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The Guilt Gene
Diana Raab | 2009
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rating: 4.5/5
Thoughts: THE GUILT GENE is Diana’s memoir in poetry. Her life was filled with excitement, pain, loss and gain. Her words are beautiful and lyric and demand to be read several times over, not just once. Many times while reading this book I read the same poem over several times, just so I could hear it again. Her story is a sad but hopeful one, and something I believe everyone should read.

Recommendation: Ages 12+

—my review copy was provided by Bostic Communications—
Quiet Sheba: Volume 1
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This collection of poetry is magical! I was lucky enough to win it through a Goodreads Giveaway, Thank YOU soo much!! My two loves are literature and psychology and the author has weaved the two through her life and through her words. I cannot recommend this collection enough!! I cannot wait to get my hands on the other volumes!!! Our life tends to give us our best work as poets and that's just what this amazing lady as done. Thank you for sharing your work with us!