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Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Traitor's Moon (Gladstone Shifters #2)
Alexander Elliott | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
TRAITOR'S MOON is the second book in the Gladstone Shifters series and it does follow on from book one so I definitely recommend you read that book just to get the full picture.

Ben and Evan are still trying to make their Pack a safe home but Wilburn still has other plans. Jack and William are 'on tour' trying to bring the reality of True Elders to other packs.

There is so much intrigue in this book, making it fast-paced and full of action without it being rushed. As a reader, you daren't blink in case you miss anything. And yet, there is still time for romance, for love, for hope. And not just for MM couples either. Personally, I think this is one of the best parts of these books - instead of just one romance, you get a couple or more!

The world-building is excellent and you also get the political structure and problems too. Although there are a host of characters, each one is fully fleshed out, making every single one of them completely believable.

This is a fantastic addition to the series and I look forward to carrying on with their stories. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Jonah!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Havana Storm
Havana Storm
Clive Cussler, Dirk Cussler | 2014 | Thriller
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been reading some pretty demanding books recently and needed something a bit more lightweight and the Cussler template usually fits the bill. You always know what you are going to get and sometimes that's just what you need. I didn't expect this book to blow me away and it didn't - but it was better than my expectations.

This is another collaboration with Dirk Cussler and as usual it's hard to know how much of the book is down to Clive and how much to Dirk. But that's not the point. In this book you get lots of underwater action, 'bad guys' intent on making money and creating environmental disaster in the process and Cuban political intrigue.

In previous installments the children of Dirk Pitt (called Dirk and Summer) have sometimes appeared to have written in just to make sure they appear in the series leaving the actual meat of the story progression to the familiar team of Pitt and Giordino. But this is quite notable for the ensemble cast that get their hands dirty in the course of the story, especially when the usual pairings are split up and Pitt works with his daughter and Dirk is with Giordino.

There are the usual scrapes and death-defying escapes but again the reader is kept guessing as sometime the escapes leave the heroes free to continue their task of thwarting the bad guys but other times ingenious and risky plans work but end up with their almost immediate recapture.

Overall the book is indeed a little more realistic that previous ones (although still pretty far fetched). The threat is localised rather than global and the motivation of political power and greed seems plausible, as does the way the NUMA team pull the threads together to work out what is going on.

This is never going to be a must read book or on any kind of literary shortlist for me but for pure escapist adventure, it's really hard to beat.

Possibly one for Dirk Pitt fans only as the first few books are far superior, but a lot better than some installments in the series.

Rating: Some violence but not excessive

Ross (3282 KP) rated Legacy of Ash in Books

Dec 21, 2020  
Legacy of Ash
Legacy of Ash
Matthew Ward | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Epic but too lengthy
A very ambitious debut novel, epic in scope, cast of characters and plot. However, I found myself struggling to pick it up too often.
The book takes place in an empire with far-from-happy constituent parts and angry neighbours. The heirs of the traitorous Southweald "phoenix" are held captive as figureheads warning off any thoughts of rebellion. Meanwhile, a cliched corrupt council tries to keep the empire safe from impending invasion.
The book is filled with interesting magical creatures and abilities, with a demon, witches, crow-themed goth assassins and ancient spirits. These were at the fore nowhere near often enough, treated as curses and cast aside in favour of political plotting and old fashioned battle.
The first third of the book was awesome: learning about the richness of the world, its history, politics and magic. It really was set up to be an epic story of political intrigue, deception, plotting and underhand nastiness.
Sadly, this all lead to a battle sequence that lasted far too long. It was really like Joe Abercrombie had taken one of the First Law books and shoved The Heroes into the middle of it. I really struggled to get past this long, fairly boring conflict.
The second half of the book then calms down and focuses once again before taking a massive left-turn and changing to something very different.
As with many books of this size, the cast was massive and a number of characters not distinct enough to remember by name. And so many had such promising abilities to offer but were largely absent when they would have been so useful. It was like having a superstar in an amateur dramatic society and leaving them out of most of the script. Having said that, I once saw a pantomime with David Van Day in the cast and it was in everyone's best interests that he was largely absent.
The book finished well, but it was an 800-page book that read like a 1200-page one, taking me 5 weeks to read.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

May 11, 2020 (Updated May 11, 2020)  
Sneak a peek at the murder mystery audiobook COVEY AND JAYJAY GET EDUCATED by Shelton L. Williams on my blog, and enter the #GIVEAWAY to #win a copy of the book as well as other Shelton Williams books - THREE WINNERS!

Amateur detectives Covey Jencks and JayJay Qualls are drawn into a triple murder on the campus of Baker College in West Waverly in the Texas Hill Country. Both end up taking positions at the college: Covey as an adjunct instructor and JayJay as a visiting actor.

Initially they believe that money is the motive for the murders, but over time they learn that the college is a cauldron of political and social intrigue. The college's new president and his beautiful wife, various staff members, a prominent trustee, and parties not associated with the college have the motives, opportunities, and wacky agendas that might implicate them in the murders. It turns out that a white nationalist group may be using a college house for its nefarious activities, but are they more talk than action?

The West Waverly police are little to no help in the investigation, and Covey himself has to depart the college to deal with his father's death. JayJay takes over and makes a critical breakthrough. Upon Covey's return, the couple must rely on deception, a bit of luck, and martial arts skills to solve the crimes and to try to prevent a high-profile assassination.
Sink or Swim: Part One (Aria & the Seven Seas, #1)
Sink or Swim: Part One (Aria & the Seven Seas, #1)
Gwyneira Blythe | 2022 | Erotica, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Aria's back... and she's TROUBLE!
SINK OR SWIM is Aria's story. Well, the first part of it at least. We first met her in the Wildeward Academy series but you don't need to have read those - although I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you do!

Aria is happy with her life Topside, performing with her band and getting sustenance that way. When she is summoned back to the Deep, she has no idea what's going to happen.

Oh, man. What a start! Aria is a blast, always has been, always will be. I couldn't figure out just how she would settle down, but Ms Blythe hasn't let me down! Instead of one mate, Aria is going to have multiple. They'll need each other too, to keep her appetite fed.

It's not all fun and games though, oh no. We have assassination attempts, political intrigue, slimy want-to-punch-them-in-the-face characters, as well as our wannabe Royal Pod. We've met two for sure, probably three of the heirs, and I'm hoping we meet the others soon.

A brilliant start to the trilogy with a favourite character of mine from Wildeward. I really need to read them again! I think I'll finish Aria's story first though. Do I recommend this book? You betcha! Absolutely loved it and can't wait for more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Jessi Bone (48 KP) rated Raging Falcon in Books

Mar 21, 2019  
Raging Falcon
Raging Falcon
Stephen Perkins | 2016 | Crime, Dystopia, Thriller
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Storyline and Events (0 more)
Closeness to facts (0 more)
Don't loose your place
Stephen Perkins introduces us with another gripping tale of political intrigue, magic, and physiological thriller. This is my second book written by Stephen Perkins and to be honest I did not believe he had another great one in him but he completely surprised me with this story. He takes you and enveloping tale in the world that has been changed and destroyed and what is left is a dystonia society focused on the sustainability of all and where magic reigns. It starts its tale in 2063 in a prison where an old Jim Keogh telling his prison guards about his dad and telling them the truth behind the history they believe they know. Mr. Perkins unique writing style pulls you into the story where you have to pay attention and take your time or you will miss definitely miss something important; it is definitely a book you can read more than once and find things you did not see the first time or even the last time. You will complete all the three hundred and sixty-two pages and not even realized you have read so many the way he pulls you in and you experience exactly what the characters are and you have that feeling like you have been truly their and experienced as they have experienced. The way he ties all the events together in his writing makes you wonder if he knows something about the geopolitical environment that no one else knows. Perhaps that is the point the wonder behind his ideas that make you want to continue to see where the story goes.
The Secret of Drulea Cottage (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #1)
The Secret of Drulea Cottage (Betwixt the Sea and Shore #1)
Claire Kohler | 2021 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE SECRET OF DRULEA COTTAGE is the first book in the Betwixt the Sea and the Shore series and we arrive in Everton, a small town in Orkney, also known as the Orkney Islands, which is an archipelago in the Northern Isles of Scotland.

Briony is the village midwife but that is the only time she is wanted. She is the illegitimate daughter of Bethany, who was also illegitimate. The villagers shun her and expect her to follow in her mother's footsteps. Briony is used to it and tries to keep out of their way, although she enjoys spending time with Adaira, her only friend. Her life changes when two men enter it.

The beginning of this story was a slow burn, gently leading you in with old terms and descriptions of Briony's life. It really gets going once Santiago and Niall turn up. Both men have a powerful effect on Briony, but with secrets galore, she has no idea just who or what they are.

This was a fascinating story of the Selkies, with some Portuguese political intrigue thrown in for good measure. The characters are well-described and fit neatly in their boxes. You immediately know who the good guys are, and who are the big bad, even if you don't know why.

A great start to the series that I thoroughly enjoyed and have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Aug 20, 2021
The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass
Philip Pullman | 1995 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (68 Ratings)
Book Rating
Originally reviewed on

Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass will forever be one of my favorite books. I remember reading it when it was first published in 1995 and thinking then I had never read anything like it before, and each subsequent reading (along with the other books in the His Dark Materials series, The Subtle Knife and The Amber Spyglass) still brings that feeling of wonder. The ideas and themes that Pullman introduces in these books challenged me as a reader then, and still do over 20 years later.

Lyra's story of friendship and loyalty found in the most unlikely places, and opposing and challenging those whose beliefs may be strong but not necessarily in the right, resonated strongly with me right out of high school, and I still think that these are important themes for any young reader to experience, especially told through Lyra's eyes. Her strength of character and resolve in what she believes right creates a fantastic role model for anyone, but especially those, I think, who are trying to find their way in the world and are looking to literature to help them. Of course, Pullman disguises much of this in a fast-paced adventure story filled with political intrigue and suspense around every corner, so it will keep readers both young and old eager to find out what happens next. Not every book deserves the title "unputdownable", but I think this was one of my first experiences with a book that earned that description for me. An alternate universe, witches, daemons, polar bears who talk, and more make this book one of the more unique books you'll read, and Philip Pullman's writing is beautiful and poignant.
You know, prior to reading 'Newtons Sleep', I had come to regard Lawrence Miles' 'FP: This Town Will Never Let Us Go' as the one of the best of the FP series overall, with Kelly Hales' 'FP: Erasing Sherlock' as one of the worst. Having finish it last night, I think I would have to rate 'Newtons Sleep' even higher than 'This Town..'.

To describe it.. FWOAR! There's a heckuva lot going on, some of it will make your brain long after you're done! Set in England during the later half of the 17th Century, it deals with the effects of the "War in Heaven" (see also Lawrence Miles' 'FP: The Book of the War'), a War between Gallifrey (referred to as "the Homeworld") and the unnamed Enemy, with Faction Paradox caught in the midst of it. The story has political intrigue, metaphysics, sex, science fiction, and much that will make you scratch your head at times as well as prompting a trip to Wiki (while I have a general knowledge of that period of history, it is not something I am well-versed) now and again.

There are notable real history characters (the poetess, and spy, Aphra Behn) as well as fictional characters such as Nicholas Silver (who has SUCH a role to play!) and..well. SPOILERS! Seriously well-written characters all around, fleshed out enough to get a feel for each and every one. All had a unique voice when I read their dialogue.

The story is twisty-turny, but at the end it all comes together. I will caution you to read it carefully: this is NOT a book to run through quickly! I've been told it will altogether better the second time round, so I expect I will re-read it again sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Read it now: you won't be disappointed!
Lara Elena Donnelly | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Rich setting, memorable characters
This was the type of book that when I finished it, I had to lie back down and just stare at the ceiling. It was mind blowing. There are layers of intrigue and you don’t watch it unfold, in fact it’s the opposite, you watch it form and develop as the story progresses.

The setting in this one is one of a lot of political instability. It’s explained in the earlier parts of the book. It’s a bit difficult to follow (notes may help some readers) perhaps a character list would help in this case to keep everything straight. A glossary would have helped as well as the characters have their own slang - most of it straight forward but it would help nevertheless. That being said despite these little shortcomings, the world is rich and detailed. Amberlough is decadent and has remnants of Weimar Berlin. Now I did say previously it’s hard to follow because of the slang, but it’s precisely because of this slang that makes the world more detailed and fun to read.

The pace of the plot is slow and steady as it sets up the stage for what would follow after. It is essentially, a spy novel, so it quickly leads to a lot of double dealing, moments of backstabbing and betrayal. There are only three characters that you really need to focus on as the supporting ones just add to the flavor of the novel. Of the three that are central to the plot, one must love Aristide.

With a name like Aristide Makicosta you know he’s going to be a character to remember. He’s flamboyant, street smart and clever. Despite the world burning around him he always manages to do everything in style. It’s hard not to fall for his charms and so you would understand Cyril’s love for him. I still don’t know what to think about Cyril. He was doing the job and had to. It came at a great cost but he had no choice and he had to think for himself (although I know there seems to be a lot of hate for him).

I love Cordelia. She’s got sass, she’s just as street smart and a survivor. Her character development is on point in this book. Yes she may be just a ‘dancer’ but she soon develops into someone with a cause to defend the city she loves. Despite the horrors she goes through in the latter half of the novel, she doesn’t let it break her. It’s admirable and she’s likable not only because of her catchy personality but also because of her unstoppable strength.

That ENDING THOUGH. I felt my eyes grow wide each time I turned the pages throughout the last third of the novel. This was why I had to sit back and just absorb everything I’ve read when I finished this one. It was that good.

Greatly recommended if you like intrigue, a decadent setting, and memorable characters. I absolutely enjoyed this book.