Extraordinary Ordinariness: Everyday Heroism in the United States, Germany, and Britain, 1800-2015
Everyday heroes and heroines--ordinary men, women, and children who are honored for actual or...

Lloyd George: Statesman or Scoundrel
David Lloyd George left a profound political legacy, despite being described by the wife of his...
Migration and the Making of Industrial Sao Paulo
Published in 2008 and winner of the 2011 Thomas E. Skidmore Prize, Paulo Fontes's Migration and the...
Neoliberal Culture
What kind of thing is 'neoliberalism'? This collection of essays explores a range of possible...

Development Paradigms for Urban Housing in Brics Countries: 2016
Piyush Tiwari, Jyoti Rao and Jennifer Day
This book is a concise treatise of the alternative paradigms used in BRICS countries to tackle urban...

Edge of Empire: Atlantic Networks and Revolution in Bourbon Rio de la Plata
In the first decades of the 1800s, after almost three centuries of Iberian rule, former Spanish...

European Union: Europe's New Liberal Mercantilism?: 2016
Svein S. Andersen, Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter
This book contributes to an ongoing debate about the EU as a global actor, the organization's...
Growing Up Working Class: Hidden Injuries and the Development of Angry White Men and Women: 2017
This enlightening auto-ethnography examines how social class (and other social institutions and...

An Economic History of the United States: Conquest, Conflict, and Struggles for Equality
The economy of the United States is constantly evolving in response to wars, technological...

Australia's Foreign Aid Dilemma: Humanitarian Aspirations Confront Democratic Legitimacy
The Australian aid program faces a fundamental dilemma: how, in the absence of deep popular support,...