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Think Yourself Lucky
Think Yourself Lucky
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thanks to Flame Tree Press and NetGalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

Co-workers, Emily, Helen, Bill, Andrea and David work in a travel agency. David is a grouch who complains about everything—his job, his girlfriend and his life. Meanwhile, an unnamed narrator is committing horrendous murders. When David discovers a blog using his fantasy blog name talking about the murders, he is concerned. The victims are people at which he was recently angry. Is someone stalking him or is he committing the murders in some sort of fugue state?
I have been reading Ramsey Campbell novels since the early 80’s but had never read this till now. While I enjoyed the novel I definitely don’t consider this one in the category of his best works.
This is definitely a doppelganger type horror but it just didn’t have the hard hitting horror I was expecting. This was just a lot of inane babble but unfortunately reflects the meanness of the human spirit that is so evident today.

ClareR (5577 KP) rated The Kompromat Kill (Sean Richardson #2) in Books

May 25, 2019 (Updated May 25, 2019)  
The Kompromat Kill (Sean Richardson #2)
The Kompromat Kill (Sean Richardson #2)
Michael Jenkins | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this return to the world of Sean Richardson, we follow him as he tries to turn an Iranian Spy. He gets caught up in a nuclear bomb plot, and learns more about his mother who was also a spy, in the process.
This is all ‘seat of your pants’ stuff - non-stop action from start to finish. I’ve never really been an espionage novel fan, but the first book in this series changed my mind. This book does nothing to dissuade me from my new-found appreciation of the spy novel. The detail is very interesting, the excitement and danger are tangible, and Sean’s moral compass is reassuring. This is quite an emotional novel in places, as he finds out more information about two very important people.
Well worth a read if you like espionage novels, and also worth a read if like me, you’ve never read them and you’re feeling a bit adventurous!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this book, and to Michael Jenkins for reading along with us!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980) in Movies

May 26, 2019 (Updated May 26, 2019)  
Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980)
Star Inspector (Zvyozdniy inspektor) (1980)
1980 | Sci-Fi
3.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Borderline-unwatchable Soviet-era sci-fi film, also known as Space Cop (according to the subtitles on the version I saw, anyway). The reappearance of a ship thought lost in space, and an attack on Space Police HQ, results in a patrol spaceship being sent to investigate, the search leading to one of those planets which looks suspiciously like a quarry. What ensues there is a joyless, repetitive trudge.

Feels like one of those films made by people who've had sci-fi explained to them over the phone, but who have no first-hand familiarity with the genre, or indeed much familiarity with storytelling in general. This is before we get to the primitive production values, the aspects of the story which don't travel well (the villains are a trio named Doug, Marge, and Steve), or the heavy reliance on technobabble plot devices. Has the general feel of an episode of Space 1999. There are some interesting psychedelic visuals on display, and the special effects are often amusing (this was not the intention), but this is grim stuff for the most part.

Jeremy King (346 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Jun 3, 2019  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Netflix had it's time
I know people are going to disagree with a lot of what I say. I have used Netflix on different devices and different counties.
Where to start.
-it would be nice if it looked and acted the same on all devices. I base this on use on PC, Roku, IPad and Samsungs
-to have the same options in all countries. Some things are dubbed in english in the USA but in Canada the same shows are only subtitled in english.
-not all things that are available in the USA are in other parts of the world, like Canada
-when you go in to a show it would be nice if it did not start right away. I like to read what ot is about before choosing to view it.
-instead of playing a clip from a movie when scrolling over it a trailer would be better.
-to make it easier to delete off of you continue to watch list.

There are a couple of good streaming service i use over Netflix and some of them are free like tubi.
Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
2017 | Space
Different tactics (0 more)
Variation to the base game
The addition of two different maps for Mars is a welcome variation; the changes to the Milestones and Achievements is also a nice touch, as it changes the way people can score points from what they would usually aim for in the base game.

Although I do enjoy the different maps, and they are different enough, they dont really have a huge amount of "uniqueness" which the original one has. There are several cards which have been altered (Noctis City, for example) due to the location being on the other side of Mars. While this is an obvious side effect, it reduces the 'difficulty' of playing these cards hugely, so they feel less special.

It would have also been good to have had a small bundle of Hellas and Elysium cards included, even if it meant removing the original-location specific cards, but this opportunity was missed.

Out of all of the expansions, H&E adds the least, unless you have played the base map dozens and dozens of times.
The Name of the Wind
The Name of the Wind
Patrick Rothfuss | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.2 (74 Ratings)
Book Rating
the small moments and how they are written (4 more)
General Story arc
I feel like I am growing up and along with him, learning and exploring this world.
the dialog and verbal banter is exceptional in spurts later on in the book.
Could be a next step for Harry Potter fans looking for the next great adventure...
I really enjoyed this one much more than I expected. Harry Potter fans might be looking for this one....
I feel like this might be a Different and yet contain some of the same element that people love about Harry Potter. if Harry Potter had told his own story from his memory. But of course had a much better memory than I have or am capable of. I can't say enough how much little moments in his book are so charming and smart. Yes he makes decisions I wouldn't make, and he does things that I think to myself, of crap he we go.... but isn't that part of the fun? I get to experience someone else's world for a while.
A Court of Mist and Fury
A Court of Mist and Fury
Sarah J. Maas | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
9.3 (53 Ratings)
Book Rating
World Building (4 more)
Character development
Complex, compelling plot
Strong female characters
ACoMaF is my favourite book of the three in this series! There is so much more action, making the pacing faster. I liked ACoTaR well enough (though I felt there was much to be desired), but this second book blew me away.

I wasn't very fond of Feyre in the first book, but she grew on me in this one. I didn't really like Tamlin, and I was delighted to find my instincts were right. I also was intrigued by Rhysand in the first book, and he quickly became one of my favourites. I really liked the new characters Maas introduced in this one. I found them to be memorable.

If you got through ACoTaR but didn't particularly like it, I urge you to peek into this book and see if it piques your interest. I know a lot of people who felt lukewarm about the first book, but ended up being HUGE fans of this series because of this second book!
Never Coming Back
Never Coming Back
Tim Weaver | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Hero, (3 more)
The Storyline
Well Written, The Story Flows
The Last Line! Epic!!
Had me Hooked
This was the first of Tim Weavers books that I read, although it is actually the 4th Book in the series, and I loved it so much, I went and bought the rest. The Hero is the kind of guy you want in your corner. He doesn't let anything, or anyone, get in the way of doing his best for the people who need him. No matter how much danger he finds himself in, he will always complete what has been asked of him, even if the result isn't what was hoped for. Tim writes in such a way that you can see the story through the hero's eyes, you want him to find out the truth, and feel good when he does. I wholeheartedly recommend Tim Weaver books to anyone who likes a good crime/thriller, he will not let you down, as he draws the picture in his words, and lets you see the tale unfold.

ArecRain (8 KP) rated Born Into Fire in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Born Into Fire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review

An interesting story, to say the least. It was a different concept and I appreciate that. However, there were times when I didn’t understand what was going on. The beginning for instance. I know he controlled air, but the passage itself was hard to grasp. I wasn’t sure that what I was visualizing in my head is what the author intended.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read, especially if you are looking for more erotica than story. While there was a plot, and it was fairly interesting, the sex heavily outweighed the story.

I suppose I am biased, however, since this novel was exactly up my alley. I love erotica, and I love stories that involve people who can control elements. Besides witches/warlocks, they are my ultimate favorite paranormals. However, if the author wasn’t skilled, I wouldn’t have enjoyed this story nearly as much. Despite the random scenes I found confusing, it was an enjoyable story.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>
The Duke Meets His Match
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I had a love hate relationship with the novel. The hate comes from my annoyance with the certain character traits. I don’t enjoy the “tortured” heroes/heroines who push people away because they feel they don’t deserve love or have done terrible things in the past. However, I loved the strong female lead and her willingness to take things into her own hands to get things done and the sassy male lead who didn’t know what hit him. The hero actually ended up being one of my favorites to date particularly for his ability to realize he is not infallible and must correct his own wrongdoings/misconceptions.

Overall, it was an enjoyable novel. The pity parties got old, but I enjoyed watching the main couple fall in love. It was an easy kind of love that happened over time rather than forced. Not to mention the female lead had a brain on her shoulders. Always a plus in my book!

I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series.