Critical Perspectives on Veganism: 2016
Jodey Castricano and Rasmus R. Simonsen
This book examines the ethics, politics and aesthetics of veganism in contemporary culture and...

Performing Race & Erasure: Cuba, Haiti, and US Culture, 1898-1940
In this book, Shannon Rose Riley provides a critically rich investigation of representations of Cuba...

The Thrill of Repulsion: Excursions into Horror Culture
This collection of carefully curated lists, articles, and interviews celebrates the beleaguered...

Becoming Women: The Embodied Self in Image Culture
In a culture where beauty is currency, women's bodies are often perceived as measures of value and...
Nippon Wars and Other Plays
Takeshi Kawamura, Peter Eckersall, Shoichiro Kawai and Leon Ingulsrud
"Nippon Wars and Other Plays" provides a unique and fascinating window into the last thirty years of...

Back to the Fifties: Nostalgia, Hollywood Film, and Popular Music of the Seventies and Eighties
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Hollywood studios and record companies churned out films, albums,...
The Ballad in American Popular Music: From Elvis to Beyonce
While ballads have been a cornerstone of popular music for decades, this is the first book to...

The Oxford Handbook of Popular Music in the Nordic Countries
Popular music has come to play a significant role in the political and cultural history of the...

Remake Television: Reboot, Re-Use, Recycle
Remakes are pervasive in today's popular culture, whether they take the form of reboots,...

Deviance, Disorder and Music in Modern Britain and America
Deviance, Disorder and Music in Modern Britain and America is a study of the perceived collision...