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For the Record
For the Record
Regina Jennings | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading Regina's novella Her Dearly Unintended in the collection With This Ring? I decided that I just HAD to read one of her full length books. I am so glad I did. Set in 1885 in the hills of Missouri, For the Record is a charming, adventure filled, book. The Dashing Deputy has an immediate sense of mystery that made me want to know more about him. And Betsy has a free spirit that melds perfectly with Deputy Puckett. Their banter and their adventures are a joy to follow and thrilling to read.

This book was a slow start for me. I'm sure it had more to do with the holidays than anything else. Because, once I got into the meat of the story, I couldn't put it down. Sprinkled with faith, Betsy and Joel's story is a fast riding adventure that is sure to keep you up till the break of dawn solving the mystery.

Although this is the third book in the series, I was able to follow the storyline just fine. I have a feeling that that the characters would make more sense if I had read the first two books. However, For the Record is a stand alone and can be read as such. If the thought of a Texan deputy thrown into the Ozarks intrigues you, I don't think you will be disappointed.

I received a complimentary copy of For the Record from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Connilyn Cossette has officially earned her spot as my favorite Biblical Fiction Author. The creativity in which she approaches the era, the people, and the culture of the Hebrews astounds me. She accomplishes so much while staying as true to history and the Bible as possible (obviously there are some creative strokes because this IS fiction).

Moriyah and Darek have been thrown into a circumstance that takes their lives in a direction they never thought possible. Running for her life, Moriyah must face the consequences of her actions, even if accidental. Meanwhile, Darek wrestles with his loyalty to his family and his growing attraction to the woman who is responsible for bringing so much heartache to those he loves.
Throughout these pages, we continually see the grace and love of Yahweh expressed for His people. Mrs. Cossette was brilliant in her execution of this story. There is always another level of history, of scripture, to discover, and I felt like she brought this aspect of the Mosaic Law closer to the surface of understanding.

If you have never read Biblical Fiction before, you should definitely give Mrs. Cossette's books a try. If you love history in any aspect (especially Biblical) I encourage you to read A Light on the Hill. Your eyes will be opened and your heart touched to the core by this beautiful story of love, danger, faith, and healing.

I received a complimentary copy of A Light on the Hill from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
A Daring Venture (Empire State, #2)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I read my first Elizabeth Camden book, I had no idea what to expect. Now...Five books later...I can say that the characters and the stories you will find on these pages are like nothing you have read before. Unique characters, settings, and plot...You will want to read all day long. And with A Daring Venture...that's exactly what I did. I listened to the audiobook while cleaning my house for 2 days straight...till I finished it. And I am only sad that I didn't get to spend more time with Rosalind and Nick.

Tensions are high when this story begins. Water purification is something that even to this day people argue and fight about. I love, Love, LOVE, all the sciencey* things that are talked about. There is SO.MUCH.HISTORY. and even a few REAL people that show up on the page. Rosalind is a woman "ahead of her time" as a biochemist in the early 1900s. THIS is the kind of history that draws me in and grabs my attention.

I adore watching the romance unfold. They have a bumpy road, but it wouldn't be realistic if it was all sunshine and roses for Rosalind and Nick. Family drama, unforgiveness, revenge, fear, scandal, secrets...Oh.yes...This is a book you must get into your hands with all urgency!

I received a complimentary copy of A Daring Venture from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn't read this book fast enough! Jaime Jo Wright weaves such a tale of mystery and suspense that you won't want to put it down. Thankfully, when house duties called, I have SCRIBD, so I could listen to the book while I did dishes, vacuumed, and did the laundry.

Filled with so much agony for all that these characters go through, the empath in me had a rough go of it. But, all said and done, the author created the perfect balance with the tension, the hope, the suspense, and the romance. I am not sure how much more I can say without giving away the story! I couldn't figure out who the "bad guys" were for the longest time. I was trying so hard to figure out how everything all meshed together...But couldn't work it out on my own.

Annalise and Libby are two women that I think are incredibly strong, brave, and heroines of the best sort. Sure they have made mistakes (who hasn't), but the important thing is that they learned from them, grew, moved on, and are helping others.

I just want all of Jaime's stories in my hands right now! I could read them all year. Haha! I adore her voice and the vision she has behind her stories. They truly are remarkable and deserve the highest praise.

I received a complimentary copy of The Reckoning at Gossamer Pond from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
After spending years preparing to become a nun, is there finally a chance that Lady Rosemarie can find true love?

Lady Rosemarie finally has peace about her imminent future at the convent. But one month before her eighteenth birthday The Noblest Knight returns after his long absence and everything she knows is turned upside down. The Ancient Vow of Hannah, that Lady Rosemarie's parents made, has one exception: marriage of true love by midnight on the 18th birthday will end the vow. Three knights are presented to Lady Rosemarie who have a contest to win her heart. But is one month long enough to fall in love? When incidences arise, it appears one of the knights is to blame. Is the convent a better choice for Lady Rosemarie or will she follow her heart to her true love?

Jody Hedlund's first YA novel did not disappoint! The medieval setting, the romance, the intrigue and the faith all met with my expectations. Lady Rosemarie's character is very naive and is swayed easily by other people's opinions. However, as the story moves along, she learns how to stand up for herself and finds what she truly believes. Although the story line was fairly predictable, I was thoroughly entertained. As usual with Jody Hedlund's books, I couldn't put it down (the laundry still isn't done). I am thankful to Jody for providing appropriate YA reading material.

I strongly recommend that you read The Vow, prequel to An Uncertain Choice. Find it for free:
Barnes & Noble
Oh, Hamish...My Hamish...Where have you been all my life? Hamish is my kindred spirit. My best friend. The fictional character that I so desperately want to meet.

For Rachel McMillan to take something that she has personally dealt with her whole life, and give it to her HERO...It is one of the most beautiful things you will ever witness. I feel like I not only know Hamish...But I know Ms. McMillan better. She opened her heart and let the words pour onto the page. The description is REAL, the emotion is REAL, the pain and the heartache is REAL. REAL!

In addition to the anxiety factor...We have all the makings for an intense and intriguing mystery. A suave Italian nightclub owner, a bad guy on the hunt, and a high class born young lady determined to solve a crime. One of the themes that stood out to me in this story, is the sense of finding home.

"What if home wasn't something you were born into but rather something you found and ultimately chose?"

Murder at the Flamingo is a story full of life and adventure! From the North End of Boston to the nightclub scene of the 1930s...You will want to dance the night away with Reggie and Hamish in this new mystery from Rachel McMillan!

I received a complimentary copy of Murder at the Flamingo. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
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