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The Forgiving Jar
The Forgiving Jar
Wanda E. Brunstetter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Many of y'all know me, and know that one of my favorite genres to read is Amish fiction. Among that Amish fiction, there is this really amazingly talented author who never fails to hook me, keep me focused on the story, and make me feel as if I was a character within the pages as I follow the ups, downs, ins and outs of her beloved characters' lives. That author is Wanda Brunstetter. She is phenomenal. So, I looked forward to opening up the next book in her Prayer Jars series. Let me tell you this: She did not disappoint me. In fact, I was blown away with this story. 

Ms. Brunstetter has woven a tender story with this book. It's full of secrets and twists, but also full of hope, longing, forgiving and grace. Sara and Brad's characters are tenderly chiseled together to create a few sparks of romance blooming within the book, and Michelle's character.....well, let me say that at first, I wanted to hate her, for assuming a life that wasn't her own. But, through the words of Ms. Brunstetter, through the forgiving grace of God, I was able to see why she did it, and much like the story line suggests, and forgive her for it, the same as if she truly did it to me. 

The way Ms. Brunstetter makes me feel at the end of the book, like she wrote solely for me (which, of course, I know she did not but that's how good her writing is!), has once again left me ready for her next book in the series so I can feel this way again. The Forgiving Jar is a tender story, one that makes the reader sit and reflect about forgiving and letting go of the pain and the past, and focus on the here and now. Anything less than a 5 star praise for this book, would not be doing it justice. Well done, Ms. Brunstetter. Well done. 

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Shiloh Run Press and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hold on just one moment, please. *Reflects* Ahem. Okay. Now, I can review this book. This book. What can say about this poignant, stunning novel of epic proportions? I can tell you that this book will pull you in and twist you up inside, as you get to know Hephzibah, or Ishma as she's first known. The pages within this book come to life, the characters moving before you like you are really there, learning of Isaiah, Hephzibah,Yaira,Hezekiah and all the happenings of Jerusalem.

Seeing all that young Ishma went through, really tugged at my heart. Watching her grow with Hezekiah was an experience I won't soon forget. I felt all of Zibah's feelings, all her pain and love for the Father. I cried when Isaiah and his wife adopted Zibah, I cried when Hezekiah and Zibah fell in love, I cried when I reached the end of this amazing novel.

This book is a book of true love. Of sacrificial love. Of a love that will never end, both within family, even if it's not blood family, and the never ending love of our amazing Father above. This story is utterly heartbreaking, yet it's heart-reviving. It is rich in detail, it is throroughly researched, and it's stitched perfectly together like that of a beautiful handmade quilt.

Ms. Andrews has gone beyond 5 stars with this book. This book is so much more than just that. If you want a book that will carry you away to a land, and a time, that we've only read about in the Bible and imagined with our minds and hearts, then this is a book for you. If you want a book that steals your mind, and soul long after you've shut the book, then this is for you. If you want a book that will leave you contemplating all you've learned in Bible study, then please, look no further than the first book in a Biblical series that is sure to be a best seller.
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Synopsis: RENEWED is a devotional providing healing for those in ministry who have been hurt in the church.

Ministry is a privilege, but it can also be a painful experience. Unrealistic expectations, church conflict, forced resignations, and our own struggles with burnout, loneliness, and insecurity can make church feel more like a place of wounding than a place of healing. How can wounded leaders find the courage to reject bitterness and keep loving the church?

RENEWED is a forty-day devotional for women in ministry, ministry wives, and lay leaders who have been wounded by their congregations. You are not alone. God sees your pain. He knows your hurts. And he is waiting to bind up your broken heart. This forty-day journey into the healing love of Jesus will help you find the courage to stop hiding and start loving the church again.

My Review: Working in ministry can be hard, complex and difficult at times. Leigh has done an impressive job of putting in perspective what happens in ministry. Churches are built up of people and personalities; so there will be times of conflicts, difficult people and those who wish to oppose ideas in your ministry.

This book of devotions will help those in ministry learn to turn to God and His word for comfort and understanding. There are topics of lamenting, forgiveness, learning to lean on Him in rough times and just giving it all to Him.
This is a must-have book for anyone in ministry, especially for pastor's wives so they will know what they are going to be facing when they take on the role of Pastor's Wife and knowing that they aren't the only one experiencing those certain situations; it's comforting knowing that you aren't the only one.

This would make a lovely gift for any women in ministry, I have truly enjoyed this book and found it very useful in my life.

 received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
The Golem (2019)
The Golem (2019)
2019 | Horror
Had Potential But Came Up Short
The more movies I watch, the more I want to find those hidden gems. You know, that movie you know no one else has seen that actually turns out to be really good. I was hoping The Golem would be one of those movies. Nope.

The Plot: Set in a Jewish community in the 1600’s, a woman invokes a powerful entity to help save her village from invaders.

Acting: 10
Despite other glaring issues with the film, performances was not one of them. I was impressed with Hani Furstenberg in her lead role as Hanna. Hani breathes pain and frustration into her character and really makes the audience sympathize with the character. She plays a character that’s seemingly dead inside because of the monotonous life she lives. I also enjoyed young Konstantin Anikienko as The Golem. Talk about creepy. I’m sure he spent a lot of time practicing his slow, deliberate movements and calculating gaze. Definitely gave me a shiver a time or two.

Beginning: 5

Characters: 6
Outside of Hanna and The Golem, there are not really any other characters to care about. There were even times where I found it hard to even care for Hanna. Some of the things that happened were out of her control, but some of it was totally her fault and I’m thinking, “Yeah, you kinda did this to yourself.” While her character was solid, it seemed like they dumped the full emotional load on her and I feel like more time could have been taken to develop other characters as well.

Cinematography/Visuals: 7

Conflict: 4

Genre: 5

Memorability: 3

Pace: 4

Plot: 6
Not the worst story but it definitely left me with a few questions. Unfortunately the plot didn’t leave room for much character development which left me unsatisfied. Sometimes linear can be good. Other times, that line is just a little bit too long…

Resolution: 5

Overall: 55
While some of the cinematic work is cool especially as it relates to the action sequences with the Golem, this movie left me entirely too underwhelmed. Guess I’ll have to look elsewhere for my sneaky good movie.
Still Alice (2015)
Still Alice (2015)
2015 | Drama
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Julienne Moore's performance (0 more)
Kristin Stewart's character (3 more)
Alec Baldwin's character
Not true to the book
Watered-down Chen I read the book, I was immersed
Very disappointing
Contains spoilers, click to show
When I read the book, I was immersed with what it was like to have early onset Alzheimer's disease. It was horrifying and painful and I could understand the painful decisions Alice made and the complexity and beauty of the betrayal of her husband. None of this was portrayed in the movie. One of the most terrifying scenes in the book is when Alice mistakes a brown throw rug as a hole in the floor and is too frightened to get near it to answer her door or walk to her bathroom. She could not understand the texture of the rug and that she could simply walk across it. Instead, she curled up in fear and urinating on herself while waiting hours or days for someone to rescue her. Early onset Alzheimer's and the physical and psychological symptoms were not described as well as they were in the book so the film lacked real drama. Also, the relationships between Alice and her husband, Alice and her children, especially Kristin Stewart's character were extremely vague, so they didn't really make sense in the movie.

The only good thing in the film was Julienne Moore's performance. Even though the script was extremely watered down, Moore did the best she could with the material. If they had included more of what was in the book, Moore would have shined. She's an amazing actress and this role was meant for her. It's a shame the script didn't allow her to perform her heart out, which she would have done given the chance.

I'm disgusted by either the screenwriter or director who chose to leave out the most poignant aspects of the book and in their, and all filmmakers, choice to dumb down movies to appeal to the American public by always finishing with a happy ending. There is beauty in pain. There is beauty in death. There is beauty is release. Filmmakers should know that.
The Memory House
The Memory House
Rachel Hauck | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
characters (1 more)
plot line
Timeless and Gripping!
When I pick up a Rachel Hauck novel, I don’t have to wonder if I’ll like it, or if it will be one that I will put down and walk away from. Because, when I read a novel by this phenomenally fantastic author, I will love it and I will most certainly not walk away from the novel. In fact, I always read a Hauck novel in less than 48 hours.

The Memory House is a moving and captivating story. It’s chiseled magnificently and really makes the reader feel as if they are the heart of the story. It’s told in trademark Hauck style of dual timelines, but is still absolutely gripping. Each page turn tells more of Beck and Everleigh’s stories, and each turn of the page, opens the readers eyes just a little more.

Having been through hard times in life, I sometimes find myself questioning God, and wondering if anything good will come of my situations. Then, with a little faith and hope, He shows me that nothing is for naught, and everything will be just fine, even if it feels like the end. Beck and Everleigh, both dealt heartache and pain in their lives, blossomed for me and I saw a little bit of myself in each of them.

This story is filled with love, hope, faith, and heartache. This story is filled with beautiful souls, and a plot line that will leave you wanting more from this fantabulous author. From start to finish, you’ll fall more and more in love with these tender characters. You’ll feel the messages surround you, and you’ll hear God whispering throughout.

Don’t waste another minute without grabbing this book. If you’ve never read a Hauck novel before you’ll be a fan for life. If you’re a current fan, you’ll find yourself lost in another amazing novel by Hauck. Definitely worthy of 4 stars, two thumbs and hats off. I can’t wait to share this novel with my friends and family.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Beauty and the Professor (A Modern Fairy Tale Duet)
Beauty and the Professor (A Modern Fairy Tale Duet)
Skye Warren | 2019 | Erotica, Romance
5.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
When I saw Skye Warren post a call for bloggers to review her book I knew I had to jump at the chance. I really enjoyed some of her previous books, and I really love retellings of the Beauty and the Beast story. One of the things that I love about Skye Warren is that she isn’t scared to take a risk. Her books always have a bit of a taboo feel to them, and this one is no different. The power dynamics in this book have a forbidden edge to them & I enjoyed the Student/Teacher elements that were present.

Though generally, I love Skye Warren’s books I felt like the writing was a bit off in this one. There was little to distinguish between the perspectives of the characters. It seemed that they blended in with each other which became confusing at times. Another thing that seemed off with this book was the character development. It appeared that Erin & Blake didn’t genuinely grow as characters during this book. This is what I consider the curse of the Novella. I tend to find that character development is harder to flesh out when it comes to a novella. Since there is a second in the series, I hope that we see more growth.

Even though I didn’t feel that there was growth in the characters, I still loved them. Erin has a compelling background. I love that she doesn’t come from a wealthy family & I loved the dynamic that she has with the few side characters. Blake just made my heart hurt. The pain he has is heartbreaking and makes me want to just give him a hug. Both of them together was the highlight (as it should be with a romance). I loved that they (for the most part) were open and honest with each other. It’s rare to read a book where a character will openly admit to their insecurities, so this was refreshing.

All in all, this book has some faults, but I still enjoyed it. It was fast-paced with some captivating characters. I hope to see some character growth in the next book!
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Fighting fit
#creed2 ups the stakes & hits the viewer hard right in the #feels. I was so pumped for this as the first is probably one of my favourite #boxing movies & yet while the second isnt quite as good it still manages to pack an extremely impressive #punch. The thing about #Creed 2 that was instantly noticeable right from its powerful opening is just how god damn good it is at creating relatable/believable #emotion. This is done by creating such a strong believable bond between all of the main characters be it by #love/ passion or rivalry ensuring we care about everyone & really feel the struggles/#pain they experience (which almost lead to me tearing up at times). I also loved how they showed more from the #Drago perspective this time & how he he maybe an unstoppable force in the ring but in real life he's bullied & pushed around like a nobody, this was so refreshing to see & left me rooting for him just as much as Creed in the final #fight. Drago is a man clearly fuelled by #hate & anger kept under control by discipline & respect for his #father yet Creeds motivations are more cloudy, muddled & reckless fuelled more by #revenge & anger than focus/control & I found this to be by far the most interesting/intricate part of the movie. More of a drama than a #brawling film Creed 2 deals with incredibly depressing, realistic & tuff themes of overcoming mental torture, loss, revenge, neglect, conditioning, humiliation, passion, loyalty & at times I found it extremely heavy going with all of the cast delivering some strong & memorable performances adding to the realism. Sound design was also punchy giving tremendous weight to the fights & the soundtrack is a perfect balance between epic & sombre. Camera work is graceful & never hides any of the action & there's some #beautiful imagery that combine with clever set design make for some brilliantly deep symbolism. Only let down by its predictable & cliched second half/some cheesy scenes every now & then Creed 2 is a must watch, its #inspiring, uplifting yet hard hitting & at times emotionally draining. A second round thats well worth a shot. #limitless #sylvesterstallone #fighting #fightnight #rocky #michaelbjordan #rockybalboa
Mandy (2018)
Mandy (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Oh Mandy
#Mandymovie is an intoxicating & nauseating experience that left my head spinning & my body warm/tingly sunk into my seat. From the second #mandy starts i was simply hooked, #nostalgia running through my body & its #perfect visuals glistening off my eye balls. I felt almost in a #trance with its soothing/#hypnotic #soundtrack & its cinematography bathed in colour Mandy is simply #gorgeous right to its core. Atmosphere begins #beautifully creating so much intrigue, a sence of wonder/#mystery & a massive sense of love/commitment however its not long until this flips to deeply #unerving, #unsettling & down right skin crawling fast. So many scenes are Dialog sparce but with so much depth in the visuals & sound its really not missed or needed at all. An example of this is Cages love for mandy is shown as complete devotion, #passion/commitment like he sees her almost as a godess/his reason to live (shown using glowing light and warm fire acompanied by soft slow dialog) yet other peoples love for her is the complete oposite more as an #obsession, an object or a #desire (shown using pulsing red light, slow zooms and freeze frames and frantic pitch changing broken dialog). Its a masterful way of telling us about the characters & story making us feel/experiance there #emotions rather than wait for dialog to develop them for us. Acting is also stellar with this being #nicolascage best role in a very long time. His character is a #haunted & troubled man & his #pain can be felt deeply whenever he is on screen. Infunces/homages are everywhere here from #darioargento to #fridaythe13th & other #80s #horror movies. Infact mandy could easily be mistaken for a film released decades ago its that well made & its also destined to become a #cultclassic its self. Mandy is an absolute rare gem, every scene its drenched in such style, care & mesmerising #beauty youll be pushed to find another film like it now days. Im being vauge here on purpouse because to watching this film in the dark, on a big screen, turned up loud trully is one of the best experiences ive had watching a film this year. Insanely good & the perfect #arthouse #horror movie. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic

Andy K (10821 KP) May 13, 2019

What a great film!

Revenge (2018)
Revenge (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Doin it for the kill
#revengemovie is without question the best looking movie of #2018, its so slick & #stylish I'd go as far as saying its this years #drive. #Revenge has a standard #rape/revenge plot we've all seen a million times before but you'd be greatly mistaken by passing up on this one believe me. Part #horror part drama Revenge has one of the most amazing visual styles ive seen in a while. Colours are blinding at times almost to the point of over saturation giving the film heat & vibrancy. This mixed with some insanely #beautiful cinematography had me literally sat with my mouth open in amazement. Every scene seems meticulously shot with such purpose & precision that its hard to not feel like your watching a piece of #art. Top that with a #comicbook/#80s feel & tone & what you have here is film that feels so fresh you forget that this genre hasnt been done to death already. #Soundtrack wise its pure perfection too with synth music pulsing throughout its intoxicating & keeps the films momentum flowing well. Metaphors are absolutely everywhere but the main one i picked up on is #femaleempowerment. At the start of the film #male character are chauvinistic & dominant treating her as a possession rather than a person but once she gets impaled by a tree roles seem to reverse & we see her become the man in a kind of #twisted rebirth (the tree implement scene i also see as a metaphor for the pain they put her through & even while walking around she has severed tree branch sticking out of her stomach almost like it represents that she's the man now with the tree branch representing male genitalia). Even the tagline suggests themes of fighting domestic abuse too. Acting is superb with #matildaannaingridlutz literally dominating the #film not only with her acting but with her incredible #beauty too. Right from the start i was sucked right in by its beauty, unnerved by its atmosphere & repulsed by its gore but theres not a second of it i didnt #love. Half #french subtitled half #english dialog Revenge is a #violent, unnerving, grisly & down right #gorgeous piece of #cinema that i cant recommend enough. Perfection. #odeon #odeonlimitless #filmbuff #filmcritic #fridayfeeling #gore