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    Utilities and Productivity

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    “ePrint” solves to print directory from iPad,iPhone or iPod touch. ***** For ink-jet printer... Job Search Job Search


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    The Job search app is now updated with new improved job search features. Get timely job...



    Business and Productivity

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    "The file access and management tool for a mobile lifestyle, iExplorer allows you to watch movies,...



    Catalogs and Lifestyle

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    RoomClip is an app that allows you to create your own album of photos of your room. There are...

Queen of the Damned (2002)
Queen of the Damned (2002)
2002 | Horror
6.7 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
sound track (5 more)
Old style vampire
pretty good picture quality
good back story
ended too soon (0 more)
i seen this 30 times when it came out and i was only 7
i will forever love Queen of the damned, is it bad i know every word? hell to the no its not!
" we are your main desire" --- oh god are you ever, since seeing this movie my fascination with vampires was born. You could say i'm a little obsessed with them.. but in all truth, i'm more than obsessed with them, when all the girls wanted to be something special when they were older i told everyone i wanted to be a vampire, running around with my fake paper teeth, my long cape, screaming when the light hit my skin and running after people to suck their blood. Yeah i was a weird child.
This movie in my opinion is a master piece to anne rice work. If you havent seen it i would suggest that you do
Many people hate this movie, but for me it's a walk down memory lane, every year on my birthday i play this movie and recite it word for word, singing the songs, and dancing to the music. this movie is a big thing for me, it started my love for the violin. When lestat plays with the gypsy. I ran to my mother and told her i wanted a violin. I used to lay in bed and imagine him playing for me.

photo creds to google
Mr April (Calendar Men #4)
Mr April (Calendar Men #4)
Bailey Bradford | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
good, but not as good as March
Independent reviewer for Divine Magazine, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Will thought the charity shoot was a good thing, til his boyfriend, Geoffrey got all jealous of nothing. So Will dumps him and takes himself out to dinner. And has an instant and powerful reaction to Baz, his server. Baz is a swan shifter, and they mate for life so Baz needs to be careful with Will. Then Geoffrey turns up dead and both men are prime suspects.

Book 4 in the Calendar Men series, but you don't need to have read the other first. It will give you a better picture of what has happened on the photo shoot, but very little of the shoot appears here.

I liked this, a lot. Not as much as March, but I did like it. I just didn't love it and *insert whiny voice* I don't know why!

It carries drama of a different nature to the other books, but I liked that here. It also has shifters of a different breed: swans and coyotes. I did not see whodunnit until it was revealed in the book!

The heat level between Baz and Will is hot and steamy, but also deep and emotional, especially when Baz is talking about life mates and things.

I just LIKED it, but I didn't love it.

BUT!! Still a four star read and I'm interested how the rest of the year will play out.

4 GOOD solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Art of Natural Cleaning
The Art of Natural Cleaning
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve always liked the idea of making my own chemical free cleaning products, and have come across books with a little bit about it stuffed somewhere towards the back as an afterthought, so when I came across this whole book dedicated to the subject, “The Art of Natural Cleaning: Tips and techniques for a chemical-free, sparkling home (Art of series)” (what a mouthful!) by chemical free Rebecca Sullivan (well, one has to assume she is) I was delighted to say the least.

First impressions are – it’s a lovely small, hardback book, and every other page is a coloured photo of either the finished product or the work in progress.

There are some lovely ideas, and these are set out into categories; Kitchen, Wardrobe and Laundry, Bathroom, Scent and Make It Shine. There’s a nice introduction from the author and a mini shopping list of which are easily sourced. Each idea, if it includes a recipe, is set out clearly with the ingredients you need and the method.

There are several “recipes” I like, but I love those in the Scent Chapter and have made my own natural chemical free air fresheners.

Overall this is a great book and I’ve enjoyed trying out some of these ideas. Incidentally, the book cover is made out of a very tactile (to me anyway) material, that has a slightly woven, textile feel to it. I’m not sure what the technical name is for it, but I like it. And can’t stop stroking it.