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One Past Midnight: The Langoliers
One Past Midnight: The Langoliers
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I did not want to stop reading until I finished the entire thing. There were so many questions that needed to be answered and if you stick with it they all do get answered. (0 more)
The Langoliers themselves did not seem realistic, I could not form an image in my head of them based off of the descriptions given. (0 more)
Just Because
Stephen King does it once again with this book. The first short story in Four Past Midnight will keep readers up well past midnight trying to finish it in one sitting.

When a plane flies through a natural phenomenon mistaken for the Aurora Boralice something very strange happens. All of the passengers (including the piolet) who were awake disappear and only those who were asleep find themselves still on the plane. This mismatched group must figure out how to land the plane safely and decide what just happened. They manage to land in a strange area that resembles an airport like what they are used to but there are no people, sounds carry weird, and the food is tasteless, plus there is a chewing noise getting closer and closer to them.
Billionaire's Jet Set Babies
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed this book. It has to do with father of twins and he meets a girl that cleaning his Jet. Alexa want this Jets for her cleaning business. She was cleaning up the jets. When she did the found two babies in the airplane left unattended.

Seth return early to his plane. She do not know for sure. He come more into the place and Alexa let me know this children were attended in the plane. But there some connection between these two people. Seth asked to be a nanny for 24 hours but do things change or not. If you want to find out suggest picking up the book to read. I strongly suggest that you like Romance for though that up to you.
Beats EP On-Ear Headphones
Beats EP On-Ear Headphones

"Sometimes when the AirPods don't block everything out, or your on a plane, you really just want to shut the world off, I go with the Beats they keep it a little bit quiter. I got them without the cord, so I can just put them on, either just knock out on the plane, or just completely chill and relax. I actually do sometimes look forward to it, when I can just check out, you kinda live a life with a lot of craziness sometimes and those moments when you get to just relax and be in your own world are becoming more few and far between, so you learn to value that time, and these are a big part of that."


Bob (8 KP) rated Dominaria in Tabletop Games

Mar 6, 2019  
2018 | Card Game
Very balanced set (1 more)
Tons of legends
Magic revisits their greatest plane
This set pulled me back in, it was great to see some of the characters I loved from the old books. I was also excited that they gave us info from some stuff that happened after the book run ended. Not to mention the new Karn and Teferi.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Born to Fly in Books

Feb 15, 2018  
Born to Fly
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is my Condense Review:
I enjoyed seeing that a girl wanted to fly a plane. That her dad was teaching her. Her dad let her have her chance of landing a plane on her birthday. This book does have some action and Adventure. Those their a mystery unfolds once her father was drafted to sent off to fight in the war.

There information about WWII in this book and about the attack on Pearl Harbor. It does give some information on our history. It goes into issues about bullying, prejudiced, Learning to make friends, I see what kids and others did to other kids back then.

To see my Full Review go here to read it: <a href="">My Full Review</a>
Before the Fall
Before the Fall
Noah Hawley | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
For more reviews please visit

This book was on my Kindle for quite a while, and after reading another book about a plane crash, I thought to finally finish this one as well. Unfortunately, it did not impress me.

The book starts with seven passengers and three crew members boarding the plane. After eighteen minutes, the plane crashes into the water, where only Scott Burroughs and Millionaire’s four-year-old son, JJ, survives. The base of this book is the life stories of all the people who boarded the plane, entangled with the present story of Scott. I really liked the stories of the passenger’s lives, I think they were intriguing and it gave a great understanding of the characters and the reasons why they were on that plane. However, I found Scott’s present story quite boring, and I couldn’t wait for it to be over.

The narrative of this book was flowing pretty smoothly, I didn’t find any strong turns or twists in this story and it kind of just plodded along. I really liked the insight into flight crew people’s lives, and what challenges they are facing. It was really intriguing to me. The narrative was told from different perspectives and I think that was really necessary for this novel, it gave better insight into different characters, and made it a little bit less of a yawner for me, as a reader.

The writing style of this novel is easy to read, and the language used was not difficult. The chapters quite long, but they were divided into smaller subchapters, so it did not drag. The ending of this book concluded the whole story nicely, and it was quite unexpected. However there are some unanswered questions left and I would like to know, what happened to the security personnel. So, to conclude, there were some parts which I really liked, but overall I wasn’t very impressed with this book. But it is just my humble opinion, so please, do give it a try, and I hope you will enjoy it.
Was given this book by publisher and NetGalley for an honest review.
How to Talk to a Widower
How to Talk to a Widower
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A slightly fantastical but nevertheless enjoyable story about Doug Parker, a man whose older wife passes away unexpectedly in a plane crash. The novel chronicles Doug coming to terms with his grief, including dealing with his troubled teenage stepson and his equally troubled twin sister, Claire. The plot is a bit much at times, but it's still a rather honest and quick read.

Charli XCX recommended track All Is Full of Love by Bjork in Homogenic by Bjork in Music (curated)

Homogenic by Bjork
Homogenic by Bjork
1997 | Rock
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

All Is Full of Love by Bjork

(0 Ratings)


"This song sends shivers down my spine; it almost always makes me cry, especially when I listen to it on a plane. Those notes she hits at the end, it does something to me. ’All is Full of Love’ is brilliantly emotional and epic. There aren’t many songs that can make me react like that. I’m always forever blown away by it."

The Mountain Between Us (2017)
The Mountain Between Us (2017)
2017 | Drama, Romance
Dr. Ben Bass and photojournalist Alex Martin are stranded in Boise Airport when their flight is cancelled due to a storm. In an attempt to get home Alex hires a local pilot to fly them back so they can both make their appointments. The three of them, plus the pilot's dog, take off for home in Baltimore, Maryland. But mid-flight Walter the pilot suffers a stroke.

The plane loses control and crashes on a mountain top, leaving Alex unconscious, and Ben and the dog to fend for themselves. While Alex recovers, Ben tends to her wounds, buries Walter in the snow, and turns the wreck of the plane into a shelter.

When Alex wakes up she's a realist, there was no flight plan, the tracker was in the plane's tail which is missing, and they've been there a long time without someone already finding them. She wants to leave the safety of the plane but after Ben makes an unsuccessful search he doesn't want to risk it. While he sleeps she sneaks out of the plane with the dog and heads out into the snowy hills.

The movie certainly got me in the feels, just as well I had the screen all to myself really! I'm not sure that I'd be desperate to see it again, but it was an enjoyable way to pass the time. My only real issue is that it was a very predictable story line. Oh... and the fact that they kept the dog on a leash while trekking across the mountains.

It's currently sitting around the 50% mark on Rotten Tomatoes for both critics and us regular plebs. (Slightly lower for the critics, obviously.) That seems about right, nice film but I don't think I'd need to see it again.