Everyone a Leader: A Guide to Leading High-Performance Organizations for Engineers and Scientists
Aimed at practicing engineers and scientists as well as students, Everyone a Leader offers...

Transmitting Rights: International Organizations and the Diffusion of Human Rights Practices
When considering the structures that drive the global diffusion of human rights norms, Brian...

The Psychology of Fear in Organizations: How to Transform Anxiety into Well-Being, Productivity and Innovation
In the context of global economic recession, fear has become institutionalized in many...

Applied Technology Integration in Governmental Organizations: New E-government Research
Presenting quality applied research results in the field of electronic and digital government, its...

Strategic Human Resource Planning for Academic Libraries: Information, Technology and Organization
Strategic Human Resources Planning for Academic Libraries: Information, Technology and Organization...

Transforming Public Services by Design: Re-Orienting Policies, Organizations, and Services Around People
For policy makers and policy implementers, design challenges abound. Every design challenge presents...

Managing and Leading People Through Organizational Change: The Theory and Practice of Sustaining Change Through People
Tremendous forces for change are radically reshaping the world of work. Disruptive innovations,...

Organizational Identity and Firm Growth: Properties of Growth, Contextual Identities and Micro-Level Processes: 2017
Christoph Dorrenbacher, Matthias Tomenendal and Sarah Stanske
This edited volume focuses on the interplay between organizational identities and firm growth, an...

Car Crashes without Cars: Lessons About Simulation Technology and Organizational Change from Automotive Design
Every workday we wrestle with cumbersome and unintuitive technologies. Our response is usually...

Derailed Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being: Confessions of Failure and Solutions for Success: 2015
Maria Karanika-Murray and Caroline Biron
Providing an overview of researchers' and practitioners' "confessions" on the fascinating phenomenon...