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Set the Stars Alight
Set the Stars Alight
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

This is my first book by Amanda Dykes and just wow... It has taken me a few days to really process this book and get my thoughts together on it.

I honestly have no idea where to start with this review. I have never read a book quite like this one. It is full of lyrical words and phrases that set your mind alight with thoughts and pondering's about the deeper thoughts of the world. Then interwoven are two stories about finding the way home from out of the dark. It does not read like your typical dual timeline story. It is two stories so deeply and flawlessly put together that it almost seems like a story inside of a story, rather than two separate stories intermingling. I loved the mystery of it, fitting clues together in my mind and thinking about the meaning behind the words the characters were saying. I really enjoyed this thought-provoking story.

“Nothing is impossible. Just think. Pay attention. Stretch forward. When things seem dark, Lucy, that is when you fight for the light. I think it is the duty to keep the stories, to pass them on. It is our duty- and our honor. In a world as dark as ours, people forget how to see the light. So we remind them by telling the truth, fighting the dark, paying attention...setting the stars alight.”

The characters showed almost a banked set of emotions, letting you see little bits of themselves over time as you got to know them better. I loved their selfless actions, their growth, and their deep pondering's that led to an undercurrent of deeper meaning throughout the whole story.

 Truly a very well-done book of characters with lots of layers, emotions, and mystery. I give it 5 out of 5 stars for the amazingly well-done dual timeline, the historical facts, and mystery, and for making me think deeply about what was happening inside these pages.

*I volunteered to read this story in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
At Love's Command (Hanger's Horsemen, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever read a book by Karen Witemeyer? If not, you are missing out on some of the best fiction books out there. At Love’s Command is the first book in a new 3 (or 4) book series and wowzah what a fun start to the series it book was. Even if you do not like westerns, I can guarantee that you will like this one. Karen Witmeyer has a similar writing style to that of Mary Connealy, and Ronie Kendig.

I think I smiled within the first few pages of At Love’s Command as Karen Witemeyer brought forth her character's fun wit and charm. I loved their believable personalities and their willingness to be strong in their beliefs. Matthew is now one of my favorite male characters ever. He showed humility, leadership, love, and most of all a deep trust in turning to God with any problem that came his way. Dr. Josephine was also a most likable character, I loved her “10-dollar words”, and the verbal sparring she sis with Matthew and others from The Horsemen gang. She was also a strong independent woman, but she was humble and showed wisdom when she knew others had better knowledge of the situation than she did. I will say it again, I LOVED this combination of characters.

The storyline pulled me in right from the very beginning, as I said, I was smiling from some of the interactions within the first few pages. It was so believable, combined with the bits of history thrown in, interwoven with some good action, and the theme of turning to God in every situation made this book so enjoyable for me. I will definitely be reading the rest of the books in this series. <br/>I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, the intriguing storyline (that I am so looking forward to reading more of), and for the characters continually pointing back to God as their source of strength and wisdom. I HIGHLY recommend this book.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
A Gift to Cherish (Road to Refuge #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love the colors used in this cover! They really caught my eye. I do want to let you know that this book is the second book in a series. It can be read as a stand-alone though, as the characters from the previous book are just mentioned in passing.
  I read Victoria Bylin’s first book back when it released and loved her edgy writing style. Victoria Bylin tells real-life stories and she does not shy away from the facts. The main characters in this book were easy to follow and get invested in. I loved their teasing (Flirting) back and forth, it was very sweet. Daisy shows remarkable strength in picking herself up after all that has happened to her and she keeps a very positive outlook on life. Plus, she is brave and ends up learning to trust God fully with the changes that life unexpectedly brings. Rafe is also a character of great strength, and someone I’d like to meet in person. Rafe has a good sense of humor and is honest with himself and others about his struggles. The optima of a tough cookie, Rafe may be tough on the outside but inside he is sweet.
The storyline kind of has a dual timeline in it, vague flashbacks to a different era that was quite interesting. The flashbacks I think, taught some valuable life lessons and were very enhancing to the overall story. Victoria Bylin worked in quite a few realities of life into this book, things like physical abuse, alcohol recovery, loneliness, and dealing with life when things do not go your way. Through it, all Victoria Bylin brought everything back how God is always there for us always no matter what situation we may find ourselves in. I truly appreciated how Victoria Bylin shared the gospel in this book.
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the vivid portrayal of everyday life, the great characters, and the theme of God overcoming all. I recommend picking this book up!
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Perfection in Love
The Perfection in Love
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever just read a book and it felt … right? <i>The Perfection In Love</i> by Ronke Abidoye hit all the right notes for me. It was sweet, sarcastic, and REAL. Did I mention that it is her debut novel? I cannot even begin to imagine how God is going to use her as a writer!

   Oyin and Henry’s story is one unmarried people can smile about and married people will remember with abashed fondness. It is a story about choosing to love every day, remembering that you both want each other to be happy, and that Two are better than One so we need to work together. Ronke Abidoye took this situation one step further and added in the stress of visiting family, old friends, and multicultural relationships. I especially enjoyed her portrayal of Oyin and Henry’s weaknesses they were frank and realistic in their insecurities and while I have never been in a multicultural relationship, I thought that Ronke Abidoye explained the situation very well and brought it down to parents needing to learn love and acceptance; and in Henry’s case learning to give up his insecurities. Because in the end we are all Sons and Daughters of the Most High.

   I also enjoyed the continual turning to pray for answers by Henry and Oyin, it established an early reliance on faith and God to see things through. The pace and tension were done well and kept me unable to put the book down. A truly wonderful story. Plus, I loved the attention to detail through out the book from the tiny hearts to the <i>Yoruba</i> translated words, they were a unique addition that I wish more authors would do. I sincerely enjoyed this story and loved the unique perspective that Ronke Abidoye took. I definitely recommend reading this book if you like Victoria Bylin, or Beth Troy. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
** Visit my IG for more indepth photos of the book! <a href="">TravelersWife4Life</a>;
<i>Oliver the Ornament </i>touched me in ways I cannot even explain. From the feel of the paper to the colorful illustration, to the thoughtful words. This book pulls you in and stays with you long after you have read it. Todd M. Zimmermann did a phenomenal job with the ideas he conveys in this book and I know it will be one I pass down for many generations to come.

   When I first picked up <i>Oliver the Ornament </i> to read, I expected just another book about Christmas. What I got was so much more. Oliver pulled me into his story with his friends and family so much so that by the time I was done I could not stop thinking about my own cherished Christmas ornament memories. The story was easy to read, although more of a 7+ age range in terms of page length, but so engaging and colorful. I loved the page layouts and enjoyed the twists the author/illustrator used to interactively engage with the audience. The themes of always having something positive to say to others, the consequences of bullying, and remembering to hold on to memories no matter how small they may seem combined made this an endearing story. I also am thankful for the author's thoughtfulness in providing a place to write my own ornament stories in the back of the book. But I cannot forget one of the most important interactive aspects of the story, Oliver the ornament himself! He is well made, heavy-duty, and when I look at my tree now, I am reminded that <i>“Every Ornament Tells A Story”</i>.

This is one of my favorite Christmas stories ever as it encourages remembrance, communication between parents and their kids, and the themes of forgiveness, dealing with bullying, and the art of storytelling. I <b>HIGHLY</b> recommend this book for any age to read and enjoy. 5 out of 5 stars.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.