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What a cute story!!
 Amazing what a little forgiveness and grace can do for us. Jennifer Beckstrand weaved a great story dealing with the subject of an unwed mother who is Amish (Which you don't hear of often, even though I am sure it happens). Armed with a pair of rambunctious twins and an older brother who feels responsible for them this story has no end of mischief and woe. Jennifer Beckstrand gave a good story with quite a few laughs throughout and expressed the reasons for needing to forgive and extend grace rather then shun very well. The only thing I couldn't believe was how a mom could be that slow to catch on (you'll understand when you read it) but it turned out quite well in the end.
 I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars for the creative twins who somehow managed to steal the story.
I volunteered to read this book from Kingston Books (Zebra) in return for my honest feedback, the thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own,
12 Nights of Christmas
12 Nights of Christmas
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Reviewed multiple books from anthology (see below)


Ashley Webbar remembers the exact moment Zane Fletcher stormed in to her life, and her salon. Over the past 6 months she has watched him fall for someone else and wished with everything that it was her that caught his eye. Not that she would ever think he could fall for someone like her. She isn’t worthy, she never has been but maybe the magical love fruitcake knows something she doesn’t.

Zane has been trying to months to let Ashley know how he feels about her. Each time he tries they get interrupted in some way, shape or form. It is now or never, he has to lay it all out on the line. Too bad when he starts she shoves a fruitcake in his face. What??

Can Ashley and Zane finally realize they are falling for each other with or without the fruitcake? Back to Burton in this quick read that is part of a multiple author Christmas anthology. I received an advance copy without any expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. The Meant to be Girl gets 4 stars from this reader.

****Scrooge You by MK Schiller ******

Eva is a total scrooge for Christmas, well not just for Christmas it seems anymore. She works for a small company, owned by the man that has been part of her family as long as she can remember so that should account for something, right? She is restless and looking to move on but also feeling guilty like she is abandoning them. She doesn’t know what else to do. When she gets home and finds her boyfriend has invited more people over for the holiday, then finds an engagement ring hidden in a drawer she freaks out. When Jack leaves, Eva goes to bed and is then visited by the ghosts (Jack) of Christmases past, present and future. Figure in the magical romance fruitcake from Delilah’s Cove and you have a quick, romantic, holiday spirit filled story fitting for the anthology.

I’ve never read anything by this author before and this was a cute, quick read. I voluntarily read a copy of this 3 ½ star story from Booksprout without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
Witch Hunt (The Witch-Game, #2)
K.C. Blake | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC via Clean Teen Publishing Elite Reviewers which I am a member of. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are my own.

Kasi Blake has once again out done herself and I loved reading this book. This well written story line has us tagging along with high school news reporter Starr who has a knack for digging up the truth no matter what the cost. Her latest news report has made her a complete outcast and the majority of her classmates now despise her. Thankfully, she still has her best friend Lily.

Now Starr has set her sights on the Squad which her love interest Dylan is a part of and once she hears that the game of the fox and the hounds is about to start she knows something is definitely up and nothing will get in the way of her learning what the Squad is truly up to. Starr has no idea of the shocking truths she'll uncover along the way.

This stand alone book is a fast paced read and the characters are outstanding. Get ready to get tangled in this author's web.

ClareR (5620 KP) rated Little Fires Everywhere in Books

Jan 14, 2018 (Updated Jan 14, 2018)  
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
The 'human' characters (0 more)
A slow burner
Slow to start, this book drew me in and made it very difficult to put down. It seems to be a story of opposites: the wealthy and the poor, people who live their lives as they have been 'taught' and expected to and those who live a freer life without pandering to the expectations of others. It's about growing up as a teenager, about being a parent. It's hard to judge the characters in the book, they act as they feel they should to benefit themselves, their friends or their family. This book shows you what it is to be human, to make mistakes and to live with the repercussions. I loved it. There were times where I thought I should dislike a character for their actions/ opinions, but the situation was portrayed in such a way that you could understand what they did and why they did it. This is what I really like about the two Celeste Ng books that I've read. She shows the real human side of her characters.
Thanks to Netgalley for my copy of the book to read and review.
The Dark (2018)
The Dark (2018)
2018 | Drama, Fantasy, Horror
After watching the trailer for this, I had really high hopes. However, this turned out to be one of the worst films I have ever seen.

I don’t like writing bad reviews in general, but after sitting through this movie I felt compelled to express my views.

Remember that’s exactly what they are - MY views. I’m sure many others would enjoy this film, it’s just not for me.

For a start, the subject matter sets the story line up to fail, I don’t see how anyone could have achieved what the director was setting out to do.

The two main characters have both been subjected to terrible abuse, however only the female character’s history is fully explained - details of the male character’s abuse is merely hinted at.

I can honestly say that there was absolutely nothing I could find to like in this movie, and I really struggled to sit through it. And, like so many other movies of this genre, the ending was really confusing.

As I have previously stated, these are just my honest opinions - but I would be interested to know what other people think after watching this.

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 26, 2019

Sometimes reviewing bad movies is more fun than than reviewing good movies!


Kaz (232 KP) rated The Hole in Books

Jun 12, 2019  
The Hole
The Hole
Guy Burt | 1993 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Writing, Clever Twists and Turns (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
A Dark and Creepy Read
I'm basing this review on a re-read of this novel. I read this book originally about 7-8 years ago and thought I would re-read it now, to see if or how my opinions changed.

The things that stick out for me with this book, are the description and writing. It's a very well crafted piece of literature, which has realistic and believable characters. This book is not exactly centred on a plot as such, but focuses more on the psychology of the teenagers in the Hole and for that, it does that very well.

The pacing of the novel is really good. The drama and suspense within this novel slowly creeps up on you, as you read through this novel.

On my second reading, I did guess the majority of the twist which happens at the end, so I don't think it had as much impact on me as it did the first time I read this. However, the ending was satisfactory regardless.

If you like a dark read with twists and turns, then I would recommend this novel.
2008 | Medical
Pandemic Review
Pandemic was my first cooperative game. I had always played games where there was one clear winner and the thought of playing a game that we either all win or all lose was intriguing. It’s a blast playing together in co-op games. I have found that this genre is one that I will play any time the opportunity arises. Playing as a team, working together, and dealing with crisis makes co-op games exciting. However, just because a game is co-op doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Luckily for you, Pandemic is a great one.
Pandemic is just a blast to play. With everyone throwing out opinions on what players should do on their turn and trying to decide the best course of action there is plenty of discussion during the game. There is also the potential issue with one person becoming the leader and making the decisions for everyone’s turn, but in my experience, I have found that people have worked together to win the game.

Reviewer: Tyler Nichols
Read the full review here:

Erika Kehlet (21 KP) rated The Lie in Books

Feb 21, 2018  
The Lie
The Lie
C.L. Taylor | 2018 | Thriller
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
"Wow" - my first thought when I finally put the book down. I didn't re-read the description before starting this book and had forgotten what it was about, so I didn't really know what to expect. I think that was a perfect way to read this story - just to go along and let it drag you across the world and back again, into the past and then back to the present, never knowing when the next turn would be. This was truly a hard to put down thriller. I didn't know what was going on or who to trust, and became so caught up in Jane's story that I totally lost track of time while reading it.

This is not an unreliable narrator book, but if you're a fan of thrillers like Gone Girl or the Girl on the Train, I think you'll love this one.

<u>Warning</u> - I know some readers prefer not to read or be surprised by some topics. This novel contains scenes depicting rape and violence against women.

<I>Note: I was provided a free copy in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. </i>
I jumped in at the middle again – this is book #4 in the series, but the first one that I read. Although some characters did share a history, I had no problem figuring out who was who, or how they related to each other, so you don’t have to have read the earlier books to enjoy this one.

Cafe owner Willow, her animal rescuer boyfriend Jackson, and winemaker (and Willow’s ex-boyfriend) Simon are a great team. Each brings a unique set of qualities to the table, and they work well together.When Lily, one of Willow’s employees, is accused of murder as well as a second attempted murder, the police are convinced that there’s no need to look for other suspects. The three friends decide to investigate on their own, both to keep Lily out of jail, and to stop the real killer from finishing the job he started.

Dandelion Dead is a fun read, both for the mystery and the info on edible plants and natural remedies.

<i>NOTE: I was provided with a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.</i>
This first book in the Maggie MacDonald series has Maggie moving to Silicon Valley to start a new life with her husband and two sons in the house that her husband inherited from an aunt. Between finding a body in the basement and a vandal wreaking havoc on their new place, Maggie is having second thoughts. While her husband is away on business for his new job, she throws herself into the renovations to try to make their new house a home for her family. Just when she thinks things are looking up though, a second murder leaves her unsure of who in town she can trust, so she decides to do a little snooping around on her own to get to the bottom of things.

This was a great start to a new series, and a great introduction to a cast of characters I expect to be seeing more of in the near future. I loved that I wasn't sure who would still be around next time until almost the end of the novel!

<I>NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review. All remarks and opinions are my own.</I>