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Bed: New Lesbian Erotica
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It took me a while to read this book, it all depended on which story I was reading to whether it held my attention or not. There are some good stories in here and I liked some of the poetry. A couple of the stories I found a little dull and some others I found a bit confusing, but overall I thought it was a good collection.


    Ian Stephen

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    "His poetry is distinguished by its precision. There is no surfeit to it. His poems are short and...



    Jacob Polley

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    Read a poem from the collection and also watch a video of Polley reading 'Every Creeping Thing',...

Poetry can be a very personal thing, or it can be a thing of great beauty transcending a generation or a county and becoming part of your very being. Alternatively, poetry can be throw away, a collection of sounds meant to inspire thought or simply to entertain, but in my experience, this latter form is often difficult to capture on the page and even harder to recreate in the minds and hearts of a reader. I would love the hear these poems performed, read out, expressed and felt, perhaps then their inner rhythm would show itself and make sense. Sadly, as these poems are written I am robbed of that experience, and as such find little to draw me back to their tale. If you like written performance style poetry this will be for you, I hope I get the chance to hear them one day.