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Lumos (380 KP) rated Book Catalogue in Apps

Jan 29, 2018  
Book Catalogue
Book Catalogue
8.3 (3 Ratings)
App Rating
Fast to add books (0 more)
So easy!
Holy pickles! I can not say enough about this app! I have been looking for a way to better categorize my books for years. I recently rearranged my loving room (where all my books live) and I needed to take all my books from the shelves to move the book cases I have. It was quite a process but I figured, since all the books needed to come off the shelves anyway, I might as well put them away in a much more organized fashion.

 Luckily, I was able to find this wonderful app. It was SO easy to use! All I needed to do was scan the ISBN on my books and it loaded them onto my virtual bookshelves. It must pull the information from the internet somewhere because when you add a new book, it provides so much information for you (if it is part of a series, who published it, a description, a picture of the cover, how many pages). It also allows you to edit the books on your shelves. You can give a rating, note if you read the book, indicate when you started and finished the book, and you can note if you loaned the book to a friend! The best part is that you can organize your books in SO many different ways (author’s last name, unread books first, title, series, genre, publication date, date added, etc).

This app is such a life saver! It took me just over an hour to scan all 488 books I own and mark them read. It made the process of putting them all back on the shelves so much faster because it was all listed in the order that I wanted. Also, it provided a picture of the cover of the book so I knew what I was looking for when trying to find them to put back on the shelf. I love that it tells you if you have already entered the book when you scan one in… that way you don’t make the mistake of buying extra copies of books, unless you intend to.

Tayla (27 KP) rated Red Rising in Books

Jun 19, 2018  
Red Rising
Red Rising
Pierce Brown | 2014 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (35 Ratings)
Book Rating
Futuristic Story (2 more)
Strong Characters
Good Momentum
How do you get power when you are born to less?
How do you get power when you are born to less? You take it. I love Pierce Brown's story of Darrow, a low red, rising above his color to infiltrate the golds to start an uprising. Red Rising is one of my favorite books. Even though the setting is on Mars it is still relevant to our society today. Some people are born more privileged than others and at times it take a miracle to overcome those obstacles. This book reminds us to fight for not only what we want, but for what is right.

This book has good momentum throughout. At no point was I bored by the story. The ending really builds for the second book, gently encouraging you to continue with the story. I've both read and listened to this book and recommend each. Listening after reading, allowed me to really paint a clearer picture of Mars in my mind and develop more love for the series.

I recommend this book to those who like The Hunger Games or Divergent. Additionally, if you are a fan of the movie Gattaca (1997), this will be right in your wheelhouse! The similarities are striking!
The Moor
The Moor
Sam Haysom | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Horror
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Moor is Sam Haysom’s debut novel and though it seems to have pretty high ratings, I found it to fall short of my expectations. The book encompasses the story of a handful of thirteen-year-old boys on a hiking trip through the moors. During this trip, things go wrong and… well, that’s where it tries to be two stories at once: a ghost story and a creature feature.

The ghost story side of this book is fantastic. It’s written in a way that captures the reader’s imagination and honestly, I could picture the details quite well. What I didn’t like was the creature feature side of the book. The monster that makes up this horror tale should be terrifying, but instead I found it to be one dimensional–in fact, every single time the creature shows up, it’s described the same way which really put me off.

I felt no emotions or connections to the boys in the book, and this greatly diminished the emotional/fright factor of the novel for me. I really wanted to taste the fear that these teenaged boys were going through.

I’d like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I See You
I See You
Clare Mackintosh | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Monday through Friday for most people is like Groundhog Day. You leave home at the same time every day, take the same route to work and then do the same thing on the way back home. Zoe Walker is on such a commute when she spots a picture in an advertisement that looks a lot like her. Her family can't believe it's her, but when more women appear in the same advertisement, then she is convinced she is correct. Officer Kelly Swift is the first to hear from Zoe and the pictures in the paper. She makes the connection between other pictures in the paper and crimes against women that have happened in the area. Will Kelly be able to find out who is behind the ads before it's too late?

Than you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book. This is the first book I have read by Clare Mackintosh and I look forward to reading more by this author.

At first this book started off a bit slow for me. I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. At about the half way mark, things began to pick up. Can you imagine what you would do if you found your picture in the paper? A picture you didn't pose for or give the paper permission to use. What if you found out that there are other women who have had their picture in the advertisement as well and they have been violated in different ways.

I don't know what I would do if I knew someone may be following me to work every day. Ready to either meet me and ask me out for a date, or do something even more serious to me. Can you imagine being on guard all the time. That is how Zoe feels and there isn't much she can do, but wait for the police's help. You never know who is going to do something to you or who is just being friendly.

Early on I thought I knew who the culprit was and when Zoe made the discovery, I was like, "I knew it!" only a few pages later to find out how wrong I was. The last final chapters had me on the edge of my seat and I'm sure it will do the same for you. I can't wait to read
Bite Me  (Kitchen Gods #1)
Bite Me (Kitchen Gods #1)
Beth Bolden | 2018 | Food & Drink, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a great, easy read, with some food porn thrown in!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is, as far as I can see, the first I've read of Bolden's work, I sure hope it isn't the last! She has a way of not giving you the full picture about something and you aren't quite sure if you missed that bit, or it wasn't mentioned yet, or what?? And I really LOVED that!

Evan and Miles butt heads, right from the start, but equally, they have attraction, powerful attraction. And I loved watching them both ( because we hear from both guys) fight that attraction. Right til they both realize that their jobs are on the line, and they could lose each other too. THEN??? All bets are off and these guys give in to the inevitable.

It's amazing watching Evan come out of himself, watching Miles peel back the layers of Evan's outer casing, to the man inside.

It's not a complicated plot line, nor is it a difficult read. It's very well written and flows beautifully from the butting heads to the get the picture. It's not very explicit though, and I really REALLY liked that it wasn't. There is no break up/make up. It's just a really great read!

Back to that not getting the full picture thing. It's about a certain thing that Miles does when he is drunk. Which I found hilarious, but when we get the full story of what was contained within?? You understand why the hints are there, you put the pieces together. Can't say anything else, cos of spoilers, but I really did enjoy not having the full picture thrown at me all at once!

Oh! You'll probably put on about ten pounds just reading this, cos, food porn or what! Miles is, after all, a pastry chef! But, love that the recipes in the book are give as links at the end. Might have to make myself some alcoholic macaroons!

This is billed as book one in the Kitchen Gods series. But some characters pop up who already had their stories written. I'd like to both go back, and forward, with these guys. I love the way Bolden spins her yarns.

so, a perfect Sunday morning read, that kept me fully engaged and I read it in one sitting.

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
What a Latte Books
What a Latte Books
Morgan Sheppard | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
sweet and cute, a lovely read!
I had the enormous honour to beta read this book.

Laura opens her dream business, a book/coffee shop. A book she doesn't remember ordering pulls her attention and draws her into a wonderful story of love. But Laura doesn't expect to ever find the kind of love she reads in the book. Then, she meets Simon and Laura begins to wonder, what is real and what is not.

I thoroughly enjoyed this delightful tale of a a book shop owner falling in love, not only in the pages of this mysterious book, but in real life too. when the connection between the book and Laura's friends becomes clear, a LOT of things begin to make more sense. I'm not saying they didn't before then, but it's like a light bulb moment, and the penny drops and all the little hints and clues come together and you can see the bigger picture.

Its on the sweet side, with just some kissing, but I liked that (which Ms Morgan found kinda funny, considering what I usually like to read) The book does NOT need the explicitness, because it is sweet, and cute and all kinds of warm and fuzzies that makes you glow inside after reading it!

The love between Laura and Simon grows, steadily thoughout the book, and I liked that it wasn't rushed. There were powerful feelings, from the very begininng, from Laura and between her and Simon, but it takes time for those feelings to become clear for her.

Only Laura has a say though, and I think if he had, I would have enjoyed this just that little bit more.

Still a delightful tale, of finding love wherever you find can.

4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Hobbit
The Hobbit
J.R.R. Tolkien | 1937 | Children
8.4 (144 Ratings)
Book Rating
Everything (0 more)
Timeless favorite.
I loved The Hobbit from first sentence to the very last word. The World that Tolkien created is just so beautiful and massive the amount of detail he wrote really just makes middle earth feel like such a real place that you can easily picture every tree and mountain.

The Characters are all just as equally wonderful and through out the book you meet a great many of them and that saying something since the dwarves alone make up thirteen characters. Bilbo really was my favorite(besides Gandalf who is my favorite through out the whole series)he such a reluctant protagonist but you really see him grow brave as the story progresses.

This book has without a doubt because one of my favorite books of all time.

David (771 KP) rated Terminal Rage in Books

Feb 5, 2018  
Terminal Rage
Terminal Rage
A.M. Khalifa | 2013 | Crime, Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twist and turning plot (0 more)
Fantastic, gripping thriller
Fantastic, this is not my usual genre for reading but for watching, I would. This book is screaming to be made into a successful film. The plot twists and turns then all connects together at the end like completing a jigsaw and seeing the finished picture. The locations are described so well you may as well be standing next to the character. The characters, good and bad are made so real and you feel their emotions. This review is honest and unbiased even though I won a paperback copy of the book, signed by the talented author himself (which I will treasure) but I had previously purchased the kindle edition too. Highly recommended whether you are a fan of political thrillers or not, you won't be disappointed.
It’s nature day at show and tell, and Magnolia has come up with the perfect thing to bring – an alligator. However, when he misbehaves and gets her into trouble, she begins to wonder if it will be worth it in the end.

This is a delightful picture books filled with fun and laughs. Some of those laughs are in the pictures themselves, so be sure to look closely at them. While the book has a main character, the narration is second person, which you don’t see too often but seems to work here. I certainly enjoyed this debut by a new author and am looking forward to seeing what she does next.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.