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Ace in the Hole (The Big Carnival) (1951)
Ace in the Hole (The Big Carnival) (1951)
1951 | Comedy, Drama, Film-Noir
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It’s sort of the first–and I think still the best–about the media circus, the kind of the vulture culture of descending onto a place where’s child’s life is in danger, the “boy in the well” kind of thing, and how the press is either hoping that the kid dies or is heroically saved so they have a good story. They’re supposedly covering what they think will be a heartwarming story of bravery, but it’s really the darkest cynical tale about popular media culture. It was too dark for people to deal with at the time. Billy Wilder had such a heart of darkness in him, in such a funny way."
