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The Trees Grew Because I Bled There
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
71 of 220
The Trees Grew Because I Bled There: collected stories
By Eric LaRocca

Eight stories of dark fiction from a master storyteller. Exploring the shadow side of love, these are tales of grief, obsession, control. Intricate examinations of trauma and tragedy in raw, poetic prose. A woman imagines horrific scenarios whilst caring for her infant niece; on-line posts chronicle a cancer diagnosis; a couple in the park with their small child encounter a stranger with horrific consequences; a toxic relationship reaches a terrifying resolution…

This was a compilation of stories from a very talented authors. You get taken on a journey with these short stories. A few stories stood out from the crowd! The Strange things we become a story of how cancer destroys everything it touches and plays with the mind.
You’re not supposed to be here l, I think this is my favourite of them all a parents worst nightmare and a dark tale of secrets and desperation.
I’d also mention Where Flames Burned as Grass, would you sacrifice your child on the word of a complete stranger?

Really enjoyed these stories and the writing style.

Suswatibasu (1701 KP) rated Peach in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Emma Glass | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark, harrowing but poetic - requires a trigger warning
This is a debut novel by author Emma Glass and she has produced something extraordinary. Her writing is confident and bridges any gap between prose and poetry, with emotion portrayed often through alliteration and repetition of key phrases.

The story follows Peach, who has been brutally battered and left bruised one night, though it is never clear what has happened. Her thoughts meander over the incident and the consequences in which at one point she believes she may be pregnant.

The remainder of the book paints a graphic picture of the effect the trauma has had on Peach and how this is expressed by her in changes to her body shape, and in her perception of the ordinary things of life.

There are mythical and superstitious elements to Peach's damaged psyche, which you will need to experience yourself. I must admit that some of it escaped me, but this thin volume has such power and leaves the reader in no doubt of Peach's pain and the ultimate consequences.

It is quite unlike anything I have read before, and whilst I cannot claim to have fully understood it, it definitely is unique. Unfortunately it is an acquired taste so not everyone will appreciate the style.
A Thousand Perfect Notes
A Thousand Perfect Notes
C.G. Drews | 2019
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was so excited to start this. To begin with, I liked Beck and I loved August and I really felt for both of the characters.

But overall, the book just didn’t feel right. The language used was very poetic, almost as if C.G. Drews was just trying to make Instagram-worthy quotes. The language seemed really forced and really out of context. I can’t understand how a story about an abused teen would use very romanticised and literary language.

In any other context, I think I would quite like her writing style, but I feel that it really didn’t fit in at all here.

And then there’s the way that every few pages the lines




For absolutely no reason at all, and then for about fifty pages you see no use of this writing style almost as if the author has forgotten that she was trying to use this as a feature.

I get that this is a debut, but it just seemed really amateurish and didn’t flow at all. I started off liking the characters, and I finished hating them.

The only reason that this is two stars instead of one is that I did actually manage to finish it.
Longbourn's Unexpected Matchmaker
Emma Hox | 2010
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Longbourn's Unexpected Matchmaker is a P&P variation - it starts at the same point as the original novel but then diverges from the original plot for a number of reasons. Overall I did enjoy it; it's a frothy feel-good sort of book that kept me smiling. Poetic justic was handed out in spades to the villains of the piece - although I'm not quite sure that her brother, even as a belted Earl, would have been able to manage what actually happens to Lady Catherine, but it's a nice thought!

I suppose on the downside you could say that all potential sources of conflict are resolved rather too quickly and easily. I'm still not entirely convinced about Lizzy sitting and singing in trees either!

It also could have done with some better editing. The typesetting was odd as there were sometimes unecessarily large gaps between words. The bookseller at Meryton was named one thing one minute and something else a few pages on which threw me for a minute. There were also errors and inconsistancies in title usage: Sir William Lucas was referred to both as Sir William (correctly) and Sir Lucas (no-no).

I would have thought higher of Darcy's intelligence though - surely he should have figured out who Mr Bennet was?!