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James Koppert (2698 KP) rated Atlantics (2019) in Movies

Feb 28, 2020 (Updated Feb 28, 2020)  
Atlantics (2019)
Atlantics (2019)
2019 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The unexpected supernatural element (0 more)
Some will find it too slow (0 more)
African supernatural love thriller
This is the first film I have seen from Senegal. It follows a girl who is in love but forced to marry into money, but love diesnt let go not even in death.

It is a slow burning artistic film and the paranormal aspect is almost a side project rather than the focus of the films which makes it even more interesting. This is a strange wonderful film and deserved of its cannes award

Ross (3282 KP) rated I See You (2019) in Movies

Jul 14, 2020  
I See You (2019)
I See You (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama, Horror, Thriller
Gripping horror/thriller that is a story in 2 parts
This film starts off as a paranormal horror film, a family apparently being haunted by strange forces, but suddenly turns completely around into something much more realistic, though still thrilling.
No spoilers given, but I loved the sudden twist and the "aaaaah" moment where the viewer realises what has been happening, as the first half is re-told from a different perspective.
The film builds to a gripping conclusion and has several more twists and surprises along the way, keeping the viewer guessing.
One gripe is the music - loud blaring horn used to build up tension becomes very annoying very quickly.

Hanz (9 KP) rated Dead Silence (2007) in Movies

Jun 24, 2018  
Dead Silence (2007)
Dead Silence (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Storyline (0 more)
Didn't expand much on Mary shaw (0 more)
Was better than expected
Contains spoilers, click to show
So Jamie is from a town called Raverns fair and his wife is killed by the ghost of Mary Shaw a ventriloquist who was killed by some people in the town years before Jamie was born.
As the story goes on your looking at people to suspect and up until he died I thought it was the cop, a real paranormal thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat, the ending of the film left it open for a sequel as well.
 I'd love to see the producers expand more on the back story of Mary Shaw and her dolls and have someone stop her.
It was well worth watching better than the likes of the boy ect and other doll horrors.
The First Time I Died
The First Time I Died
Jo Macgregor | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating An Engaging
I was completely (and unexpectedly) bowled over by this book! Why you might ask? It leapt out at me to be read as it is a thriller which is one of my favourite genres. My enjoyment was unexpected as I am usually wary of anything to do with the paranormal, but not on this occasion. It is not a crime novel where the reader is buried under loads of supernatural information. The thriller and mystery parts are well interwoven along with the paranormal aspects and as a result, I was hooked from the very beginning!

Garnet McGee returns to her home-town in Pitchford, Vermont, at the suggestion of her college professor, who thinks she needs some time away from her studies so that she can re-evaluate what she wants to do with her life. Whilst there, she vows to solve the mystery of a murder which shattered her life ten years ago. But after dying in an accident and being brought back to life, she starts hearing voices, seeing visions and experiencing strange sensations. Are these merely symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and an over-active imagination, or is she getting messages from a paranormal presence?

This is the first of Jo Macgregor’s novels I have read and as always when reading a mystery, I started guessing who the main suspect was. Well, I was wrong because it was someone else…

THE FIRST TIME I DIED is unusual in that I had imagined that it would be about Garnet's death, but it was, in fact mostly about someone else’s. I found that this gave the novel an edge that was both engaging and enjoyable. I found it easy to empathise with Garnet and I wanted her to succeed in what she was looking to achieve.

I loved Jo Macgregor’s writing style and some of her descriptions in the novel were so atmospheric, especially those about Plover Pond. The first half of the novel is written in alternating chapters of time, giving the reader clarity, which really worked for me. "Then" referred to a time period of ten years ago, when Garnet was a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl.

Jo Macgregor brought everything together for a fabulous conclusion even though I never did manage to accurately guess who was behind the murder. I haven’t got anything negative thing to say about this book. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. THE FIRST TIME I DIED is an exciting and action-packed crime/thriller that I highly recommend.

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Show all 4 comments.

Christine A. (965 KP) Feb 5, 2019

Great review! Added it to my want to read list. Thanks for the suggestion.


Midge (525 KP) Feb 6, 2019

Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments! ??

A Madness of Sunshine
A Madness of Sunshine
Nalini Singh | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
86 of 200
A Madness of Sunshine
By Nalini Singh

Golden Cove is a peaceful town.

That is until one fateful summer, when tragedy shatters the trust holding the community together. All that's left are whispers behind closed doors, broken friendships and a silent agreement to never look back. But they can't run from the past forever.

Eight years later, a young woman disappears without a trace, and the residents of Golden Cove wonder if their home shelters something far more dangerous than an unforgiving landscape.

The town's dark past and haunted present are about to collide . . . in a murder mystery that's been years in the making.

I’ve been a Nalini fan for a few years and I love her work, I’m not sure what I was expecting from this book as she stepped away from the paranormal romance. What I got was a very well written crime/thriller I really enjoyed reading it her characters were interesting and the plot was good. Her books always flow so well and this was no different I’m excited to see what else can come from this brilliant writer!
Deadly Intent (2016)
Deadly Intent (2016)
2016 |
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Deadly Intent is a Powerful, Viseceral, Performance Driven, British Thriller Unlike Others… Reaney is Superb…

I am on a pretty big Indie kick right now. Trying to rekindle my love of the the Movie Gems you can find out there if you just look past the top 10 of the moment. In doing this we have created a Spin-Off of our podcast in which we will endeavor to promote Indie Cinema and Indie releases on such forms as VOD because not everything has to be capes and spandex or break a billion at the box office.

Director Rebekah Fortune’s unnerving British horror-thriller Deadly Intent is now available On Demand in the U.S.

Deadly Intent is a movie I would stick in the above category. A low budget Few thrills Intense Psychological Horror/Thriller that ticks all the boxes it promises to. Think Babadook, a tense movie that runs at its own pace and is driven by the performances of its leading Female (Rebecca Reaney) as a mother who’s thread is slowly being unwoven and James (Gus Barry) a child who is struggling to deal with the loss of his father… But wait something is afoot.

I will only dive into this movie a little because to be honest it is only a roughly 90 minute flick that takes half the time your normal thriller would take to actually get into things and keeps the momentum going till the credits. Rebecca Reaney plays Bryony, a mother who is really trying to keep it together for her son James after the death of his father. As with every child in a movie of this genre, James begins to have some paranormal interaction with his father. Not in a Field of Dreams “Do you wanna play catch” type of way, more of a “If im heading to the light your coming with me”. As things really begin to turn to shit for our mother and son we are also given a backstory of the lead up to the fathers supposed death in the form of flashbacks, we find him to be a former soldier suffering from PTSD and… Well not a very nice man.

This movie held my attention in a way I was not really expecting, you hear British, Horror, Thriller and it doesn’t immediately fill you with hope. However we have been able to make some corkers at times and like I say i’m on an Indie kick so this fell into my wheelhouse. The movie is very well executed by not only its reasonably small cast of characters but also script wise and directorial wise. It really doesn’t out stay its welcome, and you can really draw comparisons with movies like Babadook which is a cult darling so thats never a bad thing.

I recommend you give this flick a watch if only for the performances given by Rebecca Reaney and the rest of the cast. As for the movies director Rebekah Fortune, I fully expect to be seeing more from this woman in the future.
The Blake Mistake
The Blake Mistake
I. C. Camilleri | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ben Blake has a talent that can occasionaly help in his job as an intelligence operative. When he forsees a terrorist attack he asks his friend, brother in law and former bad boy Jake Snell to help him prevent it. However Jake is starting to behave oddly, including having periods where he is not aware of what he has done. Could the suppressed memories of his traumatic upbringing be the cause? Meanwhile his wife (and Ben's sister) Emma is delving into Jake's family history. Maybe the secrets of the past are best left alone.

Camilleri aims high with this book - and delivers. It is a complex mix of whodunnit, psychological thriller, paranormal thriller and romance. The plot moves forward dragging the reader with it, the threads and lives of the characters spiralling around the central theme of Jake's past and how it is impacting on the present. There are a number of twists and turns, some as surprising to the reader as to the characters.

The characters themselves are well drawn, benefitting from having developed over previous books (which don't need to have been read to enjoy this). The way the relationships between them change and develop as suspicions arise and certain events occur is excellent, although sometimes frustrating as the reader sees the story from all their viewpoints so can see that sometimes there has just been a misunderstanding or that if something was said everything would be different.

The first third of the book is a little slow as the characters are described and the situation is set up but this allows the rest to move under it's own terrible momentum towards the climax.

Overall a book worth reading and it certainly holds the attention once it gets going.

Caution: Some sex scenes

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Black Ice in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Black Ice
Black Ice
Becca Fitzpatrick | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

The author of the <i>Hush, Hush</i> saga, Becca Fitzpatrick, steps away from the paranormal genre with this brand new contemporary thriller, <i>Black Ice</i>. Britt Pfeiffer has persuaded her best friend, Korbie, to go on an adventurous backpacking trip in the Tenton mountains for their senior spring break. It immediately gets off to a bad start when the girls get caught in a freak snowstorm and stranded a long way from their lodge. Luckily they come across a cabin owned by a guy named Shaun who is there with his friend Mason. But it may not be the safe haven they hoped it to be. With her best friend’s life in danger as well as her own, Britt has to remain strong in order to save themselves; either that or hope that her ex-boyfriend will realize they are missing and rescue them.

Initially it was difficult to connect with Britt who narrates the entire story. She, as well as Korbie, is a rather annoying, spoilt daddy’s girl and equally annoying to read about. This did not set the novel up well as it appeared it was going to be about two whining teenagers, both used to getting their own ways, fending for themselves in the mountains. Once the girls were faced with a life or death situation, Britt’s character developed rapidly. She became more independent, clever and likable, which made the story a lot easier to read and enjoy.

<i>Black Ice</i> is a thriller containing a murder mystery, which links all the characters together but in ways that you would not originally expect. It is also a romance novel. Although Mason is perceived as a bad guy, Britt ends up falling for him, and he her, sparking a risky relationship.

Despite the shaky start, Fitzpatrick’s latest novel is full of exciting twists and turns. There is the high risk of death, either from murder or exposure to the elements. Also, with a breathtaking conclusion, it is exhilarating to try and work out who is good, who is bad and who has been murdering girls in the mountains.

Fans of Fitzpatrick’s previous works may be disappointed with the lack of the paranormal and fantasy creatures that she has become known for, however this is still an enjoyable book. Personally I preferred it to <i>Hush, Hush</i> which I admittedly did not care for. I confess that I did not expect to like this book, especially as the main character began as a very irritating person, but it does get so much better.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated Someone Like Me in Books

Jul 14, 2019  
Someone Like Me
Someone Like Me
M.R. Carey | 2018 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A great paranormal thriller!
I always know I’m going to get a book from M R Carey that stretches my imagination, keeps me guessing and makes me late for work (actually, that last one isn’t so good, to be honest). I don’t want to say too much about what actually happens in this book at the risk of giving the whole plot away, but here goes!

Liz is a single mother with two children, and the book starts with their father returning the children late from spending the weekend with him. When Liz points out that they have school in the morning, he snaps. He starts to strangle her, and just as she thinks he’s going to kill her, she senses an outside influence taking her over. This ‘influence’ saves her life.

Fran is a teenager coping with the PTSD and hallucinations caused by her kidnapping as a six year old. Their paths cross thanks to Zac, Liz’s seventeen year old son.

This is a story that requires the reader to leave their rational, logical mindset at the door - and I’m all for that! I loved everything about this book. I don’t know how M.R. Carey comes up with the ideas for his novels, but I’m just incredibly glad that he does!

Many thanks to NetGalley for my copy of this book.

Darren (1599 KP) rated 1408 (2007) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
1408 (2007)
1408 (2007)
2007 | Horror, Mystery
Story: With the story of a sceptic investigating paranormal events but then ends up stuck in these paranormal events he so very much doesn’t believe in, is a very clichéd story. This has most of this and adds in that he is a writer with a dark past involving loss you know where this is going. Mixing it all together we get the idea of redemption for the mistakes we may have done in life. One weak point of this film is that there are two endings that paint a very different picture of the events that happen in the film, I personally prefer the Director’s Cut as I find it has more answer than the Theatrical Cut. (8/10)


Actor Reviews


John Cusack: Mike Enslin after suffering a personal loss Mike travels around writing about so called haunted hotel and location, bringing out a string of top 10 books looking at his experiences or lack thereof. Mike gets a postcard and against all the advice of the hotel manager he enters the room 1408, were he really gets put to the test. Mike starts off being distant from people, be it fans or his general style of conversation, but soon after the events start happening he changes too quickly for what his character has been through. John does a good job with the role as most of the film is solely around him. (8/10)


Samuel L. Jackson: Gerald Olin the manager of the Dolphin hotel trying to protect Mike from entering the room with all kinds of bribes, he tells the full history of the room but unfortunately lets him stay in the room. Good supporting performance from Jackson rarely seen, he is the dominant persona you would expect to see. (8/10)


Director Review: Mikael Hafstrom – Creates some very good scares and keeps you guessing on what is going on, add in what I think is the better ending you get a very good piece of direction. (8/10)


Horror: Has some solid scares and some you really don’t see coming along with some nicely built up ones. (9/10)

Mystery: You are constantly wondering what is going on, but a lot is explained at the end. (9/10)

Thriller: Keeps you at the edge of your seat just wait to know what happens next. (9/10)

Settings: The hotel room feels very ordinary but once things starting to happen it turns into a nightmare, working very well for the genre. (9/10)
Special Effects: Strong special effects used throughout. (9/10)

Suggestion: If you are a fan of horror you will enjoy this, if you are a fan of Stephen King you will enjoy this otherwise this one isn’t really for you. (Horror Fans Watch)


Best Part: The vents scene.

Worst Part: The two different endings can confuse when talking about this film with others.

Scariest Scene: Vent scene.

Believability: I give this a one because there are people like Mike you investigate the paranormal, but what happens isn’t believable. (1/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Box Office: $131,998,242

Budget: $25 Million

Runtime: 1 Hour 34 Minutes

Tagline: Based on the terrifying story by Stephen King


Overall: Good Atmospheric Horror