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When Tides Turn (Waves of Freedom, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Every book in this series has been spectacular! Full of intrigue and drama, faith and freedom, handsome officers and daring heroines, and not to mention bursting with history! I have learned so much about the war of the Atlantic during World War II through these books. Not only does Sarah include REAL events and REAL people in these books, it inspires me to do research of my own. To delve into the facts and history that inspired these stories.

As the Waves of Freedom series comes to a close, Tess and Dan completely steal the show with their strained relationship and beautiful, er, practical? romance. Tess is full of life, color, and longs to be seen for who she is beneath the pretty face. Dan, has a one track mind focused on his career...That is, until his heart cries out for something more. Both Tess and Dan must learn to trust God to guide their paths, to find who they are in Him, individually. Once they surrender to God's plan, it is amazing to watch the events unfold.

While the books in this series can stand alone, you will want to begin with book one to enjoy and appreciate the full effect of the storyline. Plus, they are simply amazing books. All three have made it on my top reads list!

Get ready for one last amazing ride in the Waves of Freedom Series. And do not despair...For Sarah has a new WWII series she is working on titled, Sunrise at Normandy. The first book, The Sea Before us will be released Spring 2018.

I received a complimentary copy of When Tides Turn from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
With tears in my eyes and a smile on my face, I closed the pages of the final book in the Courage to Dream series. My heart is filled with warmth, yet filled with sadness that this series is now complete. I have enjoyed watching the O'Leary family grow in numbers and in love. Love's Faithful Promise begins in September 1922 and is a beautiful conclusion. Filled with trials and heartache, we see God's hand leading them closer together and closer to Him. I absolutely fell in love with Deirdre and Matthew...And Phoebe! Matthew carries so much guilt and unforgiveness towards himself that was so hard for me to witness. The compassion I felt for him was overwhelming. We are reminded though that we don't need to walk through the shadows of our past alone.

Oh I just love Deirdre and Matthew's journey of love! Keep your fan nearby. Because let me tell you...Their romance is so pure, passionate, precious, and sweet. But don't let my starry eyed, romance gushing fool you, this book gets INTENSE! I was literally sweating with anticipation right around page will know what I mean. Definitely put my stress ball "heart" I got from CFRR to good use (thank you Just Commonly).

Will you cry? Maybe. Will you want to smack some sense into people? Probably. Will you fall in love with Irish Meadows and the O'Leary clan? Without a doubt...Yes!!! Make sure you start your journey with the beginning of the series, Irish Meadows. Within these pages I pray you find hope and courage to live out the dreams the Lord has placed in your heart.

I received a free copy of Love's Faithful Promise in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Excuse me while I find a train headed to Alaska...THIS book makes me want to visit Alaska even more than I did before. The beauty and the majestic land is captured in a way that speaks to the adventurous corners of my heart. Denali in all its wonder, is a sight that I want to see with my own eyes. Tracie and Kimberley have brought us an incredible story of faith and forgiveness set in the heart of the frontier of Alaska. The dangers, beauty, and awe of the land are expressed in detail on every page.

There are multiple viewpoints in this book which I love, but can be maddening at times. As the reader we can see ALMOST the whole picture, there are a few details that must work themselves out as we read. But in other situations, I just wanted to slap the characters and tell them what was REALLY going on. That being said, I really do enjoy the specific viewpoints that the authors highlighted.

In the Shadow of Denali is filled with so many emotions. Heartbreak, unforgiveness, hatred towards God, jealousy, greed, and yet we also see tender love, strong family bond, sweet surrender to Christ, forgiveness, and inner beauty. This is a journey that I am excited to continue! Travel back to 1923 and experience the mountain for yourself. The book ends with a tender, romantic scene that simply took my breath away. I am eagerly looking forward to the next installment of Heart of Alaska.

I received a complimentary copy of In the Shadow of Denali from NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Europe is war torn and broken. But there is hope among the dust and ashes.

Tricia Goyer approaches World War II in a new light (for me at least). Beginning with the end of the war in Europe, we see the repercussions of the last 6 years of fighting.

Our three main characters include an American Sergeant, a wife of an SS guard, and a prisoner freed from the concentration camp Gusen. Sergeant Peter Scott is with the group of soldiers that liberated Gusen and the main camp Mauthausen. He finds friends and love in the least likely of places. Helen is struggling to make up for the wrongs her husband committed as a guard at the camp. Can she bring herself to forgive him for what he did? Michaela is on the road to recovery after spending years in the camps. Although it would seem that she has every right to hold on to bitterness and hate for all that she has been through, she chooses to trust in the Lord and forgive those that did her wrong.

I could not put this book down! This is by far one of the best books I have ever read. Tricia Goyer captured me from the minute I started reading. She is very vivid in her descriptions of the horrors found when the camps were liberated. I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone interested in WWII history. It sheds a whole new light on the war in Europe.

From Dust and Ashes is a beautiful story about forgiveness and the liberation that you receive in your spirit when you are lead by the Lord and forgiveness.

I purchased a copy of From Dust and Ashes for my personal library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was so much fun to read! Quirky and full of romance. I found myself grinning throughout most of the book, as well as giggling quite frequently. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ups and downs to keep your eyes glued to the page. Alongside the light wit and humour you will find truth and Godly wisdom. Joy has infused this story with so many real emotions that hit pretty close to home. Trust is one of the main themes of this book. Trust in God and not in man. Trust that He will guide our paths and that He has the best plan laid out for us, even if we can't see the end result. Forgiveness is another thread that you can find throughout the book. Forgiving those that have hurt us deeply can be hard. But, if we forgive and let go, place our trust in God to heal us, the result is more beautiful than we could imagine. Written in first and third person with the two main characters, I found it easy to follow along and to feel like I was inside Izze's mind. I love the dynamics between Izze and Miles. Personally, I feel like I am a pretty good mash up of their characters! A bookish person who is a bit (ok a lot) of a nerd with a healthy dose of sarcasm. I can't wait for you to meet them for yourself. I am relatively new to contemporary fiction, but I would highly recommend Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations.
I received a free copy of Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Filled with colorful characters and excellent life lessons VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos is a great addition to our daily routine. Since I have 2 boys (aged 2 and 4), I got the devotional book for boys...Shocker, I know. All the characters on the pages are the guys from VeggieTales, Bob, Larry, Junior, Larry Boy, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt etc. Each page is labeled as Day 1, 2, 3...Instead of the dates. The devotion for the day is only one page, which is perfect for my active boys who don't like to sit still for very long. The devo starts with a title such as "It's Good to Have Good Friends" and "Jesus Loves You!" a coinciding scripture is next, the version varies depending on the verse. There are about 16 different versions of the bible used in this devotional. There is a 2-3 paragraph devo, followed by a "Thought of the Day" and "Pray Today" prayer. There are also several verses for memorization in the back of the book. The language is easy to understand and the lessons are great. From learning about spiritual gifts, God's love being real, and God's honesty, giving God your worries, being willing to forgive. There is something new every day for your kids to learn. The boys love this book and I even see my 4 year old "reading" it on his own. My 2 year old is a little young for it, but I believe this book is great for establishing the habit of daily devotions for both of the boys.
I received a free copy of VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys through FlyBy Promotions in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Chasing Ghosts
Chasing Ghosts
Glenn Rolfe | 2016 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to novellas by Glenn Rolfe, I expect a sense of urgency. That’s probably because the first thing I read by him was Becoming, which if you’ve read my review, you’ll know I enjoyed it immensely. In that regard, Chasing Ghosts does not disappoint. Brimming with non-stop action, this short book is akin to settling into your chair for a good slasher flick.

Chasing Ghosts doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, which means Rolfe has one hell of a challenge if he’s trying to make it stand out. If you’ve ever seen The Hills Have Eyes, that’s what this book reminds me of–though the setting and cast are a bit different, what with your inbred hillbillies and woods versus mutant savages and desert. Fortunately, Rolfe’s prose alone is enough to guide the story forward, and I actually devoured this in one sitting.

The novella does fall victim to the same cons most short books do, though. Because of its length, there isn’t really any time to grow attached to any of the characters. We know enough about them to recognize them as human, but that’s about it. I would personally love to see this as a more in-depth, full-length novel where attachment to the ill-fated players is more likely.

Once again, Glenn Rolfe has sated my desire for gore and bloodshed, further solidifying his place among my list of must-read authors. In fact, I eagerly await the opportunity to read more of his books.

I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of review from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed above are my own, without bias.
The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
The Hundred-Foot Journey (2014)
2014 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
When it comes to food, opinions on colors, flavors, and textures are dynamic. No two foodies are the same. Throughout the world culinary differences abound; even ideas of what constitutes a food can be disparate. Blurring the line between history and the future, favorite dishes get modern twists and contemporary chefs discover innovation by studying the foods of yesteryear.

Films always have a location, but while “The 100 Foot Journey” is set in small town France, the story really exists at the crossroads of two fiercely independent culinary traditions. Throughout the film, Indian and French cuisines feed the visual storytelling and nourish the scenes.

As the leading man, Hassan, actor Manish Dayal plays a convincing chef struggling between two cultural and culinary worlds. But it is the support of Papa, Hassan’s can-do attitude driven father, played by actor Om Puri, and Michelin star obsessed know-it-all neighbor Madame Mallory (Helen Mirren) that invigorate the screen.

Simple yet engaging, plot is not where “The 100 Foot Journey” excels. Opting to focus on subtle interpersonal scenes, the film lacks twists, suspense, and grand surprises. Instead “The 100 Foot Journey” explores the joys, sorrows, and revelations that happen when two culinary histories and lifestyles meet. The journey highlights the challenges faced with preserving tradition while also carving a new path.

Consumables garnish almost every moment of character interaction; food plays a role in careers, conflicts, and mutual understanding. It could be easy, and not entirely wrong, to write-off this picture as a feel good foodie flick. However, just like a good croissant, “The 100 Foot Journey” is worth more than a deceptively uncomplicated a first glance; it contains flavorful and complex layers upon further examination. Be it a story of coincidence, lucky, or fate, “The 100 Foot Journey” is worth a taste if not a feast.
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