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Where We Belong
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
What do ancient artifacts, camels, the Chicago fire, sisters, and romance have in common??? LYNN AUSTIN and Where We Belong!!! I have a confession...this was my first Lynn Austin book. I know, I know, put the pitchforks down. But when I saw the cover and the time period(Gilded Age)....I knew I just HAD up read it! What's even better, is that the sisters in this story were inspired by real sisters who travelled and did research and found incredible ancient the 1800s. These days it is far from unusual to have women scientists and archeologists, researchers and professors...however, in the 1800s, it was highly frowned upon and many doors to women were closed. And it is because of women like this who paved the way for us today.

The heart of the story is of course, Jesus. And how His forgiveness surpasses all of our mistakes. He is waiting for us to surrender the past to Him and let Him heal our hearts. We also take a little peek into the ancient manuscripts that have been found of the Bible and the proof that followed, that even though hundreds....thousands....of years have passed....God's word has not changed. The Bible we read today is the very same Bible that was originally written. 

There were several plot twists and I honestly had no idea HOW this was all going to end. But Lynn Austin did not disappoint. She did a fabulous job weaving the storyline with flashbacks and several different viewpoints. I loved seeing into the past of the main characters. It opens your eyes to why they are the way they are ultimately.
If you are longing for an adventure....this is the book for you! Negotiate with a Bedouin Sheik, overcome the challenges of the past, survive the Chicago fire, and above all, see Jesus work in the lives of normal, everyday people and as a result....see their lives travel down an extraordinary road as they find where they belong.

I received a complimentary copy of Where We Belong from the publishers through Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Name Unknown will completely sweep you off your feet. If you are even the slightest bit bookish, you will simply fall head over heels for Peter! A man of incredible character, high standards, genuine compassion, a deep relationship with Jesus, and a serious TALENT with words! Rosemary, is just...AHHHH! A woman who I want to meet. A woman who I wish was a real life person so that I can interview her, have lunch with her, and go for walks together along the cliffs in Cornwall. Also, Roseanna talks about Cornish Pasties...Um...those are perhaps my very favorite meal EVER! (Here is a recipe, Jody Hedlund also talks about them in Undaunted Hope...I use butter and not margarine and I do not put rutabaga in them.)

Throughout the story both Peter and Rosemary struggle with secrets that lay in their past. Some known, some unknown, (even to themselves) some discovered along the way. As they grow closer they come to understand that they can not have these barriers between them."With the greatest risks come the greatest rewards", but is it worth it to risk everything that they have built their lives on? Will they be able to confide in one another before all is revealed? And will the past stand between them and keep them apart? Or draw them closer together?

There is SO MUCH we can learn from this story. And ONE of the biggest points is that God is able and willing to forgive us...NO MATTER our past, no matter what we have done, what we have been through. The question is, do we want Him to? Do we want Him to change us for the better? The other message that stands out SO.STRONGLY...Is that God hears us. He may not always give us the answers we WANT...But He HEARS us...Even if it doesn't feel like He does.

Set at the very beginning of WWI, this book begins an incredible adventure for Rosemary's family. I am SO looking forward to the next books.

I received a complimentary copy of A Name Unknown from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Minology in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Have you ever wondered how your body works? Author Mark Murphy has his theory. The human body is full of little creatures known as min, and it is no different for 34 year old Will. Min live in every part of the body doing different jobs to make each part of the body work they way it should. However, these min are much like the humans they inhabit: they have their own jobs, their own lives, their own feelings and their own opinions.
Penelope Potts is a bored 15 year old min living in the left ear department with nothing much to do. Yet one day life becomes much more exciting when she and her best friend Henry are selected to take part in the trials to try and win themselves a position in Central Head.

Whilst this is taking place, however, the evil leader of the min, Sananab (incidentally bananas spelt backwards) has come up with a malicious plan that may change the life of the min forever. When Sananab discovers that Penelope is doing very well in the trials he becomes very interested in her. But when Penelope discovers his evil plan her life is immediately in danger.

Murphy’s ideas are very imaginative but are also similar to the <i>Numbskulls</i> in the <i>Beano</i> – perhaps this even had some influence on his novel? It is fun to envisage tiny beings living in human bodies making sure every organ works properly. The min themselves are an interesting bunch. Apart from Penelope, none appear to be that intelligent leading to humorous scenes, which could have the reader laughing out loud.

<i>Minology</i> despite the <i>“ology”</i> is not a heavy read and can be taken at the reader’s own pace. Whether they want something to read leisurely or something to read quickly this book will be more than adequate. And, if you like the min so much and want to read even more about their funny lives, there is a second book!
The Queen's Confidante
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book has three mysteries at the heart - was Arthur Tudor really murdered (I confess this is a new theory to me and not sure how credible this is), what happened to the so-called Princes in the Tower and what became of Lord Lovell after the Battle of Stoke. Personally, I think the latter is done a great disservice here, based on the historical knowns of his character. Even so, what happens and with the hero and heroine's consent is pretty horrific - yes, I know the historical basis for this, but it doesn't do much good for liking the supposed protagonists! Also the rather melodramatic language as the book nears it's conclusion - monster, beast, devil - it just goes a bit over the top.

I could explain a bit more about why I wasn't keen on the book, but it would be difficult to do without spoilers, so I suppose I will leave that there. I will just say that I find it hard to credit that when Elizabeth Woodville came out of sanctuary in 1484 she didn't know what had happened to her sons and therefore one would assume that Elizabeth of York would also have known - and she was happy enough to be honoured at her uncle's court that Yuletide. Having the Elizabeth of this book rail against Yorkists when she came from what seemed a close family does seem to me to be somewhat absurd.

There are, also, a number of errors which could and should have been picked up. Another reviewer has already mentioned the note which is shown to two other people on one page and on the following page is apparently a secret! There are also TWO erroneous mentions of Richard duke of York, when the context is reasonably clear the person actually referred to is York's son, Richard Duke of Gloucester - elementary mistake that should not have been made!

Perhaps I have read too many non-fiction books about the period and have formed my own strong opinions to enjoy this book as much as some other reviewers. If it is going to be your 'thing' I can only give you my opinion and leave it to yourselves to determine.

ClareR (5620 KP) rated Happy Family in Books

Oct 29, 2019  
Happy Family
James Ellis | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
One to look out for next year!
Happy Family is set in the near future, where people game via glasses and one augmented reality game in particular is very popular: Happy Family. This game was invented by Tom Hannah, also an artist, who has hidden himself away with his suicidal thoughts in Spain in the middle of nowhere, after the death of his mother. Germaine Kiecke, an art academic, is a huge fan of Tom’s and wants to interview him for her new book. But Tom is guarded by a strange girl and three huge dogs who are named after the Marx brothers. Germaine has had a traumatic upbringing as an orphan in Belgium in a notorious orphanage called ‘Motherhood’. Thus she finds it impossible to express her feelings except through Tom’s game Happy Family. So when she finds out that something threatens this game for her and millions of others, she’s forced to take a look at how she lives her life.

Germaine was a difficult character to get an understanding of, but I think in view of her childhood that was reasonable. The other characters who also relied on Tom Hannah in some way were actually very amusing - whether they were supposed to be or not, I don’t know, but towards the end of the novel, their antics descended (or ascended!) into slapstick. For various reasons that I won’t go into (I don’t want to spoil it!), this was both sad and funny - there was a healthy dose of black humour throughout really.

I read this on The Pigeonhole, and the other readers had a real mix of opinions: it seems to have been a real ‘marmite’ book. Personally, I loved it. It ticked a lot of boxes for me, first and foremost being it’s quirkiness. There was some gaming talk, but it was relevant to the story and the characters, and I don’t actually think there was that much considering that it was set against the backdrop of the game (and lets face it, I have two teenage sons who are obsessed with the Xbox 🙄).

I really enjoyed this book, and thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising it.
The Diary of a Young Girl
The Diary of a Young Girl
8.2 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Diary of a Young Girl
We have all heard about or read this book. I remember reading it in high-school as a project. And since I never had written a proper book review, I decided to read it again.

I went to the library, and they only had the short Penguin version, with the most important diary entries of Anne Frank. It is only 65 pages. So, I decided to also grab another book – The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank by Willy Lindwer, so I can write a full overview.

This is a diary of a young girl, and she was writing these stories during two years of hiding. Anne Frank and her family are Jews and they live in The Netherlands. After the Germans invade, many people are captured and go to designated camps. A few manage to escape and go into hiding. Anne’s family hides in her father’s office.

If you are reading this diary, without knowing anything about history – this could be a happy story. These diary entries are filled with love and hope, dreams of a young girl, beliefs, opinions, descriptions of her first crush and planning a future.

But this is not a happy story. This girl doesn’t get the chance to grow up. This girl doesn’t get the chance to experience freedom, and live to get to know her grandchildren. This is a sad story of not just Anne Frank, but all these people that have gone through that painful journey.

While this book deserves to be read by every person, and this history needs to keep being told many years after us, I feel the need to make a proper book review.

This is not a well-written book, with a great plot and amazing description. So based on that, this doesn’t stand up to the standards. But this book has a meaning that makes up for all the amateur writing. After all, this was a teenager writing it, without even knowing this will someday be shared with the world.

To all of you that haven’t read it yet – I highly recommend it. If you don’t want to go with the long version, read the short Penguin one, like I did.
Synopsis: For most Americans, the pursuit of happiness really means the pursuit of more--more money, more prestige, more stuff. We've made idols out of innovation, growth, power, and wealth. Far from offering us happiness and satisfaction, this has only left us exhausted, isolated, miserable, and wondering if there is a better way.

There is. Less of More exposes our pursuit of more for what it truly is: an attempt to satisfy our souls with the temporary instead of the eternal. Pastor and writer Chris Nye invites us to consider what a full and abundant life looks like apart from money, status, and power. He exposes the lies inherent in our obsession with growth, fame, and wealth and calls us to a countercultural life marked by connection, obscurity, vulnerability, and generosity.

If you have gained the world but lost your soul, Less of More offers a compelling path toward a life of true, deep, lasting satisfaction with Jesus--not us--at the center of it.

My Thoughts: We live in a world that seems to push bigger is better, more makes us happier, but is that really true? Is that what God really wants for us? In this book author, Chris Nye takes a long hard look at how the world and the culture are forming what we think we need to live our lives. The author asks us to think about what a full life looks like without all the extras in our life; the money, status, and power that individuals seek every day. The author shows us the lies that are in these things, the obsession with having it all, the fame, the bigger churches, instead of seeking what God wants for us in our lives.

This book is an eye opener and a must read for everyone.


 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Confucius&#039; Social Wisom
Confucius' Social Wisom
Pavan Choudary | 2020 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
1.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, well, well… Another 1-star. The first one for 2020. And it had to be a philosophy book.

I remember reading another book by Pavan Choudary and it was called How A Good Person Can Really Win. I remember disliking this book as well, because it was a bit dodgy and click-baity. But together with that one, I also received this book – Confucius’s Social Wisdom.

My history with Confucius
Philosophy and I found our way to each other when I was in high school. Our professor was quite different than any other professors I had, but he taught me a lot of world and moral lessons. Even today, I still remember his lessons now, when I am on a life crossroad and wonder what he would say. I discovered Confucius’s work during those years and it was a huge revelation for me to learn about other culture’s ethics and moral rules and explanations.

I always love sharing opinions and beliefs and Confucius’s works showed me another side of the world that I never thought of. Love others while you exercise self-discipline. How can it be done, and how I can implement this in my life. His works always triggered more questions than answers. And that was the beauty of it.

Why I don’t like this book
I will be completely honest with you. I appreciate everyone’s work and I know that a lot of time and effort has been put into this work. However, I will not praise nor endorse any book that is published and sells on behalf of someone else’s work. And this is what has happened here.

The author has taken the most famous quotes from Confucius and then elaborated them into what he believes they might mean, advising the reader what they should do. I cannot see any wisdom in this book whatsoever. You can get the same information by just grabbing a copy of the original works of Confucius.

I would not recommend this book to anyone. If anything, I would recommend you to avoid it. Stick to the original works of Confucius and form your own conclusions on the meaning behind the words.