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Connilyn Cossette continues to bring a refreshing voice to Biblical Fiction. Expanding the horizons and bringing us thrilling and captivating stories to satisfy this nerd girl's heart.

I absolutely love discovering what life was like in ancient times. Cossette brings the lives of these people and their cultures to life in ways that will astound you. Sofea grew up in an isolated culture. Throughout this story, she is on a journey to learn who this God of the Hebrews is. His gentleness, His kindness, His love for His children. Eitan is a swoony hero in all his long-haired, bearded manliness...A protector and a fighter. Don't you dare come between him and those he loves...You will regret it. I loved watching their romance unfold. With two cultures clashing, you can imagine that it wasn't all smooth. But the results were definitely worth it.

I highly recommend Connilynn's stories (yes, all of them). She opens the history books for us in a way that is unique and compelling. I can not get enough of her stories, and neither will you!

I received a complimentary copy of Shelter of the Most High from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The House on Foster Hill
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just the right amount of suspense, mystery, romance, and satisfy the bookish mind!

I am not typically a "suspense" reader (and DEFINITELY not a suspense movie type of person at all). But when word about this book started circulating around the bookish world last year...I just knew I HAD to read it!!! I mean just look at that cover...It screams "YOU MUST READ ME! You MUST discover the secrets that I hold within these pages!"

Be prepared for a lot of emotions that will be brought to the surface while reading The House on Foster Hill. Jaime addresses some very difficult topics in this book. And I am SO glad she does. It is not easy to read about, but the TRUTH must be shared. The secrets, the pain, the shame, must all be brought forward for healing, restoration, and freedom.

With a dual timeline, the author alternates between the present and the past with flawless accuracy. Secrets and shame hide behind the walls of Foster Hill House. What will be revealed? And what will be lost to history forever?

I received a complimentary copy of The House on Foster Hill. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Refuge Assured
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First...WHY has it taken me so long to read one of Jocelyn's books? Incredible...Simply incredible.

The choice of setting for this story is one that I am not very familiar with at all. It was refreshing and captivating to learn about the time in America during the French Revolution. SO.MUCH.HISTORY. is packed into this book. It totally satisfied my nerd girl heart. But packed snugly in between all the history, you will find a story of identity, love, acceptance...

Vivienne has fled everything she had ever known for her safety. Her life is in shambles, but she is determined to move forward and succeed in life. Liam is torn in multiple directions. But his heart for truth, justice, and Vivienne and Henri will make your heart melt instantaneously.

I encourage everyone to get their hands on this book! You will be swept into the story and learn so much. You will also get to see a very practical application of our Father's love for us and finding our identity in Him.

I received a complimentary copy of A Refuge Assured from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Making Waves (Lake Manawa Summers, #1)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Set in 1895 on the shores of Lake Manawa, Marguerite Westing has a summer she will never forget.

Her beau, Roger Gordon, is not just the boring, uninteresting man she thought he was. And her loving and caring father has a secret as well that could destroy his family. In a time when women were practically forbidden to sail...Marguerite falls in love with sailing...and the sailing instructor Trip Andrews. Her fiery spirit gets her into trouble on more than one occasion. And she has a tendency for making waves wherever she goes.

A difficult choice lays before her, will she give up all of her hopes and dreams to save her family? Or will she follow her heart and put her trust in the Lord to work things out.

This book is a very easy quick read. Has some surprises and twists. I enjoy the use of scripture, as well as the lessons of trusting the Lord. I enjoy the time period and the fact that Marguerite tends to go against the flow of what is normal and expected for women in this era.

I found Making Waves at my library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Always Watching (Elite Guardians, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can I just say...Listening to this was creepier than if I had read it...Especially when I was in the car, alone, at the middle of no where....Maybe not one of my smartest ideas.

That being said...this was a great story. Interesting characters, intense story line, and a healthy dose of creepy-stalkerness. Heart pounding scenes, swoon worthy kisses, and the leading woman is totally my hero! Olivia is a member of a team of body guards. And all the women on the team are incredible. I can't wait to read the rest of their stories now. Olivia's past has things that haunt her, that have changed her, shaped her into the protective, intelligent, woman that she is. I loved watching her grapple with her faith, her feelings for Wade, and letting God heal the broken areas of her life.

If you are looking for a different and unique book, this should hit the mark for you! And don't forget to check out the rest of the series.

I borrowed the audio version of this book from my local library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Choosing (Seer, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am finding it difficult to write a review without giving too much of the story away! This book is filled with so many aspects that left my mind reeling, my heart aching, and my stomach churning. But through it all, the message is clear. The Father has chosen us, chosen me. I am beautiful, I have worth. There is freedom in the truth.

With multiple viewpoints and storylines to follow, this book is intense and pretty heavy at times. But LIFE and TRUTH bleed through in even the most dreadful moments. Rachelle has created a brilliant dystopian world with intriguing characters. Reading this book kept me up late and had me biting my nails. I even had a dream or two about the story. It gets inside your head for sure! Watching Carrington develop and grow and become a seer of truth was beautiful.

The Choosing is the first book of a series and definitely leaves you wanting more. However, it does end with a fairly satisfying conclusion...for now. I enjoyed Rachelle Dekker's debut novel and look forward to continuing this series.

I received The Choosing as a gift. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Unbreakable (Unblemished #3)
Sara Ella | 2018
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***Please be aware this is the third book of the Unblemished Trilogy. I have done my best to keep this review spoiler free. Not an easy feat, let me tell you.***

Oh, be still my heart! What a rollercoaster this series is. I wonder if the author knew what the outcome was going to be when she started this series...Or did the characters surprise her just as much as they did me? Haha!

Eliyana Ember has grown so much. And in Unbreakable she has to face even bigger obstacles. Get ready for a whirlwind of events as you hold your breath with every turn of the page! As you travel from Reflection to Reflection with Ky, Joshua, El (or Em), and Ebony, you will lose yourself in the world that Sara Ella has created.

Even though my heart aches that this series has come to a close...I look forward to visiting these stories again soon. And...Sara's NEW book, Coral, will be releasing next year!

A fabulous creation of words, Unbreakable, is a must-read!

I received a complimentary copy of Unbreakable from the publishers as part of the publicity tour with JustRead. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Sea Before Us (Sunrise at Normandy, #1)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
No matter how many books I read (Fiction and Non Fiction), there is always an aspect of WWII that I have yet to discover. The Sea Before Us is the perfect example. While I KNEW the Navy was heavily involved in D-Day, I have never thought about them doing much more than ferrying the men across the channel to Normandy. Sarah Sundin approaches D-Day from a new perspective.

It was fascinating and intense to read about this historic invasion of WWII form the sea. I stayed up waaaaay too late and at one point had to put the book down because my eyes would NOT stay open any longer...RIGHT in the middle of D-Day! I told the husband, "You KNOW I am tired when I put a book down in the middle of D-Day!"

If you have read any of Sarah's novels, you know that her research, quality, and characters are exceptional! You won't want to miss out on this brand new series centered around D-Day.

I received a complimentary copy of The Sea Before Us from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Bridge Across the Ocean
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Susan Meissner has a beautiful style of storytelling. I simply adore her use of dual timelines. Her books are set in such unique settings that are gripping and engaging. However, this particular book wasn't for me. I will tell you upfront that I was unable to finish this book. I read far enough to know that I still think Susan is an incredible author, but there were aspects to this story that I just couldn't handle. Namely, there are ghosts. I do not consider this a spoiler, because you find out on the first page. However, it is not listed in the description very well. They talk about the ship being haunted, but not that the main character actually sees ghosts and talks with them. I tried picking it up a few times, but every time left me disappointed and quite frankly, creeped out. I don't do creepy. If you do enjoy stories with supernatural aspects like ghosts, I am sure you will enjoy this book immensely. I look forward to reading more books by Susan Meissner in the future.

I received a complimentary copy of A Bridge Across the Ocean from the publishers through NetGalley. This is my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
King in Waiting (Lord Edward’s Archer series Book 2)
King in Waiting (Lord Edward’s Archer series Book 2)
Griff Hosker | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
King in Waiting was an enjoyable, action packed, history filled novel, about Gerald War Bow and his part in the battles to free Henry III from Simon de Montfort in 1264.

Gerald is from a poor family, and King Henry is quite clear about his opinions of Archers - they’re disposable and unimportant. Luckily, his son and heir, Lord Edward, is not of the same opinion. He values Gerald War Bow, and sees his worth. Even though he’s young, he has loads of experience and his men are loyal to him.

This book gives the reader a real feel for the time. There’s a lot of historical detail, from how battles are run, to travelling and living in medieval England. I’ve finished the book feeling as though I now know more about this period in history, and how difficult it is to draw back and let fly an arrow from a longbow (serious strength is needed!). How the nobility could have seen so little value in these men is a mystery to me. Their skill is described so well.

So, if you enjoy historical fiction and a lot of action in battle, then this is the book for you - I really enjoyed it.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and the author for reading along with us!