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Louise (64 KP) rated Bird Box in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Bird Box
Bird Box
Josh Malerman | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
I wanted to read Bird Box after hearing so many rave reviews from BookTube and the blogosphere. From what everyone was saying, I was going to be scared shitless and that was what I was hoping for but it didn’t happen. This book for me has to be my most disappointing read of 2017 so far! The writing wasn’t bad but I feel like this has been overhyped and my expectations were set pretty high. I suppose the reason I was disappointed with this book was because you never really get any answers and the thing that is killing people you never get to picture what it is or why it’s happening. There was one small part of this book that had me scared and it was a paragraph and that was all. I thought the writing was great and I liked most of the characters but for me I needed more answers. I would also put this book as survival/post apocalyptic book rather than a horror.
The Book of Eli (2010)
The Book of Eli (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
7.4 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A solid effort from the Hughes Brothers as they take on a post apocalyptic style western. Denzel Washington plays Eli a lone traveler who is following a path with a destination only he knows about. In his possession a book, so valuable to the resurrection of the human race that he’ll stop at nothing to protect it.

A story based around religion is not always going to be for everyone but if anything the cast is a shining light in an otherwise scrappy film.

Gary Oldman plays the true archetypal villain, looking like a cowboy but sounding like a biblical reverend, he truly knows how to play the bad guy. Washington gives an equally decent performance but is some way off his best.

The cinematography is stunning and the desolate landscape depicts a true reflection of the aftermath of nuclear war. It’s grainy and gritty but needed to pack more of a punch. The brief action and fight scenes are well choreographed and the twist in tale at the end should be enough raise a few questions in the car park.
Love and Monsters (2021)
Love and Monsters (2021)
2021 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
7.8 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Man, I was expecting some good old fashioned silly nonsense out of this, but it turned out to be a whole buttload of fun, and stupidly wholesome.
Dylan O'Brien plays a perfect down-on-his-luck, sort of loser who everyone can relate to, and makes for a hugely likable lead. The story of Joel and his dog, Boy, wondering a post apocalyptic, monster-infested America is an engaging one, full of decent set pieces, great CG work, and colourful characters. It almost feels like a family friendly version of The Last of Us, which is absolutely fine with me whilst we wait for the HBO series to land. It's certainly the closest thing we have to a Fallout movie. The pacing is spot on, with plenty of funny moments (and a sharp script), a good dose of heartwarming inner turmoil, and well placed moments of peril, ensuring that proceedings never become boring.

Love and Monsters is a blast. I have everything crossed that it will get a sequel!
Dark Tomorrow
Dark Tomorrow
Jeremiah Franklin | 2018 | Dystopia, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Action Packed Read
I will start by saying that whatever you do, don't start to read this right before bedtime because once you start you won't be able to put it down as that's what happened to me and so I read it until I reached the last page.

The author's worldbuilding is so realistic that you are immediately transported into the middle of this post-apocalyptic world that has been decimated by a virus and you can practically hear the ever-present crows.

Sawyer, Sara, and Mason are truly a force to be reckoned with as we learn of their heartaches and witness how strong they are to endure the harshness and perils of the world. All the characters, from the good to the bad are strong and well developed.

The author has written this in such a way that you often feel like it could really happen. This action-packed powerhouse of a story will keep you on the edge of your seat and I highly recommend it
    Z.O.N.A Project X

    Z.O.N.A Project X

    Games and Entertainment

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    Z.O.N.A Project X - first person shooter based in a post-apocalyptic world. Action of the game...