China and North Africa Since World War II: A Bilateral Approach
This manuscript examines Sino-North Africa relations on a bilateral level since World War II. It...

Rally Point: Five Tasks to Unite the Country and Revitalize the American Dream
A smart and surprising political inventory for how America can reunite and revitalize in a time of...
Legality and Legitimacy
Carl Schmitt and Jeffrey Seitzer
Carl Schmitt ranks among the most original and controversial political thinkers of the twentieth...

Liquid Power: Contested Hydro-Modernities in Twentieth-Century Spain
In this book, Erik Swyngedouw explores how water becomes part of the tumultuous processes of...
Res Publica and the Roman Republic: 'Without Body or Form'
Res Publica and the Roman Republic tells the story of an idea - res publica - and shows us what it...

Public Policies for Food Sovereignty: Social Movements and the State
Annette Aurelie Desmarais, Priscilla Claeys and Amy Trauger
An increasing number of rural and urban-based movements are realizing some political traction in...
Constitutional Acceleration Within the European Union and Beyond
Modern constitutionalism as an idea and practice is facing great uncertainty in current times....

The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) rated The West Wing - Season 1 in TV
Mar 9, 2018