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Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) rated 9-1-1 in TV

Jul 8, 2019 (Updated Apr 4, 2021)  
2018 | Drama
Racially-diverse cast (0 more)
Stiff acting (4 more)
Fake fake fake fake fake
Scenarios no professional first responder would ever get into.
Terrible writing
Are there no medical director/firefighter/police officer technical advisers to tell them the correct way to do ALL OF THIS?
I like Connie Britton, who was a cast member during the first season of this show. However, she is no longer there and there is nothing to hold my interest and many, many things to make me lose interest. 911 has stiff acting and outrageously fake scenarios. She was replaced by Jennifer Love Hewitt, whom I'm neutral on for the most part, but I don't like her character, the scenarios she gets into, or her lines. Her acting isn't that great in this show, either, come to think of it. The manufactured drama is too forced. I've seen her do a better job with drama so I don't know if it's the director's choice or if she's taking dramatic license, but either way, her character isn't great. The characters, for the most part, are not believable or likable. It's just not a good cast. I like the diversity of the cast. There are several black cast members, an Asian cast member, and at least one Latinx cast member, which is so much better than most other shows, and let's face it than most of society. Come on, people, Let's mingle and mix things up.

I recently tried to watch 911 due to a draught of medical dramas and I ended up yelling at the tv about all the technical mistakes the EMTs and firefighters were making. I mean, they took an elevator up to an upper floor when the building was unstable and at risk of collapse or having a power outage. It was ridiculous. Who does that? If you are good at suspending belief, maybe you can tolerate this show. But as a hard-core medical freak, I cannot.
Buried to the Brim
Buried to the Brim
Jenn McKinlay | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brimming with Fun, Doggone It!
Cousins Scarlett and Viv have an unusual new client for their hat shop. Betty Wentworth, Scarlett’s fiancé Harrison’s aunt, is about to enter a dog show with her dog, Freddy, and she is hoping that a top hat will launch him from second place to first place this year. At first Viv, who designs the hats, is reluctant, but soon she is on board, and everyone is delighted with the results. However, the contest weekend gets off to a rocky start during the cocktail party that kicks things off when Betty gets into an argument with Gerry Swendson, the owner of the dog food company that sponsors the show. The next morning, Freddy is the one to find Gerry’s very dead body. With the police looking at Betty, Scarlett begins digging in, trying to figure out who else had motive. It quickly becomes apparent that this dog show is far from cute. But who committed murder?

It’s been a couple of years since the last book in this series came out, and it was wonderful to catch up with these old friends. Some time has passed for them as well, but the relationships were as great as ever. We saw plenty of the supporting characters and I loved every minute of it. The mystery was just as strong, with plenty of suspects and a fantastic ending. I did find one thing near the climax pushed me out of the book and I didn’t remember a few instances of very mild swearing in earlier books, but both are worth noting only in passing. The running gags involving puns were always one of my favorite things in the series, and it is as delightful as ever here. And the dogs! There are some very cute moments with the dogs here. Fans of the series will be delighted to get to revisit these characters.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Trese in TV

Jun 22, 2021  
2021 | Action, Adventure, Animation, Crime, Fantasy
Trese is the newest Netflix Original Anime, based upon a Filipino comic by the same name. The show follows Alexandra Trese, who is a paranormal detective, and assists the police with paranormal crimes. The series is set in Manila, and creatures from the lore of the Philippines co-exist alongside the humans. Trese is known as the ‘Lakan’, and her father facilitated an accords agreement with the different groups of creatures to keep the peace.
I haven’t read the source material, so I can’t say how close it was to the original work. I really liked Alexandra as a character, she was interesting, and strong. One of the coolest things, for me, was that she carried a Kris, which is a really cool looking knife. One of my favorite things, that made me laugh the first time, is that there is a Fire god that she calls by hitting a button on a Nokia phone. There were also the twins, or ‘kambal’, Crisipin and Basilio, who provided a little comic relief.
The series is a short watch, six episodes that are around 20 minutes each. Each episode was a self-contained, separate case, then dove into Trese’s background and family. It was definitely for a mature audience, it was bloody and gory, and the animation was fantastic. I completely loved this series, because of the cool blend of mythology with a detective show. I hope that Netflix opts to make a second season, because I want to know how the story continues.
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
Judas and the Black Messiah (2021)
2021 | Biography, Drama, History
Racism has all too often reared its ugly head in recent years with the rise of extremist groups who felt emboldened by recent political climates. As violence leads to protests which can themselves become violent; the perpetual cycle seems unending.

In the new film “Judas and the Black Messiah”, audiences are told the real-life story of Fred Hampton (Daniel Kaluuya) who runs a local chapter of The Black Panthers in Illinois in the 1960s.

The rise of what is perceived as militant groups in the wake of the killings of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King has caused increased police and Federal actions which have caused many in Hampton’s community to feel they are at war with the authorities and fighting for their very survival against a system of injustice and systemic racism.

When car thief William O’Neal is arrested, FBI agent Roy Mitchell (Jesse Plemons); offers O’Neal a chance to avoid prison and earn some money by becoming an informant. Despite his reservations; O’Neal works his way into Hampton’s inner circle and develops a friendship with the man as he learns of his plans to unify the various factions in their communities.

O’Neal sees how there is more to the Black Panthers as they feed, educate, and assist members of their community and work to contain more extreme elements that look to make statements through bombings and extreme actions.

The threat posed by Hampton draws the attention of FBI Director J Edgar Hoover (Martin Sheen), and plans are developed to take down Hampton and his organization which in turn puts even more pressure on Mitchell and O’Neal.

The movie is a gripping, disturbing, and sure to be controversial look into the lives of the key figures as well as the ongoing debates on racial injustice, police violence, hate groups, and violence in the community.

Director Shaka King attempts to find a balance in the film as there are moments where party members draw their weapons against the police and kill wounded officers. There are also numerous scenes where police beat and shoot unarmed individuals or use excessive force which underscores Hampton’s stance that his community is at war and this is a life or death struggle.

The last time I was so disturbed by a film of this genre was “Detroit” which shocked me with the horrific true crimes that were portrayed and how those involved escaped justice. I thought if as a Caucasian I could be so disturbed and disgusted by the terrifying events portrayed in the film; then they would be truly the stuff of nightmares for people of color.

The cast is very strong and gives memorable performances that show the complexity of their characters. They are not simply a militant and a snitch, but rather complex individuals trying to survive.

“Judas and the Black Messiah” is a very well-crafted film that is equally informative and disturbing and does what good cinema does best; educate, entertain, and inform.

4.5 stars out of 5
Room for Doubt
Room for Doubt
Nancy Cole Silverman | 2018 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Suicide or a Serial Killer?
A body has been found hanging from the Hollywood sign, and radio reporter Carol Childs is sent to the scene. The police have ruled it a suicide, but Carol thinks something else is going on. Before the weekend is over, Carol is contacted by a PI who shares her belief that there is more to this death. Then a caller to Carol’s new late Sunday show all but confesses. What is really going on?

From this intriguing premise, we get another fun mystery filled with plenty of suspense. I did have some issues with some moral issues brought up in this book, which is funny because I am on the opposite side of things on some TV shows I watch. A psychic we met in the first book is back, but I was happy that her “ability” only played a small part in the book. In fact, I enjoyed seeing her again since she is a fun foil for Carol. I really liked the cast of characters as well. There were some timeline issues in the middle of the book, but overall, they were a minor annoyance.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Widows (2018) in Movies

Nov 18, 2018 (Updated Nov 18, 2018)  
Widows (2018)
Widows (2018)
2018 | Crime, Drama, Thriller
Based on a TV show that most people will probably have either forgotten or never heard of in the first place, the new film from Steve McQueen (not that one) exchanges the existential historical misery of his last one for existential present-day corruption and despair. When a crew of robbers are killed on a job-gone-wrong and the leader's widow is menaced by the target, demanding his money back, she decides to recruit the widows of the other men to execute her former husband's planned next heist in order to meet her obligations.

Smartly written and well played, there is a lot going on here apart from the obvious genre stuff - various subplots explore the lives of women in modern America, police violence, institutional racism, and so on. However, the problem is that the film seems to get lost in exploring all of this and the meat-and-potatoes stuff about the heist kind of gets a bit lost as a result - the robbery, when it finally arrives, feels a bit rushed and underdeveloped. Still, this is a quality movie with lots to commend it.