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Elizabeth (1521 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Apr 24, 2019  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not one to give spoilers so I'll just give the overall impression the book made.

The book tells the story of Nick and Amy Dunne through a series of diary entries. Nick's entries chronicle the day his wife disappears, their fifth wedding anniversary, and all the events that follow. Amy's entries begin several years before and paint a picture of her and Nick's life together over the course of their five year marriage.

As I was reading, I could identify a bit with both Nick and Amy. Then things start to get a little dull and predictable. Still able to identify with both characters, I start to like one a little bit more than the other, because that's the opinion the author wants me to have and I fall into the trap of forming cliched opinions of these characters. I'm left with a sense of <i>yeah, we all know where this is going</i>.

But then, it dawns on me; I am only nearing the end of Book One, the halfway point of the book. Clearly, there is something I'm missing because you can't need half a book to detail the outcome of what has obviously happened. So I reach the end of Book One and feel a bit blasé about it. It's a story I've read so many times before, nothing new (same sh%t, different characters).

I start reading Book Two and everything I thought about this book was promptly turned on it's ear. Everything I thought I knew, I quickly learned was not at all what it seemed. I can't remember the last time a book has surprised me so you can imagine by joy at being proven wrong. It was like a slap in the face that made me sit up and pay attention.

The rest of the book takes you on a journey to find out the truth. The truth about who these two people really are and what <i>really</i> happened; not just on that fateful day of Amy's disappearance, but over the course of Amy's life. Everything that played a part in shaping their lives together.

If you are a fan of mystery/thriller, I would highly recommend this book. It is not a typical mystery/thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat, biting your nails even though you know the outcome. What it is, is a good psychological mindf$%k that will prove you don't know as much as you might think you know.
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm Not Your Manic Pixie Dream Girl follows Bea’s attempts to translate her status in high school into a scholarship winning mathematical formula. Simple right? Beatrice, Spencer, and Gabe are not the most popular kids at school – to be honest they’re practically invisible. Most people call Bea “Math Girl” and she wants that to change. She convinces her friends to embrace and exploit a personality trait that fills a void in their school so that they can become popular.

Gabe agrees because he is a writer for the school paper and hopes to be chosen for an internship as a result. He becomes the school’s flamboyant, gay best friend and almost immediately is absorbed into the popular inner-circle. Through his acceptance, Spencer and Bea, now known as Trixie, become known around the school. She must embrace her new personality but doesn’t always make the right decisions.

I personally did not relate to her, despite her love of math and didn’t create a connection. I completely agreed with the opinions of her friends about her behavior. I didn’t find myself being sympathetic to her plight and was frustrated more than anything by her repeated mistakes. She meddles in other people’s business, doesn’t take the high road and even though she accepts her mistakes at the end – it doesn’t feel, to me at least, that she has grown over the course of the novel.

Despite the book being formulaic, it was an enjoyable read – I just wish it wasn’t so predictable. It doesn’t take long to figure out who is going to be the romantic endgame, what friendships will be formed and enemy status established. At the end of it all, you wonder will they realize that it is more important to be true to themselves than to be popular? I think you know what the answer will be.

The book has a fair amount of diversity and representation in it, which is good. I wish each of those various representations was given more detail and thought than being an intermittent descriptive word. It felt more like adding the token LGBTQ+ or ethnically diverse character. We don’t often enough see diversity in books, so it was a little disappointing to me that it so little was done with it.

Overall, I think that it was a quick, contemporary read that young adult/teen readers will enjoy. It is cute, if predictable but the unique aspect of the story of using math to solve life’s problems was quirky and endearing.
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
The Fourth Monkey (4MK Thriller, #1)
J.D. Barker | 2017 | Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
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<a href="">WIN A HARDBACK COPY OF THE BOOK HERE!</a> (UK only)


I had so many opinions running through my head when I was reading this. At first I was excited and intrigued to find out more, then I was slightly reluctant to read it towards the middle (though I think factors outside of the book were influencing my opinion at that point) and then by the end I was super eager to finish it (in a good way) and see where it went.

This is a fast paced thriller that’s going to keep you rooted to your seat. I, unfortunately, had so much to do while reading this book (work and personal life) that I wasn’t able to sit and read huge chunks of it and I think that’s why I got a little slow to reading it towards the middle. If you’re going to read this book, my advice is to free up some of your time so you can bulk read it, otherwise some of the more shocking revelations and continuous fast paced action won’t have it’s desired effect.

The first thing I loved about this novel is the fact that our protagonist is an older man, not some sprightly new thing coming straight out of police school. It was nice to have that less popular character as our “hero”. The second thing I loved was the Diary entries. I (mainly) love books that jump back and forth between past and present so when these skin crawlingly creepy diary entries started, I was pumped! They never let me down, through the entire thing they were disturbing and really added something to the novel.

My only complaint? Well, this was a buddy read with my pal Annie @ The Misstery, and we knew who 4MK was the moment we met them. Kind of a bummer but at the same time it was quite fun to see if we were actually going to be right or not (we were). It was still good fun to find out how everything came together in the end.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel and I’m already excited to see another book in the series will be out next year. The ending lines of the novel are chilling and I can’t wait for them to be followed up!

<i>Thanks to HQ for sending me a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review!</i>
The Silent Patient
The Silent Patient
Alex Michaelides | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.3 (39 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review on my blog:

A book that speaks about feelings, and lack of them. Love and emotions. Art and passion. Psychology and memories. And how our childhood might define who we will become.

I have never felt such urgency to read another chapter as I have felt it with The Silent Patient. Such impatience, such excitement. It’s a feeling I wish I can get with all the books in my life.


Alicia Berenson writes a diary as a release, an outlet – and to prove to her beloved husband that everything is fine. She can’t bear the thought of worrying Gabriel, or causing him pain.

Until, late one evening, Alicia shoots Gabriel five times and then never speaks another word.


Forensic psychotherapist Theo Faber is convinced he can successfully treat Alicia, where all others have failed. Obsessed with investigating her crime, his discoveries suggest Alicia’s silence goes far deeper than he first thought.

And if she speaks, would he want to hear the truth?

I love these types of books. Besides the mystery and thriller, the psychological part was an incredibly well-put together piece of art.

The beginning of the story is nice and slow, but with a temptation in it, that makes you flip the pages so fast. A great world and character building, and great character hopping from Theo to Alicia, from chapter to chapter.

Even though we don’t get to have Alicia talking in the book, she says so much. All her movements, all her reactions, or lack of reaction is so well written. Her lack of speaking doesn’t stop her from moving the story forward, and being the main protagonist here.

On the other hand, we have Theo, who we see and get to know more and more with each chapter. A complicated character, with a cute oddness to himself, a characteristic I find with many psychotherapists. He is the person we see at the front of the screen, presenting himself in the spotlight, together with Alicia.

A well-written plot, with an amazing cliff-hanger and a wonderful plot-twist in the end. I didn’t expect it, and I am awfully satisfied of how the authors decides to conclude the book.

I enjoyed this book so much, and I recommend it to all the psychological thriller book readers here. Don’t miss this one, and get your copy today. It’s so worth it!

Thank you to NetGalley and Orion Publishing Group, for providing me with an e-copy, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and completely unbiased.
Bad Reputation (Bad Bachelors, #2)
Bad Reputation (Bad Bachelors, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bad Reputation by Stefanie London is the first book I’ve read by this author after meeting her briefly at a reader event in June 2018. Bad Reputation is the 2nd book in this series but not having read the first one before diving into this one hasn’t really affected my enjoyment of this novel. The theme of the first 2 books centers around an app called Bad Bachelor, which essentially allows people to rate and review dates online. The first book set the stage for this continuation of story with Wes being the target of reviews online.

Wes is the son of famous dance parents. He has lived in the world of ballet and dance his entire life. He wants to break free of his family name and legacy and start something on his own, he leaves the family business much to the chagrin of his very opinionated mother. He comes up with an idea for an off-off broadway show that will engage the audience right into the middle of the show. Now all he needs are investors and a star dancer for the female lead. With a website posting reviews about his “manhood” threatening to derail any hope of funding he needs to find a way to get his show off the ground.

Remi is an ex ballerina currently living in New York teaching ballet class at her friends studio. She has dream of opening her own studio now that her career in the dance world looks to be over. A chance meeting at one of her parent/kid classes has her reconsidering giving up on her dream. But can she put her past mistakes behind her and not head down the same ruining road of disaster.

I really enjoyed the dynamic of Wes and his mother, his father was pretty much talked about not actually to during this novel. Wes was trying his hardest to show his mother that he can make it on his own, without being a disappointment to the family name, while waiting for her to dish out an “I told you so”.

I wasn’t sure I liked the gossip articles, review blurbs etc that were at the beginning of each new chapter. At the beginning they were very distracting, but as the story went on they really added to and became part of the story. I received an advance copy from the publishers without any expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are solely my own. I can’t wait to read many more books from Stefanie London, starting with Bad Bachelor (Book 1 in this series)
Beauty and the Greek Billionaire
Beauty and the Greek Billionaire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marianna is crossing things off her bucket list and one of those things is to lose her virginity finally. While in Greece with her brother she thinks now is the perfect time to explore the possibility. She makes up a fake name and goes in search of a one night stand. Never would she imagine her ideal man would be a purse snatcher (of sorts).

Nico has his eye on the beautiful sister of the man trying to lure him into investing in his company. She was leaving the café with her brother when a purse thief grabbed at her bag. Nico leaned in to help and got a nose full of her fist, in the scuffle she realized she had struck the wrong man and invited him for drinks. Introducing herself in a different name than he’d known her by he wondered what her game was. Did her brother send her in to spy on him?

Marianna has no idea Nico knows exactly who she is but she sleeps with him all the same. When he kicks her out of his house at the end of a beautiful day she is more confused than ever. She goes back to Australia broken but not beaten until about 2 months later when she fails a test.

Nico doesn’t let anyone in, not into his life, heart or house and yet somehow Marianna got into all 3 quickly. He feels bad for sending her away and when she returns he thinks it is a sign to try and make it work for the sake of parenting anyway. He is a jerk, cold, stubborn and rude but he takes care of what he feels he should without question.

Marianna and Nico struggle through getting to know one another while trying to make their brief relationship look lengthy. Nico does not bend to the give and take relationships take however and fights every step forward Marianna tries to take. In the end she leaves him because he doesn’t trust her. Nico has to make the ultimate choice of what means more to him, Marianna and his future or the past and their mistakes.

I enjoyed the traveling porcelain cat and what it symbolized. I received a copy without expectation for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. While this didn't grab me fully, I still enjoyed the bones of the story. 3 3/4 stars for this read.
The Apothecary's Daughter
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Although it has been a couple years since I read this one, I am still very fond of it and have determined that I need to reread it SOON! Hopefully I can find the time before too long.

(Original review published on Bookworm Mama 11/2014.)
The Apothecary’s Daughter is a wonderful story beginning in 1810, England. Within the pages you will find heartbreak and romance, hope and despair, sorrow and joy. But above all...Faith.

Lillian (Lilly) Haswell is the daughter of the village apothecary in Wiltshire, England. She longs for adventure and a life outside of her father’s shop. Her mother left when she was younger and Lilly dreams of the adventures she might be having and longs to follow after her. Yet she is devoted to her father and her brother, Charlie. When Lilly is whisked away to London by her Aunt and Uncle Elliot, she believes all of her dreams are about to come true. Balls, admirers, the chance to marry a wealthy man and settle in London, but also the chance to look for her mother. Following a sad series of events, she has to return home to help her father run his shop, or risk having it closed. One of her admirers follows her home, but finds that he is not the only one interested in Miss Haswell.

While women were allowed to assist and work in apothecary shops, they were forbidden from diagnosing and prescribing treatments. It is not long before she has to cross the line of the law. Will grace and mercy be shown? Or will this be the end of Haswell’s once and for all? Along her journey Lilly loses herself, but in the end finds who she is and what she truly longs for in life. Throughout her trials and struggles she learns how to depend on the Lord for strength and wisdom.

Julie Klassen's novels are long and full of detail and she draws me in until I am completely obsessed with the story! I really enjoyed learning about the different herbs and their uses, apothecary. I found it all quite fascinating. I adore historical fiction, especially set in England. I was able to truly taste life in the early 1800s through this book. In a lot of ways I could relate to Lilly as well. I have left “home” twice in my life, living adventurously. But my heart was never at peace until I returned.

I borrowed The Apothecary's Daughter from my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jen Turano's books are on my to be read list...before I even know she has started writing a new book. Not only is she a fabulous author, but she is an even more fabulous woman.

Out of the Ordinary was placed at the very tippy top of my list for one very important reason...Harrison Sinclair! &#x1f60d; Gertrude is one lucky lady! No doubt about that. Between his handsome face,, his caring and compassionate heart....Oh! and he is wealthy...Harrison is simply a dreamboat if there ever was one. Gertrude has definitely not had an easy life. From losing her family to working for Mrs. Davenport...It has been one thing after. Mrs. Davenport is, eccentric to say the least, but when you find out a little more of her history, your heart will shift in her favor.

Several times the words jumped right off the page and embedded themselves into my heart. "God doesn't expect His children to live ordinary lives, but extraordinary ones." I never want to settle for the way things "should" be. Why not make life an adventure? Why not step out in faith and follow God's leading on a new (maybe even difficult) path! Trusting in Him to guide and care for us. And when things get bleak in our lives...Do we wall God off? Question His motives? I know I have asked "Why?" too many times to count. But I am learning, that even if we never know the "Why" behind the circumstances we are given, that God will be by our side through every moment. And that along the way, there will be people whose lives are changed for the better because we were put in their lives.

If you enjoy a book that will make you laugh, cry, swoon, and want to set sail on Treasure Island reference)...Then Out of the Ordinary is for YOU! (This is book 2 of a series, but CAN stand alone.) Harrison will sweep you off your feet (and Gertrude will probably push you overboard for it) and take you on a wild adventure filled with humour, mystery, escapades, jewel heists, the Ticklish Water Polka, and you are sure to devour this story in no time.

I received a complimentary copy of Out of the Ordinary from the Publishers through this Celebrate Lit Tour. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can I give this 10 stars??? Seriously though, probably my favorite book I have read all year. Newton & Polly is such a powerful and beautiful story of love and redemption. Of God's forgiveness and his grace. No matter what we have done, no matter where we go, the decisions we make, God's grace is enough. His love is enough. His forgiveness is enough. All of us are sinners. All of us are in need of God's grace. All of us fall short of perfection. We can not earn his love or forgiveness. He gives it freely. All we have to do is open our heart to it and receive it. We are human though, and we will continue to make mistakes, but it is important that we keep our eyes focused on the Lord, on his goodness and grace.

Newton and Polly's story is one that I was unfamiliar with. I knew John had lived quite the life prior to converting, but I had no idea the impact that Polly had on him. True to Jody's fashion, most of the events in this novel are based on fact. Of course there is a bit of creative liberties, but it is fiction. Overall I feel that she portrayed their story of romance and redemption magnificently. She portrays John's deep adoration and love in a way that is breathtakingly beautiful and precious. Newton's story brings a whole new meaning to the words of his song...He was a wretch...BUT GOD...God's grace led him home.

I was moved to tears multiple times while reading this book, and again while creating the graphics, and again when I watched a video of the song, and again while writing this review. The presence of God is all over this book. I could go on for hours about the incredible story within the covers of this book...But I urge you to read it for yourself. If you can't purchase it, request it from your public library. Borrow it from a friend that owns it...Get this book in your hands! If you only read one book this year...Let it be Newton & Polly. You will not regret it. And I pray that as you read Newton and Polly's story you let God's love surround you and let his grace move through you and cleanse your soul.

I received a free copy of Newton & Polly from Waterbrook & Multnomah Publishing in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
How much is Lady Georgina willing to risk to protect her secret? Will she be able to keep up her façade long enough to land a titled husband who will protect her at all costs? First things first...I have NEVER read a book quite like this. And I LOVE it!!! The storyline overlaps A Noble Masquerade from both Lady Georgina's and Colin McCrae's perspective. Giving us a whole new level to the story. Simply brilliant. (Kristi, I am happy you were able to retain a bit of sanity while writing it, the result is beautiful!!!) We revisit several scenes and now I want to go back and reread the original scenes in A Noble Masquerade. Kristi weaves the story together so beautifully. Both intriguing and refreshing, there is not a dull moment between the covers of this book. Lady Georgina's character definitely lives up to the expectations presented to us in both the novella and the first book of the series. I fully expected her to be self-centered and snobbish and that is how she begins. However, her secret (and no, I'm not telling you what it is) adds a new dimension to her character that produced compassion in me, for her (yes I am shocked myself). Her journey and growth is astonishing to behold. And I can say that I am truly proud of the person that she becomes. And can I just say, "Lord bless Colin McCrae." Annie over on Just Commonly has already called dibs on Colin, which is fine with me. But he is one of the most charming and by far a favorite hero of mine. His growing admiration of Georgina was thrilling to see unfold before my eyes, and closely mirrored my own feelings about her. Faith and self acceptance play a big role in this book. Not only being ok with who you are and how God created you, but thriving in that knowledge that God accepts us for who we are. It is truly important to realise how valued we are, not just by God, but our friends and family as well. And above all, there is nothing too great to keep the Father's love from us. I am even more excited now for Trent's story in An Uncommon Courtship scheduled to come out in January 2017.

I received a free copy of An Elegant Façade from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.