The Company States Keep: International Economic Organizations and Investor Perceptions
This book argues that investor risk in emerging markets hinges on the company a country keeps. When...

Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
John King, Dave Logan and Halee Fischer-Wright
In "Tribal Leadership", management consultants Dave Logan and John King show corporate leaders how...

Dance and Organization: Integrating Dance Theory and Methods into the Study of Management
Dance and Organisation is the first comprehensive work to integrate dance theory and methods into...

Leading to Occupational Health and Safety: How Leadership Behaviours Impact Organizational Safety and Well-Being
E. Kevin Kelloway, Karina Nielsen and Jennifer K. Dimoff
Leading to Occupational Health and Safety brings together prominent researchers to explore the...

Making Organizational Change Stick: How to Create a Culture of Partnership Between Project and Change Management
Business needs change. And it needs it in ways, at a rate and on a scale that is unprecedented....
Case Studies in Courageous Organizational Communication: Research and Practice for Effective Workplaces
Alexander Lyon presents 31 case studies in organizational communication that explore issues of...

Strategic Organizational Learning: Using System Dynamics for Innovation and Sustained Performance: 2016
Martha A. Gephart and Victoria J. Marsick
This book discusses the successes and challenges of leveraging organizational learning in effective...

Sustainable Management Development in Africa: Building Capabilities to Serve African Organizations
Sustainable Management Development in Africa examines how African management and business...

The Emergence of Routines: Entrepreneurship, Organization, and Business History
Daniel M. G. Raff and Philip Scranton
This book is a collection of essays about the emergence of routines and, more generally, about...