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Courageous (Valiant Hearts, #3)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved the first two books in the Valiant Hearts Series. Exciting and engaging. However, the final book in the series fell very short of my expectations. It was fun to revisit characters from the first two books, I love how the storylines cross over. The epilogue provided a satisfying conclusion to the series. But Courageous just could not hold my attention. The first half of the book is very slow and lacking in action. There was some discrepancy regarding dates in the beginning of the book, it may just have been a typo, but it made things very confusing for a bit. I enjoyed Randel and Rosalind's characters and their journey of growth, healing and courage. I highly recommend the first two books in the series: Dauntless and Chivalrous. You may enjoy Courageous more than I did, it just wasn't for me. Keep in mind that it has a very different feel and approach. I recommend reading this series in order. There are characters and circumstances that I don't believe can be fully appreciated unless you read the first books first.
I received a free copy of Courageous from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

My Rating
★★☆☆☆ - She is tolerable I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me.
I have always loved the way Melanie Dickerson can take a fairy tale and weave in scripture and faith seamlessly. Our leading characters in The Noble Servant are faced with so many trials. But through the hard things they face, they allow God to change their hearts. To mold them into a better person. And if it wasn't for their worlds falling to pieces around them. It is possible that their paths would not have led them to each other.

In the midst of chaos it can be hard to see God's blessings. To put your trust in God when your world falls apart can be easier said than done. Yet time after time (at least for me personally) He always has a way of making something beautiful blossom from the ashes of what once was.

This book has adventure, deceit, romance, betrayal, and a twist on The Goose Girl that is sure to captivate you. I love the friendship that Steffan and Magdalen build. Trust, honor, truth, "Chivalrous to the core." As they both undergo a transformation set in motion by their circumstances, their relationship grows and their trust in God's plan does too.

I received a complimentary copy of The Noble Servant through NetGalley.I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Love Letter
The Love Letter
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why oh why have I not gotten my hands on one of Rachel Hauck's books before? I am so glad I chose The Love Letter as my first one.

Woven with words that intoxicate the soul, Hauck brings us a story of pure beauty. Heartache and passion drive Chloe. She longs to change the way that people see her. But it may be a harder task than she first imagined. The connections through history were so cleverly created. Time-slip novels have become my favorite. With each page you are longing to discover the connection between the two timelines. And when the realization finally hits, it's a glorious moment to behold. Jesse is such a wonderful hero. Handsome, flawed, talented, and bit of a history nut. Traveling back to the American Revolutionary War, we meet Hamilton and Esther. Oh my goodness. Their story is one you really must discover for yourself.

With the heart of the story coming back to Christ and Love, readers will fall in love with the settings (in both eras), the characters, and the passion. The depth and characterization found on the pages of this book will move you and speak to the heart.

I received a complimentary copy of The Love Letter from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Amish Quilts Coloring Book
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had so much fun creating my own Amish "quilt" through coloring. I think this is as close to making a real quilt as I will ever get. Sewing and I don't get along so well. Which is why this book is perfect for me! The patterns and details satisfy my OCD side, while my imagination with color satisfies the creativity. Some of the spaces are quite tiny, but it worked well for me. I use colored pencils and have a great sharpener on hand at all times. Coloring is such a great outlet for relaxing. I like to put music on (usually Lindsey Stirling) and let my inner artist emerge and let my personality bleed onto the page. At the top of each page is an Amish Proverb. The one on the page I colored has been so good for me this week. We have had a rough week here, but miracles have been in the making nonetheless!
"Difficulty is the first stage of a miracle."
~Amish Proverb

Overall, this book is a great idea! A wonderful way to bring to life a piece of the culture that we love to read about.

I received two pages from this coloring book to color for free through Celebrate Lit for this Blog Tour in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Every book in this series has completely blown me away. And through it all, I have been LONGING for more about Barclay. I was so ecstatic when I found out Roseanna White would be featuring him in the final book of the series. Now, don't get me wrong, Evelina is the perfect match for him, and I enjoyed her story too...But BARCLAY...SWOON...

He truly deserves the title of "Swoon Worthy". From the care for his family to his undercover work, to learning about his childhood...Your heart will ache, cheer, and be encouraged. The author has created a whole world of people that carve out their own place in your heart. There is no going back once you dive into this realm.

True to her style, Roseanna seamlessly weaves faith, love, and bit of mystery into this story. Set in the midst of The Great War, this is the perfect story for anyone who loves Downton Abbey or WWI history. Or maybe, you are looking for something new-to-you. You won't go wrong with this series. Start with A Name Unknown and fall in love with Rosie and Peter first!

I received a complimentary copy of An Hour Unspent. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Most Noble Heir
A Most Noble Heir
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Such a fun and unique story! Tensions are high as we begin this story and don't release until the end. I just had to know how it was all going to work out. Hannah has severe insecurities, and although relatable, a couple times I thought I was going to have to purse whomp her. Nolan...while sweet and charming, was a bit pig-headed on a couple of occasions. Watching Hannah and Nolan work through their insecurities and fears was real and heartbreaking. But I love, LOVE, how the author infuses the situation with GOD! It is truly amazing what can happen when we let HIM lead us, heal us, and strengthen us.

Set in the Victorian era, Susan Anne Mason brings to life the upstairs/downstairs aspects and the brilliance of them intertwining in an unexpected way. Conflicted between his heart and duty, will Nolan become the heir worthy of his father's praise and Hannah's heart? Can Hannah adjust to the changes in life now demanded of her?

Filled with surprises, excitements, devastations, and romance...This is a perfect book for reading on vacation this year! So grab your copy from the library or bookstore now.

I received a complimentary copy of A Most Noble Heir from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Switch House
The Switch House
Tim Meyer | 2018 | Horror
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! Talk about a fast-paced, no bull read! Tim Meyer really jumps right into the middle of a huge mess with his novella, The Switch House. Angela and Terry have had an unfortunate tragedy take place in their lives: the disappearance of a child. Aided by Angela’s sudden onslaught of strange visions and nightmares, a rift forms between husband and wife and Angela is left to figure things out for herself.

Because this book is short, I can’t go too far into detail without letting loose a spoiler or two, so I’ll keep this review pretty vague. What I can say is this: if you’re a fan of vividly gory scenes, this is a must-read. If you’re a fan of the occult and ritualistic scenes, this book is for you. If you like your horror with a bit of a psychological twist, please DO grab The Switch House.

Seriously, Meyer doesn’t disappoint. Brimming with non-stop action, The Switch House is an excellently crafted novella of terror. Easily completable in one sitting, I cannot recommend this book enough. From fully developed characters to a twisting plot that you’ll never see coming, Meyer is an ace and an author to look out for. I can’t wait to read more of his work.

The Switch House was received free of charge. All opinions expressed are purely my own and without bias.
The Nightingale
The Nightingale
Kristin Hannah | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.9 (61 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had never heard of Kristin Hannah before, but will be looking for other books by her. Her writing is seamless and vivid and realistic. The Nightingale is a wonderful story of two sisters, far apart in body and mind, but still connected. They lose their mother and then experience the abandonment of their father. Both women are torn, but in their own way. The story takes place in France, in a small village until the women who realize they need something different, separate, with one sister in Paris and the other in the country, during WWII. The story is a bit dramatic, but I think it is fitting. Their feelings and emotions and experiences are so real and authentic. It is definitely an emotionally engaging read. Not only is the characters so vivid but it combines their story with an accuracy of the world history around them during that period and is interesting for people like myself, who are history buffs. Both women learn to live and learn to love. It is romantic and not just in a sexually intimate way. This story is complex, passionate, engaging and captivating and will make you think and feel along with them.
I received this book for free from SheSpeaks as part of the book club program, but the above review is based on my own opinions and thoughts.

justmissash (21 KP) rated Victoria in Books

Jun 23, 2019  
Daisy Goodwin | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
For every girl, like myself, who once wished to be a princess or queen someday, this book is wonderful.
It starts as Alexandrina is looking towards her 18th birthday. Not to celebrate it but hoping that the present king will live long enough so she can be queen. Her mother and mothers possible lover are scheming together. They call her Drina and she hates it. She loves and wishes to be called Victoria. Her uncle, the king, finally passes after she turns 18 and she is crowned Queen. The story follows her challenges, fears, and triumphs as closely and intimately as possible. The story is honest and heartwarming and inspiring. She rises with grace and class to lead her country for a long time and surpasses the expectations of her mother and those around her. I loved the story and just how it was written. I feel like I know her now and I feel connected because of her feelings and emotions. I have not been on the threshold of becoming a queen but I do know what it feels like when others think they know best or have I'll intentions and want to release you from the chance to prove your greatness.
I received this book for free from SheSpeaks, but the opinions here are my own.

Kaz (232 KP) rated Smashbomb in Apps

Jul 10, 2019 (Updated Jul 10, 2019)  
Entertainment, Lifestyle, Social Networking
8.9 (123 Ratings)
App Rating
The ability to review nearly everything, the orbs and groups to chat with other members (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
A great review website
I was recommended Smashbomb by a friend who knows I like talking about books and films. I had a book blog, but I was sick of doing endless weekly scheduled posts and wanted to be able to review what I wanted, when I wanted.

Smashbomb gives me that freedom. I love that you can review anything you want and have enjoyed posting on Smashbomb so far. I also enjoy interacting with other members through the different orbs the site has.

I also like the limit on 'likes' you can give everyday. Instead of just liking something so that people go and read your reviews, the limit makes you really consider which information is worth reading or liking.

I haven't really got to grips with the giveaways yet, but that's something I would like to participate in the future.

When I'm looking for reviews about a certain book or film, I enjoy reading the varied opinions of others.

If there are no reviews of a book I have read or film I've watched, it's also really easy to create my own page.

I really enjoy this website and I look forward to seeing how this website will grow in the future.