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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of Deadpool in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Marvel comics classic antihero Deadpool has made a jump to the big leagues as the star of his own videogame by high Moon Studios. For those unfamiliar with the character, Deadpool is a mentally unstable mercenary who is deadly efficient with all manner of weaponry and takes delightful glee and dispensing violence. As the game opens, dead pool breaks down the fourth wall and openly speaks to the players often chiding them for their performance as well as cracking several raunchy one-liners and quips in the process. In his rundown apartment, we learn the dead pool has coursed through the use of high explosives the creation of a videogame written by and starring himself.

At numerous times throughout the game Deadpool will open the script to offer his creative input and decide to go off script and make some very creative and often bloody changes to the storyline which often causes the unseen but often heard studio exec complain about the budget of the game being surpassed.

While this is a very interesting set up and does add a lot of unique new wrinkles to a game of this type, at its heart Deadpool is simply an action adventure game in a style that we have seen many times before often in better games.

In pursuit of a contract, Deadpool graphically dispatches waves of enemies using his signature swords and guns which allow him to do all manner of complicated and impressive combat moves. As enemies are dispatched, players can earn the ability to purchase and equip new weapons such as shotguns, bear traps, grenades, dual machine guns, and more as well as have the ability to upgrade some of Dead pools abilities such as his healing speed. Like fellow mutant Wolverine, who briefly shows up the game, Deadpool is capable of regenerating health, so when combat becomes too intense it is often advisable for players to retreat to heal before wading back into the never-ending siege of enemy opponents.

Deadpool can also do some very creative stealth kills such as coming up behind an opponent and decapitating them or dispatching them with a quick shot to the head. This does have its own risks as excessive noise tends to attract large mobs of enemies and even as good as Deadpool is there comes a point where discretion is the better part of valor. Thankfully Deadpool has the ability to teleport away from danger and this comes exceptionally handy during the games numerous and at times frustrating jump sequences when a jump goes wrong.

There are elements of the game that are frustratingly hard but then there are moments that are absolute delight for fans of action games as well as, book heroes. The bawdy and over-the-top humor was excessive at times but was also entertaining and the character animations were true delight especially when Deadpool became a spinning dervish of death and dismemberment courtesy of his bladed weapons and guns.


Many of the enemies though became highly redundant and some did require a considerable amount of effort to dispatch so it is important that players conserve their ammunition as much as possible as running dry often required a hasty retreat rather than staying and finishing the job.


There were several clever cameos in game which I do not want to spoil and it was really nice to step into the bizarre and mayhem filled world in which the title character lives. My biggest issues with the game were that the gameplay became very repetitive after a while and the timed jumps and certain fights became extremely frustrating. If I want to do precision jumps from platform to platform to accomplish a goal, I will fire up the Wii U and play a game of Mario brothers.

I also had issues with some glitches in the game such as weapons animations disappearing and one extremely annoying sequence where the control systems on the PC version of the game went haywire and the character started to move on his own without any input from the controls. There were also some problems with the camera angles which in the heat of pitched battles became highly frustrating as I found myself boxed in and unable to see which way to go.


The graphics and sound in the game were solid but to control systems did have an element of frustration to them. While you are able to customize the controls on the PC version of the game, I did have to wonder how much easier the game would be on a console as it seems as if this wasn’t the intended platform of choice as it is a button mashers dream which is very conducive to a game control but not as friendly to a keyboard and mouse combination.


If you can look past the frustrations of the game, there is a lot to like here. Specifically the character, the action, and the ability to play as a truly demented individual who writes his own rules and does not care what anyone else has to say.


In the end the game is entertaining though nothing spectacular and while it may appeal mainly to hard-core fans of the character, I cannot help but think that the game could’ve been so much more.
The Queen's Head (Nicholas Bracewell, #1)
The Queen's Head (Nicholas Bracewell, #1)
Edward Marston | 2012 | History & Politics, Mystery, Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
148 of 250
The Queens Head ( Nicolas Bracewell book 1)
By Edward Marston

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

1587, and Mary, Queen of Scots, dies by the executioner's axe, her head, shorn of its auburn wig, rolling across the platform. Will her death end the ceaseless plotting against Mary's red-haired cousin, Elizabeth?1588, the year of the Spanish Armada, is a time of more terror and triumph, not just for queen and court but for the whole of England. The turmoil is reflected in its theatres and under the galleries of inns like London's The Queen's Head where Lord Westfield's Men perform. The scene there on grows even more tumultuous when one of the actors is murdered by a mysterious stranger during a brawl.Nicholas Bracewell, the company's bookholder, a role far wider than mere producer, faces two immediate repercussions. The first is to secure a replacement acceptable to its temperamental star -- and chief shareholder -- Lawrence Firethorn. The second is to keep his promise to the dying Will Fowler and catch his killer.Soon further robberies, accidents, and misfortunes strike Lord Westfield's Men even as their stage successes swell. Bracewell begins to suspect a conspiracy, not a single murderous act, but where lies the proof? Then the players are rewarded with the ultimate accolade -- an appearance at court -- and the canny bookholder senses the end to the drama is at hand....

It was good not something I’d come back to reading again but good enough to take me to book 2. I love this era and found the descriptions one of the best parts of the book. I did have it sussed from just after the murder though.
The Flower Girls
The Flower Girls
Alice Clark-Platts | 2019 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A chilling psychological thriller
A child goes missing on New Years Eve from a hotel, and when the police are called in, it is discovered that one of the guests is one of the notorious Flower Girls. The Flower Girls were involved in the murder and mutilation of a toddler in 1997, when they themselves were only 10 and 6 years old. The 10 year old, Laurel, remains in prison nearly 20 years later. Rosie was found not to have participated in the murder and couldn't remember anything that happened at that time, such was her trauma. She and her remaining family were given new identities and relocated. Her rediscovery provokes a media frenzy. The missing child (Georgie) is found alive and hypothermic, but Rosie's new identity as Hazel is now known to everyone.
We see what happened 20 years ago in short flashbacks, which can have some disturbing moments (not gory, not of the original murder - at least not at the start), and we meet the aunt of Kirstie Swann (the toddler who was murdered), who has campaigned tirelessly to keep Laurel behind bars. We are also kept in the loop of the police investigation of Georgie's disappearance. There are a lot of characters to contend with in this book, but I think it was done well, and I didn't have any problem remembering who they were. I really enjoyed this, despite the rather macabre subject matter. The pace was just right, there was a good amount of skin-crawling moments, and an unresolved ending which really suited the rest of the story - and an unresolved ending? Well, that has to be one of my favourite things!
Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for the chance to read this book, and to Alice Clark-Platts for reading along and commenting on the story with the readers! If you haven't tried The Pigeonhole, it's well worth a go. I've found some really good books on this platform.
Hope Six Demolition Project by PJ Harvey
Hope Six Demolition Project by PJ Harvey
2016 | Alternative
6.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I think The Hope Six Demolition Project and Let England Shake are this two pronged attack which is utterly perfect, entirely relevant and so important to be releasing this late into her career. I'd listened to Let England Shake a lot, and I felt PJ Harvey had changed so drastically with that record, and The Hope Six follows on from that so beautifully. I remember hearing 'The Ministry of Defence' and calling Dean [Richardson, Rattlesnakes guitarist] saying, 'Have you heard the new PJ Harvey? How are we going to release our album now? She's written a dirtier record than we could ever do.' It's amazing to see someone with that history in music release something that relevant, here's an artist who's so deep into her career and I think it's one of the greatest records she's made. She's definitely an inspiration; I think any artist writing at the minute would be foolish to not include some of the tragedies we're witnessing in the world. As artists we have a platform and a responsibility to talk about things that matter. They matter to me and they clearly matter to her as well. I find it incredibly frustrating that [more artists aren't addressing issues]. Either say something important or fuck off, essentially. Someone said a long time ago that stupidity was more of a problem than evil. Evil can be fought against, it can be revealed to be what it is, you can see it and name it and rally against it. Stupidity is much more dangerous because it allows evil to grow and breed and become the norm; you can't reason with a stupid person. I think when I see bands that aren't writing about anything important or releasing music that has no importance to them, I'm not trying to be overly political with my new record, it's a record about human relationships, but it was important for me to include [some political themes] because it's what's surrounded me for the last couple of years. We'll see who's got the courage."


John David Washington recommended Glory (1989) in Movies (curated)

Glory (1989)
Glory (1989)
1989 | Drama, History, War

"Glory. Mr. Ed Zwick. I believe the original story was more concentrated on the officers, and what Ed seemed to find was the movie — and I love when that happens, when he lets the movie dictate how he should cut it or lets the movie dictate how he should roll it out — and it became about those soldiers. And he didn’t seem to manipulate any of the greatness that was going on in that film. He wasn’t arrogant about having an understanding of the culture. He seemed to appreciate it and understand. They’re bringing these actors that are bringing out the culture and the stuff that I could never anticipate, I could never prepare for, that was not on the page. It was transformative. The whole thing was. It was not only a history lesson, it was a meaningful time in the business of diversity and seeing characters that look like me — you know, that they were my color — in the business at the time have that sort of platform to embrace the inner workings, from the slave trade to the first soldiers, the emancipated men. I felt like that was such an important film. I knew every line for every character. I mean, I lived that movie. It was my upbringing. That was my school, basically. I literally knew every line. From Robert Gould Shaw to Frederick Douglass’ one scene. I knew that line too. It was kind of crazy. I wanted a blue suit for Christmas, and I broke the VHS tape and I wanted a new VHS tape for Christmas, too. And also the score. Hearing that score with those black faces — you see it in Barry Jenkins’ films as well. I just felt like Ed Zwick deserved more credit than he got. He should get more recognition. He made, I think, a perfect film, too. I think it’s a perfect film."


Hideo Kojima recommended Blade Runner (1982) in Movies (curated)

Blade Runner (1982)
Blade Runner (1982)
1982 | Sci-Fi
8.5 (75 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"When it was first released, I was in university. I went to see it alone. In Japan, it only showed for two weeks. There were probably similar reactions in America after its release. Nowadays, it’s regarded as a classic, but when it was first revealed, there was a lot of criticism. Maybe Death Stranding is the same [laughs]. When Blade Runner was shown for the first time in movie theaters, it was totally different from other movies. The rhythm of how it begins and all, that’s why it catches my eyes. It’s something that’s really indigestible in the beginning and stays in me. Then we moved on to the home video era, where you can watch videos over and over in your room. In the cinemas, you see it once and it’s over. Anything else that’s not digestible and that you can’t relate to, will be criticized. But for videos, it’s different. You can watch it over and over until you digest it yourself. Blade Runner might at one time be perceived only as a “cult movie,” but turned mainstream from the ability to watch it over and over and allow the viewers to digest the content. So Blade Runner was ahead of its time for the current generation at its release. Ghost in the Shell was probably the same, because it was on video where people watched it over and over. It got really popular; everyone got it. I deliberately made the tempo of Death Stranding totally different than the current games out there. So it might not be for everyone. Blade Runner showed in the cinemas, but then it changed when it came to video. Same with games. We have a platform, we have a console, and then in the future, it will be all streaming. Everything, storytelling, and the rhythm of how you play games will totally change in the near future."

PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale
Sony's 12 year answer to Smash Brothers. (0 more)
Does Anyone Remember This Game
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royle- does anyone remember this game? I guess this is where the term "Battle Royle" starting in video games. Now its "Battle Royle" this and "Battle Royle" that. Ohh lets put "Battle Royle" in Fallout, Battlefield and Call of Duty. Next you will tell me that Mario will have a battle royle game, ohhh.

Anyways, this was Sony's 12 year answer to Smash Brothers. 12 years, is a little late Sony. And uhh it shows. Were as Nintendo games were made by Nintendo, Sony on the other hand, is all over the place. I mean like Naughty dog to Insomnaic to San Monica Studios to Sucker Punch. So its not Sony itself, its hey were had this charcters on this system so lets put them in a battle royle. The ones their could.

The game features a traditional single-player arcade mode, in which players must defeat several randomly-selected opponents, followed by a character-specific rival battle and, ultimately, a battle against the game's main antagonist and final boss, Polygon Man, the former mascot for the Sony PlayStation in North America.

The game received mixed reviews. Critics praised the game's multiplayer components and gameplay mechanics, but the game was criticized for its lack of content and presentation.

The charcters are just all over the place, some of them dont made any sences to why their in the game like why have Good Cole and Evil Cole as two different charcters? Fat Princess?

Its a wired game and not alot of people liked it or know about it. It just came and went by.

Everything about this game is weird. I give sony credit, but 12 years is a little late. Ohh and ahh what happens when Ninento steals your main platform charcter that was exclusive to your consoles. Put in a different charcter that is not as well known. Cough- Raiden.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Polar (2019) in Movies

Feb 7, 2019 (Updated Feb 7, 2019)  
Polar (2019)
Polar (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime
Mads Mikkelsen (0 more)
Everything Else (0 more)
Extremely Polarizing
Wow, what a train wreck this turned out to be..

Think diet John Wick meets an immature, garish comic book full of pantomime villains and you have Polar. Sometimes you see a movie and can't help but wonder, "What the hell were they thinking?" Unfortunately this is one of those times. There are folks out there that have crafted a solid script and are struggling to get their movie funded and made, meanwhile there is low level trash like this being paid for and distributed by a huge platform like Netflix?! It is an outrageous and pretty sad state of affairs.

Without a doubt the worst part of this thing is the god awful assortment of villains. They are so annoying and infuriating in every scene they are in and only get worse as the movie goes on. Half the movie is spent following this massively irritating group as they hunt for Mads Mikkelsen's character and they are so unlikable, but not in the way that they are supposed to be. They all work for the main villain, who is inexplicably played by Matt Lucas from Little Britain. That's right, Vicky Pollard is this movie's main antagonist. He is god awful here and I genuinely don't even know what they were attempting to do with this character. Every scene that he is in feels like a discarded Little Britain sketch.

The one bright spot in the film is Mads Mikkelsen's turn as Duncan, the ex-hitman being hunted throughout the film by his ex-employers who serves as our main protagonist. I love seeing Mads in anything he appears in, so I actually found the scenes with him in them pretty enjoyable, and frankly they were the only thing that stopped this movie from being scored a pathetic 1/10.

Overall, this is total mess. It is the worst type of comic book movie and doesn't seem appealing to anyone over the age of 12. Please don't waste your time with this garbage, there are much better movies out there based on graphic novels that don't only cater to horny, brain-dead teenagers.

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 7, 2019

Studios will continue to dump their crap on Netflix as long as they continue to buy.


Amailen (1 KP) Feb 11, 2019

Train wreck is the perfect phrase for this movie! I kept waiting for it to get good, but then there was another boob..

The Unity Game
The Unity Game
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“The three moons were rising. The grey being lifted itself from the resting platform and rose to standing position. It turned its head to survey the subterranean chamber and ran a check over its physical condition. It had achieved maximum expenditure potential.”

The Unity Game is the second book by author Leonora Meriel. This beautifully written story follows three characters on their own journeys. First is David, a man who puts everything he has into his work at a bank, determined to find financial success. His plans do not go as plans, and he finds himself in deeper trouble than he could have anticipated. The second is a being of energy which has set out on a journey to extend its life. Then there is Alisdair, a barrister who has just died. His journey takes him on understanding the ins and outs of what life after death truly is. The three stories share themes of redemption, hope, the universe, death, and the question: what if the earth you knew was just the beginning?

The Unity game is an incredibly complex and intricate story. The three characters move around each other for a significant portion of the book until their lives finally interact with each other. It takes focus to maintain the different characters, perspectives, struggles, and ideas that each character is facing but the story being told makes that concentration completely worth it. I found myself immediately compelled into this story from the very beginning. It is strange for the structured business life to intrigue you so profoundly but from the very first page you can see that there are things about these characters that you want to understand. The introduction to each character brings you so vividly into their heads and their desires while leaving so much open to learn through the rest of the book.

Meriel has done an excellent job of creating a mix of science fiction and mystery in this book. The imagination to create this story is astounding, the pieces and themes fitting together so well while being so abstract and unique. Meriel has done an exquisite job of forming this book with the perfect amount of character development and intriguing story while giving the reader so many profound questions to ponder as they read. This book is a fantastic read, and I highly recommend it.

Dillon Jacoby-Rankin (202 KP) rated Wargroove in Video Games

Jan 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
2018 | Strategy
Turn Based Strategy (7 more)
Various Unit Types
Player Count
Map and Campaign Creation
Online Play
Advanced Wars Refresh!
If you have ever played Advanced Wars in the past, get ready for a refresh and a brand new experience. This game takes Advanced Wars and blows it out of the water.
Turn Based Strategy: The game brings back classic turn Based strategy that we have all come to know and love.
Various Unit Types: There are so many unita u. This game. Ground, Air, and Water types make the strategy as simple or complex as you want depending on the maps and style you want to play. Great for many different play styles and friends.
Player Count: Although you can only add up to 4 human players, the max the game plays is 8 if you include AI's. Therefore you could totally do a 4 vs. 4 with your friends on one team and the AI on the other. So 8 total, 4 human players
Expandable: The game is setup fine as is but has the capability to be added onto constantly whether it be new maps, units, commanders, etc. By the way. First free dlc update adds new units and commanders in February 2020. So if you don't have the game yet, enjoy the free dlc bonus next month when you get the game.
Unlockables: Beating the campaign will unlock you new commanders. So will earning a certain amount of stars for each of the missions you clear in the campaign, as well as various other things you may need to complete. All in all, there should be 3 commanders to unlock in the game.
Map and Campaign Creation: All the tools used to build the in game campaign are actually available to the player community to build your own maps and campaigns that can be shared and downloaded online. These maps are also crossplatform as well as the whole game. So I can make a map or campaign on one platform and you can download it on another. And then we can play said map on two different platforms at the same time with each other. It's great!
Online Play: Works great and is also crossplatform.
Crossplatform: Game is currently crossplatform on Nintendo Switch, PS, XBOX, and PC.