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Detroit: Become Human
Detroit: Become Human
2018 | Action/Adventure
The story and metaphors behind it (0 more)
Sometimes can be a bit slow (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm not normally a fan of videogames but this one was a surprise. It was refreshing to be pulled in not only by the game but for the story itself and the philosophy behind it. It's not however a game for everyone due to its extreme violence, therefore more suitable for adults and people that don't mind being faced with an imperfect society and the prohlems that come with it. I also lived the fact that the main character is not only an outsider ( a feeling that most of us are familiar with) but is female which opens the market for a whole new wave of players that are often tired of a male dominated industry.
The Good Place  - Season 2
The Good Place - Season 2
2017 | Comedy
Acting (5 more)
Creativity honr
Positive, happy, hilarious, fun!
I honestly do not have anything bad to say about The Good Place and thoroughly enjoyed watching it over the Christmas holidays! Full of imagination and creativity. The story line is great and also explores psychology and philosophy, which I could really relate to as I have a strong interest in those subjects. The actors are great and watching this really made me think about my own actions and behaviours and how I can improve. What effect do my actions have on others, as well as myself and my future. I'm waiting for season 2 episode 2 for tomorrow! Weekly episodes ensure I have something to look forward to at the end of each week! Fabulous series, thoroughly enjoy it
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear
Elizabeth Gilbert | 2016 | Education
7.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
So may good ideas. A writers philosophy that can be read over and over. Not preachy. (0 more)
When you are open to ideas, they will come to you. What you do with them is up to you.
This was a great book which was really helpful. This is almost like a philosophical view on what it means to be a writer and what you should do about it. I would keep an open mind when you read it though because some of Gilberts ideas might seem a bit far fetched. As a writer though, I felt I could grasp her ideas, understand them and even relate. This is a book to read over and over, even if it is just to open your mind. So many good quotes in this book, it is hard to know where to start.
Haggopian and Other Stories
Haggopian and Other Stories
Brian Lumley | 2011 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Two-dozen short stories connected (in varying degrees) to Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos, highlighting Lumley's personal take on this particular milieu - he's an enthusiastic pasticheur, but much better at replicating Lovecraft's style than his substance. (He also has a go at being Robert E Howard in a couple of these stories.)

A really mixed bag, all told: there are a handful of very good stories, like the one the book is named for, and a few others contain promising imagery or moments (an oil rig drills down into something it shouldn't; Lovecraft scholars should be able to guess what), but many others become repetitive and slightly tedious. If nothing else the stories here illustrate that, bereft of the philosophy underpinning Lovecraft's own work, the Mythos trappings just become a selection of campy props and costumes that aren't particularly scary.

Sara Becker (20 KP) rated Hyperion in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Dan Simmons | 1989 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters, plot, settings, all of it. (0 more)
One of My All-Time Favorite Series
If you like Sci-fi and haven't read the Hyperion series yet, you're doing yourself a disservice. It has wonderful plots that intertwine with each other, vivid imagery, complex characters that are so well developed that you really care what happens to them. The series delves into many topics, such as religion, philosophy, technology, war, and science. As soon as I finished this one, I picked up the other 3 in the series, without even reading a description of them. The final book made me cry. I am just starting over with this first book again, hoping to catch things I missed the first read-through.

I can't say enough good things about Dan Simmons' detailed universe in the Hyperion Cantos.

Just read it, you won't regret it.

James Franco recommended Gimme Shelter (1970) in Movies (curated)

Gimme Shelter (1970)
Gimme Shelter (1970)
1970 | Documentary, Music, Thriller
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"""It’s just amazing. I’ve been watching all of the Maysles Brothers‘ films and I’m really into their approach, which they called “direct cinema”, and the whole school that came out of DA Pennebaker, Robert Drew and so on. I love the whole idea that life can be as dramatic as fiction. It’s very different than reality television, because that’s very manipulated. The Maysles’ approach is minimal interaction and being as observational as possible. Gimme Shelter has such drama, and it’s so well-done. As are all of their films. I also love Salesman, which also proves that their philosophy can really work, because it just has these real Bible salesmen. But to me it has as much drama and tension as Arthur Miller or Eugene O’Neill – it’s like the Death of a Salesman and The Iceman Cometh all rolled together – but it’s real! I just can’t get enough of it."""

Mortal Engines (2018)
Mortal Engines (2018)
2018 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Cyberpunk sci-fi movie that should really have been a series, set in the far future centuries after the cataclysmic sixty-minute war and where there are now two main kinds of settlements: the 'traditional' (here, viewed - at least initially - by the main protaganist as barbaric) and mobile: giant cities (London is one) powered by some form of locomotion, who pursue a philosophy of Municipal Darwinism ie hunt down and consume smaller cities to provide supplies and materials.

The problem, however, is that this movie just tries to pack too much into its runtime; too much if the action from the source book on which it is based, with the result that the characters never really seem to develop all that much and, in some cases, are given short shrift (which is why I feel a series would have been better).

Good effect, though.
Pale Blue Scratch
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full review can be found on:

I was lucky enough to be approached by Jay DiNitto himself, and he sent me a copy of his first novel - Pale Blue Scratch in exchange for an honest review. This is a book unlike anything else I have ever read, and it left me impressed. I dearly enjoyed it, and maybe you will too.

As mentioned above, this is a book unlike any other that I have read. It is a great mix of fiction / action / fast-paced scenes / philosophy / psychology and a little bit of time-travelling.
Even though we have two main characters - Elizabeth and Vincent, this book focused more on Elizabeth, for various reasons.

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There were times when the scenes were slow, and somewhat a bit dull, but there were also times when there were fast-paced scenes that make me bite my nails. Though, as a whole, I found the story to not quite fit my taste. It felt like Elizabeth didn’t have a great or a strong enough reason to do this adventure.

Elizabeth’s character - now this is something quite amusing! I have never met a character like this - so twisted in a cute hippocrytical way. A nun with an adorable sense of humor, that goes around on a mission to make a time-travel machine, and happens to hurt people on her way… I loved her character in a very weird way (don’t judge!)

Now Vincent didn’t quite hit the mark. He seemed more of a plain character, like a little copy of someone else, somewhere, once upon a time. He gave the impression of a person that, unlike Elizabeth, didn’t quite knew where he belonged and what he’s doing. It felt like it didn’t bother him at all. And that’s alright. The moment when this started to hurt me was at the end - when he didn’t change a bit.
Even though a bit disappointed that I didn’t get to read much about time-travelling as I would want to, this book was quite amusing and it covered various random topics that I quite liked. I loved that variety when one moment you talk about religion, the other moment a great action scene happens, and then here we are again, discussing life philosophy.

All in all, to sum it all up - I greatly enjoyed this book! It was definitely unusual read, and unique in every single way. And if you love fiction / action / a bit of time-travelling / humor and philosophy, this might be easily your new favourite book!

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Awix (3310 KP) rated Little Buddha (1994) in Movies

May 27, 2019 (Updated May 27, 2019)  
Little Buddha (1994)
Little Buddha (1994)
1994 | Drama, International
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Keanu Reeves IS the Buddha in this hard-to-categorise epic. At first glance it looks like a ridiculous choice, but on reflection, which other actor, particularly of his generation, could have done a better job? This doesn't mean that the flashbacks to the Buddha's early life in ancient India are any less difficult to take completely seriously - though vivid and unusual, this part of the film is still as didactic and earnest as the rest of it - but at least they're better than the stodgy present-day stuff, which is afflicted by a performance from Chris Izaak so wooden he makes Keanu look like Daniel Day-Lewis.

Still, for the open-minded there is some interesting material about the origins and philosophy of Buddhism here; not much to reward the cynical, though. It's probably a bit too slow and underpowered to really be considered a success, but few failures are quite as original and interesting as this one.
Gladiator (2000)
Gladiator (2000)
2000 | Action, Classics, Drama
Russell Crowe was meant for this role... he's perfect. (1 more)
Joaquin Phoenix is also perfect.... I can't imagine anyone better
one of my top five films of all time...
Seriously, I know that some people say this is a guys movie alone, but I think it's so much more than that it's philosophy, and drama, betrayal, and legacy, it's about doing what is right and just no matter the consequences and also about just surviving.... I think the testosterone has merit....

Little known fact: Joaquin Phoenix ad-libbed his scream of "Am I not merciful?" Connie Nielsen wasn't expecting it, and her frightened reaction was genuine. Also Connie Nielsen found the two-thousand-year-old signet ring she wears in the movie in an antique store.

If you've nt yet given the movie a chance you should do so... it's worthy of the watch....

Are you not entertained?

Here's some alternate movie posters then