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A Short History of Myth
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For such a short book, I developed quite a strong opinion about the text while reading it. I have been curious about Armstrong's writings for a long time, but this is the first attempt I have made at actually reading anything by her. I have always been a fan of ancient mythology, such as Greek and Egyptian, so this seemed like an easy choice.
In seven chapters, Armstrong takes a simplified stroll through history, focusing on the concept of myth and its impact on civilization. All throughout the book, she attempts to support her claim that a person can believe in myths without believing that the myths are actually true, and that the failure of modern society is by not following her specific edict. While this notion strikes me as absurd, I keep reading because, hey, it's a short book.
While I know only bits and pieces about many of the world's religions, I do know both the history and the holy book of my religion, Christianity. It becomes apparent to me early in the text that she is masking her opinions and interpretations of this religion as actual fact, so I can only imagine how she misconstrues other religions.
Her citations were lacking to me, with many claims going unsupported, others only partially supported, such as citation #84 and #30, and some citations simply not even applying to the specified text, such as citation #87. In citation #55, she claims that the Bible contains a Creation myth in which God brings the world into being by killing a sea monster, but one of the four verses she cites make no reference to anything of the sort (Job 3:12), and the other three (Isaiah 27:1, Job 26:13, Psalm 74:14) that do mention a leviathan cannot be interpreted that way when read in context. Isaiah is describing the end of days, while Job merely says that God created the serpent, and the verse in Psalm is within the context of a song about God rescuing the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery -- no relevancy to Creation. She makes the claim that Paul "was not much interested in Jesus's teachings, which he rarely quotes, or in the events of his earthly life." This claim is easily disproved by examining how Paul's words line up with Jesus's in John 5:21 vs. 1 Corinthians 15:22, Matthew 6:25 vs. Philippians 4:6, and many other passages.
While going through the citations, I got the feeling that the author depended on secondary sources for her information without actually studying the original source of her information. The book struck me as highly opinionated, vague, and too general for the topic being addressed. I have no doubt that there are better and more thorough books available on the topic of myth. I do not believe that I will be reading any more of Armstrong's works in the future.

Becs (244 KP) rated Restorations in Books

May 22, 2019  
Charles Strickler | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rather interesting and intriguing read
I received a copy of Restorations by Charles Strickler to read and review from Smith Publicity. Everything I say is one hundred percent my own opinions.

I'm generally not a fan of Historical Fictions but my attention was gripped by this intriguing novel. Charles Strickler's writing style is very informative and it doesn't have that "boring history" tone to it. It was rather light and flowed like water. You can also tell that Charles Strickler did a ton of research prior to writing Restorations and it honestly shows.

Restorations follows Miles' journey in recovering a 1928 Stutz Black Hawk Boat Tail Roadster he bought from an auction. There is a mysterious aura around the Black Hawk and Miles is set on getting answers. This journey he takes includes a pretty woman, a few near death experiences, the mafia, and surprisingly loads of action. You're not going to want to miss this!!

"Stop living in your father's shadow."

Miles West - the main character who buys the Black Hawk. Nothing overall special that needs to be pointed out about him.
Bramley Ann Fairchild - the auctioneer who sold Miles the car. She ends up helping him figure out the mystery behind the Black Hawk.
Ms. Gardner - basically the mother figure for Miles and she is dead set on trying to get Miles and Bramley together.
Mr. Howe - the lawyer of Carlo Bello. He seems to be absolutely terrified of Bello.
Carlo Bello - a mob leader who will do anything to get what he wants. He's trying to get the Black Hawk from Miles.
Maximilian "Lefty" Webber - the original owner of the Black Hawk that Miles purchased, deceased.
Wil - the repair man.

Reasons why I rated it 4 stars:
1. The plot:
The plot flowed pretty smoothly, minus a few bumps and turns. I did notice a few spots where the plot jumped and there wasn't story/ character development. But overall, it wasn't the worst thing I've read.
2. My enjoyment:
I really enjoyed reading Restorations and would most defiantly reread. I actually sent the review copy I received to a good friend as she is a fan of the mafia and this style of books. (Fingers crossed she enjoys it as well)
3. Character and story development:
There were a few parts where the reader could have used a bit more character and story development/ background, as it lacked. But it really was a great debut novel, especially for it being in Historical Fiction!
4. Grammar and spelling:
Charles Strickler is a great writer and I did not notice any major grammatical or spelling errors. I did find a few that are usually overlooked but they didn't take away from the overall story.
5. The overall story:
I rather enjoyed reading Restorations and would reread. I just wish the parts that seemed to be lacking where able to be added too.

"Accidents happen all the time."
2018 | City Building
I have seen so many people say this game is amazing. So I threw the Collector’s Edition on my wish list for my birthday (in October if you wanted to know) and Christmas. It’s a pricey game, so I understood not receiving it. But then after Christmas I visited my FLGS Games +1 in Davenport, IA, and there it was. Retail version, but dagnabbit, I needed it. So I got it. And played it. Holy smokes was I blown away. Guys, the squishy berries are legit. This is Everdell.

As in all my reviews I am not going to explain the entire game. There are videos for that. There are digital scans of the rulebook for that. I’m going to give you my impressions and opinions on the games I played.

Disclaimer: We are reviewing the vanilla Everdell retail edition. We do not have plans to review the Collector’s Edition, but if we get our paws on a copy, we will update this review with its information. Same goes for the Pearlbrook expansion. -T

So I am going to start off with the negatives: the font on the cards. I understand why they made the font so small – they wanted to highlight as much of the gorgeous art as possible. So everything gets shoved to the sides of the cards and subsequently gets smushed in the process. That makes for a very difficult time trying to read the cards and the abilities and the chaining card names. That certainly put a hamper on Bryan’s experience with the game, and that’s a big big reason he has it at a 3. It’s near unplayable for him for that matter. I told him to put on his big-boy glasses, but, you know, younger brothers and all…

However, the gameplay is where it’s at with this one. The worker placement is excellent, with great choices every turn, even when Laura monopolizes the pebble space. The chaining cards a la 7 Wonders is familiar and they make sense – the Innkeeper goes with the Inn, etc. The gameplay is fluid and after a round or two we all “got it” and the game became quite fun. The components are incredible – even with the retail version we played we got those awesome little squishy berries. The theme is so stinkin cute with all the woodland creatures, and paired with the incredible art and components I was mesmerized. The game did not wear out its welcome, nor was it too quick. It was just right. I will definitely be pulling this one out much much more over the year, and I hope to convince Bryan and Josh that it’s better than their first play.

We at Purple Phoenix Games are all over the place with this one, awarding it a score of 18 / 24.
In Pain and Blood (Spellster #1)
In Pain and Blood (Spellster #1)
Aldrea Alien | 2017 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Pain and Blood (Spellster #1) by Aldrea Alien
In Pain and Blood is the first book in the Spellster series, and has all the hallmarks of everything I enjoy - epic fantasy, m/m, romance, action, and adventure. Dylan has spent his life in 'the Tower' learning how to be a spellster. Magic comes easily to him, but his guardian keeps on telling him to stay safe in the tower, and not to make waves. However, one event shoves him to the forefront, and he sees more of life than he expected. Trying to make his way back to the Tower, he becomes part of a ragtag group and sees life in a completely different way.

This should have been a good book. I really wanted it to be a good book, but it fell short for me on a number of different levels. First of all, it's long. And I mean REALLY long. Now don't get me wrong, I love epic fantasy, and regularly read books of a thick volume. However, for this book, it felt like it needed some serious editing to get some of the monotonous repetition removed. Also, this land is supposed to be under attack, but they manage to completely miss any and every member of either army on their two month trek across the land - which we hear about in great detail. How this book started actually had me going back to check on the blurb as I thought I was reading a completely different book. It does change and become the story the blurb describes, but only after a long start. It is only the two main characters who we really meet, and I wouldn't say I 'know' them very well. Even their companions, who they spend so much time with, aren't really fleshed out. It didn't help when one of the main characters spoke to everyone as 'my dear hunter/my dear warrior/my dear spellster'. I know this was supposed to be one of his quirks, but I got it after the first dozen times. It really didn't need repeating multiple times on every page. The ending, such as it was, is the only thing in the book that felt rushed. Big events happen, something life-changing happens to a supporting character, opinions change, a lifetime's enduring love is pronounced, and it happens at the speed of light.

I struggled to finish this book. It was only my sheer stubborn nature and optimistic belief that it would get better (and if I finished it before it ended, I would never know) that kept me turning the pages to the very end. I am glad I've read it, but I wouldn't recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Louise (64 KP) rated Don't You Cry in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Don't You Cry
Don't You Cry
Mary Kubica | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book that I have read by Mary Kubica and I wasn’t disappointed. I thought I knew how the story was going to pan out and that it would be somewhat predictable, however I was very wrong! This is a mystery/thriller book told from 2 alternating points of view, Quinn and Alex. Our narrators are both young adults and from different parts of the states with very different backgrounds. Whilst Quinn’s flatmate Esther has just vanished in the middle of the night, Alex meets a mysterious girl who he refers to as Pearl. This story has so many twists and turns you don’t know who is good and who is bad at times and when you think you know whats going on, it changes once again. This book is definitely a page turner as I wanted to know what happens to Esther and I needed to know what happens between Pearl and Alex.

Esther Vaughan has vanished in the middle of the night leaving no note or any reason why, her flatmate Quinn is perplexed, has she been such an awful flatmate that Esther had to up and leave, is Esther really sweet and innocent as she makes out to be? When Quinn goes digging for information she starts to uncover clues and things she never knew about her friend.

Alex Gallo is working in a little cafe/diner/restaurant as a dish washer, when an unfamiliar girl enters the shop, he is instantly intrigued by her and plus she is easy on the eyes. He wants to know why she is there, in the town where nothing really happens. He tries to investigate, however he also has his work and errands he does for the local agoraphobic, Ingrid.

There is also a rumour about a local house across the road from Alex that has been neglected and uninhabited. The reason being,…. it’s haunted by a young girl, Genevieve. Genevieve was a troublesome child who picked on the other children in the neighbourhood.

I really enjoyed Mary Kubica’s writing style, it was definitely a page turner,all the characters were well-developed. It is a slow read but you are still gripped reading it and wanting to know more. I only had some minor problems with the book which are personal opinions, 1. Quinn annoyed me a bit as she is so self-centred. 2. when the plot was beginning to unravel I got a little bit confused with what was happening. Apart from that I really enjoyed it and will be definitely looking into her other books that she has published which are ‘Pretty Baby’ and ‘The good girl’

I definitely recommend this book for anyone who enjoys a suspenseful thriller/mystery.

Overall I rated this 4 out of 5 stars

*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

Louise (64 KP) rated Relativity in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Antonia Hayes | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I was asked to join the blog tour for Relativity I jumped at the chance. The blurb really intrigued me and also there is stunning praise on the front cover from three authors that I have read before: Graeme Simsion, S J Watson and Christos Tsiolkas. With such high praise from these authors I knew I had to read it.

Relativity follows Ethan Forsythe, twelve years old and a very clever young man who has a particular obsession with physics and astronomy. Ethan lives with his single mother Claire in Sydney, as he is getting older he is asking more and more questions about his fathers whereabouts which Claire is particularly hesitant about answering and very mysterious much to Ethans annoyance.

When Ethan gets taken ill, secrets start to unfold and the reasons for his current illness are revealed and how it's connected to his past and father.

I had never heard of Relativity until I was asked to do this Blog Tour, I like to go into books knowing as little as possible so I can form my own opinions and not waiting for twists and turns. Relativity took me by surprise,this is what you would classify as family drama/literary fiction and I devoured this book, needing to know what happened, why Ethan was ill? Why his father wasn't around?

I thought the writing style and prose of this book are beautifully written. I also liked the science parts even sometimes when I couldn't get my head around (I am not great at science). You don't have to be great at physics to follow this book but I think Antonia Hayes must have put a lot of research into the topics that were explored within.

The story is told from third person past tense narrative from the perspectives of Ethan, Claire and Mark. The characters are well-developed,complex and three dimensional. Ethan's character was written really well and believable for a twelve-year-old boy, he would say some profound things and had me laughing out loud.

    Mum,want to know something crazy? Statistically, the probability that I exist is basically zero. Did you know you were born with two million eggs?

I could really empathise with Claire, being a parent myself you will do anything to protect your child and what you feel is best for them. Her anxiety that she was experiencing was palpable, what with introducing Mark back into Ethan's life but there were points where I felt she made some bad decisions and should have discussed it more with Ethan.

I liked reading from Marks perspective, especially towards the end when you get more of a back story, though there is parts sprinkled throughout the book about their relationship and extended family.

Relativity is beautiful, realistic and a well researched novel and definitely recommend picking it up. This is a great debut novel and I am excited to see what Hayes does next.
The Army Ranger’s Surprise is part of the At-Ease Ranch series by Donna Michaels, but according to the blurb it can be read as a standalone. I have not read any other titles in this series and I can agree that this read pretty well as a standalone. There is some reference as well as interaction with previous characters and I only felt a little lacking in knowing Leo’s past actions getting him to the point he was currently.

Leo Reed is a restless former soldier dealing with PTSD. With the help of his friends he was finally able to get therapy to deal with his tragic past. He still has trouble feeling worthy enough to fit in and make his friends proud, he has trouble accepting that they don’t need to carry him through life. When he agrees to keep an eye on his grandmother while his Mom is out of town helping his sister, he quickly realizes he has an even better motivation to visit Grams, in the form of neighbor Kaydee Wagner. He is attracted to Kaydee but getting involved means talking about the past and he knows if she ever finds out about his past she would leave him faster than anything.

Kaydee Wagner gave up her home to move with her grandfather into a duplex in the small town of his choosing. She promised her parents she would take good care of him until they could get back home in 2 years, after her father’s time was up in the army. Restless is Kaydee’s middle name, rarely staying in one place very long, but she knows she needs to do this for her family. And having Leo Reed visit his grandmother every week just adds to the appeal. He helped them move into the house and she was enamored from the word Hi. But getting involved means getting out of her comfort zone, could she actually be able to be someone’s girlfriend. She was horrible at it, but for Leo she would give it a good shot. But she can tell he is holding back, can she get him to let go?

Leo and Kaydee both suffer from a restless energy inside them and it will take a lot for them to let go of that feeling and be free to stay together. When they find themselves in an unexpected situation they both realize they need to let that edge go so they both can move forward in life. I enjoyed Grandma Ava and Grandpa Nate as secondary characters. As well as Fiona and all the At-Ease boys and the girls that love them. Even Lula Belle the cow has a good storyline haha. I’m glad I ended up receiving an advance copy of this novel, I will definitely be looking up the other titles to add those to my bookshelf. Any opinions expressed are my own; no expectation for review was ever expressed or required.

Darren (1599 KP) rated 42 (2013) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
42 (2013)
42 (2013)
2013 | Drama
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 42 starts with the history of baseball and how after World War II there was 400 players in the MLB and they were all white, the black players had their own league until 1947 when the number dropped to 399. Branch Rickey (Ford) wants to bring the first black man to the major leagues for the Brooklyn Dodgers against everything the world at the time suggests, that player is Jackie Robinson (Boseman).

Jackie must start in a feeder team and must put aside the segregation issues that is still going through America, Jackie and his wife Rachel (Beharie) must show they have the thick skin to deal with the abuse from the crowd, other players attitude and prejudices going through America to become a trailblazer for the African American Baseball players.


Thoughts on 42


Characters – Looking at the characters we are looking at real people this time and one Jackie Robinson who would stand up for what he believed in while making his name on the baseball field, he becomes the trailblazer given the chance to become the first black major league baseball player defining all the segregation problems going through America. Branch Rickey was a bible loving owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers who wants to make a difference in the game giving Jackie a chance to change the game so he could be owning a victorious team. Rachel is Jackie’s wife that stands by him through the discrimination he experiences.

Performance – Chadwick Boseman is fantastic in this role showing that he was going to be a huge name in the future. Harrison Ford gives us one of his best performances of his elder career that is outside his known franchises, with Nicole Beharie doing well with the character she has to work with.

Story – The story of Jackie Robinson is the stuff of legends on America, the trailblazer for African America baseball players fight on and off the field against the discrimination he faces to become the star of the season. We get to see how the country of America was so far behind the times with their equality that is still happening without being as serious as it once was. This is an important history lesson if you are a fan of baseball, sport and history in general.

Biography/Sports – Jackie Robinson is an icon of the sport of baseball, this shows how he fought off everything to become that icon.

Settings – Each setting shows us the different worlds that Jackie must walk into with different opinions on the difference in race.

Scene of the Movie – The team standing up for Robinson against ben Chapman.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – I don’t understand baseball.

Final Thoughts – When you look at sports biopics you will always see an icon born and this shows just how Jackie Robinson became the legend the game knows and is a must watch.


Overall: Must watch for sports fans.
The Silent Songbird
The Silent Songbird
Melanie Dickerson | 2016 | Children
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story may be a retelling of The Little Mermaid...but there are no sea witches or talking seagulls in this book. What you will find is a beautiful maiden with the voice of an angel.

Eva longs to be free...Free of the restraints that have been cast upon her by her status. Even if it means to work hard as a servant for the rest of her life. When King Richard decrees that she marry Lord Shiveley, Evangeline decides that she must run away or face a life of fear and abuse. In order to avoid detection, she pretends she is mute. But when her secret is revealed will those she has come to care for be able to forgive her? When Westley's life is in danger, yet Eva is the only witness...Will they heed her word? Or has the seed of mistrust been buried too deep?

Throughout her life Evangeline's voice has brought comfort and pleasure to herself and those around her. But she must stifle that gift in order to hide her identity. Throughout the story we see Westley encourage and draw out the voice, her true identity, that she has hidden. He is so gentle and sweet with her. Evangeline eventually learns that faith and trust in God is the strength she must lean on.

My only knowledge of The Little Mermaid is the animated Disney version. But as you compare the stories, there are several parallel characters. I think what I love most about Melanie Dickerson is that she takes the classic childhood fairy tales and creates a world, a story, that is realistic, yet still so full of "magic". There is also the added element of faith that adds a whole new dimension to the story. Set in medieval England, the way of life was much different then. But I so enjoy immersing myself into the time period and Melanie Dickerson's books. To be swept away by the adventure and live alongside the people of Glynval.

There are a few twists in the storyline that prove to be heartbreaking, exciting, and romantic. A quick read, The Silent Songbird will keep you turning the pages until you are finished. Even though this is a part of the Hagenheim Series. I did not recognize any of the characters (I have only read The Golden Braid and The Silent Songbird so far). You can read this book by itself and not have any confusion. This story is for "Young Adults" (I am still young right?), but is also great for adults. I am so thankful to Melanie for writing stories that are clean and faith filled for our teenagers.

I received a free copy of The Silent Songbird. I was not required to write a review and this does not influence my review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you were to ask me right now, what my favorite book of the year is...I would mumble and grunt for a few minutes and then rattle off a list of at least 10 books. But without a doubt, The Thorn Keeper will be at the top of the list.

The Thorn Keeper posses a certain eloquence that enraptures you from the very beginning. I can't count the number of times that I had tears in my eyes as I read (tearing up right now in fact, thinking about the message of this story), or squealed with delight, or wanted to purse whomp someone, and there was one instance that I was in such shock, I literally felt like I was going to hurl. Out of all the books that I have read this year, The Thorn Keeper is the one that touched the depth of my soul in a way that completely turned my world upside down. The romance is so sweet and quite passionate (all clean of course), but that only scratches the surface of the content of the book.

Whether through decisions in our past or reasons unknown to us, sometimes we have been given difficulties that we have to walk through. We would not recommend making those choices and hope that others are spared the pain and suffering we have endured. Yet even though it is hard, we would not be the people we are today if we had not gone through it. God has brought us through the valley...Not so that we can look over our shoulder and long to be back on the other side, but to look forward and press onwards. Do not let your dreams be forgotten along the way. Even if it doesn't seem as if they can or will ever come true. If God has placed a dream in your heart, never let go of it. Whether it is ministry, missions, art, dance, fashion or family.

In conclusion, I would have to say that Pepper Basham's books are among the best I have ever read. Filled with hard lessons and real life, balanced with passion and faith. Only a very talented author can take someone whom I despised in book one, bring them to redemption, and within 36 pages of the book they find a way to worm their way into my heart. Catherine and David's journey of discovering true love is so very tender. When life throws them a curveball, will they rely on their own strength to make it through, or will they trust in the love of the Father to carry them? In order to truly understand and appreciate Catherine and David's history, I highly recommend reading The Thorn Bearer first (which is another favorite of mine).

I purchased a print copy of The Thorn Keeper for my personal enjoyment. I was not required to write a review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.