her concentration to a point that she knows she can’t trust herself near him. One stolen kiss is all it takes to send her over the edge.

Alex and Naomi can’t fight the pull that is constantly at work when they are near each other. After sneaking away from the wedding reception they find themselves at the point of no return. A tragic phone call after sends Naomi running from Alex, but can she stay away from him forever?

Alex and Naomi find themselves apart but never far from each other’s thoughts. After an unexpected gift leaves Naomi scrambling to escape, will she ever be able to come home again? Alex has to get Naomi out of his mind, for good this time. He tries to move on but every woman has Naomi’s face. When she shows back up in town a year later, he realizes he still cares for her more than he’s ever cared for any woman. Can he convince her to give him a chance?

Include some big secrets in the mix and Naomi and Alex find themselves fighting even harder to stay apart. Their chemistry is palpable. I received an advance copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own.