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This book of poetry is a short and quick read. I understood 2 of the 3 poems other then that it was an okay book. There not much to read but I liked the poems in the book.


    8.5 (4 Ratings) Rate It


    Cats is a sung-through musical composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber based on the 1939 poetry collection...

Invitation to Poetry
Invitation to Poetry
Mihai Brinas | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Poetry is one of those things that requires a rare talent to do well. Like a work of art a poem must transcend it's physical representation and excite the subconscious. This collection of short poems illustrates that perfectly.

A great anthology to dip into now and again, each poem demands an emotional response from the reader. Even when the actual subject matter may be obscure, the feelings and power behind the words is clear.

This is definitely worth reading and reflecting on, even if you are not usually interested in poetry

Natalie Portman recommended Sun Under Wood in Books (curated)

Sun Under Wood
Sun Under Wood
Robert Hass | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry
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Book Favorite

"In college, I took a poetry class with Jorie Graham, an amazing poet. She directed me to Hass, and his stuff moved me so much. His writing is very American, spare, clean. And manly. There’s a ruggedness to his poems. One in particular I’ve always loved is called ‘Dragonflies Mating.’ It combines a sense of abandonment in childhood with natural images. I don’t even know exactly what it means, but I think that’s what poetry does—it evokes all these feelings without our really understanding why or how it’s done."


Richard Serra recommended Poems of Paul Celan in Books (curated)

Poems of Paul Celan
Poems of Paul Celan
Paul Celan | 2021
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"From the first lines of Celan’s “Todesfuge”: Black milk of daybreak we drink it at sundown/ we drink it at noon in the morning we drink it at night/ we drink and we drink it Celan’s poems are terrifying and beautiful, many of them reflect his experience of the Holocaust. His parents died in a concentration camp, he was imprisoned in a labor camp. Language is Celan’s tool of combat and survival, and of the evocation of memory. I have always preferred poetry and prose to fiction. Poetry condenses."
