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6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
113 of 235
Loving L ( Damaged Souls Golden Hearts 1)
By Amy J. Heart

Love is torture. Love is pain. Until the right person at the wrong time changes everything.
From the sordid streets to a life of luxury, things are finally looking up for me. Then I meet Eden.

Sweet. Beautiful. Everything I ever dreamed of...except she's under the control of the greatest tormentor from my past.

Blackmail. Corruption. Even murder. Am I prepared to do the unthinkable to keep her safe?

Damn right I am.

That didn’t take long at all I enjoyed it too. It can be a bit hard to read in places and does come with an abuse trigger warning but I think it was dealt with quite well. The characters were likeable and well written and their stories heartbreaking. A bit spicy so overall a good read for a dark romance.
KOD by J. Cole
KOD by J. Cole
2018 | Hip-hop, Rap, Rhythm And Blues
J. Cole is a popular hip-hop lyricist out of Fayetteville, North Carolina. Not too long ago, he released his long-anticipated, self-produced, fifth studio album, entitled, “KOD”.

J. Cole – “KOD Trailer”

Cole revealed via Twitter that “KOD” stands for Kids on Drugs, King Overdosed, and Kill Our Demons. The rest of the album he leaves to our interpretation. Well, let’s begin.


The album begins with caution. Jazz bellows underneath a female voice reciting uplifting words. Her message suggests listeners should make the right decisions (choose wisely) because the past (sand in an hourglass) can provide shelter for their demons.

Also, a way to a painless existence is provided. Those in pain must choose wisely, or make healthier decisions, to avoid being tormented by their past.


The title track showcases Cole’s Kids on Drugs braggadocios side. In verse one, he utilizes his carnal mind to reply to media/fans asking him a bunch of ‘how’ questions. But instead of being humble, Cole replies to his critics in an arrogant way.

The second verse disconnects from the first and goes into a random storytelling mode with intersecting ideas that jump from one subject to another.

The outro is noteworthy. It forms a bridge between Intro and KOD songs. Also, it ends on a thought-provoking note.

If love is indeed the strongest drug like Cole stated, then why isn’t it being chased after like the drugs listed above? Why aren’t more people getting high off love? The question then becomes…is love even a drug?

That depends on who you ask. But what we all will agree on, love is an invisible element that contributes to people being addicted to drugs? It’s a fact, a strong love for something breeds addiction, dependency, et cetera.


Cole uses a 2018 rhyme pattern to address a woman he follows privately on social media. He’s addicted or loves to stalk the woman online, and it’s starting to mess with his health.

Cole always excels when he tells stories about him and a woman. Women are his go-to subject to rap about and he does a pretty good job on this song.


Cole isn’t too fond of doing features on his albums. But this time, he enlists his alter ego, kiLL edward, to help him say that Heaven is a mental mind state.

edward raps that he’s stuck in his fallen ways and that’s why he keeps falling down. That’s why he drinks alcohol and uses drugs to help him cope. But keep in mind that edward is actually Cole.

Cole raps about disloyal friends that owe him an apology and what he’s gonna do to them when they meet. But all the while, edward is in Cole’s mind telling him that drinking alcohol and using drugs will help numb his pain.


ATM is an energetically poppin’ single with replay value. It begins with the album’s theme—choose wisely.

Cole praises money like it’s biblical and even states that it solved every problem he had. But after counting up all the money, he concludes that you can’t take it with you when you die.

The Scott Lazer & Cole-directed video shows the King of Drugs chauffeuring a bunch of children riding on a drug float. The storyline is dope, reminiscent of a classic video from hip-hop’s golden era.

Also, Cole literally gives his arm and leg to purchase a vehicle. That transaction signifies what people are doing nowadays to accumulate material wealth. But keep in mind, chasing money will lead to your death or downfall. Message received.


Motiv8 is a good track that features a sample from Junior M.A.F.I.A.’s “Get Money” single.

Cole encourages listeners to get high and get money, even though he just said that chasing money is detrimental to their health.

Verse 2 features one of Cole’s best lyrics and flow.


Cole’s continues his lyrical crusade and touches on his favorite subject.

He raps about being in a committed relationship but admits to being an addict that’s addicted to cheating. He tries to fight the temptation and remain faithful but acknowledges that he’s fake for thinking that way.


The song begins with a Richard Pryor comedy skit.

Cole speaks about being a millionaire and then he receives a phone call from Uncle Sam.

Verse 2 highlights Cole’s disgust with paying higher taxes now that he’s a millionaire.


Cole shines brightly on this song, which is reminiscent of Nas’ “Project Windows” single.

He addresses his mother’s battle with alcoholism. The reason why she drank—because Cole’s step-father had a baby with another woman. So, to cope with the pain, Cole’s mother started abusing alcohol.

With no one to turn to, she used to call to talk to Cole. But he didn’t like talking to her while she was drunk.

At the end of the song, Cole regrets being that way to his mother when she needed him the most.


Cole finds solace in his alter ego and cops another bag of weed to smoke. Somehow, he needs it to cope and gets aggravated when he doesn’t smoke.

He takes this time to address his friends who aren’t motivated to succeed. He tells them several things they can blame their lack of motivation on. And ends it by saying that the blame game is also an addiction that people use to not get better.

Also, he raps about depression and drug addiction.


The song begins with a girl telling Cole about the time her cousin got shot. Cole is sad, listening to the girl with tears in his eyes.

Then Cole praises the Most High. He speaks about things he wanna do like killing the man that made his mother cry and seeing his granny on the other side.
The girl ends the song with a powerful message.


Cole ends his KOD album in battle rap mode. He addresses Lil Pump for dissing him on Pump’s “F*ck J Cole” song.

Cole’s flow is melodic and his lyrics cut deep. He foretells Pump’s future and predicts the rapper will be on Love & Hip-Hop in five years. Also, Cole wished him good luck in his career.


J. Cole gets a big thumbs up for producing a solid album with no features. Also, his evergreen message of choosing wisely has to be applauded, especially nowadays when living recklessly is being rewarded.

Listeners have different options to cope with their pain. Using drugs and drinking alcohol are just two ways of doing so. But if you choose wisely, and pick a healthier way to ease your pain, your life will change for the better.
When You Are Near
When You Are Near
Tracie Peterson | 2019 | Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (2 more)
Writing Style
Those that know me, know I love to read Historical novels, so it will come as no surprise at all that I love this novel. It’s my first Peterson novel in a long time, and I was excited to see what she had in store for her readers with this one. Let me tell, I was taken on a whirl wind ride with this one and I loved every minute of it! Those that know me, also know that I love to be around horses and ride them (though it’s been a while since I’ve ridden one!), so I definitely enjoyed this book for that aspect alone.

I adored Lizzy’s character. She’s beautifully chiseled and I loved that she was a trick rider in this story! I haven’t read a book like this one, about women trick rider’s, so it made Lizzy’s story that much more fun for me. I felt a connection with Lizzy, having lost my mother a few years back, and I dealt with my own pain and struggles much like Lizzy did. Watching her blossom from that pain and struggle, seeing her connection with her horse, seeing how she realized that love is what she truly needs to get through it all, was a fantastic experience!

If you love novels that are beautifully written, filled with rich Historical detail, and filled with characters that come to life, then you need not look any further than Peterson’s new novel. She has tremendous talent and fills her books with hope, understanding and love, along with some powerful messages for her readers. This book is fast paced, and before I knew it, it was over, so I’m highly anxious to get book 2 in this series, as I am not yet done with these trick riders and their stunning horses! Grab this 4 star novel now and see what I’m talking about! You won’t be sorry.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Widows (2018)
Widows (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
#widows is this years biggest surprise. Just like a punch to the gut its full of #pain, suffering an overload of #emotion & shock. My goodness what an exceptional & #stunning piece of work this is. As soon as the film opened is was hanging off my seat, with an opening which not only sets the stage for what's to come but showcases just how talented #stevemcqueen is as a director. This calm before the storm style of directing works so well that it constantly lulls you into a false sense of security (by using #beautiful/unique camera work, a powerful score, subbtle #humour, interesting characters & deep character connections) to pull you in which are then followed instantly by incredibly tense action or scenes of #brutal #violence or shocking emotional breakdowns which hit you hard like a slap across the face. Long but never once #boring this is such a heavy, bleak & #depressing film not only about grief, loss, #broken trust & #survival but also about #racism, corruption, power abuse & the using of money & #religion as a control tool. I dont want to spoil to much because its best to go in blind here to feel the full impact of the #film & its twists. #Widowsmovie is so powerful & full of so much depth I felt like id been hit by a train walking out. Everything flows together so perfectly here from its pacing to its plot & its cinematography right down to its sound & set design. Theres also stellar acting all across the board here & i mean seriously impressive preformances by a good chunk of the cast which makes sure each & every characters pain, grief & struggle through #life is felt deeply, making it at times increadibly #heartbreaking & tuff to watch. This film overall was such an engaging/draining & absorbing thrill ride full of intelligent & current themes that I cant wait to see it again & delve deeper into its layers. Absolutely mind blowing & one of the most tense & well constructed #heist films ive seen in a long long time. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #thursdaythoughts #violadavis #collinfarrell #liamnesson #danielkaluuya #love
All We Ever Wanted
All We Ever Wanted
Emily Giffin | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow. Just wow. This book is SO relevant right now with the #metoo movement and #timesup. It breaks my heart to realize how often stories like this happen, to anyone, of any age or social/financial status - there is no discrimination, and sadly there just isn't enough conversation about these topics. I applaud Emily Giffin for writing this book.

I had no idea in detail what this story was about when I requested it from NetGalley. I like to be surprised with Emily's books, and I've never read one I didn't like. And I sure was surprised by this one! It's almost like, "If you could walk in someone's shoes" - I felt like i was dropped into this book, as if I was in on a secret, and I just sat back and watched the secrets unravel and unfold.

Something happened to Lyla. Something not good at all. It started with a bunch of elite private high school kids (and some not-so-privileged) at a party, with a lot of alcohol... and you can just imagine it from there. Something happens. Accusations fly, lies are told, people unravel, secrets come out, and trusts are broken.
This books tells the story from several angles and I found myself so attached to them all. They are so well written I honestly felt as if I was in a mother's head, a father's mind and in the thoughts of a 16 year old girl.

I sailed through this, as I do most of Emily's books because I love her writing style and how easily I can just jump into her stories. I wanted to find out more, I wanted justice, and I craved a neat and tidy resolution, but we all know these types things are never neat and tidy.

This book is important. I wish everyone would read this. Although every #metoo story is different, this casts a glimpse into how each and every incident causes so, so much pain, to so many people - and ultimately how getting these types of stories out in the world, can hopefully ease some of that pain by helping and educating others.

Thank you to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for the opportunity to review this amazing book.
Where Nerves End (Tucker Springs #1)
Where Nerves End (Tucker Springs #1)
L.A. Witt | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
warm and fuzzies, people, warm and fuzzies!
Independent review for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jason is faced with two choices: an increase in pain medication, or a visit to the acupuncturist his friend keeps recommending. He opts for the latter to relieve his shoulder pain, but it is costly. Finding out Michael was also struggling financially, Jason suggests they become room mates, since Jason has room. Jason just never factored in the attraction he has for Michael, especially since Michael is straight, right?

Warm and fuzzies, right here! I really enjoyed this! I mean, I must have. I went to bed to read a few pages before sleep and 90 minutes later, I'm done! One late night sitting and I made a new shelf for them too!

My only niggle is that only Jason has a say! Even though it;s first person, I think if Michael had been given a voice, this would have been a 5 star read. Michael does go against his feelings. Well, not really AGAINST them, more he lets his TRUE feelings free and I wanted to ear from him at key points along the way. There were many of them, too, but mostly his first meeting with Jason; when Michael does what he does to set Jason off and the bits in between, when they are fighting the attraction so bloody hard it made my teeth hurt!

It's not really a Happy Ever After ending, either, at least I didn't think so. Oh they get together and announce it to every one and they are happy, I just feel there might be more to come from these guys! Is there?? I hope so!

This appears to be the first book in a series written by (that I can see) 3 different authors, set in Tucker Springs which is the series name. I'd certainly read more of them, by Witt especially. Her book "Nine Tenths of The Law" spurned a new shelf too, "too stinking cute". I'd quite happily read other books in the series, just to see who pops up along the way!

So, ONLY because Michael doesn't get a voice

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
Feels Like Summer - Single by Samuel Jack
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Samuel Jack is a singer-songwriter based in London, England. Not too long ago, he released a charming contemporary soul tune, entitled, “Feels Like Summer”.

“There’s definitely a sense of nostalgia about the whole song. I wrote it at a time when I needed those good times to see me through some stuff. Music can totally transcend time and space and take you to all sorts of places when you’re not exactly where you want to be. That’s what this song is for me. It takes me back, it takes me forward, it takes me through.” – Samuel Jack

‘Feels Like Summer’ tells an interesting tale of a young guy who celebrates the good times shared with someone from his past.

Apparently, reminiscing about those magical moments when he was a teenager somehow makes him feel alive. Therefore, he wishes he could live in that moment forever.

‘Feels Like Summer’ contains a relatable storyline, ear-welcoming vocals, and feel-good instrumentation seasoned with stomping percussion, bright brass, and shimmering soundscapes.

Samuel Jack spent his formative years in Johannesburg with his father, a film director.

He was raised on Motown, blues, soul, and roots music. His favorite musical themes include love, pain, and occasionally politics.

Everything he sings is from the heart, about moments in his life and the journey he is currently on.

Not too long ago, he confessed that writing for him is a form of therapy and that honesty plays a key role throughout his songwriting.

“I listen to all sorts of music, but there is something about Rhythm ‘n’ Blues, about Soul, about Gospel that just gets into my veins. The history of it all, the hurt, the pain, the joy, the sex. And when those emotions are delivered by a voice that really means it, I just feel like there can’t be a better way to express yourself.” – Samuel Jack

Samuel Jack’s upcoming album, which is due later this year, narrates the struggles with inner demons and the turbulence of family and relationships.

Also, the project highlights the desire and want for something or someone, and how music helps to build bridges and establish new relationships.