Negotiating Religion: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
Francois Guesnet, Cecile Laborde and Lois Lee
Negotiating religious diversity, as well as negotiating different forms and degrees of commitment to...

The Democratization Disconnect: How Recent Democratic Revolutions Threaten the Future of Democracy
The most recent wave of democratic revolutions has convinced many in the West of the triumph of...
War, Denial and Nation-Building in Sri Lanka: After the End: 2017
This book begins from a critical account of the final months of the Sri Lankan civil war, tracing...

A Great and Terrible World: The Pre-Prison Letters of Antonio Gramsci (1908-1926)
This edition of letters by Antonio Gramsci vividly evokes the 'great and terrible world' in which he...

The Essential Guide to Critical Development Studies
In recent years, much mainstream development discourse has sought to co-opt and neutralize key...
Revenge Pornography: Gender, Sexuality and Motivations
Facilitated by developments in technologies, the non-consensual posting of sexually explicit images...

Notorious Prisons of the World
The first prisons were in the dungeons of empires and castles, places of neglect and sheer oblivion....

Hammer and Tickle: A History of Communism Told Through Communist Jokes
The book that immerses the Cold War in the warm bath of nostalgia. Q: Why, despite all the...

Homo Sovieticus: Brain Waves, Mind Control, and Telepathic Destiny
Erik Butler and Wladimir Velminski
In October 1989, as the Cold War was ending and the Berlin Wall about to crumble, television viewers...

Environments, Natures and Social Theory: Towards a Critical Hybridity
Alan P. Rudy, Damian White and Brian Gareau
From climate change to fossil fuel dependency, from the uneven effects of natural disasters to the...