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Prada & Prejudice
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book for how much fun it was to simply get inside the head of such a unique and quirky teenager as she is thrown into circumstances that many fans of Jane Austen could only dream of. Her lack of knowledge of the time period seems a bit over the top at times, but I quickly adjusted to Callie's strong emotions and opinions. I found it strange that all of the people around Callie, once she travels to 1815, seem to take everything she does and says in stride, barely taking notice of how much she clashes with the customs and traditions of the time period. Plus, it's just sheer dumb luck that she got to be a "guest" of a Duke, rather than a servant. But I often found myself laughing out loud at her awkwardness, as well as the effect she has on the people around her, such as teaching the "robot" dance to two young men. Her spontaneity and passionate responses are both her charm and her weakness, but her sincerity in wanting to do the right thing make everything come together in the end. Callie is a girl that I would love to meet and hang out with, just to see what she would do or say next. I was able to predict the ending way ahead of time, even though I was not crazy about it ending the way it did. I would have much prefered Callie to remain in 1815, since I can't do it myself!
Trust Me: A Novel
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Have you ever read a book that left you in a complete and utter mind frozen state? On that you just sit and stare into space, wondering how could an author be that brilliant? Yea, that's me after reading TRUST ME. I mean, my God. I hadn't even heard of this author before but I sure am adding her to my ever growing list of autobuy authors, for sure. 

Mercer's character was completely realistic. Her thoughts, pain of her own tragedy, confusion and passion to uncover the truth for her book about "Baby Boston", all became my own. I felt myself becoming her, wanting to write down my own thoughts on Ashlyn, the mother on trial and accused of murdering her own baby. I mean, seriously? I was like Ashlyn should have been named Casey Anthony. What mother could harm their precious child? Trust me (no pun intended!), when I tell you I wouldn't! 

Reading this novel left me feeling like I just got off the most intense, most twisted,  most emotional rollercoaster ride ever (and that is saying something because I've NEVER been on a coaster before!). I felt like I would just begin to piece it all together and Ryan, with masterful skill, would throw something else into the mix. Magnificent! This novel is my top read of 2019 so far. It's brilliantly chiseled into a 5 star read that I will not soon forget. Psychological mind blowing thrills at it's finest, that's a fact! 

*I purchased this for my own collection. All opinions, negative or positive, are my own.*
Do you wonder where life is going sometimes? We focus on the things we see around us, the laundry, the bills, the housework, we over commit ourselves to church, our jobs. All this can weigh on our shoulders.

 Written especially for women, author Jessie Clemence has written a book about combating stress, examining the Bible for answers. With 27 small chapters, dealing with h situations that we can see ourselves nodding our heads, thinking, yes I've been there done that! With her wit and a great sense of humor. She knows the day to day stresses that we face and she discusses what the bible tells us about how we should react to the daily frustrations that come into our daily lives.

Every chapter closes with three focuses; make it personal, a scripture\passage that ties it all together, and a prayer for today.

The themes are tough, the author doesn't hold back. They are important and sometimes can be challenging and convicting.

I absolutely enjoyed this book. Not only was it fun to read, but I learned that I am not alone in my stresses and that we need to lean on God more and less of ourselves.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
What do you think of when you hear the name Hagar? Who was Hagar? When I was invited to do a book launch on the Bible study of Hagar, I was intrigued. This is one that I really wanted to do.
We all know that Hagar was a servant given to Sarah, the famous one that gave birth to Abraham’s first son Ishmael.
This study aptly named “The God Who Sees You”, is exactly what the study is about, God sees who we are and what we need. As you go through this study you will feel that God loves you for who you are, exactly where you are at this moment. You will see that He is with you, just as He was with Hagar during her flight into the desert.
This is a study that truly gets you into the word, one that makes you think.

Shadia Hrichi really gets into the scriptures and helps us as readers get into the scripture with her. After reading this, you will see Hagar from a deeper, different viewpoint, and discover that our God is the God Who Sees You, as well.

I did this study alone, but it would make a great study for a women’s group, one that I highly recommend.

 received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Sensitivemuse (246 KP) rated Bring Me Back in Books

Jul 18, 2018 (Updated Jul 18, 2018)  
Bring Me Back
Bring Me Back
B.A. Paris | 2018 | Thriller
7.9 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quick Thriller
First of all I will not look at Russian Dolls the same again. They’ve greatly increased in the creep factor thanks to this book. (It’s a good thing!)

I enjoyed reading this one as throughout the novel you’re always second guessing yourself and just when you think you got it right, something else happens and you’re guessing again. Loved the twists and endless possibilities with this plot! I thought it enhanced quite a few things once Layla’s point of view is introduced because this is where it gets more complex and things start going a bit darker and uglier.

Ellen’s behavior was frustrating. You felt right up there with Finn sometimes because of her bouncing back and forth in opinions and it added more to Finn’s stress (although, it now makes sense as you head towards the ending) It’s definitely felt as it takes its’ toll on Finn. It’s hard to sympathize with him. He does have a temper and his personality and reasoning makes it hard to like him. He rather treats Ellen as a means to an end and his obsession with Layla reaches a disturbing factor.

The book is a quick read and engages the reader. I enjoyed the last bit in the end of the book, it’s well thought out and brings everything to a nice close. I liked how it kept me guessing and the thriller elements are well placed to keep the reading going.

Definitely recommended for a good thriller read!
The Silence of the Girls
The Silence of the Girls
Pat Barker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A retelling from a different direction.
This isn't just a straightforward retelling of the Iliad. In fact it's not that at all. This is the story of Briseis (I even googled how to pronounce her name), the queen of one of Troy's neighbouring kingdoms. When her kingdom is sacked by Achilles, she is taken as a slave along with the women and girls who survive, whilst the remaining men and boys are killed. Briseis becomes Achilles concubine - a prize of a battle won.
The violence of war is so graphically described in this novel. Briseis, along with the other slave women, are supposed to care for these mens wounds and fulfil their every (sexual) wish - the very men who had murdered their husbands, fathers and sons.
I've never read a Greek myth from the point of view of the women - they were supposed to be silent. Their stories are forgotten, but Pat Barker brings them to life in this book. We hear their sadness, their worries, their opinions of their masters. I could almost smell the filth, smoke, food and sweat of the Greek camp (in reality, I would imagine that I'd walk in the other direction!).
I've always loved the Greek Myths: I read them as a child and a teenager, and I'm really enjoying the resurgence of these stories at the moment. This novel adds another dimension to these stories, which I really loved. I'd highly recommend this book.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Hamish Hamilton for my copy of this book.

Carma (21 KP) rated Forbidden Lovers in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
Forbidden Lovers
Forbidden Lovers
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My rating is 3.5 stars for Forbidden Lovers by Kimberly Troutte. Ms. Troutte is a new to me author and while I felt this book had some good bones, it failed to grab my attention completely.

Matt Harper is returning home to Plunder Cove after leaving, without a choice, 10 years ago to join the Air Force. He left behind his fiancée, who rapidly remarried (supposedly) 3 months after he left, estranged parents and a home comparable to a compound.

Julia Espinoza lost the love of her life when her fiancé was killed when his plane was shot down in Afghanistan 10 years ago. She doesn’t know her mother and has lived with extended family since she was small. She isn’t wealthy like Matt was but he never seemed to care. She never got to say goodbye when he left, but he left her the most precious gift of all before he enlisted.

Matt returns home after being summoned by his father, along with his siblings, to some big announcement. Reconnecting with Julia, who at first doesn’t recognize him believing he was dead, was an added bonus. Will they be able to pick up right where they left off?

While this story was interesting there was just too much I didn’t like about it. Mostly, the flow and sentence structures. For me, it was too jumbled and while it was short it was very unnecessarily wordy. I voluntarily downloaded a copy from Netgalley without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own.
Hard Riding Cowboy (Gold Valley, #2.5)
Hard Riding Cowboy (Gold Valley, #2.5)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lauren Bishop tried to stay away from moving back home to Gold Valley after her husband died. But she realized she needed the stability for her 2 daughters that moving home brought. She never expected to see someone from her past and have him stir up feelings she thought deeply buried.

Calder Reid had a crush on Lauren since she walked into his house to babysit him when he was a pre-teen. She was only about 5 years older than him but he didn't care then and doesn't care now. When he sees her again after all these years he's equally as smitten.

Lauren can't believe this hot stud is the kid she used to babysit. Talk about feeling even older than she already does. When he offers his help at renovations to the house she is trying to buy she should say no but her mouth says yes.

Calder knows Lauren has issues with him being younger, as well as her daughters best interests at heart but he lets her know straight out that he wants to be with her. He doesn't have time for sugar coating and lays his cards on the table. Will she accept what he has to offer?

A cute quick novella with lots of steam, life choices and kids that always know way more than parents give them credit for. I received a copy without expection for review, any and all opinions expressed are my own. Of course another great read from Maisey Yates, I would expect nothing less.
A Sparrow in Terezin
A Sparrow in Terezin
Kristy Cambron | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am apparently a glutton for punishment and decide to read all the books that will rip out my heart and stomp on it back to back. Story SHOULD move you though. As you read the words of the author's heart poured out on the page...If you finish unchanged...What was the point? These characters, these stories, may be fictional, but they represent many people who had to live through one of the darkest times in history. Ask yourself, what can we learn from them? What are they trying to tell us? Fiction CAN and WILL challenge you to grow, to learn, to thrive...

Multiple times I wanted to cry (and there were times tears escaped) while listening to this story. Knowing that the horrors depicted in this book were lived out in reality during WWII. Kristy Cambron...I tip my hat to you...You have found BEAUTY in the ashes of a history that is riddled with sorrow and death. You have brought redemption to life on the page. You have spoken TRUTH and LIFE and LOVE into the hearts of any who lay a hand on your books. But none more so than this one*. Thank you. A Sparrow in Terezin truly is a masterpiece.

*Revision: And The Lost Castle

I won a print copy of this book from the author. This review is based on the audio version which I borrowed from my public library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Christmas at Carnton: A Novella
Christmas at Carnton: A Novella
Tamera Alexander | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I started this novella, I was expecting a standard 150 page story....Well this is the longest novella I have ever read Lol! But that's Ok! I love Christmas stories. And this book is 250 paged of pure magical blessings! Besides, it puts me in the mood for the season and makes me feel all warm and cozy.

Set in the south during the civil war, this story has a unique view of "The Cause". When we grow up in a society that believes in certain things, we typically accept it as the normal way of life. Aletta realises this during a conversation with Tempy, Carnton's cook and a slave. I worry about the direction our society is heading and the impacts that it will have on my children. But what I CAN do is raise them to be Godly men who follow His will and His direction.

I can not imagine the heartache Aletta went through. The war between the States was such a devastating time. And yet, the community came together to support each other. The women of the Civil War were strong, determined, and fierce. But at the end of the day they just wanted their loved ones to come home safe and whole.

A beautiful story of sacrifice, love, loss, and hope...Christmas at Carnton is an excellent way to begin the holiday season.

I received a complimentary copy of Christmas at Carnton from the publishers through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.