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The Girl with the Louding Voice
The Girl with the Louding Voice
Abi Daré | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story of a courageous girl.
The Girl with the Louding Voice is about the courage of a Nigerian girl. I finished reading this on International Women’s Day, and this book tells a story of WHY we need such a day!

All Adunni wants is an education and a way out of the poverty that she was born in to. This dream however, seems to be brought to an abrupt end with the death of her mother. Adunni’s father has relied on his wife’s wages (he doesn’t seem to work) and has managed to rack up debts that he can’t pay off. So he sells 14 year old Adunni in to marriage with a man who is far older than her, who already has two wives. Adunni is supposed to swap her ambitions from education and a career, to bearing male children to a man she can’t bring herself to look at (and I don’t blame her). She has a horrible life, made marginally better by her friendship with the heavily pregnant second wife. However, Adunni tries to help the second wife see a midwife because of pregnancy complications and something goes very wrong. Adunni runs away, knowing that if she is caught, it could mean her death.

She then finds herself working at a house in the city as a house girl: she’s basically a slave, working from 5am to midnight, for no wages. Big Madam, her ‘employer’ beats her for the slightest things. Reading these scenes was upsetting - that a child should be treated in such a way, that she should be raped by a man who should never have married her (it IS illegal in Nigeria), and then be beaten to unconsciousness by her ‘owner’ (because without wages, surely that’s what Big Madam is?). And then there are Adunni’s saviours: the chef who lives and works in the house, and a neighbour who is a doctors wife, Tia.

This book will probably break your heart, but you’ll also marvel at the strength, perseverance and bravery of Adunni. She never gives up. She knows what she wants, and she grabs her opportunities where she can. This is a book that everyone should read - it’s really that good.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book to read and honestly review.
Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood
Borderlands 3: Bounty of Blood
Action, Fighting, Shooter
The third DLC for Borderlands 3 has arrived and Bounty of Blood serves up more of the action, guns, and mayhem that fans of the series have become accustomed to.

Answering a call for a Bounty Hunter; the Vault Hunter(s) arrive on the planet of Gehenna which has been largely forgotten after being exploited by one of the big companies in years past.

The planet is a hybrid of the Old West and current Borderlands technology and is populated with all manner of dangerous creatures; many which resemble Dinosaurs.

Upon arriving at the town of Vestige’ players learn that the town is under attack by a vicious gang known as the “Devil Riders”. You are then tasked with eliminating the threat and taking down their leader to collect the Bounty.

Naturally there is much more in play as a larger threat is revealed and players will have to fight their way through various areas to get to the bottom of the mystery and save the day.

The game has lots of action and introduces many new characters while omitting appearances from any past characters in the series. There are abundant new weapons as one would expect in a Borderlands game and the Western theme offered up some great locales and visuals as well as some great music. The game has a narrator which adds a new dimension to the game as it is fun to hear how some of your actions become known as events such as the “Bathhouse Massacre” as an example.

The DLC did not seem as long as the past two did and did not seem as challenging as I was able to complete the campaign on my own and did not have any areas where I was challenged to complete.

There are side missions as well and some will present themselves after the game and credits end so players who want to continue to explore will have many opportunities to do so.

There are also new environmental weapons that players can use to cause destruction or briefly control enemies which adds a new dimension to the game.

Bounty of Blood is a solid and highly-enjoyable DLC for the game and I look forward to seeing what the next DLC offers up.

4 stars out of 5.
Out of Death (2021)
Out of Death (2021)
2021 | Crime, Thriller
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I got my hands on a preview of this one. Modern Bruce Willis is always a slight concern, but I like to give them the benefit of the doubt.

In this peaceful mountain town, a quiet hike turns to terror as a photographer witnesses a brutal crime by the very people who are supposed to protect against them.

On the scale of messed up plots, Out of Death isn't actually that bad. Corrupt law enforcement caught in the act is a strong idea to use in a crime thriller. The setting also gave them a lot of opportunities even though it's a fairly simple forest/wooded setting. Though that setting suffers a little from TARDIS-esque qualities, is it big, is it small, how does time work in and around it? I found myself wondering about those random things, which may have been down to not feeling massively engaged with anything happening.

From the small collection of characters, Billie and Tom probably came out the best. Though no one quite got out unscathed. They did at least have a bond that played out well in a few scenes.

Beyond them, the rest of the cast don't do so well with the script. There are points where it tries to give characters something a little extra, but it ultimately came out a little on the creepy side. I'm thinking in particular about one scene where two characters try to have a human conversation and build a little backstory... it was bad, and made me cringe. I haven't felt that way about a film interaction in a very long time.

As much as I love Bruce Willis, he basically wanders through this one without much effort. The whole affair felt rather lethargic, and as with his other recent films, it's a phoned-in effort. Without him, I doubt anyone would have come across Out of Death, there's nothing that's a particular hook, and with such a generic air to it, I can't see anyone picking it out of a line-up of similar films.

Out of Death might not be the worst film I've ever seen, but there's lots of room for improvement. As it is, it doesn't hold your attention enough to make it massively enjoyable. At the very least you can enjoy the scenery.

Originally posted on:
The Marksman (2021)
The Marksman (2021)
2021 | Action, Thriller
6.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Liam Neeson is back in “The Marksman” and despite some flaws; the film provides what his fans want and is an engaging and topical film.

Neeson plays Jim; a widower who spends his time on a tiny and struggling ranch in Arizona near the border. Jim is facing foreclosure from the bank after dealing with devastating medical bills for his late wife and feels that as a former Marine he has been given a bad deal by the system.

Jim often drives along the border fence and radios in suspected crossings but is willing to provide aid to those who finds in distress.

When Jim encounters a young woman and her son Miguel (Jacob Perez); he is drawn into conflict when they are pursued by some dangerous people which forces Jim to shoot when weapons are drawn killing one of the group in the process as well as the boy’s mother.

Jim turns the boy over to the Border Patrol where his daughter Sarah (Katheryn Winnick), is in charge of the local office and is concerned when he learns the boy is to be sent back to family. Seeing the individuals he had previously had a gunfight with waiting for Miguel to cross; Jim decides to honor the dying wish of Miguel’s mother to take him to family in Chicago; even when that means abducting Miguel from custody.

The trip not only puts Jim at odds with his daughter but as well as Miguel who wants to return home and causes the dangerous individuals to cross into the U.S. to ruthlessly track Jim and Miguel to exact their revenge.

The film moves at a steady and deliberate pace until the finale gives fans a taste of the action that they would come to expect. It does take some patience as I saw numerous opportunities for a person of Jim’s skill to attempt to set an ambush, trap, or counter the dangers facing them but the final resolutions are enjoyable and satisfying.

While the film does not have the action and intensity of some of Neeson’s recent works; it does provide enough entertainment to make it worth a watch and does contain content based on some very volatile and controversial topics which would spur intense debate.

3 stars out of 5

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 7, 2019 (Updated Oct 13, 2019)  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) is a broken and troubled man. Arthur toils in as demeaning and berated Clown for Hire, and lives with his troubled mother in a dilapidated apartment.
Arthur meets with a Social Worker in an attempt as the seven medications he takes simply are not cutting it and he struggles to cope in a world that has ignored and discarded him.

Arthur dreams of being a comedian but sadly lacks the confidence and ability to pull off his material which is iffy at best. Undaunted he keeps toiling away even when life continues to beat him down mentally and physically.
This all changes when Arthur stops being the victim during and assault and fights back.

Arthur stops taking his medication and becomes more determined and is no longer afraid to confront those who antagonize him.

This leads Arthur to some renewed opportunities such as an appearance on a talk show which he has long idolized.
All of this happens against a smoldering Gotham City where tensions are high and rising even higher due to a Garbage strike and a perception that the elite of the city have abandoned those in need such as eliminating Arthur’s Social Worker due to budget cuts.

With nowhere to go but up; Arthur transforms from a disturbed individual to a violent and deeply disturbed and dangerous individual who is angry and ready for revenge.

Phoenix is fantastic and he is not afraid to let unglamorous scenes of his very thin body or lingering close ups at unflattering angels undermine him. He uses them to illustrate just how disposable Arthur is too many in the film and to also show how little he cares about such matters. The role is deeply dark and disturbing and will no doubt spark much controversy and debate ranging from making a dangerous person a sympathetic figure as well as commentary about class structure and the danger of unstable people inspiring others via a Cult of Personality.

There is a connection to the larger Batman universe even though the film is light on action and FX. This is a character study of a decent into madness and it is deeply disturbing as it is compelling.

4.5 stars out of 5
Nightmare Alley (2021)
Nightmare Alley (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
7.4 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Stanton Carlisle (Bradley Cooper); is a man trying to get by in late 1930s America in the new film “Nightmare Alley”. Our first introduction to Stanton is less than flattering and he soon finds himself employed at a Carnival after coming upon it by chance.

The eager Stanton is given advice and tools of the trade by his boss Clem (Willem Dafoe) as well as the mystic Zeena (Toni Collette) and Stanton eagerly wants to get ahead. While striking a friendship with fellow employee Molly (Rooney Mara); Stanton learns that Zeena’s older and alcoholic husband has a skill from a former act where he learns to read people and use verbal cues to appear to have the power of clairvoyance.

Eventually, Stanton seeks bigger opportunities and leaves with Molly for the city where they in time develop a successful act that offers them two shows a night at a fancy hotel and some of the finer things in life.

Unwilling to be content with what he has; Stanton becomes involved with a Psychologist named Lilith (Cate Blanchett) and uses her knowledge to set up higher-profile marks who will pay well for his supposed abilities and in doing so; sets a dangerous chain of events into motion.

The film is based on the 1946 book of the same name and an earlier 1947 film, and while it does an amazing job with the visuals and moody atmosphere of the era; it is a very long and slowly-paced film. The movie is over 2.5 hours long and comes across as overly long and self-indulgent as Director Guillermo del Toro could easily have shaved 30-45 minutes from the film and told the story without losing much.

The cast and performances are very good but a slow-paced and dour film is not an ideal way to spend 2.5 hours at the movies no matter how much it has going for it. The movie does have some good points but I think it will do much better on streaming and home video where audiences can pause and take a break.

If you are a fan of the Noir style of old; then this may be just what you are looking for, but I think it should have been so much more.

3.5 stars out of 5
It just shouldn’t be this hard!”

Raise your hand if you’ve ever had a day where everything that could go wrong does go wrong—you lock your keys in the car while it’s running, lose control with your kids, make a mistake at the office that results in hours more work. And just when you think not one more thing could possibly happen . . . well, fill in the blank. The struggle is real, friends. It may not be major stuff. Lives are not on the line here. But it makes us feel awful . . . and then we feel guilty for stressing when other people have “real” problems that are so much more serious. Yet the fact remains: We live in a world that often feels harder than we think it should be. And so it can be easy to believe the stories we tell ourselves—that we’re doing it wrong, that we’ll be stuck in this place forever, that God doesn’t love us. We struggle to practice gratitude, to make godly choices, and to live our daily lives with confidence and contentment. So what can we do? Join popular Bible teacher and counselor Nicole Unice to discover why the struggle is real . . . and what to do about it. Nicole offers practical tools to help you navigate the daily ups and downs, and ways to rewrite your struggle into a new, God-centered life story. The Struggle Is Real is an invitation to take the hard, hurtful, and confusing moments and turn them into opportunities to grow in wisdom, strength, and joy.

 My Thoughts: We all have days that seem to go wrong; sometimes life just seems to be a struggle. Where do we turn? Nicole Unice teaches us to turn to God and to understand why these days happen to us and how to deal with them. She shows us how to make "Godly" choices that will help us, rather than make us feel joyless.

This is a wonderful book, that I encourage all to read. I know we all have had a period of time in our lives when every day is difficult, a day when we say "Why Me?". This book will help us understand why life seems like a struggle, why we respond the way we do in some situations. This book will prepare you and help you. We need to remember that God is greatest, and He knows best. In other words, trials form us, shape our character, make us stronger and God is in control!

This is an exellent read and highly recommended.

Interludes Box Set
Interludes Box Set
Aliyah Burke | 2019 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this box set of three books.

Because I read these books back to back, as a set, I’m writing one review for the whole bundle, rather than three separate reviews.

And let me tell ya, I loved these books!

Well, I LOVED books one and three, two didn’t quite hit that spot, but still!

These books landed right in my queue when I needed them the most. I read a lot, A LOT, a lot and a huge chunk of those books are male/male romance of some description or other. Now, I’m not picky, I like to think I’m an equal opportunities reader, I will read most pairings so long as the blurb grabs. But it’s been a while since I had such great male/female pairings that were so bloody sexy!

There is instant and powerful attraction between Roxi and Sam in book one. Tuck and Ariel pussy foot around each other for the better part of two years before they act on their feelings in book two. Maya and Brent, in book three, had a one night stand some time (but I was never really clear on how long ago that was!) in Hawaii and when Brent finds himself face to face with Maya again, he wants to pick up where they left off.

Each book is well written, with both male and female lead having a say. All the characters have very different voices, and tell their stories in the third person. Each book has a Marine or two as the lead, and there are a whole host of other Marines that pop up in each book.

There is a huge supporting cast, spread over the three books, with some very interesting people who I want to have a story of their own. Some massive hints? Clues? Teasers, I think is probably the best word, to their stories and I need to know will there be more in this series??

I read tow of these books in one day, and had I not had to up at stoopid o’clock the next morning, I would probably have read all three! First I’ve read of this author, and now I want to read more. Her back list is massive though, and it may take some time to choose!

Like I said, book two did not quite hit *that* spot, but I’m still giving the whole set. . .

5 full stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Art of Dying in Books

Aug 15, 2019  
The Art of Dying
The Art of Dying
Ambrose Parry | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another fantastic historical medical thriller
* I received an advance copy of this book from the publishers and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review *
Ambrose Parry returns with a second book set in Victorian Edinburgh during its medical and scientific revolution. Where the first book centred around Sir James Young Simpson (and others!) search for the perfect anaesthetic, this book focuses more on the man and his reputation. Edinburgh is still a thriving centre of medical science, and reputation is everything. The book starts with Simpson's reputation being besmirched by rivals and former colleagues, looking to suggest negligence. Will Raven and Sarah Fisher team up again to gradually peel away at the facts underlying the case in question and reveal some disturbing trends.
While the plot itself, and its numerous twists and turns, is not exactly ground-breaking, it is excellently told, with clues scattered here, there and everywhere. And to weave this tale around actual historic events and cases really appeals to my mind.
This book, and its predecessor, is one of the most immersive books I have read in a long time. The reader really gets to feel as if they are in Victorian era Edinburgh. Admittedly, I read a fair part of this book while commuting to work in Edinburgh (indeed my children were all born in the Sir James Young Simpson maternity unit of the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary), but I feel the reader with less connection to the city would still get that same feeling.
There is again an underlying message of the treatment of women during those times (and indeed today), both how they are treated in the household and society and also their opportunities for a career and to explore their skills. Sarah Fisher is a strong female character who tolerates her place in society but yearns to break through the glass ceiling, proving her worth to all and sundry as she goes.
In contrast, Will Raven is somewhat spineless in this regard. He sees the issues with society but doesn't do much to act on it. Indeed, he starts the book having run away from Edinburgh and his chances of a relationship with a mere housekeeper, for fear of his heart dooming his medical career. Raven does get some amount of development, both in terms of his medical career, and also in terms of becoming the Victorian equivalent of "woke".
Parry's prose is fantastic and she (they?) truly allow the reader to feel the story unfold around them.
An utterly wonderful book with some interesting history lessons and important messages about the past that should help us build a fairer society today.
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Ronaldo: The Vixen Pederson Workshop
Maxine Sylvester | 2019 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. (0 more)
In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes (0 more)
Honest Review for Free Copy of Book
Ronaldo: The Vixen Peterson Workshop is another amazing book by Maxine Sylvester. It is short, fun, and carries some wonderful messages to its readers. Read it as a stand-alone book or part of the series, either way, this is one book you don’t want to miss.

 Ronaldo and Rudi take readers to the North Pole as they take part in The Vixen Peterson Workshop, focusing on teamwork. The young reindeer are all put into teams and as it happens Ronaldo’s team gets the one cadet that no one wants, Cupid. Poor Cupid is a sweet reindeer with a wonderful attitude, but a terrible flyer. All the members of Ronaldo’s team look to him for guidance with hopes that they may still win the race at the end of the workshop.

 Ronaldo befriends Cupid and tries his best to help her. Finally, he discovers why Cupid has so many problems with flying and can help her correct the issue. As luck would have it Ronaldo has a score throat the day of the big race and is unable to lead his team. He gives up his position to Cupid which builds her confidence even more.

 I loved how Ronaldo not only befriends Cupid and tires to help her but also stands up for her, even when she is not around. There are very few people who will do something like that anymore and it is a lesson that everyone needs to learn, especially children. It is a rare occurrence that I can truly say there is nothing that I did not like about this book. In previous Ronaldo books I have mentioned that I don’t like the fart jokes and while I could still do without them, they have become a common occurance in this series that I have come to expect.

 Just like the rest of the series, this book is great for elementary students. There may be a couple of words that they need help with but overall it shouldn’t be a problem. Alternatively, it would be great for parents to read to their children. I rate this book with a perfect 4 out of 4 once again. This book is wonderful. The story is fun, yet packed full of strong messages. It offers many learning opportunities for children and discussion points for parents.