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Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
Dawn of Vengeance (Droseran Saga, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating

Have you read Brand of Light? Well, let me warn you. If you do (and I highly encourage you to read it) you will want to have Dawn of Vengeance already on your nightstand ready to read unlike the rest of us mortals who had to wait A YEAR to find out what the heck HAPPENED after the spectacular mic drop ending Ronie Kendig devised to keep us all engaged and going through a gauntlet of emotions.

I honestly was not sure where Ronie Kendig would take us in this new story as the ending of the last one (have I mentioned that enough yet?) was spectacular. I was a little confused in the first book by all the different names, new places, and character personality switches that seemed to go on, however, the storyline was bar none. So, needless to say, Dawn of Vengeance had a lot to live up to and boy did it. I was hooked again by the character interactions, the storyline, and the outta this world adventures.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great story, the oh so good character turns, and for leaving me wanting more. Thank you Ronie Kendig for continuing to expand my imagination.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
To Steal a Heart was my first time reading a book by Jen Turano and it was a very enjoyable experience. I have heard from friends that her books were good for a long time but just never picked one up, however, the synopsis on this one just sounded too good to not read it. It is the first book in a series.

Gabriella and Nicholas had great character interaction right from the start. Their easy comradery was fun to read and made me smile. I thought both characters had good character growth through the story, and I felt like I really got to know them as characters by the time the story was over (I do hope we get to see glimpses of them in future books too!). The secondary characters added some interesting layers and comedic relief in certain areas that were a perfect addition to the story.

Overall, I loved the setting of this book, the time period is always fascinating. I loved the mystery/intrigue interwoven with this story. I also enjoyed Jen Turano's vivid scene descriptions they really helped me to envision the scene as the characters saw it. I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the great characters, fantastic humor, and for sucking me onto the story.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Never an Amish Bride
Never an Amish Bride
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ever heard the saying once you read one you have read them all? Well, that is what my husband told me when he saw that I was reading an Amish book. He said, “How many differences can you see in the Amish, isn’t the point that the Amish are plain, as in nothing ever happens with them?”. I dropped my book. Case in point, Never an Amish Bride by Ophelia London.

This book is the first in a series and I loved the introduction to all the characters. This Never an Amish Bride is different and intriguing. I loved Ophelia London’ s character variations, their emotions were realistic and not over-dramatized, and the conflicts were believable. Both Lucas and Esther were engaging characters that I loved reading about. Ophelia London engaged my emotions in this book and appealed to my heart.

The main themes of this book are Faith, Trust, and Forgiveness. Ophelia London did a great job of showing those themes through the eyes of her characters. I particularly liked how Lucas handled the trials he went through; I wish I could handle situations as well as him.

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the creative characters, the interesting storyline, and for making me look forward to the next book in the series.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
The Vault Between Spaces
The Vault Between Spaces
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a story!!
Christian fantasy is a new to me genre this year, and I am loving how each book is so completely different! This book The Vault Between Spaces takes me into a world fighting against evil, people losing faith until hope shows up unexpectedly and a unique way of describing our Creator. I loved getting a glimpse into Chawna Schroeder’s creative and imaginative mind. She used earth elements, music, and faith to tell the story of how much our Creator loves us. I really enjoyed getting to know the characters gradually throughout the whole book. They seemed to grow into themselves as the story progressed, which for me means it’s a story well written.
“You do not stop being what the Creator designed you to be because you no longer do what He created you to do”.
That quote right there is what this book is about. Finding your strengths, learning to listen, having faith, and of course fighting the good fight. Even when life takes unexpected turns, we need to remember that God created us as who we are supposed to be, and that fact will not change just because our circumstances do. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the way in which Chawna Schroeder captured my imagination, the great characters, and the overall storyline.
*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Notes from a Small Island: Journey Through Britain
Notes from a Small Island: Journey Through Britain
Bill Bryson | 2012 | Travel
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rambling, in all ways
A friend recommended this as a good read, although just quite why escapes me, but I thought I’d give it a read. Whilst there are some great bits in this book, it’s let down by its rather rambling and long winded nature.

This is rather like a informal guide book, and actually, I’d love to see real guide books like this - giving a rather honest and frank opinion on a city or area. I do think Bryson might have held back a little on his opinions, but there are still quite scathing in parts and that’s what I liked about this book. He’s really captured the essence of Britain and British life, even considering the fact that this book was written over 20 years ago! From terrible lift maintenance, the nightmare of driving in Britain and the mick-taking way of life, he really has got us spot on and there are a lot of times I laughed out loud reading this.

The problem is that Bryson goes on a rambling trip across Britain, and his writing style is rather rambling and long winded too. I struggled to get through some of this book as it doesn’t half ramble on, especially as it’s a country I know a fair bit about already.

Still I’d recommend this to anyone wanting to find out more about Britain, just bear in mind it’s a few years out of date!
The People at Number 9
The People at Number 9
Felicity Everett | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From this synopsis of this book, you imagine this is going to be a bit dark and a bit twisty, but it’s not. It’s simply a domestic thriller about people with a lot of money and connections in high up places flirting, changing life paths and having resentments. I understand that this was a novel about middle-class suburban life, which can be dull, but why did nothing happen? <i>“But those changes will come at a price."</i> I’m sorry, but I must have missed something… What changes? What price?

I didn’t like the way this was set out, and maybe that’s because it was an ARC copy, but this was really choppy and changey, with no indication that a longish time period (a few hours to a whole afternoon) had passed. The writing was fine, I have no faults with that, but it wasn’t anything special.

There are four main characters in this book. Sara and Neil and Lou and Gavin. While each of the characters were well developed and in depth, it didn’t stop them from being lacklustre and 2D. I couldn’t connect with any of them on a personal level. Even though I would get annoyed at certain things Lou said or did, I wasn’t getting annoyed on Sara’s behalf, because I thought Sara was whiny and she got on my nerves too.

One of my issues with this book, other than it being boring as heck, was the pretentious conversations going on, all the time. I know this book was a satire piece on the middle class, I get it, but don’t bore us to death with long conversations that are eye rollingly posh and uninteresting. You can create a satire piece without making your readers fall asleep. There is very little description in this book, you’ll find that 80% of all the writing is speech, so it really did my head in after a while.

Now, this point is completely down to personal preference, but another reason I couldn’t get on with this book was because of all the out-of-marriage flirting. It makes me really uncomfortable and squirmy reading that kind of stuff, so, since it was heavily featured in this, I disliked the book even more.

This is going to be a controversial book in terms of opinions, most definitely, and it would probably be a great book to read for a discussion, because you’d have lots of differing opinions on the characters, but, here’s my two-cents:

Ultimately, this novel is a story about over indulged middle class suburban families doing things a little bit “risky” like sex in a tent or smoking weed, and worrying about things only unrealistic well-off people could worry about, like home-schooling and arts and crafts. Not worth the time it takes to read.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind in Books

Nov 20, 2017 (Updated Nov 20, 2017)  
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
Yuval Noah Harari | 2016 | History & Politics
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
A good effort to tackle this mammoth subject but ends a little disappointingly
I am slightly on the fence about this book. No doubt, it's no mean feat to attempt to describe the beginning of civilisation, but I feel the author Yuval Noah Harari may have overstretched himself.

What begins as a scientific exploration in to the separation or perhaps merging of the distinct human genuses ie. Homo Sapiens and Neanderthals, quickly becomes a political and social study. As a result, the book begins well but deteriorates as he moves away from a more analytical approach.

As the story moves towards times that we are more familiar with, it's not enough for the writer to tell us what happened, and perhaps share some of his pet theories on the sweep of history. Instead, we get increasingly speculative interpretations of what the author thinks are the big ideas in history. He takes no care to qualify these grand statements of opinion, but instead presents them as facts.

While I agree with his anthropological assertions surrounding religion as a method of homogenising populations and allowing flow of information, many reviews seem to be quite antagonistic towards this point of view and as a result there are definitely two camps of thoughts in regards to this book.

However, his whitewashing of colonialism and imperial rule is disparaging, literally explaining the benefits reaped by colonised countries from such destructive regimes, glossing over partition and genocide. Overall, I think that it is written well, but there are too many opinions and not enough evidence-based arguments.