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I can't tell you how precious the Bradford family is. A history of heartache, bonds that no one can beak, loyalty, love, forgiveness...As we learn more about the sisters and the family, we come to see that even though these are fictional characters, God's plans can take even the worst situations and turn them into good for His glory.

It was interesting reading Willow and Corbin's story because although the details were vastly different, my husband and I have a similar story. We dated for a while, broke up, I moved to Africa and he went off to boot camp...But God wasn't done with us yet. Through God's grace and forgiveness, He brought us back together and we are now going on 7 years of marriage. 😍 Corbin and Willow go through so much in this book. Willow's battle with unforgiveness (not only for Corbin but for herself) is something that I think many of us can relate to. We know God forgives us, but can we forgive ourselves? Can we truly believe that our loving Father wants to BLESS us with immeasurable joy? Or do we think we are unworthy of such love?

I love that Becky Wade infuses her stories with a bit of mystery alongside the romance. I love trying to solve the problems alongside the characters. She writes her stories in such a way that you just HAVE to read ONE more chapter!!!

Set in my home state, I love the setting she chose for Bradfordwood. It's truly a beautiful area. Even if it is the "rainy" side. LOL!

Filled with Biblical truths, heartache, mystery, romance, and forgiveness, Falling for You will sweep you off your feet and I pray open your eyes of the love and forgiveness that our heavenly Father carries for us all. YES....even you!

I received a complimentary copy of Falling for You from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Connilyn Cossette has a true gift, weaving the history and truth of the Bible with imagination. Enhancing the stories to the point that I feel like I can TASTE the manna, I can SEE the cloud, I can HEAR the shofar blow, and I can FEEL the agony of the Canaanites. A people who have been led to live life a certain way, and they know nothing else.

Allanah and Tobiah have found a place in my heart. A "Culture Clash" of massive proportions and a romance that is so sweet and tender. A Canaanite by birth, will Allanah be able to open her heart to the people who have embraced her as their own? Tobiah is full of compassion and love for his family, but when his path leads him to Allanah, his life ends up going in a direction he didn't expect.

Although Allanah and Tobiah are fictional, there are plenty of REAL people, places, and events in this story. And the truth of God's love, forgiveness, salvation, is very real. There are many challenging issues that come up, but you know what? They really happened, and are still happening today. We can not just brush these uncomfortable things under the rug. I commend Connilyn for bringing these issues to light in a heart wrenching yet very real way.

From beginning to end, Wings of the Wind had me utterly captivated. It is a rare thing for me to read a book this fast. And if it wasn't for sleep and feeding my family, I would have completed this in one sitting. Now I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in the series. I think it is safe to say that all of Connilyn's books, both past and future, will make it to my reading list. Brava Connilyn! I am officially hooked!

I received a complimentary copy of Wings of the Wind from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Where do I even begin? This quote pretty much sums up this book. "Truly, what a conundrum Vance Everstone was becoming." When I began The Everstone Chronicles I utterly despised Vance. However, his story should be an encouragement to us all, that through God's forgiveness and redemption ANYONE can change. Wow, just wow!

Violet Hawthorne has been raised to be a lady, a woman of upstanding morals, with a brother who is quite the opposite. Violet wants nothing more than to be free to live her own life unhindered by the past...or present...circumstances.

As Violet and Vance are (quite literally) thrown together, they begin to see each others weaknesses and strengths. Vance is such an encourager, but has difficulties opening his heart to Violet. Violet is wonderfully creative and has compassion and overflows with forgiveness. But she is timid and fearful of doing or saying the wrong thing, she severely lacks self confidence. As events progress she must decide the life that she wants to live.

This storyline is wonderfully creative and moving. Vance's need to protect Violet and his ever growing love for her is beyond romantic and sweet. Written in first person we only get to see things from Violet's perspective. Although we don't see much growth in her self confidence, we see her growth in her spiritual life. She comes to the realization that putting her trust in man will disappoint, but trusting in God is what she truly needs.

In conclusion, this entire series is moving and inspiring. The Everstone family has seen it's share of heartbreak and trials. But through it all, they have kept their eyes on the Lord and they have been brought closer together. Dawn Crandall has created a lovely series and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

I received a free copy of The Cautious Maiden from Whitaker House. I was not required to write a review and this does not influence my review, positive or otherwise. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Oh, readers...Prepare your heart for this one. Sons of Blackbird Mountain is a story that you will want to savor. Let the words sink into your soul and let them move you. Because they will...

I have never seen American Sign Language portrayed so precise as I have in this book. Having been raised by an interpreter for the Deaf, I have been immersed in the language and the culture my whole life. I say "Brava!" to Joanne Bischof for not only taking on this astounding task, but accomplishing it successfully and with excellence.

I can't get this story out of my heart or my head. Thor's struggles and his strength. His love and his protectiveness. Aven is the sister of my heart. With her compassion, empathy, understanding, and even her fears...she is a beautiful woman inside and out. I want to live in this story with them. I want to walk the orchard. Make a pie in Ida's kitchen. Go swimming...Ok, you have to read the story to understand...And through it all, watching Thor and Aven find their strength, not in each other alone, but in God. Learning to lean on HIM to provide. Letting HIS strength guide and direct their paths. And to show HIS love to those around them, even if they are the "enemy".

You all know how much I love The Lady and the Lionheart, well...Thor is sure giving Charlie a run for his money. I think my heart might explode with all the feelings and emotions emitted by these two stories and heroes.

Joanne Bischof continues to expand the boundaries of Christian Fiction. With passion, tension, conflict, and romance we are drawn into the world of Aven and the Norgaard brothers.

I received a complimentary copy of Sons of Blackbird Mountain from the publisher through Book Look. I also received an ebook copy through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Gilt Hollow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am so SO new to reading mystery/suspense books. I like to feel warm and fuzzy rather than creeped out and paranoid. But I AM trying to branch out more...and while Gilt Hollow IS an excellent story and talks a lot about forgiveness...there was not a lot of faith woven into the story in my opinion.

The writing was smooth and flowed nicely. And even though most of the book itself has little action, it was never dull or slow. Always something new to uncover, always one more piece falling into place right where it needed to be.

Although I can not relate directly to the circumstances surrounding Willow and Ashton, I can relate to the panic attacks (thankfully mine have gotten MUCH better in recent months) and to miscommunication. How many arguments, how much confusion, could we save by communicating efficiently?

As the story begins to take shape we start wondering "who done it?" and as I kept reading I really didn't know how it was going to end. I read this one super fast because it just sucks you in and page after page, chapter after just NEED to know more!

The characters possessed age appropriate personalities due to the circumstances they landed in. And while the kisses (and yes...closets are involved...those are ranked among my favorite!) emit a good dose of passion, I believe the author kept it clean and appropriate for Young Adults.

If you haven't read mystery/suspense books yet but are wanting to get your feet wet in the genre, I do recommend Gilt Hollow. There are moments of pure creepiness and some gory descriptions...just as a heads up, but all in all a VERY well written book.

I received a complimentary copy of Gilt Hollow from the publishers. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Tune In: The Beatles: All These Years
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you don't know by now, I am a huge fan of the Beatles. Both of my children have their own Beatles song (Hey Jude and Help), however my general knowledge of their history is not so great. So when I saw Tune In, I didn't hesitate at the opportunity to read it. Being born in the late 80s I can only imagine what it was like to live in the world of Beatlemania, endure the sorrow of their breakup, and all the years in between. Which is why I am so excited about this book. Something else about me, is that I value history, learning the facts and details about people and time periods. Tune In is an extremely in depth look at the men that changed music forever.

Beginning with their family histories, we learn everything there is to know about the background, the life, the creation of the Beatles. Each chapter covers a few years to a few months, and a single day in some cases, beginning in 1845-1945 with the histories of their families, going through their childhood years in the next chapter (1945-1954), and taking us through to the end of 1962.

I have only begun to scratch the surface of this book and I think it is safe to say...Mind...Blown. So much detail, so much history. I love it! With about 80 pages of Notes and another 10 for Credits Mark Lewisohn has definitely done his research to give us such an in depth account of Beatles history. If you are a fan of the Beatles, you are sure to love reading Tune In. Now to wait for volume two...

I received a free copy of Tune In (The Beatles: All These Years) Volume 1, from the publisher through Blogging for Books. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Talk about a book hangover! I have spent the last few days trying to sort through all the emotions and feelings this book evoked in me.

Sofi Snow is a young woman with a lot of confusion about her self worth. She has had her fair share of rejection in life. Miguel had been satisfied with his life...that is until he met Sofi. As their lives get thrown into a web of lies, deceit, blackmail, and hidden agendas. Will Sofi and Miguel be able to push their past aside and work together for the future of Earth and all of its inhabitants?

There is SO MUCH that happens in this book. It started off fast paced and ended with a major cliff hanger in the middle of a VERY INTENSE scene. (We do get a little breather from all the action in the middle of the book.) Between Sofi's struggle to find herself, Miguel's determination to be a "new man", and the whole mess with Shiloh...My brain was on overload. There were a few aspects to the story that still sit uneasy with me regarding Sofi and Miguel's past. I do think the situation calls for the background our characters have and I am curious to see how Mary Weber addresses this and where she takes them in the next book.

One of the main themes in this story is Human Trafficking. I commend Mary for addressing the very real and very serious issue that has been swept under the rug for too long. To hear her heart, you will want to read this book! I look forward to reading more from Mary and finding out how Sofi's story ends.

I received a complimentary copy of The Evaporation of Sofi Snow from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Siren's Fury
Siren's Fury
Mary Weber | 2017 | Children
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
**Please note that this is the second book in The Storm Siren Series. While I always strive to keep my reviews spoiler-FREE, if you have not read the first book, you MAY encounter unknown information in this review**

Mary Weber's unique world is completely incredible. Rich with colorful descriptions and details, I feel like this is a real place I would read about in my history books. Granted...the magical elements kind of give it away as being fiction.

One thing that I have come to appreciate in Young Adult Fiction is the use of symbolism. Reminds me a lot of Ted Dekker's circle trilogy. The evil and darkness vs. The good and pure. The struggle that can occur when we open ourselves to the darkness...And the power that it can have over us IF WE LET IT! Ahh! SO GOOD!!!! And this story just keeps getting more and more intense. This book has a much more steam punk feel to it vs the first book. Different country, different culture, different feel. I LOVE IT!

I do enjoy a book series that continues the story line because it gives the author a chance to develop the characters and thicken the plot. And also makes me glad that I usually wait till these books are all released before I dive into them...So I can, you know...BINGE READ!!!

As Nym continues on her journey of harnessing her powers and stopping a war before it starts...We meet a few new characters and a few old ones tag along. Forget everything you think you know.......And be prepared to be enchanted by this tale of good vs. evil. Make sure you have book 3 ready to go before you start this one...TRUST ME...You are going to want to keep reading.

I found Siren's Fury at my local library. I was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast paced and filled with all the adventure, suspense, comedy, and romance that I have come to expect from Mary Connealy.

The Boden clan is a family that I am sad to say, I only JUST met in Long Time Gone. Even though I was able to pick up the gist of the story pretty quickly, I would suggest that you begin with book 1, No Way Up before diving into this one.

Angie and Justin are two peas in a pod. They really were made for each other and I just loved watching them bicker, tease, and fall in love. And they are both stubborn as mules. Justin, inexperienced when it comes to females, is adorable as he tries to sort out his feelings for Angie. Wanting to protect her, but trying not to come across as a dictator. Angie, still healing from the wounds of the past, is learning how to be her own woman, standing up for herself, defending herself. But we weren't made to do everything alone. That is why God sends us a partner to stand beside us, to fight with us. And above all we must never forget to lean on God for protection and strength. To trust that He is leading us down the right road. That no matter where life leads us, He will be by our side.

Mary's books have the great ability to make you laugh out loud, hold your breath in anticipation, shake your head in frustration, and curl your toes with the sweet romance.

Set in New Mexico Territory in 1880, we get to meet both outlaws and cowboys. Full of adventure and some hair raising escapades, Long Time Gone is sure to capture your attention, and the characters, your heart.

I received a complimentary copy of Long Time Gone from the publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
I can no longer remember my life before Herringford & Watts! Rachel McMillan continues to deliver stories that are both engaging and exciting. Set at the beginning of The Great War, residents of Toronto see their city turned upside down and inside out in this, the third full length novel of the series.

Cracker Jacks! I adore this series. Full of unique characters, creative words, a beautiful setting, and an original storyline. Herringford & Watts will drag you off of your feet and into their world of mystery, murder, and adventure.

Jasper Forth takes on a much more prominent role in The White Feather Murders and I am so SO glad! Move over Ray there is a new dream boat in town. I have always loved Jasper, but this book just sealed the deal for me. As Jem and Merinda whisk us away on yet another daring adventure, things have definitely changed. Both in their beloved city and in the dynamics of their partnership. It was so good to see all four of our characters work through things together and individually.

I can (and will given the opportunity) go on for an extended length of time about all of the reasons I find this book and series utterly delightful. However, you don't have time for such things, for you must purchase a book (the novellas are FREE) and begin reading IMMEDIATELY! Your heart and your brain will thank you for it. The books themselves are gorgeous! Beautiful silhouettes depicting parts of the story on the cover. Footnotes for the reader. Quotes from books that McMillan has created herself. But above all, LADY DETECTIVES in Toronto, 1914. Until our next adventure from Rachel McMillan comes out, enjoy discovering the five other books/novellas in the series! Jem and Merinda are sure to become some of your closest friends, as they have become to me.

I received a complimentary copy of The White Feather Murders from the publishers (Harvest House) through NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.