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Lady MacBethad
Lady MacBethad
Isabelle Schuler | 2023 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I studied Macbeth at school (pre-GCSE), and I don’t think I was told that it was based on a real historical figure - at least I’ve forgotten in the intervening 30-odd years. All I can remember , is that my English teacher at the time, Mr Jones, asked me to read Lady Macbeth’s part, because he thought I suited it! I’m sure I should have been more insulted than I was, but then I always thought that she had the good part…

Lady MacBethad is the story pre-Macbeth and probably closer to the truth. Shakespeare had his reasons for writing his play the way he did (keeping in with the royals and the fee-paying public, perhaps?), but it seems in reality MacBethad had more of a claim to the throne than Duncan.

This novel is of course from Lady MacBethad’s point of view - but she hasn’t got there yet. In this, she’s Gruoch, or as her grandmother says: “Groa, daughter of Boedhe, son of Coinneach, the rightful King of Alba…You will be the greatest of us all”

Gruoch is brought up in a household where her mother remembers her picti and ancient Druid heritage, but her father, Boedhe, follows the new Christian faith. Gruoch is conflicted. But she does know that she wants to be queen, and will stop at nothing to get there.

She’s so young though, and that does come across in some of her attitude, temper tantrums and opinions. She’s certainly undertaking quite some learning curve.

This was such a readable, immersive story, and I found myself backing Gruoch and wanting to actually help her (she would never have listened). I’ve no doubt this will be one of my favourite books this year - and I do wonder if there will be a sequel? I’d read it!
Wolf Slayer (Arctic Brotherhood #4)
Wolf Slayer (Arctic Brotherhood #4)
Jane Godman | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wolf Slayer (Arctic Brotherhood #4) by Jane Godman
Wolf Slayer is the fourth book in the Arctic Brotherhood series, and this time we are with the 'pretty boy', Madden. He is on the hunt for a serial killer, one who likes to taunt Madden personally. Madden has his own opinions on why the killer is targeting the victims, but without telling his police squad all about Arctic wolf shifters, he has nothing physical to go on. Luck seems to favour him when he is able to retrieve a victim still alive, although in a very bad way. The attraction between Madden and Maria is instantaneous and hot. Maria is a survivor, and tries to make the best of any situation, including being thrown to the wolves - quite literally. We meet the whole brotherhood again, much to my delight, although it was also to my sorrow towards the end. There is a hint as to who might star in the next book, but nothing given away for sure.

This was a wonderful read, with plenty of action and heartache as Madden tries to find and stop the killer. Maria supports him every which way she can, knowing that he will do the same for her. I love getting the cameos from other pairs that we've met so far, although Lowell will always be my favourite! The story is fast-paced, designed to keep the reader on its toes. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is yet another book in this Brotherhood series that I have no hesitation in recommending it. I would suggest you read these books in order though, just to receive the full benefit of each story, and because circumstances/pairings that have already happened are mentioned.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Go Set A Watchman
Go Set A Watchman
Harper Lee | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have been excited to read this book as soon as I heard about it. As soon as I could, I reserved my copy at the library. Many have questioned whether this is a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, or the first draft of the book, or something entirely separate. All I can say is that I enjoyed this book and now will go back to read [bc:To Kill a Mockingbird|2657|To Kill a Mockingbird|Harper Lee||3275794].

Jean Louise Finch is 26 and currently living in New York City. She returns home to Maycomb Alabama to visit her beau, Henry Clinton, and her father Atticus Finch. In this visit Jean Louise "Scout" learns more about her family and the town she grew up in and especially about herself. Scout still has her same tomboy mannerisms we all love, doing whatever she wants to do and not caring what others think.

Jean Louise is one who just sees people and not so much color. Living in the South during this time, it's hard to make that distinction. She thought her father was the same. I see him as a man who vows to always do the right things no matter who the person. Atticus and Scout get the opportunity to get to know each other as adults with their own opinions and ideas, they discover they are alike in many way and in way very different.

It's interesting to see the dynamic between a parent and a child after they are both adults. And the child is able to think on their own and not they way their parents choose for them. My only problem with finishing this book, is now, I want to know more. Will Jean Louise marry Henry Clinton? I would like to know what kind of impact she is going to have on Maycomb, AL. And will she end up moving back there?
The Penelopiad
The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was a very easy read and quite interesting, too. I have never read The Odyssey, (though that would be an ideal goal to keep in mind) but I am familiar enough with the plot to keep up with the many subtle references throughout The Penelopiad. This book was told from the point-of-view of Penelope, Odysseus's eternally-loyal wife, with the Chorus of maids chiming in with their opinions every other chapter.
Margaret Atwood does an excellent job of portraying the character of Penelope in a unique way without disrupting what we know of her from the original text. In this book, Penelope tells her story from beyond the grave, interspersed with her interactions with other known characters of that time, such as her self-involved cousin, Helen of Troy. Penelope balances many opposing traits into one body - from the bitter housewife, to the scheming seductress, to the self-sacrificing devotee - and still comes out as an admirable woman and wife that few could emulate so convincingly.
The chorus of maids served as both a comedic interlude in a rather tragic story and as further commentary of Penelope's story and their shared fate. Irony played a large part in the maids' story and final demise. Margaret Atwood's explanation for their cumulative death following the deaths of the numerous suitors made perfect sense according to the arrogance and bravado attributed to Odysseus from Penelope's account.
In many ways, this book bears strong themes of feminism, despite Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus. Though I imagine that The Odyssey portrays Odysseus as a grand hero worthy of respect, Penelope's narrative of him both in life and in death makes him out to be at times a philandering womanizer with immeasurable luck and other times a melodramatic little boy with an overactive imagination and an insatiable appetite for adventure. The ones who seemed to endure the most suffering in this plot were the ones that were shown the least respect and recognition - the women.

Andy K (10821 KP) created a poll

Mar 4, 2019  

Haven't heard of the debate? Basically there are two sides to what is being called the "Netflix Wars" whereas certain filmmakers and studios are attempting to change, or make harder, the ability for "Netflix" type, day-and-date, films (like this year's Roma) to receive Academy Award nominations since they are basically "made for TV" movies.

You could even argue this could be one of the reasons Roma did not win Best Picture this years as enough people agreed it should not have been nominated (even though it won several other awards.)

I even got into an argument on Twitter with someone after I expressed my opinion (which was the opposite of hers). She was immediately insulting me for not agreeing with her, so I thought I would ask here before giving my own opinion.

This issue will continue to get more profound considering streaming services are here to stay, and theatrical movie runs are not nearly as important as they used to be. I read over 75% of movies nowadays are not seen in theatres, but on some other format.

In 2019, this will become an even bigger issue with the holiday 2019 release of the Martin Scorsese mob epic "The Irishman" starring Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci, Harvey Keitel and many others. As this time, the movie, owned and released by Netflix, is supposed to have more of a theatrical run than "Roma", but would still be a Netflix film.

So what is your opinion, Smashbombers? I'm very interested in your opinions as well.

Please feel free to comment below.

"Netflix" type films like Roma and The Irishman should be allowed to compete for the Academy Awards even with a smaller theatrical release and available almost immediately to watch via streaming?
"Netflix" type films like Roma and The Irishman should not be allowed to compete for the Academy Awards since they have smaller theatrical releases and can be watched via streaming almost immediately.
England, the year 1773. Keturah and her sisters find themselves heiresses to their father's properties and assets. A letter soon comes telling them of the drought, machinery failure and an overseer lost to the "fever", all with profits far lower than the last.

Lady Keturah is determined to make sure her sisters are well provided for and the three sisters head off to the West Indies, which was totally unheard of for ladies of England's society at that time.

Lady Keturah Banning Tomlinson, a widow, from an abusive marriage has sworn that she will never marry again, but her childhood friend Gray Covington is traveling to the West Indies to develop his sugar plantation that happens to border Keturah's. Will Keturah's heart ever soften again?
This was a fantastic story of a woman bound and determined to make a way for herself, as well as her sisters in a society that demanded women to be dependant on men. Keturah's strong character is what makes this story flow. The reader is drawn to her supporting her and cheering her on throughout the story. A fast-paced read, and a truly enjoyable one. Set in the West Indies. The author has done a vast amount of research to make this novel so real to life, which makes it all the more enjoyable and true to the reader.

I was thrilled that the characters all leaned heavily on God in this novel. I think the lesson of this novel, or the point that is brought out, is that we too must rely on God, put our stubbornness behind us. A wonderful story of adventure, romance, and forgiveness.

. I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
The Masterpiece
The Masterpiece
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
In her latest novel, Francine Rivers brings us Roman Velasco a well to do artist who could have anything money can buy, except peace and contentment. Using graffiti to deal with his hurt and emotions, running from foster home to foster home as a child, Roman aka Bobby Ray Dean (the bird) is haunted by his past as a graffiti tagger.

Roman hires Grace as his personal assistant to help free up his time so he can concentrate on painting, but little does she know about Romans alter ego Bobby Ray Dean. Grace s dealing with her own secrets. Recovering from a bad marriage, Grace vows never to let a man hurt her again, but as they get to know one another the pieces begin to come together that alter the course of their lives.

Francine Rivers has done a superb job writing this novel. She has created intriguing characters that every reader can relate to. The author has run with an idea of how a childhood trauma can impact adult life; how two broken individuals can find completeness together. The author also brings out the issues of how we as persons can fall into traps and be thrown into the worldly ways, only to suffer the consequences of our actions.

She also points out that we are saved by Grace and that God loves us, and sometimes some of us have to realize there is a hell in order to hear and understand the truth.

A wonderful novel that the reader will not be able to put down. Well written and keeps the reader wanting more.
 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Phoebe's Light is the first book in suzanne Fisher's Nantucket Legacy. In this first book, we find our main character Phoebe Starbuck a Quaker on her 18th birthday; September 8th, 1767. Her father Barnabas decides it is time to pass along Great Mary's journal. Great Mary was Pheobe's great-grandmother and was well known for her wisdom.

Not only excited for her birthday, but the ship Fortuna has arrived in port. Phoebe has always imagined that she loved older widowed captain and she hopes to finally capture his attention. When Phoebe runs into the captain he is very interested in Phoebe's birthday gift and wants to read this journal for himself.
Soon Phoebe finds herself married to the captain Phineas Foulger and on a voyage with two things, her great grandmother's journal and a man sent by her father to mind her; Matthew Macy a cooper whom she once loved until he turned away from God.
Pheobe soon finds that life at sea is not the trip she envisioned. Seasick and disillusioned, she turns to the pages of great-grandmother Mary's journal and she finds a secret that has consequences for everyone on the ship.
This is a book that the reader will find hard to put down. Full of history and mystery; the plot takes the readers on many twists and turns and keeps your interest going.
I truly enjoyed this book and found it difficult to put down. Anyone who loves historical fiction will love this book. The author has done her research well and brought this research to life in her novels. I look forward to the next book in the series "Minding the Light".
I highly recommend this book to anyone who likes historical fiction.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
This is an amazing Bible. I have to say it is my Favorite Bible. Ms. Patterson and her team have done an excellent job of putting this Bible together. It is theologically and doctrinal sound. I love the Christian Standard translation, it is easy and clear to read. The print size is excellent. The text is easy to read and clear translation.

The hardcover is very lovely and feminine. It has full-color maps and splashes of color throughout the Bible. This would make a lovely gift, or just for your own resource.

Ms. Patterson is a wonderful woman, I have heard her speak and I truly do recommend this Bible for any age woman. The Study Bible for Women equips you to reach deep into God’s Word. Perhaps the single most powerful aspect of this Bible are the "threads" of specialized study thoughtfully woven throughout, pointing you to God’s larger story and allowing the Holy Spirit to write His revealed truths on your heart.

In The Study Bible for Women, you’ll join a host of other women, all academically trained in the original languages of the Bible and passionate about God’s Word, for an intimately deep dive into Scripture that will equip you to unlock the riches and majesty of His Word, and ignite a passion to mentor others in your life to do the same.


· Extensive commentary notes

· Word studies

· Answers to hard questions

· Doctrinal notes

· Biblical womanhood articles

· Character profiles

· "Written on My Heart" applications
· Extensive book introductions

· In-text maps, charts & timelines

· Full-color maps section

· Concordance

· Presentation page

· Family record pages

The Study Bible for Women Video

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
For over 40 years Mrs. Patterson has focused on teaching women what God has to say to them. This devotional does just that. Using the books of Psalms and Proverbs Mrs. Patterson and Rhonda take us through a year of these two books. This devotional features relevant discussions for the woman today, focusing on the challenges one might find day to day. Every day women are searching for wisdom and answers that are way beyond themselves, what better books than Psalms and Proverbs hold the wisdom and answers we are looking for. to help them with daily living.
Each day's message features an application and of course the encouragement that we may need. This devotional is written by both married and single ladies all under the direction of Mrs. Patterson.

In this devotional, it teaches us how to pattern a personal quiet time, and also a Bible reading plan which will guide the reader through the books of Proverbs and Psalms every month.

Every day you will find the scripture for the day, a small, insightful message, and room to write down your thoughts.
This beautiful teal colored devotional is the perfect size to take anywhere; it has a bonded leather hardcover for stability. This means that it will hold up for many years of reading it daily.
I do like that the devotional starts as "day one" rather than January 1 st, so you can start anytime and reread as much as your heart desires.

I have had the privilege of meeting Mrs. Patterson and sitting under her teaching. She is both amazing and motivating.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.