Between Two Worlds: Memoirs of a Philosopher-Scientist: 2016
To go through the pages of the Autobiography of Mario Bunge is to accompany him through dozens of...
The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms
A condensed guide to life, Nassim Nicholas Taleb's The Bed of Procrustes is an invaluable collection...
Diagnosing Contemporary Philosophy with the Matrix Movies: 2016
This book charts the shape of future philosophical investigation by posing the question: "What is...
From Stoicism to Platonism: The Development of Philosophy, 100 BCE-100 CE
From Stoicism to Platonism describes the change in philosophy from around 100 BCE, when monistic...
How Biology Shapes Philosophy: New Foundations for Naturalism
How Biology Shapes Philosophy is a seminal contribution to the emerging field of biophilosophy. It...
The Insistence of Art: Aesthetic Philosophy After Early Modernity
Philosophers of aesthetics, from Baumgarten to Hegel, paid considerable attention to art and artists...
The Wrong of Injustice: Dehumanization and its Role in Feminist Philosophy
This book examines contemporary structural social injustices from a feminist perspective. It asks:...
Remixing the Classroom: Toward an Open Philosophy of Music Education
In a delightfully self-conscious philosophical "mash-up," Randall Everett Allsup provides...