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Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Dec 19, 2022  
Read the first chapter from the Christian Western romance novel FINDING MY DESTYNEE by Natalie Bright & Denise F. McAllister on my blog. If you like what you read, enter the giveaway for a chance to win the full Rafter O Rancher series in eBook format!

True heart’s desire cannot be ignored.

Destynee Olsen has always done what her mother asked, but the road to stardom could mean leaving behind a piece of her heart.

Travis Olsen tries desperately to honor his vow to support his wife. Watching their son grow up without a mother is asking too much and his resentment builds. A marriage alone and single parenting is not what he signed up for.

The line has been drawn between a woman who has been told that her destiny to be a star is more important than she is and a cowboy who refuses to destroy his wife’s dream. Destynee and Travis have to decide what’s important. Can they discover the life they were meant to have at the risk of denying their own hearts?
The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder
The Colour of Bee Larkham's Murder
Sarah J. Harris | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
After the first chapter, I didn't think I'd like this AT ALL. It's a grower though! Once you fall in to the rhythm of Jasper's life and the way that he sees the world, it's all rather beautiful. He has synaesthesia - he sees sounds and voices as colours. Numbers and words have colours too. To add to his interesting world, he also has prosopagnosia (face blindness) and autism. He paints pictures of the sounds he experiences, and they sound as though they'll be beautiful.
I really felt for his father: it can't be easy parenting a child with Jaspers complex needs. However, I feel he comes across as being a very capable, loving man. He struggles to understand his son sometimes, but I think he appears to work very hard to help Jasper. And honestly, it must be hard to be Jasper as well.
As someone who works in education, I found it difficult to see how Jasper has slipped through the net of support for his conditions - but it does say in the novel that they have moved around a lot. So this might be the reason (and I'll allow for poetic licence!).
The descriptive language in this novel surrounding Jaspers synaesthesia really is beautiful, and well worth a read purely for that. Then you can stay for the murder mystery event!

Merissa (11721 KP) rated Guardian in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Goddess Fish Promotions in return for a fair and honest review.

Holy Smoke, this book will give you something new to read. The story starts with 17-year-old Maggie suffering from being bullied by a jock, Serge. As you read, you find out that Maggie has strange abilities although she is quite content and able to deal with them. What makes this all the better is that her dad knows and helps too. There is no absentee parenting with this pair!

There is no slacking off in this book, you are literally carried from one thing to another. It has multiple layers and is woven together so well, that you will go where the book takes you instead of trying to figure it out beforehand.

Along with trying to solve a murder and not being killed in the process, you also have teenage angst in there of the uncertainty of knowing if someone likes you or not. There are also humorous moments, scary moments, tragic moments and sad. This book basically has it all.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book and I really hope there is more to come. Favourite line of the book has to be right at the end - "Who knew I'd have to die to start living?" Excellent stuff and highly recommended.
Black Mirror - Season 4
Black Mirror - Season 4
2017 | Sci-Fi
Back on form
I'm probably one of the few people who didn't rate the third series of Black Mirror. In my eyes, it just wasn't up the high standards set by the previous series. So I'd put off watching series 4 as i didn't have very high expectations, but I'm now very sad that I didn't watch it sooner!

This is a fantastic series with a lot of very strong episodes. From the USS Callister which really makes fun of the old school sci-fi shows, to Hang the DJ which introduces a whole new method to modern dating. Virtually every episode is full of dark humour, with very ominous overtones. My favourite would have to be Black Museum, as it is ridiculously funny and I loved the references to the previous episodes. The only truly weak episode would probably be Metalhead and that was more due to the execution rather the premise itself.

For me, the best thing about Black Mirror is the social and cultural commentary and the use of technology for sinister means. As this is set in an alternate or near future, you can almost see these things happening in reality and each episode is a great talking point (if you happen to be watching it with someone else). Arkangel is a great example, highlighting the pitfalls of overprotective parenting.

A fantastic return to form for Black Mirror, and has left me wanting more!
The Glass Castle
The Glass Castle
8.9 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jeannette Walls led a very interesting life. Living most of it way below the poverty line and "doing the skedaddle" all over the country. Her parents didn't care much for rules or parenting. The book starts off with Jeannette burning herself at the age of 3 making herself food to eat. What three year old is using a stove? The book continues through her life with some outrageous and mind blowing events. This was a very interesting story that made me hug my kids a little tighter and be thankful for the family I have.

I have heard a lot about this book and the movie, and I wanted to read it before I saw it. What really grabbed my attention during this book was the blatant disregard Rex & Rose Mary for their children was incredible.

I love that Ms. Walls had the courage to tell her story. She was able to make something of her life, despite the circumstances that she was raised in. Some people may see the situation and decide this is the life they have and they can't do anything better. Forced to grow up before she had to and become a parent when hers didn't seem to care that their children had no food to eat. Even though both of her parents were educated, they were more of free thinkers letting the world take them through life.

I enjoyed this book.

ClareR (5589 KP) rated The Paper Place in Books

Oct 30, 2021  
The Paper Place
The Paper Place
Miranda Cowley Heller | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t think that any synopsis written by me could do justice to The Paper Palace. It couldn’t adequately describe the many layers to this frankly magnetic book (I mean this literally - I couldn’t put it down). Who knew that a book about a family’s summer home on Cape Cod could encompass so much more. A lot happens in the Paper Palace (the summer residence of Elle Bishop and her family), both in the past and present.

This is a book of childhood trauma, terrible parenting, young love, adultery, and a horrendous secret that both ties and separates Elle from her childhood friend and first love, Jonah.

I was completely absorbed in this story that spanned all of Elle’s life up to the present day, and even let us look into the life of her mother (not an ideal childhood, either). There is a deep-seated sadness to Elle’s character, and it’s not until later in the book that we learn the reasons why.

She has a deep love and affection for her children and her husband though, and there are some really touching, humorous moments between them. And this makes the decision she has to make at the end of the book, one of the most difficult in her life.

This will be high up in my favourite books of the year (Ok, this is becoming a sizeable list), and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.
First off, once again this is an older book that uses the term Asperger's throughout. The book was originally published in 1999, but a few more chapters were added and it was republished in 2014.

Honestly I found it a little hard to get through. Unlike Nerdy, Shy, and Socially Inappropriate, it was pretty much entirely memoir, and didn't really speak to the reader as if trying to have a conversation at all. It just told Willey's story. Which is fine, it just wasn't what I was expecting after reading Nerdy. The appendices are the only place that have tips and tricks for dealing with the neurotypical world as an autistic person, but there wasn't really anything new or unique there.

I also just don't think I like her writing style as much as I did the writing style in Nerdy, but that's such a personal thing. It's hard to make a recommendation based on that. Autistic people vary so widely in where their strengths and weaknesses are that it's difficult to say which books will be useful to which people, in general.

So - it's worth reading for yet another viewpoint on being autistic, and there are several parts on parenting as an autistic woman, so autistic parents might get more use out of the book than I did, as a childless spouse of an autistic man. But I personally did not like it nearly as much as Nerdy or The Journal of Best Practices.

You can find all my reviews (including for the two other books mentioned) at
I Love You Daddy
I Love You Daddy
Roger Carlson | 2019 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found a book about a father and daughter relationship. It is a good one; It shows how father and daughter relationships change as the daughter grows up. It shows the father being patient and encouraging, and supporting the daughter.

This book hit a tender spot with me. It reminds me of what I missed from my dad growing up. However, I have a better relationship now than I did growing up. I missed that from my dad. This book shows those parenting tips; I do see the personal story behind this book. The dad and the daughter can transpire swapped out for your child or the child's father. There are some excellent tips in the back of the book for the father.

The book does teach children some life lessons and what the relationship is between father and daughter. Remember parents that daughters will look at their dad or father as their first male relationship as they grow up and look for that in a male partner when they grow up.

So dad out there, be careful what you teach your daughter as they grow up. If you are a good model or a wrong model, your daughter will see that and look for those in a partner later on in life. This book focuses on father and daughter and their relationship.

Great for fathers day and gifting it to dad and fathers to be. It is a resource for parents and fathers. It is also suitable for children. It's a book for daughter and father and building a relationship together.
The Boy Who Fell To Earth
The Boy Who Fell To Earth
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is another book I was lent by my teacher, so I previously had no idea it even existed. I've never even heard of the author, Kathy Lette, but I'm glad I know of her now!

Okay, it's nearly midnight and I need to be up early so I'm going to have to keep this one rather short.

Lette writes from the point of view of Lucy, who's son has been involved in a serious car accident. She recaps her time with him, telling us her story of love, loss and difficulty.

This novel is written in an honest voice, with sarcasm and humour on every page. It tells the tale of parenting, divorce, finding and losing love, and even coping with the world's way of dealing with special needs. Like I said, it's brutally honest and does not exclude any of the less favourable thoughts or feelings.

It is quite clear that this is aimed at an older generation of readers, but I must say that I did really enjoy it, far more than I anticipated. It isn't a fantasy or an action novel, and it does have a slightly cheesy happy ending, but I do think a lot of people will be pleasantly surprised by how easy this is to read.

If I was a bit older I would probably adore this, but as it is I can't say it's quite a favourite of mine. But I'm definitely happy to have read it, so 4 stars.
Where'd You Go, Bernadette (2019)
Where'd You Go, Bernadette (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
Contains spoilers, click to show
Judging by the size of the auditorium and the number of people who went to my screening, this film did not have a successful marketing campaign. Maybe people do not care about Antarctica or artists or perhaps the people who read the book are not habitual moviegoers (that is very likely). More probably Annapurna is struggling and couldn't market the movie. The film is tough to pigeonhole into a blurb. Bernadette Fox was a visionary architect who suffered a major setback when her dream project was bought and destroyed by a financial giant, a metaphor for the way the moneyed crush the dreams of artists and creators. For the past few years, she has turned into an anxiety-ridden wife and mother. When she gets swindled by a Russian identity thief ring, she decides to take that trip to Antarctica the family has been planning but she was anxious about. Basically, a case of when her imost recent dentity gets taken, Bernadette is given an opportunity to reinvent herself as the person she was always meant to be. Directed by master experimental filmmaker Richard Linklater, the film is a tale of turning your worst into your best. He makes a great back and forth between husband and wife as each tells a story from different viewpoints at a dining table. Cate Blanchett has a blast playing an anti-social artistic. It is too bad that there could not be more scenes between Kristen Wiig and Cate Blanchett as they bond over their ineffectual parenting.