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Finding the Flame
Katie Nox | 2022
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
132 of 230
Finding the Flame ( A Collection of Poems)
By Katie Nox ( Katie Everwood)

A collection of poetry from Katie Nox, the poetry pen name for author, Katie Epstein.
Finding the Flame is all about the journey of how we become lost in the dark to find the flame that guides the light.
Self love.
It's all about having reflection, to change perspective on the strength we all possess.

Ok so first of all this it’s becoming a little annoying trying to find books by this author as there are so many name changes it makes your head spin!
The book itself was so sweet and the poems were just lovely! Some very relatable! That’s all they were though was sweet!
Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Transformist of the Heart and Soul
Melinda George | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique design and compact. (0 more)
Needs more/better prompts (0 more)
Wonderful Self-help poetry journa
Transformist of the Heart and Soul by Melinda George is a self help journal mixed with a poetry book.

 Follow one woman, possibly yourself through a discovery of self-love. Find acceptance and move on from damaging relationships with the aid of twelve heartfelt poems from someone who appears to have felt the same pain.

 Once you feel ready the journal side of the book asks readers to write their thoughts in the form of poetry and to create daily mantras. For those wanting more you can create a 24 day gratitude list and write love letters to yourself. For the final aspect of the journal readers (or should I say writers) can glue or tape in images or since the squares are black use a white colored pencil to draw in ideas.

 The poems are touching and probably relatable for a large number of people, as sad as that is. I also enjoyed how compact the book is, it is small enough to fin in a purse, backpack, or suitcase without taking up too much room. This book is more of a journal than an actual book. Only twelve poems are found in the 79 page book. The back of the book dose say it is a self-empowerment journal inspired by poem, but I wish there were more poems in it. It also would have been nice if the journal had some more specific writing prompts in it.

 This book is directed mostly towards women. Specifically it seems to focus on someone leaving or recovering from a bad relationship. Readers should be prepared to or have a need to expose their hear and soul at least to themselves, which can be a painful process. I rate this book 3 out of 4. Over all the book/journal is very nice. I just with it had more poems and better/more specific writing prompts. The size of the book is nice for people on the go so they can write whenever they feel the inspiration.

Transformist of the Heart and Soul | Book| Austin Macauley Publishers USA

Amy Tan recommended Devotions in Books (curated)

Mary Oliver | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Mary Oliver’s poems give us solace and perspective. They provide the companionship of like-minds and thus have the power to instantly remove loneliness. Her poetry is the little lamp in the window that guides us home when we are in love or in trouble. When you read the last line of each poem, you’ll understand. It will take your breath away."


Kathy Bates recommended Collected Poems in Books (curated)

Collected Poems
Collected Poems
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I love sonnets, with their iambic pentameter. This collection has most of her best-known works, but my favorite “I Shall Go Back Again to the Bleak Shore,” is in her Selected Poems edition. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923, only the third woman to do so. All her life she was an activist for women’s rights."


Rose McGowan recommended The Complete Poems in Books (curated)

The Complete Poems
The Complete Poems
Anne Sexton | 1999 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"‘Consorting with Angels’ is one of my favorite Sexton poems, but with so much raw power it is hard to choose. ‘I was tired of being a woman, tired of the spoons and the post, tired of my mouth and my breasts, tired of the cosmetics and the silks.’ Sexton was and is so vital and so brazen. Mad respect."


Daniel Blumberg recommended Starlite Walker by Silver Jews in Music (curated)

Starlite Walker by Silver Jews
Starlite Walker by Silver Jews
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Starlite Walker by Silver Jews. This doesn’t get talked about too much because people tend to talk about American Water when they talk about Silver Jews. This is the best album though. The first song “Trains Across the Sea” has the same chords as our song “The Wall.” David Berman is my favorite lyricist ever; I love his book of poems called Actual Air."


Tracey Thorn recommended Collected Poems in Books (curated)

Collected Poems
Collected Poems
Anthony Thwaite, Philip Larkin | 2003 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"It’s not so easy now to admit to liking Larkin. We know too much about him as a person, because of diaries and letters that have been published, and it’s diminished his reputation somewhat, knowing that he was narrow-minded, stuffy, prejudiced. Yet still the poems are full of insight and empathy. They catalogue the endless little failures of life, all the compromises, all the missteps."

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a collection of classic and contemporary poetry aimed at addressing middle schoolers in their transition from child to young adult. There is a wide range in the collection: classic poetry like Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson and newer and present poets, some of whom read their work on the accompanying CD.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am has many poems that will apply to every feeling and thought, put words to what we can’t find words for, and prove that yes, there are other people out there who feel like you do now, you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. These poets talk about everything from the awkwardness of changing and showering in the fifth grade locker room to embarrassing bra shopping with mom, to a first kiss. There’s poems about segregation and ethnicity, homework and math class, sports, clothes, and even the emotions brought forth from reading poetry itself.

Not only does it have the poetry, there are pages in the back of artistic inspiring blank pieces of paper for the reader’s own poetry. The CD contains many of the poems read by the poets the way they were intended to be read.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a fantastic collection that every young lit-lover should have on their shelves.

Recommendation: Boys and Girls ages 8+
Poetry can be a very personal thing, or it can be a thing of great beauty transcending a generation or a county and becoming part of your very being. Alternatively, poetry can be throw away, a collection of sounds meant to inspire thought or simply to entertain, but in my experience, this latter form is often difficult to capture on the page and even harder to recreate in the minds and hearts of a reader. I would love the hear these poems performed, read out, expressed and felt, perhaps then their inner rhythm would show itself and make sense. Sadly, as these poems are written I am robbed of that experience, and as such find little to draw me back to their tale. If you like written performance style poetry this will be for you, I hope I get the chance to hear them one day.
The Princess Saves Herself in This One
The Princess Saves Herself in This One
Amanda Lovelace, Ladybookmad | 2016 | Essays
7.4 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start by saying I'm not truly a poetry person, I don't know poems and I don't care for them. This one was basically written as a book but the spacing was quite like a poem - I enjoyed that immensely, it was easy to follow and the subject matter was just intense, it made you want to continue. I am so utterly happy that I read this book