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Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Fallen (Fallen, #1)
Lauren Kate | 2009 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.3 (37 Ratings)
Book Rating
So, Fallen. What do I think? Well I’ll start with the phrase, “I’ve read worse.” But not many.

Whilst that doesn’t seem like a good place to start it’s pretty much all I have for this book. A story based around ‘star-crossed lovers’, fallen angels, slight love triangles, blah, blah, blah, your get the picture. So the story centers on Luce, a girl who has been sent to a reform school and goes through her first couple of weeks there. The love element starts pretty quickly but in my opinion never really goes anywhere. He blows hot and cold and then there is a big realisation of love. It feels like a rehash of every other YA romance/para going.

The author has tried really hard to make it a different type of YA book. But seemed to lack the ability to structure the book in a way of you coming to realisations on your own as a reader. There were often times a Luce would be in a conversation, and then ‘think’ so far ahead of the story you felt push to that conclusion, or that it had been handed to you on a plate rather than having a light bulb type moment due to good writing.

I know there are others in this series, so it may be hard to judge this as a stand-alone book as the story seems to go somewhere within the last two chapters. But I honestly don’t think I liked it enough to bother with the rest. It felt like a chore to read and I don’t think it’s even worth reading to form your own opinion of it. Pretty disappointing on the whole.
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Smith's Corner: Storm & Stone (The Heartwood Series #5)
Jayne Paton | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love it when Stone fully lets go!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 5 in the Smith's Corner series. While it can be read as a stand-alone book, I recommend that you read the other books before this one. It will give you a better and bigger picture of this family group, and how Stone's brothers have fallen one by one. It will also show you just how long Stone and Storm have been dancing around each other.

Storm needs honesty, and she will walk away if she thinks she isn't getting it. Stone, on the other hand, was burnt, badly by his ex when he was honest, so tries hard to keep it all in. Storm can see right through Stone though! And I loved that she could.

Because that ex does try hard to get to Stone and what I especially LOVED about this book, was that Storm never once doubted Stone. She knew, KNEW that he was a good man, and the ex just wanted to destroy him. Ex doesn't, just so you know, but Storm makes sure that Stone sees STORM, rather than the ex.

It's quite emotional in places, but equally there is laughter. Stone messes up, but his heart is in the right place! I loved that, when Stone lets himself really go, they are so great together! He really needs to trust Storm.

We catch up with the other brothers and their ever-growing families, and we get a taste of what's to come with Hunter and Holden. Cos ooooooeeeee those boys are getting close to breaking!

A lovely edition to this series, I am thoroughly enjoying them all.

4 solid stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Gary Fry | 2014
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

When I read the blurb for this novella, I was a little bit interested especially when it came to the mysterious village. The whole creature thing isn't usually what I read when it comes to the horror genre, but as this was a short read, I thought I'd give it a try. However, it wasn't something I can say I enjoyed.

I don't really like or dislike the title. It's a bit plain and boring, and I don't really see what it has to do with the book unless it pertains to what the villagers call the undisciplined. No mention of the word savage was ever used.

The cover of this book reminds me of a book from the time of Alfred Hitchcock. I believe that the cover does suit the book.

The world building starts off being believable. It was quite easy to picture a man driving along a country road, his car dying, and then he mysteriously gets transported to a strange village. However, the author starts talking about angles and shapes, and I just found myself being really confused. I wouldn't say this made the world building any less believable but just confusing, at least for me.

I thought the pacing to be a bit too slow for my liking. There's not really any action until almost the very end of the book. Luckily this book is short or else I would've quit reading it before I was finished.

The plot is interesting enough. A man's car breaks down just outside some strange village. The man goes into the village and notices how perfectly angular the people and the landscape is. The villagers start talking about the undisciplined. The man ends up getting locked up but manages to escape. However, he runs into something a lot worse than the strange villagers. So yes, the plot line was interesting enough, but I just felt it was executed a bit poorly. I felt as if the ending didn't tie in with the whole book. I don't want to give away any spoilers, but I will say that if the author was going for that ending, maybe he should've rethought about whether or not to have a mysterious village in the book as the village and the ending don't really mesh well.

I did like Daryl. He seemed like your everyday, normal working man. However, I think he was a bit too intellectual for me to fully relate to. As for the villagers, I can't really comment on them because I felt like there wasn't enough back story on the village and its people to fully form an opinion. I would've liked more back story on the village, and I feel that with more back story, the book would've been less confusing and more interesting.

There wasn't much dialogue in the book which I found disappointing. It seemed like all that was in the book was adjectives and too much description for my liking. Not only that, but I felt that the words used were too intellectual for a common reader such as myself. A lot of the time I didn't even know what the words meant, and this lead to a lot of confusion and lack of interest for me. It's just too wordy of a book if that makes sense. There are a few swear words and a tiny bit of violence. There is also a little bit of sexual references but only in one or two scenes, and it's not very graphic.

Overall, Savage by Gary Fry has a promising story line, but with all the big words, too much description and not enough dialogue, it just falls flat. It doesn't help that the mysterious village has no back story and that the ending doesn't really mesh with the rest of the story.

Personally, I wouldn't recommend this book unless you know words that aren't used in every day conversations or if you're an English major. I'd say this book is written for those 18+.

<b>I'd give Savage by Gary Fry a 2 out of 5.</b>

(I received a free ecopy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley for an honest and unbiased review).
Death By C*ck (Fetish Alley #2)
Death By C*ck (Fetish Alley #2)
Susan Mac Nicol | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Mystery, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a lotta LURVE in this book, folks!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book two in the Fetish Alley series, but it's not necessary to have read book one, For Fox Sake. Not necessary, but I would recommend you do read it, if only to get a better picture of Tate and Clay, and of the other characters who pop up here again. And you know, since I'm recommending, you should also probably read Feat Of Clay, from the Men of London series, cos that will give you a FAR bigger picture of Tate and Clay and how they work as a couple.

When a young taxidermist is found dead in his place of work, the police call in Tate and Clay to help with the locals, since the police seem to be hitting a wall with the residents of Fetish Alley, and Tate and Clay are almost family to Relio, who runs the Alley. Can they figure out who killed the young man, and who is behind the spate of protection racket visits the Alley residents have had?

So, like I said, book two. And an excellent follow up it is too!

I think I enjoyed this one more than book one, as well. Here's why.

I got whodunnit very quickly, and why they-dunnit too, so it was fun watching that unravel and turn out just as I thought.

So, once that was established, I sorta glanced over those bits and settled on the more important parts of this book: that of Tate and Clay, and the way each of them, independently of each other, thought about things they wanted to change. It's gonna be kinda vague, cos spoilers and all that, but bear with me!

One of the two had asked the other, a long time ago, to marry him. And I expected THAT person to ask again, but its the OTHER that does, and in such a way, you felt it, deep in your heart! It's not a well thought out, planned long declaration of love, though. It's a rushed, heartfelt deeply emotional proposal, done in a way that is so very THEM, and I bloody loved it!

OH! And, I noticed, in both For Fox Sake, and Feat of Clay, that these guys are not ones for professing their love. Don't get me wrong, Tate and Clay adore the ground the other walks on and would KILL for the other, but they don't say those three little words. And they do here, and again, its just dropped in, as they do, with one of them nodding off. And bloody hell if it didn't make me cry!

Although this is set in Fetish Alley, there is very little actual kink, almost none, really. Tate and Clay do some shopping and that's about as kinky as it gets. Oh, there is heat, so much heat and sexy time between Tate and Clay, and some we get shut down on, but the KINK? not so much.

Relio and Tomas play a part, and we still have not very much idea with what's going on with those two, but clearly, something is. I can't wait to find out what!

A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend the afternoon!

5 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Digging Deep (Digging Deep #1)
Jay Hogan | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
my STAND OUT book of the year!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.
I want to just say a few words about this book, cos if I let myself have free reign, the review might be as long as the book!
Best book of the year!
Drake is a midwife with more than a few problems, most of them centring around his Crohn’s. When he gets arrested for using the loo, Caleb is the arresting officer and is immediately and totally smitten with Drake. Drake, though, holds Caleb at arm's length and then some. Making sure Caleb knows exactly what he is getting into with Drake is the only way to make Caleb see that Drake is not boyfriend material. But Caleb? Batchelor that he is, he doesn’t back down from Drake’s all doom and gloom and it takes a flare up for Drake and a shooting for Caleb to make both men see that they are perfect for each other.
So, picture the scene. It’s miserable out, you’ve a glass of wine, and an early night and a new book to start. Bear in mind, you have to be up at 6am for that darn day job and it is already after ten.
And the next thing you know, the book is finished, the wine sat untouched, it’s 3am and you just put your kindle down and go “”
There are no other words that floated in my brain when I finished this book, none at all. All I could think was “” just that!
And trust me when I say, that is a very VERY good thing!
Drake is a prickly sort, he’s a male midwife, he’s gay and he has a life altering condition that requires a huge amount of adjustment for him, let alone anyone else. Caleb is happy, plodding along with his very uncomplicated life. And Drake knocks Caleb for six, quite literally. Drake also pushes Caleb away so darn hard, I felt it. But Caleb, he’s a stubborn sort, and when Drake wants wooing, Caleb woos! Oh yes, that boy does wooing beautifully!
There is a huge, massive, MAHOOSIVE amount of talk about what Crohn’s means to Drake and what that would mean to a prospective partner. And really, it is absolutely needed here. Caleb needs to know, right down to the itty bittiest detail what it means to live with this disease, and what Caleb should expect. And Caleb?? Caleb laps it all up and throws the hole darn pile of poop right back at Drake!
The level of research into Crohn’s is amazing and either the author worked her bloody socks off, and/or has first hand experience, because it shows! There is a lot of information, yes, but the way Drake delivers it to Caleb, it’s all absorbable for the lay person to take in.
I loved these two! So very different, but so very matched. They are funny in places, and deeply emotional. Sexy in places, and downright filthy too.
Oh I could rant all day about this book, I really could!
This is only the THIRD book that Hogan has written, and the second I have read. I need more! I really do! Cos if Hogan can deliver THIS level of writing after only 3 books, I’ma on the end of the next one, oh yes, yes I am!
So, in case you did NOT get how I felt about this book, and ya’ll know I’m all about my book feelings:
This is my outstanding book of the year!
I’ve filed it on my “Masterpieces” shelf too.
And as if I could give it anything other than:
5 stars
**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Secret Brokers
The Secret Brokers
Alexandrea Weis | 2020 | Romance, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
very engaging
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

For the most, I did enjoy this. Couple of things let it down, for ME, and I'll enplain shortly.

Dallas is called up by an acqaintance, is best to describe him, to cash in on a favour owned. Someone needs protecting, and the acquaintance needs something from this someone to keep her safe. There follows a lot of double crossing, back stabbing and general underhandedness you would expect from an organised crime boss, and an organisation that walks under the radar of most things.

From what I can gather, this is actually a spin off from another series, The Nicci Beauvior series and Dallas plays a huge part in the 2nd and 3rd book in that series. Some reviewers of THIS have said you should read THOSE books to get the full picture of what Dallas went through, and how he came to where he is now.

Personally, I don't think it's really necessary. There is enough recapped and retold here, for you to get the picture, or for ME anyway, to get enough of the picture to fill in the gaps and for this story to flow.

I was a little concerned at first that this would be a bit too complicated for my addled brain (April 2020, you get my drift?) to cope with, but it's good. There is a good, intriguing plot to follow, but it's not ever so complex that you have to concentrate too hard on, you know? It's ENOUGH to make you think, to excerise the grey matter, and just enough to keep you engaged til the end.

What let it down for ME were two things.

Only Dallas has a say. I would like to have heard from Gwen, the someone who Dallas is called to keep safe. I get maybe some of the plotline would be given away, yes, but still I wanted to hear from her, and (job aside) what she thought of Dallas and what leads her to make the offer she does.

And Dallas himself was very . . standoffish? . .maybe not quite the right word, but I struggled to connect with Dallas, made more difficult because only his voice is heard. Had Gwen had a say, I could have coped better, or maybe connected earlier, with Dallas.

I LOVED Cleveland and Stokes, two of Dallas' operatives. Their banter has, I'm sure, far deeper roots and far further reaching branches, than is currently showing.

A very engaging 4 stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**