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James Koppert (2698 KP) rated Beginning by Trae in Music

Dec 28, 2019 (Updated Dec 28, 2019)  
Beginning by Trae
Beginning by Trae
2008 | Rap
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Not the new 2Pac
At the time Trae was being hailed in the press as the new 2Pac. I never understood why. He wasn't overtly political, he had a deep voice and different flow, was far more pop but did have charisma. He's still pretty unknown which says it all really
The Black Prism (Lightbringer, #1)
The Black Prism (Lightbringer, #1)
5.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Way too political, and pretty disgustingly violent and bloody. Wish there were more time spent on Kip and on the magic system. Touts itself as being "epic" but I just felt that it wasn't edited well, and ended up being way too long. Interesting and fun at times for sure.
The Russell Howard Hour
The Russell Howard Hour
2017 | Comedy
His politics are spot on. (0 more)
Wish it was daily (0 more)
Russell Howard is brave and clever. He uses comedy to deliver a positive political message. This is very hard to do, especially in the mainstream which is why he needs to be really respected just for how good he is.
    Slate's Whistlestop

    Slate's Whistlestop

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    In this podcast for fans of presidential history, John Dickerson of Slate’s Political Gabfest...