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The Lighthouse Witches
The Lighthouse Witches
CJ Cooke | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Liv Stay rents a Scottish lighthouse on the island Lion Haven, despite the fact that it carries a decidedly spooky reputation involving witch hunts and islanders who have disappeared. She doesn’t believe in these things, and only wants a home for herself and her three daughters. But soon, only one daughter will remain: Luna’s mother and two sisters will have disappeared without a trace.
And then one day, twenty years later, someone resembling Luna’s sister turns up - and she hasn’t aged a day.

This is an eerie, unsettling story, packed with history, ancient beliefs and paranoia.

There are three timelines: the 17th century explains the origins of the witches and their slaughter; 1998 where Liv comes to live on the island with her daughters; and the present day, when Luna returns to the island as an adult. These timelines are expertly woven together, and they explain what has happened in the past to form the opinions of the future.

I couldn’t put this down! The more ominous and creepy it became, the more I wanted to listen to it. You certainly won’t want to be visiting caves or lighthouses anytime soon after reading this!
Twisted Roots (After the Storm#2) (The Eye of the Storm)
Twisted Roots (After the Storm#2) (The Eye of the Storm)
Dianna Hardy | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was very excited to dive back into Dianna Hardy’s world of werewolves from The Eye of the Storm series. This novelette “Twisted Roots” gives one of the three main male characters, Taylor, a chance to reconcile what happened to him on the night that his world changed forever. He feels that he’s missing something from that night - something he can’t quite put his finger on.

These novelettes (this is the second, and there’s more to come) are for those who have already read The Eye of the Storm series, and they add just an extra special something to the story. If you like werewolves, I’d highly recommend the series. I loved them - pure escapism. And we all need a bit of that sometimes! I’m just glad that Dianna Hardy is writing again, and excited for the two worlds of The Eye of the Storm and The Witching Pen to combine in a novel planned for the future - I'm just going to have to wait!

My opinions are my own (as anyone who knows me will fully agree with!) and many thanks to Dianna Hardy for sending me an ARC to read and honestly review.
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty (2013)
2013 | Action, Comedy, Drama
7.9 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The panoramas (3 more)
The soundtrack
The movie's tone and message
The humour
My Antidepressant movie.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I rated this movie as a ten not because I am a Ben stiller fan per se but because of this movie's message and how I identify with the lead character.
Whilst most people will mark this movie lower, they are not wrong in their opinions, for many it may not seem anything special as such.

However I always watch this film whenever I am feeling low or life feels a bit much, because to me, it portrays that its never too late to achieve your dreams and start your adventure.

The film itself opens to an introduction of Walter (Ben stiller), an employee of Life magazine whose job has very much taken over his life, it shows his passion for his work and how he wishes very much, to be more like the adventurous photographer he chronicles. Walter is ridiculed and undermined by his work colleagues for his "spaced out" episodes where he dreams of what he would do or achieve if he were braver, smarter, more confident etc, like an alter ego of sorts.

Walter is then faced with a choice to accept failure and ridicule when he loses a negative in his care or embrace the unknown and not forsake his pride in a journey to hunt down its original owner.
Throughout the film you follow Walter in his quest to search for the missing negative and also his journey on the path of becoming the man he always hoped he would be as a teenager.
Along the way, stunning vistas and scenery set the scene and the humour keeps it from being boring.
Sure the film is a little fanciful but anyone with a good imagination and an element of Walter in them will appreciate it.

My favourite scene is when he is nearly attacked by a shark.."okay. That is not a porpoise" cracks me up every time.

I know a lot of people will mark this film lower and they wont be wrong in their opinions, it doesnt really contain many special effects, it does have a really awkward romance (but lets face it, reality is full of those moments you wish you had been more charming and less of a babbling idiot) and the storyline is a bit far fetched.

However I find it fun, uplifting, charming in its own way and enjoy the travel aspect of it.
Everealm (Everealm, #1)
Everealm (Everealm, #1)
J.D. Wright | 2014 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book when I signed up to host the review tour via YA Bound Book Tours. I made no guarantee of a favorable review and the opinions expressed here are my own.

Before I begin let me say that I found the cover of this book to be pleasing to the eye.

Now, if you love reading books about royalty and their drama filled lives then you will definitely want to read this and if you also enjoy romance, then know that you have hit the jackpot. The story line kept me glued to every turn of the page and the author's world building creativity made me feel like I was there experiencing it all. Instead of telling you who my favorite characters are I will tell you which characters I hated with every fiber of my being; Vacilla and Silas as they truly made life a living hell for the people around them.

I found the characters to be well written and I loved reading this book. This book contains just the right amount of romance, drama and adventure. I will definitely be reading the second book. Kudos to J.D. Wright for a fantastically written fantasy.

Book Divas (227 KP) rated Fjord Blue in Books

Dec 12, 2017  
Fjord Blue
Fjord Blue
Nina Rossing | 2016 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an eARC via NetGalley and made no guarantee of a favorable review. The opinions expressed here are unbiased and my own.

I've never read anything written by this author so I picked this book based on the description. I'm happy that I was able to read it as I found it to be a beautifully written story.

Benjamin is sent to Norway to work on his grandparents’ farm after some reckless behavior gets him into trouble. He's a young man dealing with his sexuality as no one knows that he is gay. Once he gets settled in and begins working side by side with Even who is employed by Benjamin's grandfather he starts falling into a routine while secretly fantasizing about this gorgeous eye candy. Unbeknownst to Benjamin, Even has his own secrets and demons. The characters are strong and believable. The use of Spanish and Norwegian words in this story line were excellent and it was a well-rounded read.

I found myself laughing and at times crying but most of all I loved the emphasizes on family and even though they aren't always perfect or always accepting, they are truly an important part of our lives. My only gripe is that the cover should be more appealing.
The Pigeonhole
The Pigeonhole
8.0 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Exciting new books (4 more)
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Some older, more established authors
Read with other people
Read along with the author!
Sometimes you have to wait for 24 hours to read the next ‘stave’ in a book that you’d otherwise read in one sitting! (0 more)
A book club in your pocket - I love this app!!
I’m a huge fan of this app. I’ve read loads of great books on it (and I’ll admit that I’ve read a few that I didn’t enjoy, but them’s the breaks sometimes!). You choose a book, and it’s then serialised into 10-12 parts for that many days.
You’re also able to highlight and comment on parts of the book that interest you, and other readers who are reading along with you, can comment on those parts as well! It’s a real group experience. Like a book club in your pocket!
The really interesting part for me, is the opportunity to read an authors book along with them! You can ask them questions about their motivations, where the ideas come from - pretty much anything (about the book, obviously!) really.
It’s a free app, the books are free too - I think the ‘payment’ are your opinions and comments. I can’t recommend this app enough!
Dr. Fell and the Playground of Doom
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
At first the new playground Dr Fell builds in the neighborhood seems innocuous enough. As more and more kids come to play, however, Jerry, Nancy, and Gail realize that it is anything but, and it’s up to the 3 of them to figure out what is going on, and to stop whatever it is that their new neighbor is up to. Ahh, such a nice man is Dr. Fell.

What a smart, macabre story! The protagonists are a group of clever grade school kids, but not so clever as to seem unrealistic. Dr. Fell himself felt to me like a character from an Edward Gorey illustration inserted into a Goosebumps book. Evil or not, I loved him and his old-fashioned, over-the-top form of speech. While the book is aimed at kids around my daughters’ ages, I really enjoyed it myself! I hope we’ll be seeing lots more from David Neilsen.

If you'd like to read my interview with the author, visit <a href="">my blog.

<i>NOTE: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review. All comments and opinions are my own.</i>
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging
Afua Hirsch | 2017 | History & Politics, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
An important and necessary conversation
There is a wealth of insight crammed into this book about race and identity in Britain, describing how important it is to have a cohesive self by accepting that you may have other identities alongside being a UK citizen.

What hinders this process is the apparent racism that plagues British society, from being 'colour-blind' and thus ignoring the issue, to the awkward and troubled relationship with Britain's history and its origins. The author, Afua Hirsch, also discovers her own Ghanaian roots throughout her journey of self-awareness, making this book both a memoir and social commentary. Hirsch checks her privilege immediately, which makes a refreshing change.

While I can completely relate to her opinions on the racist structures in place and the microagressions that have become normalised, the historical and anthropological elements were the most fascinating parts for me. Learning about the racist views upheld by leading western thinkers such as Immanuel Kant and David Huhne, as well as how the 1919 race riots ensued over the perception of 'white cleansing' was deeply concerning.

Hirsch's call for change on Britain's selective amnesia is not new but it has a contemporary angle following the country's move to leave the EU. Incredibly engaging.
Annihilation (2018)
Annihilation (2018)
2018 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Heavy sci-fi greatness!
Let me start by saying I love movies love 2001: A Space Odyssey, Memento, Under the Skin, even The Holy Mountain or The Fountain. In other words, movies that are nonlinear, vague, ambiguous or maybe lack a large amount of point.

That being said, based on reviews and some I had read I had kind of expected this to be a crossbreed of The Mist and Aliens and it was kind of that, but so much more.

I love "heavy" sci-fi like Solaris, 2001, Interstellar, movies that make you think and just aren't about explosions and CGI. This movie does have exceptional visuals and the music score is amazing, but the story and ideas here are very compelling and not something you see in most movies made nowadays.

I am not putting down those who disliked the film, I love a great movie debate and respect others' opinions. I just thought this movie is exceptionally unique and striking both visually and emotionally.

I was really invested in the story and couldn't wait to see how it turned out.

If you love movies that are out there, give this one a shot.

Show all 4 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Jul 2, 2018

Well, I love both of those movies so you've definitely sold it to me!


Andy K (10821 KP) Jul 2, 2018

Cool. Let me know what you think once you've finished it.

Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology
Troublemaker: Surviving Hollywood and Scientology
Leah Remini | 2015 | Biography, Religion
8.3 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fascinating book filled with drama, hope, and a lot of cursing
Wow, just wow. I've been wanting to read Troublemaker ever since I heard of it. I've liked Leah Remini as an actress and I've always been curious about Scientology. The only thing I knew about it was that Tom Cruise was a Scientologist and that a bunch of Hollywood people were too.

This book is quite interesting and the audiobook was extremely well done. I enjoyed listening to Leah Remini tell her story and it was fascinating to listen to all of the hardships she has undergone. This book is centered around Scientology because Leah Remini grew up in the cult. I honestly loved hearing her tell her story and it is extremely brave of her to come forward with her story.

One thing that has set this book apart is how much of Leah Remini's personality is in it. It made me laugh, look on in horror, and want to cry at times. Remini really doesn't hold back her opinions yet at the same time this book comes off fairly humble. It's a fascinating book filled with drama, hope, and a lot of cursing. It's definitely worth a read/listen.