America in Black and White: Selected Photographs of John G Zimmerman
Arne De Winde, Francis Hodgson and Daniel Pena
This book reveals the stunning early work of John G. Zimmerman (1927-2002), a true icon of American...
Parting Shot: The Railway Photographs of Norman Johnston
Norman Johnston is widely regarded as one of Ireland's foremost railway historians, who has...
Dylan Thomas and the Bohemians: The Photographs of Nora Summers
Gabriel Summers, Leonie Summers and Jeff Towns
Nora Summers was responsible for some of the iconic images of Wales' most famous bard Dylan Thomas,...
Embroidery Stitch Bible: Over 200 Stitches Photographed with Easy-to-follow Charts
Fashions in embroidery styles come and go, but the basic stitches and techniques remain the same....